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Writer Types: Which one are you?

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Back in April, we noticed a great thread on  where he shared some writer archetypes based on his experience as co-founder of . As our Open Call submissions have just opened (deadline noon on 7th December) we asked James to expand on his tweets and commissioned some illustrations from David Mercer.

Which one are you!?!


1) The Perfectionist 

That one script, the masterpiece. They do draft after draft, endless re-writes, never satisfied. Each set of feedback sending them in a different direction. They have huge potential - if only they could move on!

2) The Machine

Absolutely smashes out script after script. Like they have a relentless outpouring of creativity they just have to channel. They make everyone else feel lazy.

3) The Real Deal

Often humble, unassuming and their work absolutely explodes off the page. Ready made with clear vision, technique and originality. Their career often lifts off quickly.

4) The Artist

Their work is abstract, often surprising and almost always confusing. But it doesn’t matter because there’s a beauty to it. And they don’t care AT ALL what you think.

5) The Jaded Pro

This is usually someone who’s had enough success to get their career going but the going has been tough. Advice is always well meaning but inevitably laced with years of bad experience. Can be a buzzkill for new writers.

6) The Doubter

This is most common. Inexperienced hobbyist who constantly assumes they’re doing it wrong (they aren’t) But they want to learn, they devour every book, interview and piece of advice. Must avoid The Jaded Pro at all costs.

7) The Genre Switcher

No genre is off limits. Thrillers to romcoms to horror to spoof comedy. Their list of samples are so varied they can go in any direction they want. Often closely linked to The Machine

8) The Generous Pro

This is often someone who’s done loads but still remains humble, endlessly giving and open to everyone. Ego is not involved and their writing reflects it. Probably started as The Real Deal.

9) The Semi-Finalist

It’s probably in their Twitter bio, but they’ve placed in every competition in existence. Quarters, semis, maybe a finalist. But rarely the winner. They must be thousands in debt. Their time will come!

10) The Advice Giver

Tends to offer up unsolicited opinions on every aspect of the screenwriting journey despite having limited experience. There is no ‘what works for you’. There are only RULES. Despises The Rule Breaker.  

11) The Rule Breaker

Often a comedy writer, rules mean nothing. Jokes in description, fourth wall breaking, bold, underlining, italics, colours - their work has it all! Sharp, snappy. Often forgets about narrative.

12) The Idea Protector

Someone who rarely writes a word. Instead they’re so terrified of their ideas being stolen they spend their time commenting online about how their masterpiece is too precious to share. They always know someone who got the idea for [insert major show] first before it was nicked by Hollywood.

13) The Cheerleader

A constant source of support for their peers, they cheer your every win, offer pep talks for rejections, all the while churning out fun and inventive work. 

'Writer Types' Illustrations created by David Mercer at  

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