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Find extra information and support on the subject of pedigree dogs.

What the veterinary profession is doing


• The veterinary profession is working with, and independently of, to help resolve problems in pedigree dogs.

• is a novel UK-wide health surveillance scheme that shares clinical data for companion animals from primary veterinary practices. VetCompass will provide accurate information about which dog breeds (and crossbreeds) are suffering from what disorders and to what extent. Around 170 veterinary practices have signed up so far. VetCompass is a collaboration with support from several organisations, including the Royal Veterinary College, the University of Sydney, the RSPCA, Pfizer, BBSRC and the Kennel Club Charitable Trust.

• The /is currently working on a new Puppy Contract to be launched soon. It will be free to download and it is hoped that it will be used by all breeders and buyers of puppies in the UK. The Puppy Contract will help ensure that breeders have done all the relevant health tests for the breed and details what is expected from owners in terms of care.

• The is currently lobbying Government to improve legislation relating to dog-breeding.

Information on health and welfare and advice on buying a puppy


Reports into dog breeding


Three independent reports that followed Pedigree Dogs Exposed endorsed the film's findings.

• (from the RSPCA),



Two high-profile reports on dog breeding preceded Pedigree Dogs Exposed.



Breed-related links






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