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Frozen Planet: Filming in the polar wilderness

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Elizabeth White Elizabeth White | 12:17 UK time, Tuesday, 25 October 2011

The polar regions are truly other-worldly places - aside from their alien beauty, they are extreme and unforgiving, and some of the most challenging places on earth for a film crew to operate.

Female polar bear and two cubs walking across the ice

A female polar bear leads her two cubs across the sea ice.

If anyone ever asks what the key skill was for working on Frozen Planet, my answer is always the ability to work as a team.

Braving the elements, living on top of each other in out-of-the-way places, the most important skill is to be able to get on with those around you. Nobody can afford to be precious... or a princess.

Being a female director working in remote places can certainly pose challenges.

People often ask: what's it like not being able to shower for days, or what happens if you need to pee when you're out on the flat sea ice?

But really these are things you quickly get over (just ask the men to look the other way!).

The important thing is getting the shots you need, looking after the safety of your crew, and making sure everyone is happy.

I spent four years as part of the team for Frozen Planet, assistant-producing the episodes about people (The Last Frontier) and the environment (On Thin Ice), and for the bulk of the time, working as a field director on six of the seven episodes.

The role of an assistant producer is to take on specific sequences in the programme and look after the budget and logistics through to the edit.

In the 主播大秀 Natural History Unit, many producers are directors too which allows you to get out there and really take a hand in shaping the images as they are captured.

I did a total of 37 weeks directing in the field - two to six-week trips to the during the UK summer (it feels odd packing polar gear while the sun's shining and you're wearing flip-flops!), and then heading to the for 'summer' down there, in January and February.

A camera operator diving under the ice

A Frozen Planet camera operator dives under the ice to get the shot.

With a background in underwater filmmaking, many of the marine shoots came my way.

This meant getting to know large portions of the Arctic - home of bowhead whales, beluga, narwhal - and the many indigenous communities which were our access to the wildlife that lives there.

Some of the shoots involved diving under the sea ice - a chilly, and chilling, experience indeed when the water is almost -2C and you have little warmth above the ice ceiling to come back to.

In the Arctic, much of our accommodation was tent-based.

Camping under 24 hour daylight is hard to adjust to (I quickly found a sleep mask was an essential piece of polar equipment!) and there is always the risk of bears.

We were trained to use rifles and bear defences before going into the field - the reality of working in wild places where people are not in control.

But my favourite place, by far, was the Antarctic Peninsula. This is a place that is truly wild.

We worked from a yacht - the small but nimble Golden Fleece.

Waking up to extraordinary mountain ranges draped in ice, penguins and whales, icebergs and glaciers is like waking to a dream.

The air is different: cold and exquisitely clear, and there really is no other human for miles.

Here, one of the key characters we wanted to film were killer whales - the most awe-inspiring animals from the whole of Frozen Planet.

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A minke whale is hunted by a team of killer whales.

For the summer episode, our mission was to capture a hunt on camera, when pods working as teams chase down much larger whales such as minkes.

This meant staying just close enough to the pod to follow it, but not so close to spook them.

On Valentine's Day we found the perfect pod: 30 massive killer whales who were comfortable around us, and almost on cue, began to hunt.

Watching nature in the raw is not always easy, and as we followed the chase - for two and a half hours over 45 nautical miles of water - my emotions were mixed.

Yet the knowledge of seeing wild animal behaviour unfolding before your eyes snaps you back to reality - you are there to film and witness a moment that few humans would ordinarily get to see and you have to capture everything you can.

Seeing something so dramatic unfold, in a place that feels wild, remote, untouched, so far from civilisation, is a humbling experience.

It reminds you that we are just one species on this planet.

Every day, in remote corners of the globe, these animals live their lives - dramatic struggles for survival.

It's something I try and remember when I get home from the field, and wander the supermarket, pondering what to have for dinner.

Elizabeth White is one of the directors of Frozen Planet.

Frozen Planet starts on 主播大秀 One on Wednesday, 26 October at 9pm.

For further programme times, please visit the upcoming episodes page.


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  • Comment number 1.


