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Pointless: How I became the co-host

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Richard Osman Richard Osman | 12:57 UK time, Wednesday, 6 July 2011

So Pointless started at 5.15pm on Ö÷²¥´óÐã One on Monday, launching with a week of celebrity programmes.

We've already done over 100 shows on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Two and now we're making the big leap up to Ö÷²¥´óÐã One. Very exciting.

In one swoop I will go from being "Whassisname, that bloke from that thing on Ö÷²¥´óÐã Two," to "Whassisname, that bloke from that thing on Ö÷²¥´óÐã One".

Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman on the set of Pointless

Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman

If you haven't seen it - for example, you might have a job - Pointless is a quiz show where you win by giving obscure answers to simple questions.

We also like to have some fun along the way.

The wonderful is the host and I'm his 'pointless friend', providing extra facts, trying to tell jokes, and adding to the -style sexual frisson of the show.

I had never appeared on TV before. My background is behind the camera.

First as a writer on shows like Have I Got News For You and , and then as a producer on shows as varied as , Total Wipeout and .

My new TV presenting career came as an unexpected but lovely surprise. So how did it happen?

Well, my day job now is creative director of , and part of that role is trying to sell new shows to TV channels.

The Endemol creative team had come up with the format for Pointless and we headed off to the Ö÷²¥´óÐã to do a run through of the show for the brilliant Liam Keelan and Pam Cavannagh, who run the whole of Ö÷²¥´óÐã Daytime.

In this run through, the executive producer of Pointless, , played the role of the host, and I played the role of co-host.

Liam and Pam were sufficiently impressed/hoodwinked that they bought the show. Hooray!

Barney Harwood and Helen Skelton on Pointless Celebrities

Barney Harwood and Helen Skelton on Pointless Celebrities

Alexander was the perfect choice as host - warm, witty, clever, sickeningly talented and handsome - but Liam and Pam wondered if I might like to be the co-host for real?

I pretended to consider the offer for nearly two to three seconds, but inside I couldn't have been more excited.

I love television, I love its presence in the corner of every living room in Britain, I love the sense of belonging that television uniquely can bring.

To me, actually appearing on TV - in a quiz, my favourite thing, filming at - is a dream come true.

Excuse me while I get teary-eyed for a bit. I just hope you enjoy the show as much as we enjoy making it.

So, that's the story so far. Now, though, it's the move to Ö÷²¥´óÐã One, to the slot filled so brilliantly for so long by . We're not the Weakest Link... hello.

Richard Osman is the co-host of Pointless Celebrities and Pointless.

Pointless Celebrities is a week of special episodes on Ö÷²¥´óÐã One at 5.15pm until Friday, 8 July. The regular quiz show Pointless resumes on Ö÷²¥´óÐã One at 5.15pm on Monday, 11 July.

Comments made by writers on the Ö÷²¥´óÐã TV blog are their own opinions and not necessarily those of the Ö÷²¥´óÐã.


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  • Comment number 1.

    I have just watched your Wednesday 06-JUL-11 proggramme and you had an error in one of your questions. You claimed that ZIMBABWE has only FOUR borders with other Countries. It does not. It has FIVE.
    South Africa
    Namibia (Caprivi Strip)

  • Comment number 2.

    @ Skumba - If you look closely enough at a map, then Namibia and Zimbabwe do not have a border.

    But, anyway, I have to say that I welcome the move to Ö÷²¥´óÐã One, and good luck with the remainder of the series.

  • Comment number 3.

    I'd love to see that first run-through on screen! Really pleased Pointless gets the recognition it deserves. Gives the wife and I an opportunity to be ridiculously competitive. A pointless answer each in the final round today! Keep up the good work everyone on the team

  • Comment number 4.

    I agree - no border between Namibia and Zimbabwe; you'd have to go through a tiny bit of Botswana. Zoom in far enough on this map for example: .

    Love the prog, btw

  • Comment number 5.

    The question about Tennis Grand slam winners of the Noughties was incorrect in accepting anything other than 0 (zero). The last Grand Slam winner was Rod Laver in 1969 (and 1962). All the people named on the programme had won a qualifying tournament only! The have to win all 4 tournaments in ONE YEAR to have won the Grand Slam

  • Comment number 6.

