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Puppets, sex and Paul Kaye: The birth of Mongrels

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Adam Miller Adam Miller | 12:48 UK time, Tuesday, 22 June 2010

When asked to describe Mongrels, as I often am by bemused people at parties who've been told I work 'with puppets' and who are humouring me, I normally say, "It's an adult puppet comedy show."

This inevitably makes them ask about the puppets: How big are they? Have you met ? Then they ask if there's going to be puppet sex.

And that's my big mistake, because actually the whole idea of Mongrels is that after watching it for about five minutes, you forget that you're watching a puppet show, and you start watching a sitcom about a fox, a dog, a cat and a pigeon who live in the back garden of an east London pub.

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It's a story that just happens to be told with puppetry. Although there is a bit of puppet sex. Classy sex, mind you.

Mongrels really began when I was working on a kids show for and where two things became obvious. Firstly, that the adults making the show were laughing at the puppets at least as much as the children. And secondly, that when you shot them with hand-held camerawork they came to life in the most extraordinary way.

A few years after that and I'd re-mortgaged my house to buy some camera and editing kit and was working on a series of TV comedy pilots that used puppets in a very basic fashion.

Then one day , a puppeteer who I'd met on the self-same kids show years before, agreed to help me out.

Watching him pick up some terrible store-bought puppet wolf and seeing what he could do with it was a revelation. The man's a genius by the way. You hear about picking up his first golf club while still in the womb, well Andy's the same, but with puppets.

Next thing I know I've written this bad script about a metrosexual urban fox called Nelson, and Andy and his business partner Iestyn have designed and built the puppets and we've shot and edited a pilot.

That's a glamorous way of saying that we spent two months lying in puddles and dog crap all over south London.

At the time I'd been working as an assistant director with producer at the 主播大秀 and plonked the resulting pilot on his desk.

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Little did I know that he shared a love of puppetry, and suggested we got on board a hugely talented young writer, Jon Brown. Together we tried over four and a half years to nail the essence of Mongrels.

We wanted to make something that had the pace of an American animation but with British sensibilities, that was adult, but not crude, that was based in the realities of the animal world, and that didn't rely on the puppets to do the comedy.

Later another brilliant writer Danny Peak joined us and after several scripts, one teaser and a pilot, we got a series commissioned.

Once that terrifying hurdle was cleared the fun bit started: designing the puppets and putting voices to thecharacters. This was tricky for Andy and Iestyn because sometimes they'd be trying to work out the look of a character without knowing what he or she sounded like.

Only the amazing has been with us from the beginning of the 主播大秀 process (voicing the original Nelson and latterly Vince and a host of other characters) but as , , and came on board so the characters shaped up more easily.

The last voice to be cast was Marion, so late in the day in fact, that we had to take a complete punt on what the puppet would sound like.

Marion the cat from Mongrels, voiced by Dan Tetsell

I'm told the body was based on in the end. The voice however is all , and now I can't imagine anyone else doing him.

Puppets are a right bugger to film, and comedy is notoriously tight on the amount of time you have to shoot stuff. This made the production process very tricky, but such great fun.

When you walk on to a set at eight o'clock in the morning and there are four puppets dancing to , then you know you're going to have a ball.

And so we did, but we were trying to shoot something that hadn't really been done before outside of the Muppet movies - filming puppets in a drama style, with drama coverage, but using hand-held cameras. It was, to put it mildly, a learning curve, but a rewarding one.

Mongrels has been the most collaborative project I've ever worked on, every member of the team (affectionately known as Mongrels) has, without exception, contributed creatively to the finished product.

Now at the final hurdle, and five years down the line, we are hoping that there's a bunch of other Mongrels out there that we haven't met yet, but who will like the show enough to give us the feedback we need.

Most of all though, and despite the clich茅, I really do hope people have half as much fun watching it as we had making it.

Adam Miller is the creator and director of Mongrels.

Mongrels starts on 主播大秀 Three at 10pm on Tuesday, 22 June. To find out times of all upcoming episodes please visit the upcoming episodes page


  • Comment number 1.

    Yes! New ideas!

    I'm so bored of television just being a This looks like its got the potential to be a favourite.. the quality of the puppets REALLY reminds me of childrens shows in the early 90s.. I struggle to think of particular examples, but the quality of movement and "synching" of voices carries that familiar feel.

    And there's plenty of crass language by the looks of it. Surefire.

  • Comment number 2.