    Glorious, beautiful.....no words can express such great work by all concerned. I shed tears to watch the beauty of our planet. I really liked the part showing the filming processess too. Very interesting indeed. Great work all! Can't wait for next week.

  • Comment number 2.

    I've just watched the first episode of 'Frozen Planet', what truly amazing images! Fantastic photography, I'm hooked already! A big thank you to all your team for producing such a fine programme.

    Len Vasiljevs

  • Comment number 3.

    Watched the first of the series and yet again marvel at the pictures you bring to our living rooms. I have the privilege of working on a project that will take samples of water from Lake Ellsworth in Antarctica, but not get there. We are making the titanium water sampler bottles at the National Oceanology Centre in Liverpool UK. Looking forward to the rest of this wonderful series.

  • Comment number 4.

    The programme was amazing, can't wait for the next one thats what i call value for my TV licence well done!

  • Comment number 5.

    What a great program. One of the best I have ever seen, congratulations. How does Sir David cope with such hardships at his age?

  • Comment number 6.

    That was the most amazing programme I have ever watched. The filming was spectacular. The snowflakes and crystals breathtaking. Well done 主播大秀

  • Comment number 7.

    Pretty stunning.
    Did I see a Dr-100 field recorder at the end when the guys were recording the killer whales?

  • Comment number 8.

    Enjoyed the program and put it on series record! Would love to do something like this and have the experiences they had!

  • Comment number 9.

    ABSOLUTELY AMAZING congratulations

  • Comment number 10.

    Wow,wow,wow.....I've never seen such a beautifully filmed documentary. Such incredible photography. The 主播大秀 have done it again, and I can't wait to see the next episode

  • Comment number 11.

    Thank you so much for the incredible and beautiful footage! (主播大秀, you did it again)
    I trust it helps to increase awareness so people will not support any oil or other drilling in these amazing areas.
    With Universal love, Zamira Endt, The Netherlands

  • Comment number 12.

    Just watched the first episode and thought it was amazing. Thank you so much and well done for a fantastic job.

  • Comment number 13.

    WOW, this could only be produced by the 主播大秀 - it was first-class, stunning, with so many beautiful unbelievable images! Many congratulations to the director, Elizabeth White & the fabulous film crew (who were quite cute!!). It just confirms that life & our planet is so very precious!!

  • Comment number 14.

    A-maz-ing! Every member of each of the teams deserves an award for not just their wonderful skills but for their courage in getting the footage, in the ice caves, in the water under the ice etc. These folks are really making our incredible planet accessible to all of us. Thank you. Compulsive viewing.

  • Comment number 15.

    how many times can one say WOW and sit in awe at a tv programme. it was truely a work of art and dedication. such a big thank you for bringing this to my life.

  • Comment number 16.

    Absolutely stunning. My 10 year old son and I loved it and are looking forward to next weeks programme.

  • Comment number 17.

    Congratulations on what looks like it'll be another superb series from the Natural History team. Stunning photography throughout, and an incredible view into the filming process - what an experience getting so close to those whales must have been.

  • Comment number 18.

    The first episode was unbelievably brilliant - especially the orcas hunting - how can anyne think of killing such wonderful creatures? Many thanks and congratulations to all concerned for such a triumph of televisual art.

  • Comment number 19.

    What an absolutely brilliant programme The photography was truly outstanding. Those camera crews deserve a medal for what they put themselves through. Words alone cannot express how I feel about this programme. It is truly outstanding and deserves all the praise it can get. A winner!!

  • Comment number 20.

    Truely breathtaking! Know that every second put into filming of this, all the hardships are indescribably appreciated, showing the world the wonders that most are unlikely to even glimpse.

    Thank you so much.

  • Comment number 21.

    Fantastic program , thank you ! Nature at it's best . If ever you need a volunteer sea kayaker to get to some nooks & grannies the answer is Yes. Enjoyed every second of it

  • Comment number 22.

    That's what public service broadcasting is all about. Surely award-winning.
    So brave, so beautiful, so deadly. That was the BOOM.

  • Comment number 23.

    What a fabulous opportunity to have been part of this. The photography is stunning.

  • Comment number 24.

