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Potato And Smoked Haddock Soup With Black Pudding And Cheese Soda Bread

Serves 6

For the the soup:

4 large white onions

2 cloves of garlic

1 sprig of rosemary

2 bay leaves

250g of baby comber potatoes

1ltr of fish stock

200ml double cream

200g smoked haddock

1 small good quality black pudding

1 packet of flat leaf parsley

For the soda breads,

280ml butter milk

250g soda bread flour

70g porridge oats

陆 tsp baking powder

陆 tsp salt

150g mature cheddar cheese

Method for soup:

Chop onions and crush garlic, sweat in a large pot with 100g of butter and 1 table spoon of vegetable oil until soft but no colour.

Add your bay leaves and rosemary. Chop the potatoes with their skins on into small chunks, then add them to the pot.

Cover with the fish stock and simmer slowly for 25 minutes, then add the double cream. Continue to cook slowly for another 10 minutes.

Meanwhile chop the fish into chunks and add it to the pot, cook for 5 minutes and then puree with a soup blender. Pass the soup through a sieve to remove any hard bits, then chop the parsley and sprinkle it in.

To finish the soup slice your black pudding into thick disks and gently fry for 2-3 minutes in a little oil, pour the soup into bowls or mugs and drop a few slices of pudding on top.

A good soup to keep the cold away!

Method for the wee soda breads:

Pre-heat oven to 150C/gas mark 3

Mix all dry ingredience in a bowl then add the grated cheese and the butter milk.

Mix by hand until it forms a sticky ball of loveliness.

Separate the mix into 6 small balls (dip your hands in water when doing this so the mix doesn鈥檛 stick to your hands).

Place on a non stick baking tray and cook at 150C or gas mark 3 for 25 minutes