    I just saw Mongrels for the First time on 主播大秀 3, and I am absolutely entranced by such a fabulous fresh entertaining show on 主播大秀 3. The channel that seems to lead 主播大秀 1 for new talent. On a par with Red Dwarf for comedy in a different aspect, I predict this to become one of the all time Comedy Greats in the 主播大秀 hall of Fame. Well done all those people who made it I do hope you will keep it as good as it is for ages. The only thing that would make me love it more would be a puppet of a cowardly Staffordshire Bull Terrier who runs away from little dogs like my one does ha ha. The Afghan hound is great !

  • Comment number 3.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 4.

    The 主播大秀 shouldn't make programmes like this with bad language etc.

  • Comment number 5.

    I watched it and watched it again, it's a 9 out of 10 (it would have been 10 but I thought some jokes - like the virgins one - were shoe-horned in just to be controversial). The beauty of it is, is that you do forget they are puppets, unlike some (drama) shows were you just keep thinking 'these people are actors'.
    Brilliant, by the way if your looking for urban feral animals to parody look no further than bloomin' magpies - thieves the lot of 'em!

  • Comment number 6.

    Absolutely brilliant! I was laughing so much this morning watching it on Iplayer, the family thought I'd lost the plot! Such a refreshing change to the usual 'safe' adult comedy on 主播大秀!...Yes there is quite a bit of swearing, not too much though and lets face it its hardly on before the watershed. Think this might become a bit of a cult favourite with people with a decent sense of humour! I'll certainly be spreading the word....Well Done 主播大秀.

  • Comment number 7.

    "I'm so bored of television just being a rehashed version of something I've seen before."

    I can't say the same - Mongrels appears to be a bit of a knock-off of Channel 4's far superior Pets, which pre-dates this by a good 10 years. Saying that, Mongrels did have it's moments...

  • Comment number 8.

    Watched this last night and thought it was absolutely brilliant. For me, this show did for puppets what South Park did for animation. Heres hoping that it can stay as fresh, hillarious, and long running as the American cartoon.

  • Comment number 9.

    I thought it was scurrilous, sick and very very funny. I laughed my socks off, and so did the cat. Can Stephen Hendry survive?

  • Comment number 10.

    Mongrels is an ingenious programme, intelligently written and creatively performed. The 30 minutes passed in a flash of total absorbtion abd escapism - yet these animals espress many elements of humanity, from love and passion to despair and destruction. But the imagination that created this programme causes enjoyment, laughter and fun to reign supreme. Thank you for this.

  • Comment number 11.

    Interesting article re: "The Birth of Mongrels". Here's the full story. Funny that the above article doesn't mention PETS - the adult puppet show created by myself and Andrew Barclay for Channel 4 and MTV in 2001, and designed and operated by the same puppeteers as "Mongrels" Iestyn Evans and Andy Heath. What a coincidence. Even bigger coincidence is that when Channel 4's rights in PETS expired, a new series of PETS was pitched to the Executive Producer of MONGRELS Mark Freeland at the 主播大秀 in 2005 and not commissioned. You might also recognise VINCE in Mongrels. He's TREVOR from PETS. At the last count, PETS has had over 10 million downloads on iTunes, so I don't think it'll be long before other people notice these lIttle coincidences.

  • Comment number 12.

    Very good! When will nelson et all be available to buy?

  • Comment number 13.

    Since writing the above post, I have had a VERY, VERY long telephone conversation with Stephen McCrum, the Executive producer of MONGRELS at the 主播大秀. Despite the fact that there were creatives from PETS involved in the production of MONGRELS, Stephen personally assured me that none of the MONGRELS production team watched PETS either before or during the development or production of their series. We might therefore conclude that any similarities between the two shows is 100% coincidental. At the request of the 主播大秀 I'll make no further comment on this page, and will leave it to viewers of both shows to make up their own minds. If you've not seen PETS, here's a link to the PETS website:

  • Comment number 14.

    Huh huh having googled the man i think ripping off pets is the lease of his issues :o

  • Comment number 15.

    I am writing in response to the above post comparing Mongrels to Pets , as posted by Brian West.

    Having built the puppets for both of these programmes, I feel I am in a slightly more unique position to pass comment.

