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Mark Orlovac

Cruel blow for unlucky Farrell (133)

Paris - Just a day after learning he would get a shot at redemption, .

The Saracens centre has suffered a catalogue of injuries since his and now he has another to add to the list.

Farrell has had plenty of detractors since his arrival in union - Jeremy Guscott, Matt Dawson and Stuart Barnes being three who have questioned his selection for England. And his display in the defeat against South Africa did little to silence the sceptics.

However, he responded with a try after coming on against Tonga as a replacement and coach Brian Ashton backed his man to add some power and grunt to unsettle and shackle the Aussies.

It was a big call but Farrell, a fierce and gritty competitor as he showed time and time again for Wigan and Great Britain, would have relished the prospect of proving the doubters wrong by helping England record another famous win over the Wallabies.

That chance has now been taken away from him.

And even the harshest of critics would find it hard not to feel some degree of sympathy for the 32-year-old, who of course was signed up by the with this very tournament in mind.

So Ashton’s dreadful luck with injuries continues and he now has to sit down with his management team and ponder how to plug the Farrell-sized hole in midfield.

Olly Barkley is the first name that springs to mind. That could be a difficult one to justify though as he was dropped for this game in the first place because of his defensive struggles against Tonga.

Jonny Wilkinson’s Newcastle team-mate Toby Flood, called up after the injury to fellow Falcon Jamie Noon, is also a consideration, as is the veteran Mike Catt.

Flood shone in the but that was at fly-half, and Ashton could even be tempted to place him at number 10 and move Wilkinson to 12. Hang on, didn't Wilkinson in New Zealand? Maybe not then.

But with England facing the prospect of stopping Aussie centres Matt Giteau and Stirling Mortlock, the pairing of Barkley, Catt or Flood with Mathew Tait at outside centre could leave the midfield exposed.

So another option could be to name Barkley/Catt/Flood at 12 and bring in Leicester’s Dan Hipkiss at 13.

Hipkiss is highly regarded at Welford Road, with players such as after a successful season with the Tigers.

Josh Lewsey, who for this game is named on the wing, has played at centre for his club Wasps and as an outside bet, may have to cope with yet another change of position.

So Ashton is sure to have a sleepless night as he weighs up the pros and cons of each combination, with this problem coming just two days before England’s biggest game in four years. Who would be a coach, eh?

Mark Orlovac is a Ö÷²¥´óÐã Sport journalist based in London. He will be based in Paris for the knockout stages of the Rugby World Cup.

Comments  Post your comment

  • 1.
  • At 02:01 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Rich T wrote:

Lets not panic. Just relax in the safe knowledge that we are going to get thrashed by the Aussies, with or without a crocked, inexperienced superhero from another code.

  • 2.
  • At 02:01 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • The Fat No.8 wrote:

Could this be a blessing in disguise?

While I think Farrell showed some sign of getting to a respectable level of performance against Tonga, that game was not even a tenth of the intensity that the Australian game will be at. The Wallabies have a very rubust attacking game, and one of the more miserly defences in the game. Farrell could easily have been left behind in a fast paced game.

Like the idea of putting Tait on the wing, and have Lewsey and Hipkiss in the centre. Not sure if that works kicking wise, but hey, i'm a forward, what do i know!!

Also want to know what Tom Rees has done not to get onto the bench? The standout player in the USA game, but not seen since?

  • 3.
  • At 02:01 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Bruce wrote:

Farrell would have been a point man for the forwards when England had the ball in Australia territory. Part of a plan to dictate field position and retain the ball in their half until the points came. Especially effective in the rain.

Now I would have Hipkiss and Lewsey on defence and Hipkiss and Tait on attack.

Both containing Mortlock and operating Worsley and Moody to close the inside channel (this only later in the game in the current selection). If they were tied up Hipkiss would have to contain Gitteau and Lewsey Mortlock alone. Though Tait might go for any intercept opportunities coming in off the wing if Mortlock tried to get any passes away.

  • 4.
  • At 02:03 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Iainmcd wrote:

He needs to take a chance in this game for these positions. I can't see a massive change in game plan (up the jumper)and don't think it would be a great time to try these things. It would be a recipe for disater. But when he is in this situation, it might be worth putting in a player that might make Aus think for a minute. ie Flood into the side either at 10 with Wilko at 12 or at 12 himself. Might create a surprise for Aus and a sublime moment of creativity that could change the match. It is still going to be a territory match for Eng, kicking to corners, rollign mauls, but they need something extra.

  • 5.
  • At 02:04 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • David Anthony wrote:

The way that i see it is that it has to be Wilko, if we think about it
mike catt is just past it now, ok he was good in his prime but we all saw what happend against the South Africa
ollie barkley no offence to him is a bit on the small side as i can just see Mortlock powering through him all day long, the same has to be said for flood.
I would have my back line like this to get the best attack and defence.
This way we will have a recornised flyhalf and someone at 12 who can boss the game, there will also be tons of pace on the wings for when we get the ball wide, and if the center partnership does break down lewsey is waiting there to make try saving tackles.

  • 6.
  • At 02:06 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Tom Go Wallabies!!! wrote:

What a shame England!! hahaa

  • 7.
  • At 02:08 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Ian A wrote:

Gotta call Hipkiss in.

Barks 12

Danny 13

It'll work.

  • 8.
  • At 02:09 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Nick wrote:

surely a better option would be to play jason robinson at 12 and reinstate cueato on the wing with lewsey moving to fullback, so essentially the only change in the backs is robinson for barkley.

Bring back Tindall!

  • 9.
  • At 02:11 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Robken wrote:

Put a full size cardboard cut out on the pitch and England are back to full strength again!

  • 10.
  • At 02:14 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Tom wrote:

Its a great shame for andy as he always puts his heart and soul into the game. But for England I think it will be more useful than a shame. I am a rugby league fan and like andy farrell and respect andy farrell but if i would want him on the pitch it would be like last week when we had worn down the opponents and allowed him to work his 'magic' in space, Hipkiss should be starting i think, hes got a good brain and a good physique for the Team. Lets not waste young talent like they are doing with Rees.

  • 11.
  • At 02:15 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Gareth Lumb wrote:

Never mind all the talk about England v Australia and Andy Farrell who has not had much chance to prove himself (as he has too many knives to pull out of his back!!!). But instead let's discuss how pleasing it is that the French plan to win the right to host the RWC by prostituting themselves out to Scotland and Wales has now backfired and lost them 'home' advantage against the All Blacks. 'Hard Cheese' I say!

  • 12.
  • At 02:15 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Dave wrote:

Guys - Urgent.

Anybody know any good rugby bars in central Paris ?

  • 13.
  • At 02:17 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Anthony wrote:

I agree that it is very bad luck for Farrell. I thought that he was a good pick for Saturday and hoped for the team's sake, that he would work out well. Now we will never know and it could be the last we see of Farrell if England go out at the 1/4s.

  • 14.
  • At 02:18 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Stu G wrote:

As much as i like Tait, i fear it must be him who steps aside here. He's a very skillful and talented player but is maybe a touch to lightweight for this occasion. Catt can be a big game player, so should come in at 12.. And Hipkiss should get the nod at 13. We'd have Barkley on the bench and could bring him on for some action in the second half if needed. We need a pairing that offers bulk as well as pace and skill.. Hipkiss is no slouch and Catt still has a bit of energy in the tank.. Both can be physical too so surely it's the only option..

Mortlock would be licking his muscular lips at the thought of a Barkley or Flood)/Tait pairing.. We'd be ripped apart.. Catt and Hipkiss.. It's gootta be!

  • 15.
  • At 02:19 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • waterpoloplayer wrote:

May be Faz should be sent home and Tindall called up, not sure if the rules allow that though.

Play Tindall at IC with Tait outside him......might work?

  • 16.
  • At 02:21 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Simon G wrote:

Midfield is where we need vision, ability to kick accurately, skill in breaking the opposition defence to release the wings and very strong defence. So far England has failed in ticking 3/4 let alone all of the boxes.

