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An update on the Drama Room from Anne Edyvean, Head of 主播大秀 Writersroom

Anne Edyvean

former Head of 主播大秀 Writersroom

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In about the results of our recent open submission Script Room for Drama (which closed in January) a reader posted a set of specific questions.

You can read Anne Edyvean's responses below, which may be of interest to others as they clarify some general information about the purpose of 主播大秀 Writersroom and include information about recent changes to our place within the organisation of the 主播大秀. 

Q. Does Anne Edyvean agree that the following outcomes are required?

  • New writers get their work actually produced;

A. 主播大秀 Writersroom always aims to get writers’ work produced. This could be across a range of platforms or genres. We estimate that between 100 and 150 writers a year get a broadcast credit, or into paid development, via 主播大秀 Writersroom.

It might be a sketch on a C主播大秀 show, or an episode of Casualty, or a short monologue on Radio 3. Or it might be a paid script commission with an Independent Production company, which would then go to the TV Drama Commissioner, who would make a decision about whether it would be produced. 

  • The Drama department gets compelling "new writing" content that justifies its funding. 

A. There have been recent big changes in the organisation of 主播大秀 production. Radio Drama remains within the 主播大秀. But the TV Drama production department is now part of . 主播大秀 Studios has to function as a commercial organisation, on the same basis as an Indie, and thus doesn’t receive funding.

The , led by Piers Wenger, is where 主播大秀 Writersroom now sits within the 主播大秀. Piers is keen to bring through new voices, and has asked me to be attached to his Commissioning team, .

  • The Drama Room process doesn't just end with writers pitching to producers with nothing made. 

aims to develop writers, rather than projects. We offer masterclasses, workshops, introductions to Producers and Heads of Development, and information about all the areas of the 主播大秀 which make Drama. The broadcast media is a competitive industry in which the vast majority of pitches never get made, whether you are an experienced writer, or just starting out.

But, as above, we feel we have a good track record of achieving commissions for new writers. 

Q. A "bridging solution" between the Drama dept and 主播大秀 Writersroom should be provided. A cost-effective/low budget format (with fewer creative constraints than existing dramas) could showcase the work of new talent.

A precedent has already been set with in-house projects like . This time make longer duration filmed dramas to 30 mins. 

A. This is something talked about often, and which we would very much like to see. But TV Drama is expensive to make, even when low budget, and we have to consider who will pay for it, where it will be broadcast and who the audience will be.

I am sure these discussions will continue.

Q. Can Anne bid for additional funding from the Drama dept or elsewhere e.g. internally from R&D or externally from Creative Skillset? 

A. I bid for money for specific projects from all over the place.

Q. Is there duplication on other 主播大秀 initiatives, such as and , that could be consolidated or dovetailed? 

A. Those are not 主播大秀 initiatives, although supported by . I don’t think there is any duplication. We are aware of them and keep an eye on the talent which comes through them.

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