    Myself and my colleague became involved with Pets in the later months of 2000 , employed as puppet builders. It was to be a dark comedy about two dogs, Trevor, rampant bulldog with a potty mouth, Hamish, a snobby but equally potty mouthed red setter, a house cat, who was always on drugs and was a bitch and a slightly out there parrot, who drank his own urine, which became his main gag. It was a bottle show of sorts, where all the action took place either in the living room, or in the kitchen of a purpose built set.

    I did not puppeteer on the show, however my colleague did .
    This show ran for two seasons (but filmed as one) and subsequently gained a following in Italy where it had a small spinoff on MTV Italia. There were only ever four characters in this show, and I personally rebuilt the two dogs for the spinoff.

    After this, as a puppet builder, I ended up building at least 5 other dogs puppets , a couple of cats, and a few birds for various other companies.

    Scooting along a few years, I met Adam Milller, Mongrels creator, in 2002 and worked alongside him on a childrens program for ITV. It became instantly apparent he enjoyed working with puppets, and he subsequently found ways to use them in a couple of sketch show style pilots he made in 2004.

    One of these sketches involved a fox, which I hastily built one weekend, who escapes an urban fox hunt by nipping into an underground station. We also filmed sketches with squirrels, badgers, hedgehogs, and all manner of other wildlife that inhabit the British Isles, not to mention a transatlantic wolf. It was however the idea of the urban fox which rang out as a winner, and something that could perhaps be built on.

    Skip forward another year and a half and Adam sent me another script, basically, the further adventures of our urban fox (Nelson), struggling to find his was back to being a wild animal. He was accompanied now by a muscled cat, who was a bit dim, and a pigeon who was crafty but really a bit weedy. It was shot on location in and around London and Brighton and designed to put our characters into the real world , interacting with humans and other wildlife, whilst relying heavily on flashbacks and cut aways.

    This was the start of Mongrels. Or, The Un-Natural World as it was back then.

    It has taken Adam the past 5 years of his life, of script re-writes, character re-jiggles and countless man hours to realise this idea from that little sketch, which still holds a proud slot on my dvd shelf.

    It is regretful that this comparison is made, as, having been so heavily involved with both projects myself from conception, I feel like our hard work is being taken advantage off.

    Pets was Pets. Mongrels is Mongrels. If , as a viewer, you can sit down and say they are the same, then there is little point of making any new shows, if the slightest similarity (puppets and animals) can be suggested as idea stealing. I am surprised Basil Brush hasn鈥檛 been on the blower, as he is a fox, and that must be a copy ! Right ?

    I worked on both, and know for a fact where they both come from. Two very different ideas.

    Andy Heath

    Oh, and Vince is a 100percent wild fox. Trevor is a house pet bulldog. Go figure .

  • Comment number 16.

    Thanks Brian #13 for your comments. I've just spoken to Stephen too, and to be clear - you are very welcome to continue commenting on this blog and all 主播大秀 blogs (as long as your comments continue to be within the house rules of course!).

    Cheers, Fiona, TV blog editor

  • Comment number 17.

    Re: Andy Heath's comments above.

    Mongrels does not look like the Basil Brush show, so I don't think Basil will be calling the 主播大秀 to complain.

    However, many, many viewers have contacted us to say that Mongrels does look very much like a scaled-up, glossier spin-off of Pets. It's really not hard to see why, or to understand why this issue has arisen.

    I quote from just one of the many, many viewer emails we have received at Fit2Fill Productions. This one was originally sent to the producer of Mongrels Stephen McCrum and he kindly copied to us:

    (from Dale Godfrey)
    "On first broadcast, Mongrels does come across as a reboot of Pets, with an added South Park/Family Guy angle. Both shows are about a set of animals who act more like humans 鈥 flawed humans 鈥 in an urban London setting. Mongrels in the backyard of a pub, Pets in a shabby, decrepit house. The main cast seem to follow the same framework as Pets; two opposing rough/posh canine creatures, a self-absorbed female pet, and a psychotic bird. The exception is Marion the cat, though he seems to share with Vince the 鈥渆mbarrassing friend鈥 role, a role paralleled in Pets by bulldog Trevor. Mongrels does have the same dark, profane sense of humour as Pets, though so do a lot of sitcoms currently on air. However, two episodes in, Mongrels' storylines appear directly influenced by those of Pets. Previews for Episode 2 of Mongrels describe Vince as having a litter of fox cubs, only to eat all his young but one. In Pets' own second episode, 鈥淧regnant鈥, Davina the cat gives birth to kittens, which are not seen onscreen as she's drowned them all down the toilet."