Due to Barkley being defensively suspect and also left footed (Johnny clone) I would go with Catt who is tacticaly aware and defensively sound, thus allowing the decision making to be taken further away from the set piece when the defence is charging up.

To allow for slightly slower decision making, you need a relatively solid 13, which would be either Hipkiss or Lewsey.

Irrespective of the attacking abilities of the centres, the most important thing is that the midfield path is nigh on impossible to breach, otherwise the Aussies will have a field day. Both centres need to be able to tackle their hearts out and not miss!

  • 17.
  • At 02:22 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Alastair Frost wrote:

I am so gutted for Farrell, the team and myself.
I am so sick of the detractors and the negativity they bring to sport. Why can't we just support the 22 the coach picks. Have a preference and an opinion sure, but it is like playing and moaning to the ref = He/she won't change their mind and it won't help the cause, possibly the opposite! They are all representing your country - Get behind them! If you turn your back on the team before a ball is kicked - then you shouldn't moan if they don't perform as you didn't support them anyhow.

In the squad Ashton picked, maybe many thought Barkley was the best suited to play inside centre - but against both the Island nations, the midfield pairing was just too weak defensively and Tait is more of a threat than Barkley - On top of that ...who would be the best defender in the midfield area - that was Farrell. The scene was set and now cruelly taken away from him. I can't express how disappointed I am. So he must be more than devestated right - The England team now need to win the game if he is to get another chance at wiping away those grubby little faces and those sniping comments!

I preferred Farrell in the side - but - I still back the boys, they are my team ALWAYS! We have more than a chance! Good luck lads - I will be screaming for you all the way from S. Korea! Leave nothing behind!


  • 18.
  • At 02:25 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • bob wrote:

Bring in Catt as a straight swap for Farrell (good boot, good distributor, got some vision, offlads well) and keep everything else the same in the backs. Then pray that Catt has got over Lomu and worked on his defence. Not ideal I know but at least we are showing an attacking intent and might create some space for wingers/ Tait. If we rely wholly on defence we will lose big time, if we take it to 'em we have a chance.

  • 19.
  • At 02:26 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Rugbynewz wrote:

When I saw the selection yesterday I was optimistic that we would win. Indeed a cruel blow for Faz but a massive blow to England as our defence will be like an open door against the Aussie's if Barkley and Tait feature in the side together. If jiggling the line up was down to me I would have neither of these lightweights play any part in what will be a barnstorming attempt by the Aussies to get down our side channels. I fear that unless Hipkiss starts in the side and has a full 80 minutes the Wallabies will take their revenge for 22/11/03. I do hope I am wrong!

  • 20.
  • At 02:27 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Mark wrote:

The Barkley at 12 experiment didn't work.

I'd go for Flood at 12 (he's bang on-form and a right-footer), with Hipkiss or Lewsey at 13.

  • 21.
  • At 02:28 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Ed2003 wrote:

Big blow. We needed his strength in the midfield.

Not sure where to go now. If I had to guess I'd say Mike Catt will probably play at 12.

  • 22.
  • At 02:28 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Marc wrote:

Unlucky for Farrel, lucky for England. Mortlock and Giteau would have danced rings around him.

  • 23.
  • At 02:32 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Ben wrote:

As an Aussie my initial response is - oh no - now they might actually select someone who knows what they're doing. What England need in the centres for this game is experience and tactical nous... It will be interesting to see who is chosen...

  • 24.
  • At 02:39 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Terenceno14 wrote:

Tait is the only centre thate xcites but playing with barkely or Flood is a risk, so id also go with Barks and Hipkiss

  • 25.
  • At 02:41 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • David A wrote:

Barks doesnt have enough of a presence they will walk over him all day. it has to be
Flood at 10
Wilko at 12
Tait at 13

that way you know that someone in the centers can auctialy tackle.

  • 26.
  • At 02:43 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Keo wrote:

Can Ashton really go and drop Tait though? Personally I thought the midfield partnership looked good with Farrell outside Wilko, who's getting good ball from Gommars. With a creative edge like Tait outside him could have done wonders for England.

So it looks like we're looking at Barkley at 12, and Hipkiss at 13 with Tait dropping to the bench with Flood as cover.

I just hope to god Ashton doesn't pick Catt. I really don't rate him at all, he's proved himself at international level to lack in every aspect since 2003, so why bother?

I think Ashton will most likely pick Barkley at 12 with Tait at 13. Boring I know, but then again, I think England just want to come home anyway. So they might aswell just play Dallaglio at 12 haha!

  • 27.
  • At 02:48 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Jimbo wrote:

Will Farrell be fit for the semi's or final?

Sorry who am i trying to kid, I could'nt even keep a straight face!

Floody and Tait for me, all out attack! We will fight them on the beaches... and all that.

  • 28.
  • At 02:50 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • mike jensen wrote:

call up Turner-Hall

  • 29.
  • At 02:53 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Peter Emuss wrote:

I don't know why you think Flood and Tait would leave the midfield exposed. Tait's a tenacious tackler and took down every Tongan that ran at him last Friday and Flood isn't exactly small in stature. Wilkinson/Flood/Tait gives two playmakers, two kickers, one runner and three solid tacklers. I'd've picked Flood over Farrell actually.

One thing is certain; Barkley cannot play. After his swing-door impressions against Tonga, he may as well hold up a big target with "Mortlock - hit here!" written on it.


  • 30.
  • At 02:55 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Anthony Goddard wrote:

I think that the best solution would be Catt and Lewsey. In Catt you have the experience and kicking game that are far greater than Farrells any way. And in Lewsey you also have an experienced player with the pace and power to match the Aussies.

  • 31.
  • At 02:55 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Mike C wrote:

I would like to see Hipkiss as well - outside Barkley. This means Tait will have to drop to the bench or out altogether. With him having already been named in the team - can we do this?

  • 32.
  • At 02:58 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Grasshopper wrote:

Maybe BA should have taken a risk on Tindall's fitness.

What England would give on Saturday for a 12 that hits the ball hard and can tackle!

  • 33.
  • At 03:00 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Matt Ling wrote:

I'd put Toby Flood into the mix. He demonstrated during the six nations and the summer tour that he has enough strength to cope with physical teams, despite his gangly appearance! Maybe play him at 10, thus bringing a little more pace into the equation than Wilko offers. Use Jonny at inside centre and Taity outside him. This will provide a great mix of strength in defense, and attacking opportunity. It should also be considered that these are club mates, therefore a solid understanding of each others games should already be in place.

And what is the point of having brought Flood into the squad if he is not going to feature at all?

9- Gomersall
10- Flood
11- Robinson
12- Wilkinson
13- Tait
14- Sackey
15- Lewsey

This would be a shame for Hipkiss, as he was looking like a certainty before the tournament, he had a great season and to get overlooked is a real pity, but hopefully he'll be a mainstay for the coming years, so a bench spot beckons, bring him on at the start of the 2nd half if things aren't going to plan, give him the challenge of making an impact.


  • 34.
  • At 03:01 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Jon Steed wrote:

What about Mike Tindal? He played pretty welll forGlos at the wekend and is solid defensively.

  • 35.
  • At 03:03 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Leah Prince wrote:

Lewsey has had some good games for Wasps at 12 and has the physical presence to manage Australia (ask Mat Rogers). Would love to see him there.

  • 36.
  • At 03:03 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Bearhair wrote:

It's got to be Hipkiss, he's a big strong lad with good defensive qualities and would do well with Barkley inside him. Not sure what his kicking game is like but this wouldn't be too much of a problem with Barkley and Wilko in the team. He runs strong straightening lines which should create space outside of him for Robinson to hit at pace. I'm a fan of Tait but can't shake the idea that he's a bit too lightweight to front up to Stirling Mortlock. It's horses for courses and this is why it's a squad game, England have to pick the best team to take on the opponents of the day and in my opinion that means picking Hipkiss.

  • 37.
  • At 03:09 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • steve toon wrote:

you can run, but you cant hide Mr Orlovac. You may still hold the Orlovac/Toon trophy but I want it back. Erm, did I ever have it?My drive has improved drastically and my short game Mickleson like. So how the devil are you?