    Best quiz show on tv,liked it on at 16.30 as i leave for work at 17.15,now record it and watch a day later.
    Alexander and Richard work so well together to make a thoroughly entertaining show.

  • Comment number 7.

    Fabulous show - witty and warm Alexander Armstrong is the new Stephen Fry, and Richard ... Well, handsome, urbane, amused and amusing - an excellent Richard Curtis manque. You do often get your facts wrong, as others have said, but that adds to the fun, and to the arguments at home. The money is niggardly, though. I'm beginning to think that the Ö÷²¥´óÐã is determined not to give away any prize money if it can help it.

  • Comment number 8.

    Another programme potentially ruined by "trailing" it for a week with so called celebs.
    Its a good show with great witty hosts and doesn't need them!.
    When will the Ö÷²¥´óÐã hierarchy realise that we want to see ordinary folk competing for the prize pot not some "C-listers" trying to improve their exposure.
    And this goes for all the other "waste of space" celebrity editions of other shows......!

  • Comment number 9.

    I am hooked on Pointless Alexander Armstrong did it for me when doing the Pimms adverts and now stars in the insurance send ups with Chris Addison it really is quite straight forward. He acts the fool well but is more reserved when hosting Pointless Richard! The partnership works well it's as if the two of you have known each other for years. The show deserves a bigger audience and hopefully will get one I can see it being shown in a Mastermind slot aswell later on. Good Chemistry!

  • Comment number 10.

    I have just been watching Celebrity Pointless (Friday 8th July) and Vanessa gave the answer 'Windsor Registry Office' as the place where Prince Charles married Camilla, which was accepted. Charles married in the Guildhall, Windsor (the name posted as an answer) not in the Windsor Registry Office which is actually based in Maidenhead since it is the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. I therefore think that she should not have 'gained a light' and gone on to the final.

  • Comment number 11.

    I have just watched tonights programme on Sky+ and you have a question wrong - you incorrectly stated that All The Fun of The Fair is a musical ABOUT David Essex, it is, in fact a musical about a fairground proprietor and his family STARRING David Essex

  • Comment number 12.

    Great show.. what is great is that it works on so many levles.. with my Pa, keep picking up obscure allusions... we dont get this from Countdown or the winking Ms Robertson.

    but to Skumba, Caprivi strip just misses Zimabawe...


    Keep up the good work

    p.s. who the **** were some of those celebrities?

  • Comment number 13.

    I was watching the show this week when the question about Magic Roundabout characters came up.I got them all even two that were missed out these were Paul and Rosalind.do i win a prize? Keep up the good work.

    yours sincerly


  • Comment number 14.

    Good show. Utterly and totally ... erm ... Pointless!
    Love it! :-)

  • Comment number 15.

    Love the show. We retired folk (especially females) hack our way back from engagements such as the University of the Third Age meetings, canasta afternoons, and Horticultural Society lectures to get back to see 'the boys'.

    I've even heard 'I didn't think you'd want to come out for a drink until after 6.00 because 'the boys' are on'.

    We don't care if some of the facts are wrong. We just love the banter - the more wicked the better - between Richard and Alexander.

    Love it!

  • Comment number 16.

    I am a great fan of you and the show, you and alexanders chemistry is just brilliant and one of many factors that makes this show a step above most others, and I'm just waiting for it to be put on prime time like I feel it deserves.
    And whilst I don't think this blog's comments should be a place to start picking holes in the show I feel I must say that you have to pull alexander on the fact that he keeps calling loosing contestants "fantastic conestants", which they clearly are not,

  • Comment number 17.

    Love the programme and the interaction between Richard and Alexander. It's obvious (to me) that they bounce off each other so well and are really good friends...if not, give those two an Oscar!
    Being totally honest I fancy the pants off Richard...such a cheeky grin :-)

  • Comment number 18.

    I watched the show today...and enjoyed it. Some of the people complaining about questions should get a life!

  • Comment number 19.

    Don't just say this is for people who don't have a job. I work part time and have kids so I'm around for this show.