    People are undoubtedly going to continue to compare these two shows, because one of them so clearly appears to have influenced the other - whether conciously or unconciously. Since Andy Heath worked on both in a key creative role, he was in a perfect position to point out where the similarities lie, and where people might potentially consider one to be similar to the other, but it appears from the above that Pets was never, ever referred to during the production of Mongrels. Perhaps it should have been - particularly, as we have mentioned before, as Mongrels' Executive Producer Mark Freeland was pitched a Pets spin-off show in 2004.

  • Comment number 18.

    Hello MAZZER993 #12 - thanks for your comment. I've asked at this end for you and Mongrels will be available to buy on DVD from mid-August.

    Fiona, TV blog editor

  • Comment number 19.

    I loved Mongrels!! Adult humour for adults!! Not being watered down for the pre-watershed or for those people without a sense of hummour! The puppets have expression and character. Brilliant. Look forward to the next episode.

  • Comment number 20.

    Meh...sod the comparisons. Are there really any truly original concepts left out there anymore anyway? It's what you do with it that counts, and Mongrels did good :) Besides, Peter Jackson did it with 'Meet the Feebles' way before Pets (Puppet animals, sex, swearing, carnage) and I can't see any posts from him complaining.
    Anyways, I loved it. Characters were spot on and all lovable in their own scabby tick-ridden way.
    There were too many moments of perfectly mentally retarded comedy for me to pick my favourite, however, cunning-chicken-fake-moustache-disguise-reveal is pretty high up there.
    Oh...and what was that awesome music playing during cat/ chicken/ fox fight sequences?...I want it!

  • Comment number 21.

    Congratulations on a brilliantly written, original and entertaining programme. The voices particularly crack me up and the music is so well scored. Hope you win loads of awards and can't wait for the next episode.
    Only gripe........why 主播大秀3? The channel is so full of awful prepubescent garbage that it would be a shame to see Mongrels go the same way as the everything else churned out on 3. Get it onto either Beeb 2 or 4, at least that way it will be appreciated by more viewers.

  • Comment number 22.

    I have just finished watching the 2nd episode of Mongels. I enjoyed the first last week and liked hearing the familiar voice of Katy Brand. However this episode unfortunately did leave me feeling quite angered. I am a Christian and felt the content was very derogatory towards my faith especially the pigeon wanting to kill his friend as he became a Christian. I realise most may think this is over the top but when your faith is the most important thing in your life it's very difficult to see it made fun of in such a horrendous way. Apart from that I agree that its new, fresh comedy just a shame it had to go to the level of blasphemy.

  • Comment number 23.

    Riot of a show. I hope it runs and runs. Terrific puppets, excellent voices, great gags.

  • Comment number 24.

    Faith must be weak indeed if it's so sensitive that it can't stand a few jokes at its expense... perhaps some people subconsciously fear that there's nothing of substance behind the faith?

    And no, I'm not an atheist.

  • Comment number 25.

    Both episodes have had their moments, however for me in the first episode especially there felt like too many shoehorned references about dead celebrities which were unnecessary and not funny. Also thought the jokes about the posh dog's owners dead wife were too vulgar and unnecessary.

  • Comment number 26.

    When I saw that this was written by the guys who did Two Pints of Lager... and My Hero I groaned inwardly, as in my opinion those are two of the worst sitcoms to have graced the screen in...well, ever. However, I have been pleasantly surprised, and hope the show continues to improve, although there have been a few lines/gags which would have bombed if delivered by humans, I feel. Just my opinion.
    Good point about Meet The Feebles. Worth viewing to see how this sort of thing can be taken to wonderful extremes!

  • Comment number 27.

    Mongrels, absolutely fabulous. I can't remember the last time I went to bed with my ribs aching through laughing so hard. It's so original and well done, it had me sucked in from the first second and I can't wait for the next episode. I was worried after the first episode that episode two would disappoint but it was equally funny, if not better! Congratulations to Adam Miller, Jon Brown and Daniel Peak for bringing this TV, I can't stop telling people about it - the fan base is growing! My other half has gone ga-ga over the Rats and wants one, any plans to start selling merchandise?

  • Comment number 28.