Ideally I would Hipkiss at outside centre and bring in Catt an inside centre, we look a bit lightweight in midfield.

Eng always better with Chuter at hooker for me too.

I'd have prefered Rees to Worsely coming off the bench too.

  • 38.
  • At 03:15 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • A Welshman wrote:

You can borrow Tom Shankin if you want, he's at a bit of a loose end at the moment. We'll want him back though!

  • 39.
  • At 03:19 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Bensons wrote:

either way, we will be defensively frail without farrell. rather than the power of teh Aussie loose forwards, the power of attacking backs could prove our undoing.

  • 40.
  • At 03:21 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • philbo wrote:

wilko 10
barkley 12
hipkiss 13

  • 41.
  • At 03:22 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Ollie wrote:

If England want to win, they need to ditch Wilkinson and slap Barkley in the number 10 shirt. Wilkinson is the David Beckham of rugby. Not too shabby with a dead ball, but pants for the other 75 minutes of the match. No creativity. No flair. Nothing.
Overhyped. Over-rated and over (chin) waxed.

  • 42.
  • At 03:25 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Rory wrote:

Oh God. I say keep the same midfield as they've built up some momentum in the last two games but have Hipkiss and Catt ready to come on immediately in case of defensive problems. Not good news though...

  • 43.
  • At 03:27 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Bensons wrote:

either way, we will be defensively frail without farrell. rather than the power of teh Aussie loose forwards, the power of attacking backs could prove our undoing.

  • 44.
  • At 03:28 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • JB wrote:

bring in Hipkiss at IC...do not drop tait!! he showed what he can do with a bit of space against tonga in the last 20 mins. Play attacking rugby - take it to the Australians - do not simply try and negate their attack.

  • 45.
  • At 03:31 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Andy McLean wrote:

Lewsey wouldn't be a bad bet at 12...he is solid in defence and has good lines of running. But then who would fill the vacant wing berth? Cueto? In the past few games he (Cueto) has shown that he lacks sheer pace to beat the opposition! Failing that, I would be pressed to take the gamble on Barkley playing 12. Although Hipkiss has proven his worth at club level, he is too inexperienced at international level to fill the berth in such a critical game. As for Catt...sadly, I don't think he has the defensive game to contain the Aussies. A very tough decision...

  • 46.
  • At 03:35 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Hugh Brown wrote:

"Olly Barkley dropped for his defensive struggles", I'm not sure what game you were watching. His tackling has been of a high standard so far in this tournament. If anything he was dropped because he didn't make enough breaks going forward - which in itself is hardly surprising when you consider Wilkinson never passed to him and instead always passed to 13. I'm relieved Farrell won't be playing - he shouldn't have been in the sqaud in the first place.

  • 47.
  • At 03:36 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Owain Williams wrote:

Judging by Farrell's recent performances I reckon Ashton should go for the "Have I Got News For You" no-show option and chuck a tub of lard out onto the field.

  • 48.
  • At 03:39 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Dan wrote:

I'd have Catty in at inside and then Hipkiss. I think a left/ right footed kicker partnership works better at 10/12

  • 49.
  • At 03:41 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Roscoe wrote:

Frosty - Nobody is detracting or saying they are turning their backs on England. Get a bunch of rugby fans together be it in the pub, at work, or on the internet and you'll get a discussion of who should play where.

In fact its the same in all sports - everybody has their own opinions on who should be picked and alot of that is down to their different ideas on how the game should be played and even to an extent club loyalty. As a Tigers fan I want to see Hipkiss playing, Ashton might not necessarily agree though! I'm sure I speak for every England fan when I say that whoever walks out onto the pitch on Saturday wearing an England shirt I will be urging them towards the try line just as hard, regardless of whether its the same 15 that I said should play or not.

  • 50.
  • At 03:42 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Adam Dempsey wrote:

At 02:06 PM on 04 Oct 2007, Tom Go Wallabies!!! wrote:
What a shame England!! hahaa


  • 51.
  • At 03:54 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Charlie wrote:

So Tom's suggesting drop Tait from the team as a panic measure? Poor kid would never recover from that - would certainly top England's yo-yo selection policy towards him in the last few years.

Hipkiss has never shown his club form for England, so I'd guess Ashton will put Barkley in there. Interesting that. Barkley sounds a real tough guy when beating up poor non-professional athletes he encounters on the batter, but he got a wee bit scared of Taione didn't he?

Leave Tait in at 13. What sort of message does it say to put the derided and dropped Farrell in then, when he gets injured, drop Tait?!

  • 52.
  • At 03:55 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • David wrote:

Good on yer Frosty (#6). I am sorry - but I just have to laugh about many of the comments made here. I suppose it should be very reassuring that we have so many experts (who must all have played and coached the game of rugby at a very high level) and that they are willing to share their expertise with us regarding who should or should not be selected. Of course what these 'experts' don't see is what the coach sees on a day to day basis - who is outperforming who in training. Anybody who has coached sport at any level would know that Brian Ashton does not make selection decisions based only on match day performances. It would be great if the true England supporters could just focus on getting behind our team.

  • 53.
  • At 04:01 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Tim nice but dim. wrote:

His cr@p so why the panic? Put Andrew Sheridan in there and Dally outside him.

Come on the green and gold!!

  • 54.
  • At 04:14 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Nhunter wrote:

Even this Scot thinks it is a pity for Farrell. He switched, and tried so hard to get there. I think he has yet to realise his potential for England, and it would have been good to see him in the game.

Come back Farrell - you're never too old, and the rest of the world thinks England REALLY needs you.

  • 55.
  • At 04:16 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Ozzyboy wrote:

Lots of sensible chat here. Barkley just lokos too lightweight for this one, but could impact frm the bench 2nd half. I'd go for experience and defensive nouse in Catt at 12, and balance that with soem young-gun talent in Hipkiss at 13. Keep Lewsey at FB and pace on the wings in Robbo and Sakey. Its a nice rounded backline with flair too, and should cause the aussies lots of probs.

  • 56.
  • At 04:28 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • anysparechange wrote:

Dan # 18

I agree with you. farrell might have been the best defender for the prospect of Mortlock and Giteau but Catt and Hipkiss have a decent balance now you can't play Farrell. I feel sorry for Barkley if he misses out but you have to make decisions for specific games.

Good luck England! hopefully you'll beat the Aussies then Fiji before we beat you in the final in the first all Ö÷²¥´óÐã Nations final. ok, unlikely but good luck anyway.

  • 57.
  • At 04:49 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Kevin Singh wrote:

Well Said Al Frost.

I too am gutted for Farrell - and England because I think our slim chance of a win has just gone size zero...

Gutted for Tait too as I thought Farrell would have been able to supply him with the right sort of passes to run his outside arcs.

So now would change the whole midfield; 10 Flood, 12 Wilkinson 13 Hipkiss

  • 58.
  • At 04:58 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Chris Ney wrote:

The answer is simple.

Put Tom Rees in at 12.

Hold your horses and read as to why:-
As a flanker/back row forward he should be perfect at tackling any Aussies as they attempt to break the line, should have good enough hands to get the ball out to 13 and the wings where the pace is, should be able to keep up with play, has played well so far in the World Cup and unlucky to have been dropped completely and he's the same sort of shape as Farrell anyway.

A bold selction I grant you, but something to really worry the Aussies with, especially when only two of their replacements are backs.

  • 59.
  • At 05:01 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • bathtim wrote:

Guys - Urgent.

Anybody know any good rugby bars in central Paris ?

Try the FROG & ROSBIF in rue St. Denis, not been for a few years but was the best place I found when I lived there.

  • 60.
  • At 05:13 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Ben B wrote:

I think that Ashton should go for Lewsey at 13 with Catt inside him... then put Robinson at 15 with Mark Cueto on the wing, he has good attacking instinct and Robinson can cover well at FB. Lewsey should react to the pressure well and is a strong tackler, he will also refind his attacking lines.