    Can't believe today 2 men couldn't come up with more than 1 Kevin Spacey film. They confused him with Kevin Costner - don't know whether Mr Spacey should be flattered or insulted by that!!!!

  • Comment number 20.

    Love the chemistry between Alexander and Richard. They both are excellent in their roles. The show needs to be on a bit later in the day though to get an even larger audience.

  • Comment number 21.

    Jayfell. The four biggest tennis tournaments are each known as a grand slam, as opposed to THE Grand Slam, which Rod Laver did in 1969.

    In golf they use the term majors, but in tennis they're SLAMS.

  • Comment number 22.

    Trudyb. The round was about Juke Box Musicals, and contestants had to say which act's back catalogue was used for them. The fact that someone have have said All The Fun Of The Fair was about David Essex doesn't change that.

  • Comment number 23.

    11/7 show Erskine Childers was listed as Irish leader post 1937 he was executed in 1922!

  • Comment number 24.

    Why won't you show the actual size of the " Pointless " trophy? From the picture you give us on the sceen it is impossible to tell whether it is as big as Nelsons column or as small as a thimble. And why don't you present it to the winners ? By the way it's the best show on TV. Jim

  • Comment number 25.

    Love the show. It's one of the rare ones that both myself and my wife can sit and enjoy together. I did notice today that the brief shot between the head to head and the final was not of today's contestants but of four other people from another show.

  • Comment number 26.

    Hello yes it's me again I have a feeling that the Pointless Trophy will become as hugely popular as the Blankety Blank Cheque Book and Pen.Richard will become a specs egghead well respected for his encyclopedia knowledge and Alexander Armstrong will be trying to keep a straight face when confronted with silly answers and even sillier contestants!

  • Comment number 27.

    I loved Pointless on bbc2, as a night worker I would even get up early to see it....sad! Its a quiz show that you can actually take part in yourself, otherwise we are just watching other people do inane "stuff". I missed the 'celebrity' week last week due to being on hols, but am now back and will not miss an episode. I love Richards dry sarcasm, he does make me chuckle, the interaction between him and Alexander is fab, keep up the good work lads, the show is GREAT!

  • Comment number 28.

    why is it taking nearly an hour for moderation

  • Comment number 29.

    Richard. My one gripe with Pointless is that not every pointless answer is made known. When there are multiple answers, in the show you are limited to nine. I understand that, but a key element of any TV quiz show is that the viewer knows if they've answered a question correctly, so why not make all the answers available on line after broadcast?

  • Comment number 30.

    Great show, especially if you keep hirsute motorcyclists off the screen. But why the inconsistency with series episodes? Hopefully now you're on Ö÷²¥´óÐã1, you won't keep getting shoved off to make way for snooker or tennis, but as with this week, we seem to have come into the programme mid-series, with already a jackpot of £4000 on Monday, following the "celebrity" shows last week. BTW Jayfells's comment about Tennis Grand Slams is explained by all sports media referring to an individual tournament such as Wimbledon as a "Grand Slam"....

  • Comment number 31.

    Love the new time for Pointless. Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman make the show what it is - Terrific

  • Comment number 32.

    Hi, Great show, I live in france, my wife and I enjoy the show.La Manche as far as i knew was a sleeve, like on a jacket or any covering of the arm (bras), more sort of slang for the english channel me thinks.
    Anyway, what I really believe would improve the clarity of the show would be images/photos to explain certain answers that are not very clear. Although Richard does attempt to enlighten us with a verbal description, a picture would paint a thousand words. only one other gripe, the continuity of shows, not sequencial, especially after the celeb week. can't quite see how the sequence is lost. wow how did the pot change from 2500 then next day become like 7500, someone in editing had a few too many the night before splicing, lol, they dont splice anymore do they.
    keep up the good work Alexander and Richard.

  • Comment number 33.

    Love the show. What would enhance it was if scores for all correct answers could be posted on the web site so that you could see how well your own answers score.

  • Comment number 34.

    peter - i think what happened there was that we had the first half of series 4 earlier in the year, up to episode 25. it then went of air for a couple of months, before coming back with the celebrity specials (which don't have a rolling jackpot), and then the following week series 4 resumed with episode 26, picking up where we left off a few months ago. i think.

    love the show by the way :) was in the audience for episodes 9, 10 and 11 of series 5 (yet to be aired). awesome times.

