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'Wow' scripts

Paul Ashton

As an American writer who follows and has recently submitted a work to writersroom, I certainly find the patient waiting and sheer size of the industry particularly daunting, if not outright intimidating. I was curious as to how often, as the Development Manager, you come across a script that one of the other readers has passed along and you say, "Wow, where did this one come from? This is amazing." Versus, "Oh, why did they pass this along?"

The simple answer is: there are never enough 'wow' scripts. I rarely query why a reader has passed me a script - there is always a good reason why it's worth another look, even if that isn't reason enough to take the writer forward. There are a lot of scripts out there - yet everyone in the industry is desperate to find that rare, brilliant, sparkling, original, stand-out script. It does happen. I do pass them on. They can and do get made. And it is unfortunately a rarity. But rest assured that we get very, very excited when something special turns up.

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