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Crespelle with leek, bacon and cheese

leek, bacon and cheese

Crespelle with leek, bacon and cheese

110g plain flour
2 eggs
275ml whole milk
25g melted butter

Sift the flour into a bowl and add a pinch salt.
Make a well in the middle and add the egg and milk.
Whisk to a smooth batter. Add the butter.
Pour batter into a jug.
Wipe a hot pan with oil and tilt the pan away from yourself. Pour the batter into the pan at an angle, swirling to coat the bottom of the pan. Cook the pancake and until the top looks set and flip over. Cook for 30 seconds on the other side. Place on a sheet of parchment paper or kitchen paper. Repeat with batter – you should have 8 pancakes.

200g chopped streaky bacon or lardons
1 tablespoon oil
500g leeks, split, washed and chopped
100g cheddar grated
125ml double cream
Handful chopped parsley
Pepper to taste

Cook the bacon in the oil until crispy and golden. Remove from pan and add the leeks. Cook until soft and then add the cream. Simmer for a minute then add the cheese and parsley. Check seasoning and set aside.

Bechamel sauce
50g butter
50g plain flour
500ml whole milk

¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
50g grated parmesan
50g grated cheddar

Melt the butter in a pan and add the flour. Mix to a smooth paste and then add the milk. Whisk until the sauce is thick. Add the mustard and nutmeg. Add the parmesan. Check seasoning.

To assemble

Butter a baking dish. Take a crepe and place an eighth of the filling in the middle. Roll up and tuck in the edges. Place in the baking tray.
Pour the sauce over the top. Scatter over the cheddar.
Place in a 180oc preheated oven and cook for about 25 minutes or until golden and bubbling.