  • Comment number 35.

    GB - Robert Erskine Childers was executed in 1922, but his son Erskine Hamilton Chambers was President of Ireland in the '70s.

    Great show, glad its on later now, may it long continue

  • Comment number 36.

    correct typo on my previous post, for Chambers read Childers!

  • Comment number 37.

    Sorry Richard, you were wrong about Larry Mize in the last pointless round of today's program, it was Greg Norman, not Seve Ballesteros, that Larry beat with that last chip...

  • Comment number 38.

    Re tonight's programme, 28th July, Oban has a campus of the University of the Highlands and Islands called Argyll College UHI Oban.

  • Comment number 39.

    The question this week on Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" was brilliant and the way Richard gave the answer was comedy genius!!

  • Comment number 40.

    How big is the pointless trophy? My daughter is aure it has a keyring attached to it!

  • Comment number 41.

    re: muscles on todays show, 'vasta' stated as a wrong answer, vastus medialis and lateralis are part of the quadriceps group of muscles in the anterior thigh, I think vasta is probably an acceptable declension of vastus, in comparison you accepted pectorals for pectoralis major and minor, what do you think?

  • Comment number 42.

    I agree with the majority of posts on here about this show. Warm, witty and original.
    I can't remember the last programme I thought that about.

  • Comment number 43.

    Have just watched todays Pointless (2nd August) and one of the questions was about Oscar winners and their films. The board said that Alec Guiness and the film Bridge on the River Kwai won Oscars in 1958 - that is incorrect, it was 1957.

  • Comment number 44.

    Think the Speilburg question was wrong today. Close Encounters came out in 1977 but a reworking Close Encounters the special edition came out at the cinema in 1980. Think it had an extra half hour or so. Pedantic I know but hey ho ! Loving the show though.

  • Comment number 45.

    It would be great if people who think they know what they're talking about but don't would stop posting incorrect "corrections" to information given out on the show. Example: 'Bellemmy' wrote:

    "The board said that Alec Guiness and the film Bridge on the River Kwai won Oscars in 1958 - that is incorrect, it was 1957."

    No. The FILM came out in 1957; it won the Oscar in 1958. Facts like these are easy enough to check online before you post a comment and make a fool of yourself!

  • Comment number 46.

    Will someone please explain to "The Brain" that ay is the name of the first letter of the alphabet, it is pronounced "a" not "ay"

  • Comment number 47.

    I may have missed it, but did you miss Marlon Brando's "One-eyed Jacks" this evening?
    Best wishes, plwat

  • Comment number 48.

    Welcome to Pointless.We asked 100 people in a 100 seconds who you think Richard Osman looks like.The people are.............I can tell you that their is one pointless answer if you give an incorrect answer you will score 100 points. I am afraid you didn't find that important pointless answer so you didn't win the £7500 jackpot.Richard.yes bad luck if you had said that bloke from Bronski Beat or the Communards who played the synthesiser and organ you would be £7500 better off.
    So it's Goodbye from Richard Goodbye and Goodbye from me Goodbye!

  • Comment number 49.

    Today,050811, the word shoelace was deemed to be wrong as in the ODE it was hyphenated.Well not in my copy!Wrong again Richard.

  • Comment number 50.

    RON- that's Richard Coles I believe, and I can see it. This may not be a pointless fact, but according to IMDB Richard Osman is the younger brother of bassist Mat Osman from Suede.

    Great show. The funniest exchanges I've seen were in a celebrity episode, between Richard and Stuart Baggs ("The Brand") from The Apprentice. If you've not seen it, and you're a fan of this show's humour, it's worth looking up the clips.

  • Comment number 51.

    Pointles is such a brilliant programme firstly Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman have great chemistry you could absolutely believe that they were childhood friends they work so well together. They are both brilliant with the contestants and this is such a large part of the show. It's an inspired decision to give all the contestents two chances at taking part in programme as it gives us the viewer and Richard and Alexander a chance to get to know them. Pointless works on so many levels and deserved to be switched to Ö÷²¥´óÐã1 where I'm sure it will carry on for many years to come.