    WOW ! Thank you so much for an amazing program, I am honoured to be able to see your magnificent work. If the rest of this series is any way near the quality we are in for the greatest treat on British Television. To all the crews who took part thank you is all I can say, you are to be commended. Get ready for the awards you will deserve them.

  • Comment number 25.

    What a brilliant and innotive piece of televisual documentry. My congratulations to everyone of the 主播大秀 team for bringing us this wonderous programme. Every year I complain about the costs involving licence fees, however having the opportunity to watch breathtaking visuals such as this programm in HD makes it now seem good value for money. Stunning entertainment, Thankyou.

  • Comment number 26.

    What an amazing start to this latest 主播大秀 natural history programme - such incredible scenery with stunning photography and David Attenborough at his best. It's hard to believe his age! The guile of the pod of orca whales in tracking and tricking their prey was astonishing. Well done though to the penquin that got away from the sea lion! Not sure I'd want to film underwater. How did the cameramen know which way the hole in the ice was for their exit? Congratulations to the 主播大秀 in producing such a great programme and procuring the finances to produce such amazing programmes. Well worth the licence fee paid!

  • Comment number 27.

    Unbelievable, a great start can't imagine how cold it was! Loved the 'freeze frame'insight into the making of the episode not sure i could have been so close to the killer whales with only a rod as protection. Keep it up!

  • Comment number 28.

    Elizabeth White,
    I have just had the VERY BEST visual experience of my life, One whole hour of absolute EXCELLLENCE.
    Thank You very much for this wonderful experience, I am totally hooked to say the very least. My immediate reaction within the first few minutes of this WONDERFUL VISUAL GIFT was one of total WOW!

    I literally look forward with genuine excitement to next week; you have indeed a great talent. AGAIN Thank You.


  • Comment number 29.

    what an amazing absolutely beautiful, all the team who worked on the programme should get the highest award from the bbc, cant wait for the next programme.

  • Comment number 30.

    This was a fabulous programme - quite, quite stunning! The orca hunt was truly incredible viewing. This is the kind of programme which wholly justifies the licence fee - I can never understand why people complain when this is stunning quality we get. Congratulations to all involved...you have my complete admiration!

  • Comment number 31.

    It was just out of this world. Facinating program. Makes a change to see such wonderful things happening on our planet and brilliantly filmed.

  • Comment number 32.

    Absolutely amazing! We don't realize the complexity of our planet until such brilliant filming, producing and commentating we witnessed this evening. Totally spellbinding and can't wait for next weeks episode. Congratulations to the film crews and everyone involved in the making of this film and of course the 主播大秀!

  • Comment number 33.

    possibly the best hour of television I have ever watched....... I forgot to breathe for the length of the programme! congratulations

  • Comment number 34.

    what a privelege to view this new series. i almost cried at the beauty contained therein. we are so lucky in this country to have the very best in david attenborough and the team who are so brave in exploring dangerous places to bring amazing footage to our living rooms. well done to everyone involved, and the bbc!

  • Comment number 35.

    Oh my goodness, as usual only the best from the most amazing team ever. The whole hour flew by and I can't wait for the next one.
    I can only say it was a privilage as usual to sit in awe of the best reality tv show on the planet.
    ITV watch and learn you have a long way to go

  • Comment number 36.

    ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!! Thank you so much for this programme. I am so looking forward to the rest of the series.

  • Comment number 37.

    What a truly stunning program, the world is a truly spectacular and dynamic place and programs like this show us the wonders that exist beyond our wildest imagination. To be in your shoes must be such a privilege, well done for a job very well done.

  • Comment number 38.

    There were so many unique visual spectacles to marvel at - that I am puzzled by why so much time was spent filming predators hunting prey, the staple drama of every wildlife programme, with appropriate music to make us feel really terrible about the penguin/ sealion/ baby bison we are about to see being killed. I wanted to see things I'd never seen before - giant ice crystals, the formation of each unique snowflake - given such a short amount of airtime compared to the imminent death of creatures being hunted. Is that because the programme makers think we will be bored unless there's the drama of a kill to watch, even though we're forced to watch so many? And so rarely get to see a glacier move, or a cave of crystals? I do not get it.