    The fact that it is on 主播大秀 Three is basically enough to give it a "stamp of disapproval". I've never watched a comedy on 主播大秀 Three that hasn't made me cringe and feel embarrassed for the 主播大秀 as an entire corporation. I don't know who's in charge of 主播大秀 3 but their skills in unearthing "talent" leave a lot to be desired. Maybe this show is different, I don't know but I have lost too many parts of my soul already to the pathetic, unfunny and inexcusable programming of 主播大秀 Three - Corden and Horne, Lee Nelson, Little Britain, Two Pints, Pulling, Little Miss Jocelyn - Ugh, I feel sick just listing them. The only decent thing that they ever broadcast was Summer Heights High, even that seemed out of place on 主播大秀 3 because it was so clearly a cut above the rest of the shows and they had to import that from ABC (the Australian Broadcasting Corporation).

    I also agree with the above comments about the similarities to PETS. To have an article called "The Birth of Mongrels" and not make any reference to PETS - Andy Heath says he worked on both shows so Brian West's point at 13. seems as though he was mislead by the 主播大秀. IT just seems very strange and I don't for a second buy that it's 100% coincidence.

  • Comment number 29.

    Well, I felt I was being a bit of a spoil sport with my above comment so I gave it a go and watched the first episode and didn't prove me wrong. There were one or two good gags but the cultural references and celebrity name-drops were transparent and desperate. The characters are one dimensional, the endless animal puns are obvious and tiresome and it just isn't funny. The puppets are good, the voice acting is good but it lacks a great deal of originality. "Play Dead - Hello, I'm Richard Whitely", "Strictly Dog Dancing", "Il DIvo" - ugh. I'd love to have the opportunity to not shake the hand of the "genius" who wrote this. It's perfect for 主播大秀3, classic trash lazily cobbled together. I cannot imagine that the "fans" that it has already garnered wont be bored of it after 6 episodes. It's not really suitable for anybody below the age of 12 or above the age of 17. I guess shows like this are just made for people with low standards that will watch TV regardless of what is on.

  • Comment number 30.

    Please don't compare this show to South Park. It's an insult to South Park.

  • Comment number 31.

    League of Gentlemen meets Two pints of Lager meets Fraggle rock. Nice.

  • Comment number 32.

    tomyg: "Get it onto either Beeb 2 or 4, at least that way it will be appreciated by more viewers."

    It's been advertised widely on the Beeb and I can see some reasons why it is being shown on 主播大秀 Three. If the show is successful and is commissioned another series then has the possibility of making the move to 主播大秀 Two, just like Torchwood did.

  • Comment number 33.

    This show is brilliant. I get a nostalgic feeling when watching puppets - probably because as a kid i spent many a time infront of the tv watching muppets, fraggle rock, bodger and badger, the sooty show etc, and Button Moon. The 80's and previous were full of puppets.

    As an adult it is totally awesome to enjoy a puppets show on an adult level. I believe this is why when puppet shows are done so well, they are a total hit with adults.
    Mongrels is quirky, full of sharp humour and magnificently enjoyable to watch. I watch it every week, and if my partner has missed it, I'll happily watch it again with him on 主播大秀 iPlayer for second helpings.
    It never slacks, as a viewer I am totally absorbed every second of the thirty mins.
    The 'old skool 80's' celeb appearance scenes are truly genius! I love the sharp jokes, and cut aways, flash backs. The musicals in Mongrels are FUNNY. Whereas I find Family Guy musicals can tend to get a bit boring and go on for too long!

    I'm glad they rebulit Marion - what an awesome call. Marion and Gully are my fave characters.

    On another note, I'm quite bored of people complaining about certain programmes being aired on bbc three due to swearing, violence and sex scenes.
    May I point out - these are puppets, and this show is on after watershed and is not on 主播大秀 1. Although I have faith it will earn a spot on bbc 1 or 2 soon. Hopefully this show will go on and on and on and on and on and on....

  • Comment number 34.

    I meant to say Marion and *Kali are my fave characters!

  • Comment number 35.

    Episode 3...Absolute class!!! A couple of jokes made me cringe and then you realise the writers swiftly take the sting out of the tail, very cleverly done! I love all of the characters, Lollipop last night and Kieron last week were hilarious - think the voiceovers were done by the same person? Vince is brilliant, bleeping him out makes him much more funny. It's got me completely sucked in and I can't stop talking about it! Roll on the release of the DVD and merchandise - I hope!! :)

  • Comment number 36.

    Try and get one of the "Meet the Feebles" characters to cameo. That'd be awesome. I'm loving Kali and Marion as characters and the fact that you have Dan Tetsell and Lucy Montgomery as cast (so to speak)... I always loved the Museum of Everything.