  • Comment number 52.

    Just watched the prog today - Aug 8th. - Enjoyed it as usual.

    Wondered why Kate Bush's No. 20 hit "Cloudbustin'" wasn't in the list of pointless answers?

  • Comment number 53.

    I just want to say that I love this show! I am almost addicted but not quite. And Armstrong and Osman are the perfect duo. Jolly good idea I'd say!

  • Comment number 54.

    andyg - I also thought of Cloudbusting for one of my three, but I guess there was someone like us on the panel! It had a memorable video with Donald Sutherland which may have helped it. Anyway, it was a rare win for me, as one of my guesses was December Will Be Magic Again. Where's my £2500?!

  • Comment number 55.

    Another sport question today that had an English bias, 10/08/2011. Why does a British show on the British Broadcasting Corporation and broadcast to a British audience and has participating non English players. I have complained twice before about the English bias in the questions but they have fallen on deaf ears. I would dearly love to know why the question today on football teams ending in town or city could not include all British teams rather than just English teams.

  • Comment number 56.

    On the show yesterday, 10th August there was an incorrect answer given on the question of football clubs that are in the football league and whose name included either City or Town. One of the contestants gave Lincoln City as an answer which was accepted as correct, this club were relegated out of the league at the end of last season, did this affect the outcome of that round?

  • Comment number 57.

    Richard You are usually the fount of knowledge but today you goofed or your researchers did
    Sorry but you made a mistake on today's show. The country of Surinam does not have an e at the end of it. The couple knocked out in the head to head should not have been. I have checked my facts with the Phillips world atlas and Hutchinson encyclopedia. You should give them anoher opportunity

  • Comment number 58.

    Just watched tonight's show (thursday 11th August). Love the show, but having serious doubts about watching it now. VERY frustrated with the question on UK Sunday Newspapers. Scotland on sunday is wrong? Ok, it's not in high enough circulation? Maybe, but how are we supposed to know how many papers are sold. It's on every shelf in scottish newsagents and supermarkets every sunday. The question should've been for English-only newspapers. Frustrating question because it gives scottish people a distinct disadvantage I'd say. Not too dissimilaar to a lot of 'british' broadcasts, the question seemed to show less thought for those north of the border than it does south.

    I say scottish residents should pay less for their TV license, as it seems less is being spent to reflect our interests!

  • Comment number 59.

    Acording to the scotsmans website (Last sundays edition is on there)they still publish scotland on sunday which was ruled incorrect on thursday, plus is the Sunday Herald not also correct since it was'nt mentioned as a correct reply

  • Comment number 60.

    @Harnser - I thought when the couple said Surinam(e), I'm sure that doesn't have an 'e' at the end, but when it showed it was correct, I then thought I must've been wrong.. it appears not! :-)...

    @Johanna39, snap! ;-)... Is he really 6'11" !? Wonder if he's single??..... lol

    Despite the odd mistake, I love the format of the show.. Not been watching for long, but it seems to work really well.. Think they might need help with the research though.. I'll do it! :-)

  • Comment number 61.

    @Harnser:- Oh! yes it does. Google it! Your references are obviously out of date. Surinam is an old spelling.

  • Comment number 62.

    Pay attention at the back there....it was clearly stated that the spelling of the country was to be as per the United Nations website, where it's spelled Suriname

  • Comment number 63.

    @Sc00by22, the Scottish paper wasn't ruled out because it doesn't exist, but because it doesn't have the required minimum circulation that the question clearly stipulated

  • Comment number 64.

    Bit of a giveaway that asking what they would spend the money on is always asked at the second answer unless the first one wins. :) (Monday)

  • Comment number 65.

    A lot of people on here are making comments about mistakes, I'm not saying there all wrong but some are missing the point of how the question is worded, as e4xlns has already stated on the Suriname question they clearly stated as per 'United Nations website', other's may call it without the 'e' but on here they don't, same applies to the tennis Grand Slam question, as also pointed out by a few others, it's all about how the question is presented that you have too pay attention to, hence why you very often see people mess up on the show.

    Fantastic show, great host, long may it rein!!

  • Comment number 66.

