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Brown Lemonade Cakes

Brown lemonade cake

300g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
175g castor sugar
175ml brown lemonade
80ml rapeseed oil
250ml golden syrup
3 eggs

Set oven to 150°c and line 4 individual cake tins with parchment paper.

Place flour and baking powder in a bowl and mix well.

Make a well in the centre.

Add the remaining ingredients.

Whisk to a smooth batter and spoon into cake tins.

Bake for about 45 minutes.

Brown lemonade syrup

150ml brown lemonade
25g honey

Boil to a syrup.

Brush over the hot cakes.

Goosegab and Boortree Bush Cream

250g gooseberries, topped and tailed
75g castor sugar
50ml elderflower cordial
250ml double cream whipped
1 dessertspoon icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Place all ingredients in a pan and cook until gooseberries (goosegabs) are soft.


Fold the sugar and vanilla into the cream.

To assemble:
Split the cakes and spoon on gooseberry mixture on the bottom half of the cake.

Pipe on the cream.

Add the top and dust with icing sugar and garnish with edible flowers.