  • Comment number 37.

    Love this show. Love the humour it is totally up my street. I'd love to do a voice over. Please give me audition!! :)

  • Comment number 38.

    Episode #3 was great. The Springwatch opening had me in fits, especially Nelson's photo collage for Kate. The music reference in the closing scene made it extra comic but - oy - so monstrous too. Also I think shaking a fist at the sky and shouting, "Damn you the hung parliament" will have to be my new expletive.

  • Comment number 39.

    Mongrels is simply one of the most original and entertaining comedies the Beeb has put together. Not enough superlatives. One of the (very!) few things that makes the licence fee seem like value for money.

    More please.

  • Comment number 40.

    I came across Mongrels by accident as it was on itunes, I love it, yes it is adult humour and some people might find it offensive but it's a great programme. I've already got the DVD on pre-order.

  • Comment number 41.

    I came across Mongrels by accident on itunes and it's great, some people might find it offensive but it's on after the watershed and is entertaining unlike most so called comedy programmes now.

    I've got the DVD on pre-order.

  • Comment number 42.

    The thing is ... PETS was awful ... and MONGRELS is looking like it will be brilliant. I'd never heard of PETS, so I followed the links and watched ... no wonder I'd never heard of PETS. Personally I'm very glad none of the production team watched that tripe otherwise MONGRELS might have been a very different animal. Bravo MONGRELS!

  • Comment number 43.

    Sheer briliance!! definitely right for the 9pm slot on 主播大秀2. If some people are offended by it, remember it's a very good reflection of how people talk in general, not a recommendation of how people should be.
    I'm having tremendous fun with my mates deciding which character is closest to each of us and after a while we realised that we are/have been a little bit of all of them! How educational is THAT for comedy!?

  • Comment number 44.

    Hi, thanks for Mongrels, so far.... The last puppet show I watched was the Muppets, so I approached this tentatively. No fear. Thoroughly enjoyed it so far, though I agree with other comments that the edgier shock-jokes (the ones with flashback scenarios attached) mostly dont work so well. The jokes work best when related through the characters themselves. Nelson is a most charming chap, with a touch of Kermit about his looks to camera (Kermit derived that, I suspect, from Oliver Hardy, definately a good thing!), he is an urbane fox, or tries to be. He has the audience sympathy straight off. Destiny is an essex-girl style afghan dog, who is brash and stupid enough to get herself into any amount of trouble, I found the guide-dog story hilarious. Marion I'm not yet sure where he comes from or goes, we'll see... Vince, a great walk-through character, love him, know the jokes and are ready to laugh every time.

    Kali is the ever-present evil-conscience figure, forever stirring up trouble, very good character to knit it together.

    I have been watching the first three episodes on i-player again and again, and finding lots of clever and amusing character details not readily apparent on first viewing, the puppetry is quite superb. Thank you very much for this, good luck with the future, hope you can keep this going. Cheers.

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi everyone - I have a new Mongrels link for you - on the 主播大秀 Comedy blog you can watch Radio 1's Scott Mills filming his appearance on the show. It involves him dancing to Blink 182 and imitating N-Dubz. And then you can edit your own Mongrels video using the footage they've made available on the website. Have a look.

    Fiona, TV blog editor

  • Comment number 46.

    I think a alcoholic scottie dog with a heroin problem would be a great addition to the show. He could be like Destinys relative from up north whos fleeing to london due to ripping off the pack he hang out with who had a racketeering operation going on stealing their owners scag after they got high and now they want him dead hiring all sorts of k9s to do the job.

  • Comment number 47.

    this has to one programme not to miss cant wait for next episode
    all in all the best thing on tv at the moment keep it up.

  • Comment number 48.

    It's true, you do - in a strange way - "forget they're puppets" after a while of watching :-)

  • Comment number 49.

    Hi, sorry, completely forgot to praise the vocal artists - please take that neglect as a compliment, they are obviously so good. I think you have to find another frequently appearing character to use that dreadful scouse accent, can you bring the do-goody dove to life again (does he have 9 lives like a cat?)... Thanks again. Loved the way Nelson carried his spice rack away out of his burrow!

  • Comment number 50.

    I want to buy the Series DVD..... It is great!!!! It is as good as The Wrong Door. I hope it will NOT disappear after episod 8.

  • Comment number 51.

    Please Please Please can you make this show available online to viewers in the United States? Would love to watch, but unfortunately we are not able to if IP address is outside of the UK.