  • 61.
  • At 05:14 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Warren wrote:

To all of those who want to put JW at 12 ... you no nothing! He is the starting fly half and that is where he needs to be to make england tick, no ifs or buts!

  • 62.
  • At 05:39 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • pds18464 wrote:

How about Ben Kay at 12 - we all saw those silky kicking skills in the USA match

Or Tom Rees - he's faster than Farrell and Catt and is a great runner with the ball. It also has the advantage that with a 15 yard defecit he might arrive at the breakdown only slightly before Corry and Easter???

In in all seriousness Flood needs to start at 12 and if we cant change the team someone biff Tait in the snoz at the kickoff and get him in the blood bin for about 60 mins while Hipkiss covers?

ditto Corry and Moody for Worsley and Rees for choice
Cotton Ball anyone ?

  • 63.
  • At 05:42 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • steve wrote:

To Dave post 12 re rugby bar in Paris.

I was there for the England v SA match and spent the afternoon at the temporary rugby village at the bottom of the Trocedero steps opposite the Eifel Tower. Great atmoshere, couple of bars and they show all the games on big screens. Plus most of the bars in the Latin Quarter had big screens as we watched the Ireland v Georgia game there on the Saturday.

  • 64.
  • At 05:49 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • jammymaccers wrote:

i think there's quite a misconception about tait being a lightweight, who has bulked up hugely since that game against wales and he's actually heavier than dan hipkiss if you look at their official weights on the IRB world cup site. he puts himself about and as he showed against south africa in the summer tests he's a real threat. having said that i still think the australian midfield will be too good for any centre partnership we pick, but let's pick an attacking one, seeing as though the forward selection is a complete shocker.

  • 65.
  • At 05:50 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Rugbynewz wrote:

Tait will have limited chances in attack against the Aussie's. The only time that you might see him do anything is if that master visionary at No.10 picks space out for him and he might just get away. In defence he has neither the physique nor the bottle to stop fast hard running opposition. When running out of defence he does not have the strength to hold the ball up allowing time for support to arrive, he will get pinged for holding on and give more tries away, he has done it twice already. In addition to these attributes he does not strike me as being the brightest pebble on the beach!

Despite your prejudices against Farrell, with the England players currently in France, losing him (Farrell) for this game is a disaster.

For the writer that slagged Wilko down all I can say is that I don't think that there are many Head Coaches in world Rugby that would not still choose him for their sides, he would also probably be the first on their team sheet! Wilkinson, I predict, will again be our saviour and to consider moving him away from 10 under any circumstances would have to be madness.

As I said earlier Barks shares some of Tait syndrome therefore this match should be played with them both sitting on the bench in case of injury only.

Good luck to BA in trying to square the round.

Come on England!

  • 66.
  • At 05:58 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • marcus wrote:

To all those who continually slag off Andy Farrell - stop jumping on the bandwagon. I bet you're all gutted he's not playing as you'll won't have him to blame if we get a stuffing by the Aussies. Other players have been a whole lot worse and yet he's been slated by any Tom Dick and Harry. I thought the southern snobbery had been removed from the game. Obviously it still exists!

  • 67.
  • At 06:04 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Tim wrote:

Tait 90kg
Barkley 92kg
Hipkiss 92kg
Cat 91kg
Mortlock 100kg

Figures from the IRB site. Weight doesn't say everything but what's all this talk of one option being "lightweight" compared with another. Seems to me they're all pretty much the same size!

As an aside Rees looks a good player to me amazed he's not at least on the bench...

  • 68.
  • At 06:11 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • paddywho wrote:

What about Newcastle line up of Wilko, Flood and Tait. Assuming they have actually lined up together fairly often, there'll be that automatic teamwork between them.

Also like the idea of Lewsey at 12, but suspect he hasn't trained/played there for ages so only a couple of days notice would be well risky.

  • 69.
  • At 06:22 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Rich wrote:

well i think we should go by form players and play hipkiss and barkley in the centre as they were the two best centres in the premiership last season watchin bath week in week out and watchin leicester a bit!!! catt is past his best although i think his experience is a vital!!

  • 70.
  • At 06:29 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • roy wrote:

i think flood should play 10 and wilko 12. flood is more attacking than wilko and wilko ofcoarse is a better tackler. flood had a great 6nations and is the future england 10. tait has to play because of his threat but there is always the possablity of playing him at fullback but i prefer lewsey because he is a great tackler. we have pace outwide with sackey and the skill with robinson. shame for hipkiss though. if england can stop mortlock then their job will be much easier.
10.flood 10. barnes
11.robinson 11. mitchell
12.wilko 12. gitaue
13.tait 13. mortlock
14.sackey 14. tuqiri
15.lewsey 15. latham

  • 71.
  • At 06:36 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Harry Duncan wrote:

Catt for defensive qualities ar u mad? remember lomu catt was squashed. Bring moody in at 12 and hipkiss at 13

  • 72.
  • At 06:42 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Rugbynewz wrote:

Lightweight in tenacity, guile and ability, if not on the scales. I doubt that the 3 Hookers are much heavier than lightweight Tait & Barkley but I am sure some anorak will look it up!

  • 73.
  • At 06:59 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • steve wrote:

I am afraid I don't think it will make a scrap of difference who plays at centre... we stand very little chance against Australia. No Abbot no Tindall no Simpson-Daniel... the cupboard is bare. I am amazed that the Australian coach has the gall to "have a word" with the referee. I remember Ronan O'Gara's eye pouring blood while on tour. Where was the Tour?

  • 74.
  • At 07:04 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Dom Justin wrote:

Well i guess Guscott, Barnes and Dawson will get their wish and see Barkley play at 12 instead. I imagine that Matt Giteau and Stirling Mortlock are also pleased that Barkley will be playing instead of Farrell.

  • 75.
  • At 07:16 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • ian macko wrote:

Comment no2,Fat Boy no8,you say Farrell might of struggled with a Fast-Paced game,since when has RU been a fast-paced game.The ball is either stuck in the Forwards or in the Stand.Farrell was a Front-Row forward when he left RL,that shows you how Slow the game of International RU is when he has been playing Centre.Andy Farrell is never a centre and he would probably tell you that himself,Farrell should of played at No.8,linking the Forwards with the backs.

  • 76.
  • At 07:18 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Marcus wrote:

There is absolutely no need for all this chat about positional changes

Why move our mercurial fly half out of position and put Flood in to replace him? If anything put Barkley in there. Also has anyone else noticed how Barkley is the biggest back we have behind Farrell? He's 6ft and 92kg.

Why swap an outside centre, Matthew tait for a winger, Josh Lewsey?

How is the game against South Africa where Catt played out of position proof that he is past it? Surely his performances in the 6N and premiership prove otherwise.

  • 77.
  • At 07:22 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Jon wrote:

If we're going to look at weights, I'm 93.5kg's and therefore better than any fit England centre right now to stop Mortlock, plus I actually am a back helpfully. Brian, where was my phonecall, I'm disappointed!

  • 78.
  • At 07:27 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Marko586 wrote:

I'd pick Will Greenwood, he's out in France right now, has played some sevens recently, and IMHO is the player (after Jonno) that England have missed the most since RWC 2003.

  • 79.
  • At 07:48 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • sam wrote:

are you all crazy?
Barkley should start at 12, that is his natural position. i think you actually underestimate his size, and he is an awesome tackler. u have judged him for being in a midfield partenership with matthew tait, who simply only tackles when tracking back, never straight on. i would have 9 - gomers, 10 - wilko, 12 -barkley, 13 hipkiss , 14 sacky, 11 robinson ,15 lewsey. Hipkiss is a big lad, he is sure in defence and positive in attack, he will be able to deal with mortlock...

  • 80.
  • At 07:52 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • TimmyF wrote:

Farrell comes on at the end of the game against a tired team and scores a try... woo hoo! Admittedly it was well taken but I hardly see how this justifies this new found optimism amongst the journos and others that he is suddenly the missing link in the England midfield.