    Refering to the Tom Cruise films of the 90's question. Born on the 4th of July would have got you 0 points because it was released in 1989. Need to check your facts.

  • Comment number 67.

    Love this show. Richard is cool.

    The one thing I find incredibly frustrating though, is not always knowing whether my answer was pointless.

    Wouldn't it be possible to publish the results on the website?

  • Comment number 68.

    Hi Richard.
    First and foremost I would like to say that this has to be one of the best general Knowledge shows on the box at the moment.
    I would however like to correct you on one of the answers you gave on Thursday 18th August show.
    The emblem on the flag of Malta is the "George Cross" and not the "Maltese Cross" as stated by you.
    Otherwise the program is informative and very entertaining. keep up the good work and long may you both enjoy entertaing the sensible ones like Me.

  • Comment number 69.

    I enjoy Pointless quite a bit, and must say you could be come quite an icon for trivia geeks everywhere.

  • Comment number 70.

    I have been asked - who are the 100 people who are asked before each Pointless programme - are they from the studio audience, a special panel, or what. This isn't an entirely Pointless request?


  • Comment number 71.

    At 08:39 18th Aug 2011, dphc wrote:

    Refering to the Tom Cruise films of the 90's question. Born on the 4th of July would have got you 0 points because it was released in 1989. Need to check your facts."

    You need to check yours. The question stated "UK release"; it was released in the UK in March 1990.

    I wish people would just do a little basic research before making a fool of themselves.

  • Comment number 72.

    @Skumba - Agree with El_Duckman and pilot, there is not border shared between Namibia and Zimbabwe. About.com lists the following countries: Botswana 813 km, Mozambique 1,231 km, South Africa 225 km and Zambia 797 km.

  • Comment number 73.

    Pointless is brilliant! My daughter is at Uni 140 miles away from home and we text each other during the show with our answers!!

  • Comment number 74.

    just wanted to point out your question today about a sci-fi series starring Scott Bakula actually had another possible answer which was Star Trek Enterprise in which he starred as captain johnathan archer for all four seasons

  • Comment number 75.

    In my opinion Films, Sport popular music all crop up too many times and British Drama the theatre is a far more interesting topic to indulge. You could search for varies plays namely J B Priestley he has well knows ones and not so well know ones. He is just one suggestion John Steinbeck, Noel Coward, John Osborne, Tennessee Williams, Oscar Wilde, Terence Rattigan and numerous current ones. Look each one up I'm sure you'll find enough of each for the game of Pointless.
    Miss Ann M James

  • Comment number 76.

    Fantastic program......love Alexander and Richard! Even my Dutch husband, who loaths most British T.V., thinks the show is brilliant. I come from Canada and was a little blown away by the recent spelling error in an answer regarding the provinces and territories of Canada. It's British COLUMBIA.....not British COLOMBIA!

  • Comment number 77.

    Sean Connery films? When I was little I was taken to see 'Darby O'Gill and the Little People'. What no mention? or had others remembered it? ;-)

  • Comment number 78.

    Great Show, was going to ask about Martinique in the Caribbean sea question but then remembered its not an independent country.
    Also Sean Connery films? "The Hill". What no mention? or had others remembered it?

  • Comment number 79.

    Thurs 01 Sep 2011
    Watched today's programme just - 1 thing relating to eponymous titles relating to the books of Charles Dickens - what happened to 'A Christmas Carol' please?

  • Comment number 80.

    Richard Richard Richard, get wood on your 5th anniversary, genius :-)

  • Comment number 81.

    Good afternoon.
    Todays programme stated that the answers about wedding anniversaries were taken from Brewsters Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.
    My Copy states that the second wedding is "Paper"; The first is "Cotton".
    Please get your research team together as they are not totally with it at times.
    Should you have any vacancies this job (research) would be just up my street.
    It would be nice if someone would occassionally acknowledge these points as well.
    The program is still tops, just get the answers right please.

  • Comment number 82.

    Today's programme Tuesday September 6th spelled Philadelphia wrongly. Check it out.

  • Comment number 83.

    How do you get to be one of the 100 people given 100 seconds........?

  • Comment number 84.