  • Comment number 52.

    Cannot believe the comments here. The concept is good but the scripts are utter rubbish and not funny.

  • Comment number 53.

    Mongrels is brilliant it's new,hilarious pure genius.I love it and everyone of my friends that i have introduced to it have become addictive veiwers of the programme as well.10 out of 10 easily

  • Comment number 54.

    Hey Nelson, we already knew you were middle class!!! And Kali, leave Harry Hill alone!

  • Comment number 55.

    Love the show - I find it really funny and the puppeteering and vocals are great. Really hope that it gets renewed for a second series.

  • Comment number 56.

    Mongrels is pure genius, I look forward to each episode. I hope this is carried on to a second series. But please can we have more Vince ;)

  • Comment number 57.

    I'm missing it already (thank god for iPlayer). There simply must be another season! Totally went out with a bang though, which was obviously deliberate and totally hilarious.

  • Comment number 58.

    I have never had cause to write to the 主播大秀 before, but after watching the series 'MONGRELS' and the 'MONGRELS UNCOVERED' programme, I had to say what an insanely, ingeniously clever programme it is and I can't wait for the next series! I loved the musical interludes. Thank you for making me LOL !

  • Comment number 59.

    I don't like lots of things, including 99 percent of television/people.
    But this was a laugh a minute, and the uncomfortable laugh that you think how did they get away with that. Pure genius, Dammit can i have a rat puppet it looks like my next door neighbour (although the rat probably hasn't got a criminal record) Original, Funny as *bleep* as Vince would say.
    Actually he would say that he would be bleeeeeeep funny wha! dont you bleeping believe it Bleep!
    I like Vince he sounds like me :D
    This is what new adult comedy should be like, i am still laughing about the teddy bears in the woods............i thought i had burst something inside, die laughing, what a way to go.

    Bravo.....more more

  • Comment number 60.

    Again, thanks for Mongrels. I now demand a second series. The puppetry has been brilliant, the voices great, and some very enjoyable moments, including the songs.

    I worry that the gag-gag-gag hit-hit-hit script is tough to keep doing, do you wish to serialise the characters a bit?

    I've been wondering about something akin to the Miss-Piggy-for-Kermit love interest, nothing ever happened but they used it every episode for years. Nelson loves Destiny though dare not say so, is there some way that Destiny could be made somewhat obliged to Nelson, so that there is a tension between them each episode...

    Perhaps Nelson could be with her when she discovers Gary's fake breed certificate for her 鈥 she actually is a mongrel, with a ..... She is always hateful enough, but must act nice to Nelson because of said obligation, though N knows he cannot act on it or he'll lose this nice situation , etc etc.. Is there anything in that?

    I also think, as I said, the dreadful scouse dove needs a role, not as do-goody christian perhaps, but he could still be a nasty piece of work and yet sound very appealing to others (Marion springs to mind) with that way he has.

    My favourite moments.
    Marion offering Nelson a 'fig-a-roll'. Dr Brocks 'mix up at the lab'. Nelson being 'Middle Class,' Kali and the Pigeox, fat Kali, Destiny's fat-people song (Very Her), Marion 'What's a Martyr?' Kali seeking 'Hali, Hali Hill', Destiny and the art of guide-doggery, and her offloading onto Nelson, Vince and Springwatch, Marion generally (he's grown on me now!), Marion and Nelson getting a birthday card, Vince communicating in the last two episodes (as Destiny says, 'So Hot!').

    Thanks again, come on 主播大秀 lets have more!!!

  • Comment number 61.

    it's so funny and my friends are loving it to!! love Nelson (because he's so posh, funny, adorable, cute and camp!!). I love Vince (because he's so bad-ass!) and I love Marion (because he's so stupid with a funny accent and also makes me LOL) xxx

    Though watching Mongrels has made me look really strange because if something reminds me of Mongrels I just burst into fits of laughter and you get weird looks from some people!! xxx. Like for example I was waiting in line in River Island and Underdog by Kasabian came on the loud speaker (this song is also in Mongrels when the animals of courage and vince swagger across the park to save Nelson, AKA an awesome scene). So while this song is playing I am peeing myself laughing and getting dodgy looks from people!.

    I would like to say
    1. Make another series because this can't be a one-off thing!
    2. If you do make another sereis and you put it on 主播大秀 1 or 主播大秀 2 please just keep Vince the way he is because if you tone him down he will not be as funny!
    3. Also please make merchandise and DVDs!! xxx

  • Comment number 62.