  • Comment number 39.

    Wow what a spectacular programme - I sat there with a dropped jaw at the amazing scenary, filming and photography - keep up the good work - absolutely fanastic show and what a privilege to work on something as good as this.

  • Comment number 40.

    Hey Liz, loved the show thanks, from the mesmerising snowflakes to the chilling moment that poor seal was seemingly resigned to it's fate and was dragged below the surface - I particularly loved seeing the legendary (Sir) Attenborough standing at the South Pole - a true pioneer himself - and a moment I'm sure he relished too!

  • Comment number 41.

    Thank you for a truly beautiful programme. The film work was stunning, brilliant - words cannot describe how it made me feel to watch this. I also appreciated seeing how the camera teams worked too because I wondered how you achieved such amazing shots. Enthralling and moving. The 主播大秀 ought to be very proud of this!

  • Comment number 42.

    Loved every minute, as always! Always wishing it would last longer. Cannot wait for the DVD set. Congratulations and a million thanks to all the brave people who made this series. I wish I could sit for a while in the presence of Sir David and the others and just listen to their stories. God has made it all wondrous and awesome!

  • Comment number 43.

    No adequate superlative can describe the joy of watching this programme, I couldn't sit down, I was rooted to the spot for the entire hour. Spectacular !! one got the feel of what it must be like to actually be there on location. If this should be David Attenborough's final documentary - what a one to go out on!! As good as the 主播大秀 gets - wonderful stuff - congratulations to all. Took my mind off the 'euro' crisis that's for sure.
    Thank you.

  • Comment number 44.

    Breathtaking, stunning film making, what a beautiful world we live in. The best hour of the year so far, and my two cats were entranced. Thank you again, 主播大秀, absolute masters of documentary.

  • Comment number 45.

    thank you all for your hard work and skill in making a wonderful documentary! can not wait for next wed night? THANK YOU THANK YOU

  • Comment number 46.

    I watched the programme with my children - thanks so much for an enlightening and stunning piece of television - it was simply breathtaking.

  • Comment number 47.

    I have to say how awe-inspiring Frozen Planet is! Dear Elizabeth, amazing documentary that allows us a glimpse of the truly phenomenal natural world we live in, and all too often forget in our daily isolated lives, thanks for connecting us with nature! You have said some truly inspirational things in your blog! Sir Attenborough is truly sensational! And Frozen Earth truly is "a world beyond imagination"! Thanks bbc for a magical insight!

  • Comment number 48.

    Another stunning series from the incredible Sir David and his superb production team. Fascinating revelations and beautiful footage: thank you for revealing more of this incredible planet to us.

    How wonderful to see Sir David at the South Pole: a unique and special person at a unique and special location ... very fitting! Thank you so much, Sir David, for sharing once more your love of this world and passion for all its wonders in your inimitable way. You are an inspiration!

  • Comment number 49.

    Breathtakingly beautiful. I was mesmerised from start to finish. The only thing that spoiled it was the credits that were shrunk down to make way for a "what's coming next trailer". To do this is a complete insult to all those dedicated people who helped make this series happen. 主播大秀 take note.

  • Comment number 50.

    Brilliant; the best natural history by a country mile. Well done to all those involved in this series, I was mesmerised.

  • Comment number 51.

    I have just watched it. Crystal underneath the volcanoes and Wave tactics to kill that poor creature (Well, I forgot already its name.), the shape of every snowflakes, draw my mind into that frozen world, it seems to be so far from us, but it is in the bottom of our plant, a sea apart. It is absolutely amazing.

  • Comment number 52.

    Once again the bbc has excelled. What a fantastic Program. Frozen Planet showed more content than i have seen before. I cant wait for next weeks program. Makes paying for a TV licence well worth it. Well done!!!

  • Comment number 53.

    I know I'm repeating what everybody else has said, but like no doubt millions of people around the country, despite my tea addiction I couldn't leave for even a few seconds to use the kettle. I left something else early so I could be home in time for this and now I can barely wait for all the other episodes. The licence fee would be worth it for even this one episode.

  • Comment number 54.

