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STOP PRESS! We have a new script system

Paul Ashton

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Welcome to our . And welcome to the . We’ve been saying for a while that a new improved system is on the way, and here it is: .

First things first – what WON’T change about how you can submit scripts outside of one-off talent searches?

  • Script Room will still accept full scripts for TV, film, radio and theatre
  • Script Room will still be open to any writer in the UK and Eire
  • Script Room will still assess all scripts by sifting the first ten pages in the first instance
  • A limited proportion of scripts will still receive script reports/feedback from the Script Room
  • We will still look for the same strengths we ever have – anauthentic writer'svoice, powerful ideas, vivid worlds, well-told stories, engaging characters, memorable scripts- and talent and potential in the writer
  • Specific one-off talent searches and competitions will still run alongside the Script Room

So far, so good. What, then, has been IMPROVED about what we do?

  • Script Room won’t be open year-round in a rolling system; we will instead make three calls for scripts each year - in the Spring, Autumn and New Year - and each call will have a window for submissions and a deadline. The first window will open in the last week of March 2012 and the deadline will close on May 21st 2012. Watch the and pages, and this and , for more information when the door opens.
  • Script Room will log all submissions together and assess all scripts together intensively. A proportion of writers who progress well and show promise but do not reach the final selection will be offered feedback on their script. And most importantly, a group of writers who do progress right the way through the system will form the Script Room Selection - where they will have access to masterclasses/workshops, and direct contact with the writersroom team.
  • Writers will need to complete a Cover Sheet with their script - and will need to make sure their script meets the guidelines. If you don't complete one, and if we can't easily contact you to get one for the deadline, then your script will not be accepted. The Cover Sheet will be available to download when the window opens later in March
  • Writers will not be able to resubmit any script which has previously been considered - whether that’s in the old unsolicited system, any previous talent search or competition, or any previous call from the Script Room
  • In line with Ö÷²¥´óÐã Environment Policy, we will wherever possible recycle all scripts received as a matter of usual practice, and contact writers via email. If you want your script returned or do not have regular access to email/internet, then you mustenclose an SAE

So a lot has stayed the same regarding what you can send - but how we receive, process and follow-through will, we think, be much improved. It will be a leaner, more efficient system to run - and we reckon writers will get a response/decision on their submission quicker than they do now.

The main reason for doing this is to focus as much as we can on the small proportion of writers we are excited about- along the lines of the talent searches we already run. Writersroom, like every other part of the Ö÷²¥´óÐã, has been looking at how to make what we do more efficient and cost-effective, and we think the Script Room will do just that - while continuing to offer the same open door to writers.

Please look at the , and the website as a whole, before asking questions that already have answers provided elsewhere . You have some time before the first window opens – and plenty of time before the first deadline looms.

Look forward to seeing your work in the Script Room!

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STOP PRESS! Writersroom script system


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