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Grilled Beef Salad with Mushrooms and Radish

Grilled Beef Salad with Mushrooms and Radish

750g rump steak
250g sliced mushrooms
4 large local radishes, sliced
1 onion, finely sliced
1 teaspoon mustard
1 clove garlic, chopped then minced finely with a pinch salt
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
50ml olive oil
2 little gem lettuce
Handful chopped parsley
Oil for cooking
Salt and pepper

Brush the rump with oil and season with salt. Place on a hot griddle or frying pan and cook to desired temperature. Set aside to rest.

Heat a tablespoon of oil in the steak pan and when hot add the mushrooms.
Whisk the mustard and balsamic together and add the olive oil. Season to taste.
Heat a tablespoon of cooking oil until hot and add mushrooms. When golden add onions and cook until soft.
Add to vinaigrette with the parsley.
Separate and wash gem leaves and arrange on a plate. Slice steak and add juices to mushrooms. Scatter mushroom mixture onto lettuce and then add sliced steak.
Arrange radishes on top and serve.