Though not happy that he's injured I have to admit there is some relief.... Imagine if plan A against the Aussies doesn't work and we don't marmalise them up front, what then? The Aussies produce fairly quick ball for Giteau to run aroung Farrell all day and Mortlock to steamroller Tait!

Part of what makes a good rugby team is balance and I can't imagine us having a better combo than Barkley and Hipkiss: one for distribution and kicking, the other to run strong lines and be physical in defence.

In my opinion all other suggestions seem to be either too old, too slow, lacking physicality or have players playing out of position.

  • 81.
  • At 08:10 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Alex Schuster wrote:

Strange the way life comes full circle for some, but not for others. So, for Farrell, it is a personal tragedy that he has injured himself before such a major match. For Robinson on the other hand, when he injured himself, it looked as if he had played his last game for England. But, he recovered quickly and he now has the chance to play in at least one more game of the highest importance.

Ireland beat a near full strength Australian team in Lansdowne Road eleven months ago, on November 19, 2006. Though the weather conditions were atrocious, Ireland mastered them and carved out a comprehensive victory. At the time, Brian O'Driscoll predicted great teams for Ireland in the World Cup. But, of course, the secret in life is to climax at the right time and, unfortunately for Ireland, they reached a peak eleven months too early. Australia, on the other hand, always time things to perfection, like good lovers.

  • 82.
  • At 08:22 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • George McAllister wrote:

Im not that bothered by Farrell's absence from the team for Saturday. He has shown nothing that warrants his place in the first 11 of the England line up.

He may have been one of our best league players but in union - he is clueless and I dont know what Ashton sees in him.

It is time that Hipkiss gets in that starting line up!

  • 83.
  • At 08:30 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Stig wrote:

I’m sorry Farrell hasn’t made it because I have been waiting for the Wilkinson Farrell Tait partnership for a while and was pleased it seemed to start to go well against Tonga, albeit at the end. It has the great mixture of styles and hence variable options. I’ve always believed Farrell has what it takes at 12, once he’d got a few games under his belt and had the right duo either side.

And re Tim’s #67 post. Exactly. The idea that Tait is ‘lightweight’ is boring and too often a phrase picked out by lazy journalists and followed by many. His tackling has improved immeasurably over the last season but what he really has is pace, and plenty of it, which is what you want at 13. Guscott anyone?

The options for replacement at 12 seem limited and I’m sure Ashton is having nightmares. Barkley is not an international 12. He’s got to play him though, because there isn’t anyone else. Flood, perhaps, but that’s a real gamble bringing someone who hasn’t played a competitive game for a while into a world cup quarter final. Reading some of the previous here and I see people advocating Lewsey – I bet the lad himself isn’t; when did he last play in that position, at any level? Catt is past it.

Ho hum..

  • 84.
  • At 08:35 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Peter H wrote:

I am not too concerned after all he was the slowest guy on the pitch. Maybe now the selectors myopic view on Farrell will give players such as Flood a chance.
The Aussies are rattled. If Mortlock gets injured they will be in trouble, and with our pack anything can happen. My head tells me Australia by 15 points - my heart tells me England by 1 (yes a Jonny drop goal!)
That will give them something to whinge about.

  • 85.
  • At 08:59 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Alex Schuster wrote:

Have heard on the grapevine that the weather conditions for the England v. Australia match are likely to be wet and windy (not unlike the verbal outpourings of some of the media hacks in both countries). Given that Ireland managed to overcome Australia in similar conditions on November 19, 2006 at Lansdowne Road, perhaps the coaches of both England and Australia should take a look at the video of this game, if only to receive an object lesson on how to play effective rugby in oppressive weather conditions.

Ireland played into the breeze for the first half during that game against Australia last November, and O'Gara managed to harness the heavy winds and boomerang kick the ball during the first half, so that his kicks almost inevitably wended their way back to the Irish pack. But that was about as good as it got for Ireland. After the emblematic victory against England in February 2007, it was all downhill after that.

  • 86.
  • At 09:02 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Denis wrote:

Frankly, I can't see that it will change matters much. England were always going to lose this and they still will do so. Farrell cannot play the real Rugby game. He has shown very little to date. The selection was wrong to begin with. For what it's worth from a non-Englishman (although over thirty years most of us have known better than England selectors, thank God) - I'd go with Catt who still has more than most... but I'd also get out the prayer mat!!

  • 87.
  • At 09:02 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • WG wrote:

I hope the "man of steel" manages to get back to England safely

  • 88.
  • At 09:07 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Alex wrote:

There seems to be no point in moving wilko away from 10.
I think Hipkiss has to play at 13. It seems strange that he's hardly played at all this tournament.
Tindall would be my ideal at 12: a huge right boot, strength and power. (If we're able to call him up). But if we can't, I think I'd go for Barkley. His kicking game is good and I dont think he's all that bad in defence.
Ashton would be mad to move Lewsey from full back - his scrambled defence is unrivalled the world over and obviously Sackey and Robbo have got to play on the wings.
I think i'd prefer Chuter at Hooker - for his running and hands in the loose. Also i don't see why Stevens has been dropped, our scrum has been 5 times better with him in. I don't really rate Vickery he gives away too many penalties and Corry can handle captain fine. I'd drop Shaw, move Corry into lock and play Easter at 8, Worsley at 6 and Rees at 7. Dallaglio has to be on the bench, he was awesome in 2003 against the Aussies even if he hasn't been so great this year.

  • 89.
  • At 09:13 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • spooner wrote:

Very disappointed for England and Andy Farrell.
I think the number of combinations in these (mostly well-meaning) blogs is illuminating in itself, showing the dearth of world-class centres in England at the moment, probably backs in general.
So many of the above suggest players playing out of position - in a RWC 1/4 final!!
And I don't really want to hear about the players left behind either, club loyalties tend to further muddy the waters.
Generally speaking, 30 of the best 40/50, fully fit, English players are out there in France.
And of that 30, any named 15 ought not to be able to beat a very settled Oz 15, with very few selection issues.
They MIGHT do, it's a one-off game after all but I think this will only happen if the Aussies get complacent, and that doesn't happen very often.
I rarely see club rugby, don't have Sky, so a question for all and sundry:
How many English centres are first choice for their clubs in the Premiership?
Could maybe ask the same old, old question about many key positions?

  • 90.
  • At 09:56 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • NP wrote:

Some wonderfully entertaining suggestions here, which just go to show how entirely unsettled the line-up has been throughout.

I really don't buy moving JW from 10 to 12. JW gives us three things - goal kicking, solid defence, and eyes-up thinking leadership. The first he can do whatever position he plays. The third is what we have most lacked in games where he has not played, and he is in a much better position to give that from 10 than 12, and I think this far outweighs any defence advantages from having him at 12. Finally, 10 is the position where he has played by far the most often, and the most recently. Given that we are in the crazy situation of trying out new combinations in a WC QF, let's leave something in place.

JW kicking from hand is sometimes dubious, particularly when under pressure, which is why it worked well in 03 to bring Catt in outside him. However, much as I have been a Catt fan, I am worried that he is really past it now.

I think just about every possible 12 and 13 combination has been debated, so won't add to that. But I was sorry to see in the original selection Robinson at FB and Lewsey on the wing. Robinson is not a bad tackler for his size, but I'd rather have Lewsey at the back anyday (and Robinson on the wing).

  • 91.
  • At 10:00 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • BUSHY wrote:

He was always injured as no way BA in his right mind would pick him.

Look how happy the Aussies were when they heard he was in the side..........

Anyone else is better but good bluff by Ashton.

  • 92.
  • At 10:00 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Donnyballgame wrote:

Doom on England. I bet John O'Neill put something in Farrell's food. What a nice guy.

OK, so who wishes they were Brian Ashton now? I see lots of desperate ideas here, and I can't disagree too strongly since we're all probably spitting in the wind (or something like that). Here are mine: Bring in Hipkiss at 13 because none of the other backs (ex. Jonny) have the go forward with a tough attitude like Danny. Flood at 12 and hope he doesn't get broken. Robinson, Sackey and Lewsey, although Sackey never impressed as more than a good club pro before now. But we can't disagree with results, eh? Get 'em Paul.