    "Did you just call me a C***"

    Simply the best thing on TV for a long time, those people who get offended turn over and watch songs of praise or something no-one is forcing you to watch it. Heres what I recommend

    1. Dont change it at all

    2. Make another series asap

    3. Keep having as much fun as you seem to be having making it

    4. Did I mention dont change it at all !!!!!!!

  • Comment number 63.

    Also if merchandise is being made, There's a family guy T-shirt that says "all the things I've learnt from Stewie...". So maybe then they could make a t-shirt that says "all the things I've learnt from Nelson..." that would be wicked!! xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    I`ve just gone on i-player for the lastest installment and THERE ISN`T ONE!!! I`m gutted. I think that puppetry is a fantastic medium. I remember taking my children ( 5 and 7) to Cannon Hill Park Theatre 23 years ago (oh dear was it THAT long ago!)and I was completly mesmorised by people walking around with a mask on a stick and the last scene had a witch having her head opened with a axe! ( red tissue paper) i remember it as though it was yesterday. The point being that puppets are a very powerful medium and I love Mongrels. The trouble is I don`t know anyone who has watched it ! maybe its my age bracket.
    My favorite episode was the foxcub runt one, I think, or maybe the French penpal, I don`t know they were all brilliant. The only one that made me a bit queezy was Marion and the kitten!

  • Comment number 65.

    I wholeheartedly agree with post 62, there is plenty of things on tv to find your fancy.

    This show is brilliant thank you 主播大秀! I absolutely love that this show is edgy and is getting reactions from people.

    Regards to the poster that said anyhing on 主播大秀3 is immediately 'unworthy', if there is a show that doesn't offend him and the like then sure doesn't deserve to be on 主播大秀3! :D

  • Comment number 66.

    hey everyone.......what an awesome show brillianttttttttttttttttttt.am loving it so so so so much.me and my BF watch it religiousely un fortunately its not on anymore bohoooooooo.i hope they are making more episodes please 主播大秀 3 falks do commission more episodes, living the stressfull life ,change of economy status along the politics,we need a therapy which in my case and i believe millions agree to that WE NEED OUR MONGRELS!!!!!!!!!! not PETS with all respect to its creators i didnt even smile while viewing literally all the clips and episodes the only common thing between both shows that its puppets show and there where it ended no comparison at all.so to the guy who was henting that Mongrels did borrow topics characters and puppets,am sorry you are way way detached from reality,there is no similarity unless you are attempting to get PETS abit of promotions mate!!!.
    Mongrels ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!so we need it to air again with new episodes ASAP ,and we do hope to get the first series released on DVD soon.Thanks alot.....

  • Comment number 67.

    Well done... so refreshing and tickled us... you've caught the foibles and mannerisms of both humans and animals so expertly! For some reason Vince reminds me of Bob Hoskins in the Long Good Friday! Look forward to another series?

  • Comment number 68.

    Only managed to see the last four shows of this programme it was fantastic, 主播大秀 please make another series !!

  • Comment number 69.

    I have seen most of the episodes and they are brilliant.
    topical and up to date, not afraid to cross a few boundaries ( Marlon and his Kitty Episode!)
    All I saw made me roll around in laughter, Definitely adult and another series must be made.
    It is Good and deserves to have cult status.
    Long Live Mongrels!!
    Keep up the fun guys.

  • Comment number 70.

    Hurry up with that DVD.
    I will actually buy a DVD for a change as the series was that good!!!

  • Comment number 71.

    I would like to say that I love this show. I first heard about it when i was roaming around the internet one day, and thought I'd check it out. It is very funny, and you do forget that the puppets aren't real. Once I saw it, I had to show it to my friends, and they loved it as well. We are all in the furry fandom, and we are quickly passing this show around to everyone in it. On New Year's Eve just a couple of nights ago, I brought up the show at where the party was, and played the first episode. After that, we had to see them all, and there were about 30 of us. We all can't wait for the next season to come out, and most of us are buying the DVD set of the first season. The behind the scenes episode was really neat to see, with all the preformers and puppeteers. I've been trying to find an address or something to tell the people at Mongrels directly and not have my message just in a pile of comments, but I guess this is as good as it gets. I wanted to say, as well as all the other furries who have seen this show, thank you all for making it, it is a great joy to watch it ^-^

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