    Not that it mattered as no one gave him as an Answer but you did not list Tim Dunigan as pointless answer to your A-Team actor question. He appeared as Templeton Peck (Faceman) in the very first episode, was subsequently replaced by Dirk Benedict.

  • Comment number 85.

    With reference to show of 8/9: there is a very strong case to include France amongst Brazil's border. French Guiana is an overseas department rather than a territory; it uses the Euro, is part of the European Union and sends politicians to the French Assembly.
    With reference to show of 9/9: Real Sociedad don't come from the fictional city of Sociedad in Spain but instead from San Sebastian.

  • Comment number 86.

    As a French fan of the show, I can only agree with schmollie (85). I thought I had a pointless with France having a border with Brazil ... but it wasn't an answer. For once I could answer instead of very obscure questions (for me) about Monopoly streets, Soap characters or Maggie Smith features. Very disappointing !

  • Comment number 87.

    I’ve only recently started watching Pointless - what have I been missing? I love it and am totally addicted, rushing home from work to watch it. How refreshing to see a game show with no ‘egos’, no ‘wannabes’, just people who want to have a bit of a laugh. The banter between Alexander and Richard is hysterical - this twosome are a real antidote to life! - and the contestants really look as if they’ve had great fun before and during the shows. It would be brilliant if it moved to a primetime slot instead of some of the programmes we have to put up with, but then the format might change and that is the one thing that mustn’t happen. If it’s not broke…

  • Comment number 88.

    Really love the programme and always try to take a tea break at 5.15 to watch it.
    Would it be possible to "reward" players who get a pointless answer? Could be a simple cash prize of, say, £50 or, even better, a miniature version of the main trophy? What do you think?

  • Comment number 89.

    In pop obscurity, he's the bubbles which rise to the top...

    Another great bit of comedy genius again today, you've been Krypton :-)

  • Comment number 90.

    Great show!! The whole family loves it as we watch it while we sit and eat our tea together and frequently compete shouting out answers. Keep it going please Ö÷²¥´óÐã!! ps...Alexander and Richard's banter is Comedy gold ;o) fab duo.

  • Comment number 91.

    #57, oh yes it does.

    Great show, keep up the good work.

  • Comment number 92.

    Thursday's Pointless said Summer Isle not an island. It is off Ullapool on the route the ferry takes to Stornoway

  • Comment number 93.

    Just realised that older Pointless programmes are being shown on the Challenge channel and saw two men, can't remember their names, but saw them on the latest series too. They were two young men who'd known each other since primary school, one tall and one much smaller. Why have they been allowed to have another go?

  • Comment number 94.

    I'm sorry, but I find the whole programme pointless and not worth watching.

  • Comment number 95.

    I am obviously missing the um "point" - but, if one hundred people are asked to supply their answer to a given question, how come the total number of given answers is much greater than 100? The fact that I am the only person who seems to find this strange is beginning to worry me ... Not enough to spoil the programme though, the dog and I will be settled on the sofa at 5.15 this afternoon. Keep it up.

  • Comment number 96.

    I think when any of the contestants get a pointless answer, they should get the £250. instead of it being added to the total.


  • Comment number 97.

    I'm a science teacher. Just watched the 'Science' round on today's show, where contestants had to pick pointless acids. The pointless answer on one round was 'LYSURGIC' acid. If I had been on the show I would have ruled this out as a wrong answer as it was spelt wrong - the correct answer is LYSERGIC. Not that anyone would have noticed or even cared - science rounds always seem to involve contestants guessing wildly at correct answers.

  • Comment number 98.

    in todays show, you said catherine of aragon outlived henry viii. this was not the case. It was catherine parr who outlived him, along with Anne of cleves.

  • Comment number 99.

    I have already been a contestant on Pointless but "my" shows have not yet been broadcast.....November I think!
    Both Alexander and Richard are the nicest guys you would wish to meet and put you completely at ease in the studio situation.
    They just feed off each other to make the show more and more enjoyable.

  • Comment number 100.

    on you show (which i really enjoy) Richard mentioned that no one had recorded a song called OLD TOWN (category was about Rod Stewart songs)
    Philip Lynott of Thin Lizzy fame wrote and recorded a song with that title on his second solo album :)


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