    Just amazing filming, spectacular shots and so interesting, I am hooked, didn't want it to end, can wait for next week! Great work, well done. David Att is amazing.

  • Comment number 55.

    It rooted me into my chair for an hour. I found that I have just travelled to another side on the planet.

  • Comment number 56.

    I have been spelbound by probably the best documentory I have ever seen.
    Congratulations to all those involved, to say I'm looking forward to the next instalment is an understatement, Frozen Planet---yes please

  • Comment number 57.

    Just one word. STUNNING.

  • Comment number 58.

    Superb. Kids sat transfixed. Thank you everyone, worth every penny.

  • Comment number 59.

    What a wonderfull journey to take us through .Some of the most beautiful pieces of film I have seen.I felt as if I was there with you ...... fascinating ice caves and scary under sea world....wish I was!! What a marvelous acievement ..well done to all the team ...can't wait to watch it over again with my twin grandchildren tomorrow.

  • Comment number 60.

    Spectacularly fabulous viewing,like a fantasay world but all the better for being real

  • Comment number 61.

    To echo all the posts above - it was an absolutely brilliant programme and I can't wait for next week either. Particularly liked the end bit about the 'making of' - gives wonderful insight.

    A privilege to watch it - thank you so much! David Attenborough is in a league of his own and definitely a national treasure.

  • Comment number 62.

    What a Planet we live in. Thank you so much, you have connected on such a deep level with all who watched this documentary. Looking forward so much to next weeks episode.

  • Comment number 63.

    (posted in Points of View before I found this blog)

    Bravo !

    The first episode of Frozen Planet has to be one of the best programmes I have ever seen, I don't think I blinked whilst it was on and I felt quite stunned when it finished. The filming was amazing, absolute knock-out stuff from a talented, dedicated team and crew who deserve the highest praise in appreciation of their work.

    The best of the best from the 主播大秀.

    Thank you.

  • Comment number 64.

    ABFAB! There's not many things that make my jaw drop - especially for a whole hour - but this was one of them! I have been mesmerised from start to finish.

    I cannot believe the intelligence of the Orca's in hunting the seal but even better than that was when they appeared at the end... did anyone else think they knew there were humans on the ice and were putting on a show? Truly amazing!

    I am awstruck by the bravery of everyone who filmed this documentary - the thought of cutting into the ice to then jump into the hole not knowing what was underneath... words fail me.

    Truly marvellous - so good in fact I could watch it again immediately!

  • Comment number 65.

    Thank you for one hour of sheer delight in the beauty of this planet we live on. The photgraphy was superb. Absolute magic. Cannot wait for the next episode.

  • Comment number 66.

    I was lucky enough to serve on HMS Protector in the Antarctic 1957/58 doing survey work. The Protector covered 13 seasons down there from 1955/1968 and every sailor who served on her in the Association to this day would give their right arm to go back. Although we were young we knew we'd had a special experience but when we got back to the UK and tried to tell people how beautiful it was, no one believed us as there were only black & white TV's in those days and everybody knows sailors tell tall stories!! Now thanks to Sir David, Elizabeth and their teams and with modern colour TV's we can feel vindicated that we told the truth. It was my life ambition to go back down south and in 2006 I raised enough to go back on a small cruise ship and it was just as beautiful as I had remembered it 48 years before.

  • Comment number 67.

    Quite possibly the best footage of anything I have seen in my life. The first episode was fantastic and if the rest of the series is like that then my mind will be blown. I did not think it was possible for that much amazing footage to be in one place. Congratulations to everyone involved, thank you for all your hard work in bringing this to us!

  • Comment number 68.

    i am completely spellbound and inspired and mesmerized. that is the best hour of natural history i have ever watched. you are all heroes and i love you!

  • Comment number 69.

    Watched Frozen Planet for 1st time on iPlayer in 3D. I saw it, heard it and watched sitting in cold flat with no central heating, so FELT it also. South Pole is only marginally colder than my extremities. Feet has been descibed as 'like ice'.

