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Chicken Parmigiana with Cavolo Nero and Bacon

Sugo sauce

1 onion, finely chopped
1 stick celery, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
50g butter
400g tin tomatoes

Cook the onion, celery and garlic gently in the butter for about 10 minutes or until soft and translucent.
Add the tomatoes and cook gently for about an hour. Check seasoning.

4 medium chicken breasts
2 eggs beaten
100g flour seasoned with salt and pepper
75g panko breadcrumbs
75g finely grated parmesan
Oil for frying


Open the chicken breasts at the side through the middle.

Place cling film on top and beat with a rolling pin to flatten.

Repeat with remaining chicken breasts.

Mix the breadcrumbs and parmesan.

Toss each in flour until coated, shake off the excess and then dip in the egg and then the breadcrumb mixture to coat.

Cover a pan with oil and when medium hot add 2 of the coated chicken.

Cook until golden on each side – about 2 minutes and place on a baking tray.

Repeat with remaining chicken.

1 ball mozzarella sliced into 8
25g grated parmesan

To assemble –

Spread 2 tablespoons of the sugo onto the chicken (the rest will keep in the fridge for a week) and then 2 slices of the mozzarella.

Sprinkle over the parmesan and bake in a 190oc preheated oven for about 15 minutes.

Cavolo Nero and Bacon

200g cavolo nero
4 rashers smoked streaky bacon, chopped
1 red onion, finely sliced
25g butter

Remove the stalk from the cavolo nero.

Place in boiling salted water for a minute then drain well and coarsely chop.

Cook the bacon in a dry pan until crisp.

Add the butter and onion and cook until onion is soft.

Toss in the cavolo nero, cook for 30 seconds and then serve.