Is Regan there for his mouth? England need iron clad lineouts and the front row to dominate scrums and mauls. And they must maul at every opportunity. We know who those blokes are. In the back row, Worsley is better off as a shock replacement since he loses his cool. As a flyer, how about Corry, Rees and Lawrence in the back row? The back row's main job here is defensive, stopping their forwards running with the ball and getting turnover ball on the ground.

Not a great line up. But if the Aussie backs can be neutralised, and I think this group can play them even, then England can scratch out a victory in the forwards. And, in consequence, annoy John O'Neill.

At least, that is how it goes until kickoff. Swing Low..............

  • 93.
  • At 10:19 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Cashman wrote:

I can't beleive no one has suggested Hipkiss at 12. Everyone is so wrapped up in footballing 12's, they forget that a 12 need's to be quick and strong aswell. I'd bring in Hipkiss for fat faz and keep Tait at 13. I think they might complement each other. Hipkiss can run straight lines, tackles well, can take in a crash ball, and offloads out of the tackle well. Tait needs someone to draw tacklers for him so that he can show his speed in space.

  • 94.
  • At 10:35 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • wrote:

I feel very very sorry for Andy Farrell, simply because I think England will lose Saturday, thus his international career will be over and all the history makers will write is of the Ireland game in the 6N and the Saffer game last week. His one truly good game in Union (vs Scotland) is long forgotten.

I think he needed this one last defining moment in a team that has found some modicum of form. He may well have failed, but Saturday was the one chance he had with the circumstances right for him to finally show what he was/was not capable of. Shame.

  • 95.
  • At 10:54 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Steve Atlanta GA wrote:

Its not too late! If the management team has any real spine! Send farrell home (and cueto with him) and call up Tindall. He has always done well against Mortlock and will provide that extra bit of physicallity we are missing to contrast Flood at inside centre so Wilko 10, Flood 12, Tindall 13... Lets face it its not like we have anything to loose?!... Ashton and co. must be replaced after the world cup to make way for a true clearout to make room for a proper four year plan to the next world cup...

  • 96.
  • At 10:55 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Mark in Washington DC wrote:

I am going to start a fire by saying this judging by all the previous comments but here goes "thank god Farrell ain't playing". I am not saying he is a bad rugby player but how many times has he got to show you lot he is to old to learn this code..he simply is not estute enough when it comes to the passing part of the game..it not his fault he just ain't got it, especially at this level (I still think he would lack a superb flanker). As for the Game against the Aussie's, I think we have a chance if the pack take it to them as they did against wales (which was a good performance all be it I would expect a little more from the Aussie pack). If they can do that and then we have a set of backs with quick minds, good hands (Sorry Andy) and a burst of pace.. I really do think we have an outside chance.

If the pack can provide the platforms then my set of backs would be:

10- Flood
11- Robinson
12- Wilkinson
13- Hipkiss/Barkley
14- Tait
15- Lewsey

I have not mentioned Sackey or Catt for to different reasons: Catt because I think he has done his duty but has had his day. Sackey, when it comes to pace he is second to none, however when it comes to bottle he totally lost it against SA, we can't afford to have a gap on the wing again as the Aussie will have notied that and will target him.

We are the underdogs for this match and rightly so, but we are british bulldogs and why not go down fighting.

Come on Ashton, if you send out a defensive line the oposition know your scared and that filters through the team (especially as we have no real captain). Send out a team that is going to attack, send a message that says "you want to win...you stop us" not the other way round

  • 97.
  • At 11:03 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • mayjunejuly wrote:

I think Toby Flood should be given the chance as Olly Barclay now it seems has a dead leg. He has been there now and has not been given a chance, he is young and should have at least be put on the bench.

  • 98.
  • At 11:26 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Bob wrote:

im not sure what u all think..... but this is the line up for the backs that i would have....

9 - Gomersall
10 - Wilkinson
11 - Cueto
12 - Lewsey
13 - Tait
14 - Sackey
15 - Robinson

switch lewsey into centre to make some crunching tackles. shift cueto back onto the wing, where he is best suited and give robinson the 15 jersey where he can look up and see where the gaps are.. Not a bad backline in my opinion. Comments??

  • 99.
  • At 11:48 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • Tom Go Wallabies!!! wrote:

Either way have fun losing England. So what if u can beat us in the scrum? WE'll beat u in the backline.

  • 100.
  • At 11:59 PM on 04 Oct 2007,
  • bob wrote:

The two decent ideas from all the above posts are either the Newcastle midfield or bringing Rees in at inside centre. Both ballsey, both will confuse the aussies. Unfortunately, both are doomed to ultimate failure, as are all the other ideas. Still, it will be a fantastic game and I can't wait

  • 101.
  • At 12:39 AM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • johnneallblack wrote:

Tim you might be nice but you are dim.

The Green and Golds are the Aussie RL side.

  • 102.
  • At 12:42 AM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Simon wrote:

the options at centre are just not good enough. Hipkiss is getting the vote, but I think that's because he hasnt had the opportunity to show everyone how mediocre he is too! At least he is a little bigger than some of the swing doors being touted.

How about playing Rees in the centres- lets face it England are mainly going to be defending; and Ben Kay and Nick Easter have shown us the England forwards like to use their kicking game.

I vote to move Tait to inside centre and Hipkiss to outside centre. Tait would then be marking Giteau/Barnes, not Mortlock, which would be a more even physical contest. I also like the idea that Tait would get more ball and a chance to distribute and create gaps around him. The problem in the past is that when he beats his opponent, he is often isolated as no-one appears able to keep up with his acceleration off the mark. Out wide this is an issue, but closer to the pack...attacking nearer the forwards gives us a better chance to retain possession when crossing the gain line. Jonny is at his running best when he can attack the opposite fly half knowing he can off load to a rapid ball carrier on one shoulder or a forward on the other. We would have to accept that we could turn the ball over in contact, but that lets the pack have more scrums - not necessarily a bad thing in this particular match.

As an aside, why is everyone in the media assuming that we will be kicking everything? With the scrummaging pack picked, surely we will have to play a game with the ball in hand to leverage out the assumed advantage here. A kicking game would play into the Aussie hands...

As for Hipkiss - his role would be straightforward. In attack, he would have to be responsible for straightening the line (given Jonny and Tait's preference to drift with ball in hand) and feeding Robinson inside/Sackey or Lewsey outside to attack the Aussie wings one on one. In defence, he is to act like a limpet on Mortlock - stop him and our back have a chance.

I personally would never play Catt again - he has not demonstrated any positives in this campaign. I shudder when remembering his last attempts to kick from hand...as I suspect do our forwards!

All in all, we should lose. Irrespective of whom is selected, all England asks is for passion and commitment from all in the team.

  • 104.
  • At 02:21 AM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Dan. errrm...... wrote:

With Farrell out of the equation, its very difficult to decide who'd take his place. How many English specialist inside centres can you name? While Hipkiss, Flood and Tait are extremely talented, would you honestly put them at inside centre opposite someone like Mortlock? The only 'specialist' inside centre England have is Farrell. Barkely didnt do well against Tonga, so who comes in? Its all very well putting a fly-half in at inside centre, but has that fly half been training at inside centre? Two completely different positions. Mike Catt is the only realistic answer here, he is a 'go too' man when its all gone wrong (which it probably will) and has the experience in these kind of games. Catt at inside centre!!!!

  • 105.
  • At 08:55 AM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Wise old owl wrote:

I think this debate on positional changes highlights the difference in mentalities between the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere coaches. I also don’t think this is a totally an English problem either as Wales and Scotland seem to be just as bad. The northern hemisphere coaches try to justify there selections by suggesting that this team selection has been picked as it is best suited to play the opposition. Are they just trying to justify there position trying to prove how tactically aware they are or are they clutching at straws? I think it is the former, they think there involvement is much more important than it really is, there tactics, there game plan, wins games not so unfortunately. It’s the players and the southern hemisphere coaches basically pick there best team in there normal positions and have the confidence that is going to be good enough to beat the opposition.

