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Radio Days

Piers Beckley

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We've got some new entries in the .

This time we thought we'd bring you some radio plays.

  • Smooth Apparatus by Laura Wade is a short play that tells the story of the morning after the night before.
  • Goal Difference, an acerbic commentary on the state of modern relationships by Andrew Viner, was commissioned from the Sports Shorts writing competition.
  • Porshia, by Ed Harris, tells the story of a lovestruck office worker who wakes in the body of his would-be amour. It was chosen by The Guardian as a Pick of the Day, and lauded by the Radio Times as "unquestionably drama of the week".
  • The Incomplete Recorded Works Of A Dead Body by Ed Hime is a full-length play exploring the nature of art, sound, decay, aspiration, and loneliness. It has been nominated for the Prix Italia for best original radio drama.

As usual, you may need to download to read the scripts if you don't have it already.

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