
First TV commissioning supply report shows 主播大秀’s commitment to the UK production sector

The 主播大秀 has published its first TV commissioning supply report. This report is part of the 主播大秀’s commitment to provide greater transparency for the production sector about our commissioning processes and how we interact with the market.

Published: 22 May 2019
We are proud to work with such a vibrant and varied production base. No other broadcaster works with so many producers across so many locations, or supports so many small producers.
— Helen Blenkinsop

It provides more information than ever before about the 主播大秀’s relationship with its suppliers - including how the 主播大秀 has delivered against its 2018 competition quota for network TV.

The report for 2018 shows that the 主播大秀:

  • Works with more suppliers, and more small producers than any other broadcaster
  • Actively develops ideas, talent and companies across the UK
  • Commissions producers from across the Nations and regions - nearly 50% have substantive bases outside London.

The report also demonstrates the 主播大秀’s commitment to meeting all of its legal and regulatory requirements. In the last year the 主播大秀 has:

  • Over delivered on its interim requirement in the Charter to open up 40% of the original network TV in-house guarantee. The report reveals for the first time that up to December 2018 the 主播大秀 competed 43% of relevant content.
  • Exceeded its independent production quota
  • Met all its out of London quotas, and continues to spend more in the Nations and regions than any other UK broadcaster

The report highlights the work that the 主播大秀 has done to engage with producers across the UK over the last year.

  • Worked with over 300 producers and, according to PACT industry analysis, commissioned 36% of business from independent production companies with a turnover of less than £10m (a higher percentage than any other broadcaster)
  • Commissioned more out of London productions than any other broadcaster
  • Committed just under 90% of development spend to independent production companies
  • Supported companies to deliver to our strategic objectives, with 80% of funding being spent outside London.
  • Received 5455 proposals and took a decision on nearly 90% of active ideas within 20 weeks
  • Invested £2m through the 主播大秀’s Portrayal Fund to improve representation of all 4 Nations and ring-fenced over £2m to support diversity and inclusion.
  • Held 18 network TV briefings for suppliers in six different locations. In addition to those held by the commissioning teams in 主播大秀 Children’s, 主播大秀 Sport, 主播大秀 Scotland, 主播大秀 Wales and 主播大秀 Northern Ireland, as well as regular meetings with suppliers about ideas across all genres.
  • Worked with a wide range of partners to support the development of companies, talent and skills across the UK

Helen Blenkinsop, Head of Commissioning Supply says: “We are proud to work with such a vibrant and varied production base. No other broadcaster works with so many producers across so many locations, or supports so many small producers. It means we can continue to tell compelling, authentic stories from right across the UK. In 2018 we also exceeded our first competition target since the creation of 主播大秀 Studios, and are committed to working in a fair and transparent way with all producers. By being open and transparent with our suppliers we hope we will increase confidence in how we work and what we do to support the creative health of the whole sector. ”

Alongside the report, the 主播大秀 is publishing the methodology it applied to calculating delivery against the interim Charter requirement to open up 40% of the original network TV in-house guarantee by December 2018. This includes an independent assurance statement by EY.

A copy of the supply report is available here:

A copy of the calculation methodology and EY assurance statement on the interim Charter requirement to open up 40% of the original network TV in-house guarantee by December 2018 is available here:

The information in the report will continue be published in future years in conjunction with .