  • 106.
  • At 09:25 AM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • John wrote:

Viva the Boks.. Springboks will win!!

  • 107.
  • At 09:25 AM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Dave wrote:

Is it just me, or is Andy Farrell's injury been a huge bluff by BA? Make Aus believe we're playing Faz, and then last minute select Barkley/Hipkiss instead...nice idea.

  • 108.
  • At 09:51 AM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • oldslapper wrote:

As a 60 year old ex-hooker, I wouldn't presume to know what the young girlies get up to at No. 12 other than one of two of the Aussie girls do look a bit like guys in drag and need a bit more than a swipe with a handbag to bring 'em down.

Just as we're panicking about Mortlock and Co., it's clear with their attempts to coach the ref, the Aussies are But cast your mind back to 2002 when, with a half-decent ref who didn’t fall for all the cheap shots the Aussie front row pulled to nullify our superior scrummaging, England would have won by a comfortable margin.

So no doubt if they start going backwards at 100 mph, they'll try to repeat their success in the noble pursuit of conning the ref. If they do succeed, the changes to the pack will have been in vain and undo all the cohesiveness that was starting to show in several areas will unravel and in particular the way they were starting to link up several rucking, mauling and short passing phases.

So I agree with the earlier comment about retaining Stevens and Chuter whom at the start of the campaign, I wasn’t a great fan of, but he seems to do his primary job OK in the tight, is playing well in the loose and in particular seems to hit the target every time with his throw-ins - a key factor to combat the Aussie jumpers.

Bring it on (and bring THEM on ASAP if the pack starts going belly up again)

  • 109.
  • At 10:46 AM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Rob C wrote:

I think the ra ra brigade, Guscott, Dawson, Carling et al are gutted that Farrel is not playing.
When England lose with an abject performance they will have to place the blame on one of there own. I think Mike Catt is the perfect fall guy.
Aus can match england up front and will be much quicker around the park, the England team shockingly slow.
Someone better do a rain dance.

  • 110.
  • At 11:10 AM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Dave Sadler wrote:

Current form and on the evidence thus far in this world cup suggests playing Barkley just doesn't make sense; probably be Catt. Experience, good defence, strong and with tactical nous; not the fastest anymore, but then again he doesn't need to be. Big question is whether or not we (England) can get on the front foot, if yes then we have the pace outside to give anybody a game. Looking forward to an intriguing encounter as always! Heart says England because of the sheer ferocity England will try to play with; however, as soon as the brain kicks in I can't see anything else other than an Aussie win... but you never know...if we can unsettle them early on and get them to chase the game?

  • 111.
  • At 12:05 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Ben M wrote:

For me, Hipkiss was the outstanding centre in the Prem last season, and should have played all tournament. The fact he hasn't played is possibly the reason he now isn't playing...a horrible irony given injuries / barkley's poor defensive showing.

Vs the big Aussie backs / back row - we need strength both in defense AND offense to break tackles and get over gain line - for me this means we gamble on Hipkiss at 13, play Lewsey at 12 and Johnny at 10. Bring Robinson back to 15, Sackey and Cueto on the wings and all of a sudden we have strength, speed and talent allacross the line. England and critics need to start looking at the back line as a SUM OF PARTS and NOT as a line of individuals.

  • 112.
  • At 12:35 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Jon M wrote:

Just seen the announcement that it is to be Mike Catt in place of Farrel.
Let's hope for some 2003 QF esque magic from him (ask the Taffy boys - I am sure they remember!). Then maybe just maybe we can progress further....Ah just a sweet dream me thinks!!!

  • 113.
  • At 12:50 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Gavin wrote:

Sad really!! Farrell has been the scapegoat for bad performances by England the last 4 or 5 games. Truth is its just another excuse that the English set up will use when Australia win. "Farrel was a massive blow, we could have won if he played" type quotes on Monday. Absolute rubbish!

  • 114.
  • At 01:12 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Adam Rochester wrote:

I think we need to get Hipkiss in at 13, big, strong, good lines and stays on his feet which will allow offloading and/or time for forward suppoert, however he would be in unfortunately at Tait's expense (Am a big big fan) but am worried about his wanting in the physical aspect against Mortlock, unless he was moved to 12 with Hipkiss at 13.

I think Catt is a good call, so long as he does a good job with the boot. But it all depends how Ashton wants us to play!

Feel sorry for Cueto as I think he has been messed around - when he came onto the scene as a winger he had a great try/game ratio and made Cohen look incompetent - so why was he put in at Full Back, something that has now tarnished how he's perceived.

Wilkinson is a 10 - end of story. I fear at 12 he would dance himself into a little bit of trouble. Plus, would Michael Owen ever get played centre mid???

Chuter is unlucky - he's done well in his 2 games, and I think Regan could get caught up with some handbags!

So the backs for me would be:

9 Gommarsall
10 Jonny
11 Lewsey
12 Catt
13 Hipkiss
14 Sackey
15 Billy Whizz

Ultimately though it depends on our pack especially our tight 5. If we can stifle their ball we have a good chance, if not, then we're in trouble!

Matt Giteau is the man to watch though - which brings us back to why 12 is such an important position for us!!!!!

  • 115.
  • At 01:34 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • wrote:

I agree 100% with Rob C about the ra ra brigade. Isn't it a little ironic that the bloke who gave us the "boring old f*rts" comment is now becoming one himself. As for Barnes, his commentary on ITV has been one of the worst features of the tournament for me. The silence that followed Farrell's try against Tonga spoke volumes!

I played both codes-at different times-to a decent standard and they are BOTH great games which demand an equal amount of skill, pace and fitness. Detractors from Farrell in particular and RL players in general are usually speaking from an attitude of prejudice which most RU players abhor-30 years after the shamateur debate was finally ended.

Come on England! We can do this if we just believe!

  • 116.
  • At 01:57 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Adam Rochester wrote:

I think we need to get Hipkiss in at 13, big, strong, good lines and stays on his feet which will allow offloading and/or time for forward suppoert, however he would be in unfortunately at Tait's expense (Am a big big fan) but am worried about his wanting in the physical aspect against Mortlock, unless he was moved to 12 with Hipkiss at 13.

I think Catt is a good call, so long as he does a good job with the boot. But it all depends how Ashton wants us to play!

Feel sorry for Cueto as I think he has been messed around - when he came onto the scene as a winger he had a great try/game ratio and made Cohen look incompetent - so why was he put in at Full Back, something that has now tarnished how he's perceived.

Wilkinson is a 10 - end of story. I fear at 12 he would dance himself into a little bit of trouble. Plus, would Michael Owen ever get played centre mid???

Chuter is unlucky - he's done well in his 2 games, and I think Regan could get caught up with some handbags!

So the backs for me would be:

9 Gommarsall
10 Jonny
11 Lewsey
12 Catt
13 Hipkiss
14 Sackey
15 Billy Whizz

Ultimately though it depends on our pack especially our tight 5. If we can stifle their ball we have a good chance, if not, then we're in trouble!

Matt Giteau is the man to watch though - which brings us back to why 12 is such an important position for us!!!!!

  • 117.
  • At 02:29 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • wrote:

I agree 100% with Rob C about the ra ra brigade. Isn't it a little ironic that the bloke who gave us the "boring old f*rts" comment is now becoming one himself. As for Barnes, his commentary on ITV has been one of the worst features of the tournament for me. The silence that followed Farrell's try against Tonga spoke volumes!

I played both codes-at different times-to a decent standard and they are BOTH great games which demand an equal amount of skill, pace and fitness. Detractors from Farrell in particular and RL players in general are usually speaking from an attitude of prejudice which most RU players abhor-30 years after the shamateur debate was finally ended.

Come on England! We can do this if we just believe!

  • 118.
  • At 02:34 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Patrick wrote:

Fantastic. Only Brian Ashton could come up with someone slower and older than Farrell to fill his spot. Catt. I'm a Catt fan, but the old geezer just hasn't done it in this world cup. Sigh.

