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Mongrels Masks

Have you ever wondered what you'd look like with the face of your favourite Mongrel? Well now you can find out!

We've created Mongrels Masks; your very own cut-out and keep versions of Nelson, Marion, Kali, Destiny and Vince.

And we want to see YOU wearing them!

Wear them round your home, at work, or out and about - they're perfect for any type of situation.

Just download and print your masks, then send us your photos. What are you waiting for? Get Mongrelling!

Downloading your masks…

Here are the masks!

To download to your computer, right click the links about and select "Save target as..." if you're using Internet Explorer, or "Save link as..." if you're using Firefox (options vary depending on your browser).

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Send in your photos…

There are two ways to get your Mongrelling photos to us:


  1. Send us a link to your photo via the
  2. Post your photo on our .


Before submitting your photos, please read the