    Well done FP team. Glad to see you get your 15sec fame too, instead of hiding in shadows and obscured by equipments, and animals. But alas, if only I took my dream of becoming a wildlife camera woman more seriously. No point reminicing and what ifs. I did my best, and had great time learning photography as summer job and hobby. Had great time.

  • Comment number 70.

    I watched the first episode of Frozen Planet and found it absolutely spellbinding. 主播大秀, you have excelled yourselves with this wonderful programme. The pictures of the snowflakes and the ice crystals growing had me watching open mouthed. The sequence of the diver under the ice, the orcas making the waves to wash to seal off the ice - too many gripping moments to list. Can't wait for next week.

  • Comment number 71.

    What a beautiful piece of television. Thanks you for all the efforts that went into making this.
    My only gripe is the constant mention of Scotts doomed expedition to the pole in Sir Davids commentary. Mt. Erebus was first climbed by Shackletons Nimrod expedition team, and they discovered the Bearmore glacier as an entry onto the polar plateau. This seems to be forgotten however, as Shackleton had the sense to turn back and save the lives of his men, rather than go for glory and the resultant death that followed for Scott. Just a shame that the historical side wasn't as perfectly researched as the scientific. (Incidentally, The Nimrod expedition also reported the behaviour of Orcas in smashing the ice flows to get at their prey that you so wonderfully showed).

  • Comment number 72.

    I really cannot express my joy at this programme. How on earth some of this footage was obtained I think was nothing short of miraculous. We were spellbound from the start to the last frame. Everyone concerned should be VERY proud and this is how I see the licence fee I pay being put to proper use. So very well done all. THANK YOU

  • Comment number 73.

    This is just stunning! There aren't enough superlatives! The courage of the crews, going into the caves, under the ice etc, is amazing. Thank you so much!

  • Comment number 74.

    ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING!!! Having loved and been awe struck watching the Blue Planet and Planet Earth series, I thought we had been treated to the very best in nature documentaries, but you have raised the bar even higher. Just wanted congratulate all involved in bringing this fabulous series into our lives, and commend everyone for their BRAVERY, filming in an active volcano both above, and especially within underground, while being surrounded by carbon monoxide was edge of the seat viewing. CONGRATULATIONS AND THANK YOU.

  • Comment number 75.

    A most awe inspiring production. Thank you. Sincere congratulations to all members of the teams for their bravery and expertise in their accomplishments that have enabled couch potatoes like me to enjoy their beautiful work.

  • Comment number 76.

    In many ways I鈥檇 become bored with natural history programming. I don鈥檛 like this current fashion for placing the presenter (usually male) in the centre of the programme and it becoming all about how intrepid and macho he is in tracking down his 鈥減rey鈥. This programme has totally restored my interest and faith. It is amazing and it鈥檚 the photography that does the talking. And what truly, awe-inspiring, wonderful photography it is.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • Comment number 77.

    It was enough that you gave us new information, enough that you gave us such beauty, enough that you showed us how you did it and shared some of the experience and enough that we had Sir David but to give us all of those things and at such a standard of excellence was remarkable. This episode of this series, standing totally alone is worth my licence fee. Thank you so much for your work.

  • Comment number 78.

    THANK YOU for such brilliant programme. I didn鈥檛 want to blink and miss out on the most breath taking images come to life. Hats off to the film crew for such great photography and direction. Can鈥檛 wait til next week.

  • Comment number 79.

    I just want to say that I have reag Elizabeth White's Blog. I found it humbling and it made really good reading. She is really human and has a fantastic attitude; clearly a VERY capable director. So very well done Elizabeth.

  • Comment number 80.

    I am just so thankful for once that the US has adverts, so that we can have the extra 10 minutes of "how it's made". Wonderful programme, absolutely the best natural history programme I have ever watched.

  • Comment number 81.

    Totally blown away - Long live the 主播大秀, the licence fee is so worth every penny. It makes me so proud to be British, congratulations to all that made this possible to enjoy in the comfort of our own homes. It is so refreshing to be reminded of how amazing our planet is and that we all should do our bit to protect and save what is left.

  • Comment number 82.

    The 主播大秀 at it's best! A truly magnificent programme, Sir David was brilliant and my thanks go to him and the whole team for this outstanding production.