  • 119.
  • At 03:11 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Rich Waring wrote:

It's really simple:

Farrell has never looked like an international Rugby Union player - scoring against a beaten Tonga side is not like playing against the Aussie midfield.

Catt was a great creative player in the 90's but he's had his day, I think.

Tait is a bit lightweight and I've not seen him threaten against a well organised defence.

You play 10 Jonny, 12 Olly Barkley, 13 Hipkiss, move Josh Lewsey back to full back where he belongs with Sackey and Robinson for the cutting edge out wide.

Then you bring Tom Rees back into the squad if not the starting 15, with Woresley, Chuter and Stevens starting the match too.

Ta daa! a dynamic team instead of a sluggish one.

I hope you're listening, Ashton.

  • 120.
  • At 03:18 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Alex Schuster wrote:

Re the inaccurate comment at # 117, Catt was timed at 10.61 seconds for the 100 metres during training two weeks ago. So give the guy a break. He may be in his mid 30s, but he's still marginally faster than the much younger Habana when it comes to sprinting. He is also the proud owner of a World Cup medal (a piece of silverware still missing from the cabinets of every member of the current All Blacks squad).

  • 121.
  • At 03:24 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Rich Waring wrote:

It's really simple:

Farrell has never looked like an international Rugby Union player - scoring against a beaten Tonga side is not like playing against the Aussie midfield.

Catt was a great creative player in the 90's but he's had his day, I think.

Tait is a bit lightweight and I've not seen him threaten against a well organised defence.

You play 10 Jonny, 12 Olly Barkley, 13 Hipkiss, move Josh Lewsey back to full back where he belongs with Sackey and Robinson for the cutting edge out wide.

Then you bring Tom Rees back into the squad if not the starting 15, with Woresley, Chuter and Stevens starting the match too.

Ta daa! a dynamic team instead of a sluggish one.

I hope you're listening, Ashton.

  • 122.
  • At 03:27 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • alan wrote:

To the poster who wanted a rugby bar in Paris...there's a vast cavern of an aussie bar at the Pompidou centre end of Rue St. Denis (ie before you get to the prostitutes!) where I watched England lose a match they should have won against the old enemy in 2005...don't know if it's still there

  • 123.
  • At 03:34 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • chris proctor wrote:

just stuck my wages on the aussies beating england by more than 11 points. less of a bet, more of a guarenteed investment.

  • 124.
  • At 03:56 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Nick- H wrote:

In terms of the backs,I feel Ashton has selected the best he has got. Perhaps bring on Barkley and maybe Hipkiss around 60 mins.

Against Tonga Barkley was like a deer caught in the headlights! very suspect in the tackle area.

Its about time these Aussie's piped down and stop running their mouths!
Lets give them a good hiding a put them back in their place!

  • 125.
  • At 04:08 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Nick- H wrote:

In terms of the backs,I feel Ashton has selected the best he has got. Perhaps bring on Barkley and maybe Hipkiss around 60 mins.

Against Tonga Barkley was like a deer caught in the headlights! very suspect in the tackle area.

Its about time these Aussie's piped down and stop running their mouths!
Lets give them a good hiding a put them back in their place!

  • 126.
  • At 04:38 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • David Thompson wrote:

I am devastated that Andy Farrell won't being playing against Australia. "Faz" and Matthew Tait has always been my first-choice centre pairing and I was so looking forward to the Farrell v Mortlock clash. We've got problems now, big problems.

I feel realy sorry for Andy, as I believe that he would have really enjoyed getting stuck in to the Australians and at the same time shown us all what a great rugby player he is.

Having said that, Australia are not invincible. Good but not invincible.

Don't get me wrong, they have some superb players (Giteau in my opinion is at least as talented as Dan Carter)but our lads can play a bit too. Its up to the forwards now though, more than ever. But, we have got the boys to really put them to the sword upfront. If they don't we have had it.

  • 127.
  • At 05:45 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Big Timbo wrote:

A really Big loss for England for a number of reasons.

1) Australia's attack is very rugby league i.e. Giteau running lines/hands/steps and Berrick Barnes rugby brain. So people talk about 'fast' attacks and how Andy wouldn't cope - he captained Great Britain in wins over the Australians at Rugby League, where attacking play is extremely fast and creative and usually executed by big strong lads.

2) His physical size, speed and style both defending and running is massively similar to Mike Tindall - the inside centre (who genuinely was not super quick) I remember us winning a World Cup in 2003 with.

3) Within the top six inches of his head he is more switched on than dithering Olly Barkley, hugely tougher than little Toby, and equally as switched on as old Mike catt. He also looks like he is beginning to really understand Johnny Wilko.

4) The reason he is crocked is the same as our best player - Johnny Wilkinson. He has been playing simply huge games of rugby since age 18. Captaining league teams, national sides and touring parties throughout his entire career. He has battered Aussie Sportsmen before, just like Freddie Flintoff and martin Johnson.
Did anyone notice him organising, shouting, rucking and providing a pivot during the Tonga game? I did. He is a born leader of men. He would probably drop any other England player in a fist-fight, no worries. I am a rugby player and you can see in his eyes that he does not flinch, does not take a step backwards, he is hard and England will definately need that type of lad on the field. Not a
a flapping schoolboy called Toby Flood, or a quiet pretty lad like Barkley, or a completely untested quantity like Hipkiss.

Catty is the only man to fill his boots. I think if you asked the rest of the team who they would want at inside centre they'd say Big Andy, if not him bring on the Catt.


  • 128.
  • At 06:09 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • spooner wrote:

Just read an entry from the new England coach, "really simple" Rich Wearing.
If "Ashton" is indeed listening, I'm sure he will immediately hand over the job to you.
Anyway, despite the new influx of selectors, and unless there are more injuries getting on the coach, we now know the final 15 & 22.
Any other permutation, from all of the squad out there, wouldn't change things that much, it's attitude and commitment that all England supporters would like to see.
I've never played internationally, so I don't feel I'm in a position to question either of those attributes, even in the 0-36 defeat against SA because ultimately, it's all about ability.
Sometimes, you've just got to admit that the better team won, or even that the much better team won easily.
Bon courage!

  • 129.
  • At 07:37 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • David Thompson wrote:

I am devastated that Andy Farrell won't being playing against Australia. "Faz" and Matthew Tait has always been my first-choice centre pairing and I was so looking forward to the Farrell v Mortlock clash. We've got problems now, big problems.

I feel really sorry for Andy, as I believe that he would have really enjoyed getting stuck in to the Australians and at the same time shown us all what a great rugby player he is.

Having said that, Australia are not invincible. Good but not invincible. Don't get me wrong, they have some superb players (Giteau in my opinion is at least as talented as Dan Carter) but our lads can play a bit too. Its up to the forwards now though, more than ever. But, we have got the boys to really put them to the sword upfront. If they don't we have had it.

  • 130.
  • At 07:38 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Paranoid Paul wrote:

Has anyone asked how Andy Farrell 'picked up' his calf strain?

It seems strange to me that having played 20mins in last 3 weeeks and presumably trained in that time that a day after the press was full of comment at his selection what happens?? he 'picks up' a calf strain.

I know training can be hard but there is , in my mind at least something very fishy about the on / off Andy Farrell Union career...can't really be more specific..

  • 131.
  • At 11:20 PM on 05 Oct 2007,
  • Bill O wrote:

We have only to think in terms of stopping the Aussie centres-so should have been Hipkiss.
Having said that what about Rees in the centre with Hipkiss?

  • 132.
  • At 04:13 PM on 06 Oct 2007,
  • Alan Melville wrote:

Well, congratulations guys. Through to the semis. Guess the old-fashioned NH virtues of solid scrummaging, decent line-outs and kicking and tough tackling aren't entirely worthless. Maybe the SH aren't quite so far ahead of us northerners after all?

  • 133.
  • At 06:14 PM on 06 Oct 2007,
  • Da wrote:

Well - that was absolutely brilliant...and after all of the expert opinion on this blog of who should be picked where...will we see any humble pie? Well done Brian & well done to all of the England players who had been written off by so many...and weren't the 'lumbering' English pack impressive?

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