  • Comment number 83.

    I agree with Jakka. I loved watching the show it can be very educational. however I didnt like the extended hunts. I understand in all wildlife programmes there are elements of this but it was just too much, seeing that poor sea lion giving up and being dragged off. My partner says i shouldnt watch them as its just nature but i want to watch the shows just minus the gore and seeing the poor animals suffer :(

  • Comment number 84.

    poor seal

  • Comment number 85.

    What a fantastic programme. For me it brought back so many memories as I was lucky enough to spend four months at the British Antarctic Survey Halley Research Station during the 10/11 summer season. Everything Elizabeth said in her blog is right - Antarctica is awesome and I would go back in a heartbeat.

  • Comment number 86.

    This programme was by far the most amazing piece of television i have ever seen, it was simply stunning, it literally took my breath away, of all the amazing programmes presented by Sir David Attenborough, this really topped the lot, for all the hard work that must of gone into producing this programme i must say it was beyond worth it, well done to all involved.

  • Comment number 87.

    This is truly a wonderful and beautiful programme, cannot wait to see more. I too liked seeing how the filming was achieved, more of that please.

  • Comment number 88.

    Amazing programme, mesmerized .. can't wait for the next episode ..

  • Comment number 89.

    That's really benificial for me,I hope it will be also benificial for others, and thanks for all.

  • Comment number 90.

    I'm so grateful to the team behind this incredible programme for showing me that the beauty of this strange world is greater than anything I could ever have imagined.

  • Comment number 91.

    A program should be made solely about the exploration team and the film crew. Its an unbelievable series and should be watched by all.
    Thank you

  • Comment number 92.

    As a photographer, I was simply amazed at the images. Probably the best I have seen on a natural history programme. Congratulations to the camera men. Many of the film images would stand up as great stills.

    Not sure about how this great film footage was stitched together in terms of a logical informative introduction to the series. But that doesn't really matter, the visual impact was simply outstanding

  • Comment number 93.

    Thanks for the wonderful work y'all did! I was priviledge to work in the Canadan High Arctic over 25 yrs ago - 1985: the summer that never happened... our thoughts turned then toward: little ice age, not: global warming! - still posted on my old website here

    and you can see the two purple ballons way up north here

  • Comment number 94.

    Wow! If only we had more of this quality TV, it was wonderful.

  • Comment number 95.

    Brilliant and wonderful television. I loved the volcano.

  • Comment number 96.

    Simply stunning! All those involved in this production should feel a great sense of pride in their work. Every superlative applies in describing the visual beauty depicted. I hope the DVDs of the series will be out for Christmas! Sir David Attenborough; just went up another level of respect in my mind - this must be considered to be another defining moment in his fantastic career.

  • Comment number 97.

    Awesome programme. Just watched with my nine year old daughter who was mesmerised throughout - thank you 主播大秀 and the team for the years of hard work to produce such wonderful programmes. Don't ever stop. Licence fee justified in one series.

  • Comment number 98.

    Fantastic! Wish I was there, such a privilege! But most of all, I am in awe of the technology of nature and the Creator. I hope that Sir David Attenborough, and so many others, once 'see the light' that nature is not a matter of millions of years of blind evolution. Just the same way as future visitors of the Moon would understand that the mechanic robots and tools which they find there are left behind by creative humans many years ago... :). The way I see it, Sir David and other believers in the evolution theory owe an apology to our grand Creator.

    Netherlands / United Kingdom

  • Comment number 99.

    Well done as usual, Fantastic photography i could watch for hours, i have been to the north of Norway and that was great but the Pola region must be incredable.
    Only one grip...COULD TURN THE MUSIC DOWN SO WE CAN HEAR DAVID..that would be great.
    regards mike.

  • Comment number 100.

    I have been a fan of BBc's wildlife programs since I first came to this country over 35 years ago, and I think David Attenborough is a national treasure. I admire him and feel a personal affection for him. However, Frozen Plant is so much more than anything preceeding it-more visually beautiful,more awe inspiring, more breathtaking-just completely amazing! Loved it! Thankyou 主播大秀! Worth every penny.

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