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Glazed pork fillet, local runner bean, lemon and mustard salad

Glazed pork fillet, local runner bean, lemon and mustard salad

Glazed pork fillet, local runner bean, lemon and mustard salad

1 pork fillet
1 tablespoon oil
1 dessertspoon miso
1 and a half dessertspoons honey
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
4 chopped scallions
1 tablespoon mixed seeds, toasted in a dry pan
1 teaspoon finely grated ginger

Trim the silver skin from the fillet and cut in half. Cut in half through the side and open up like an envelope. Rub with oil
Heat a griddle pan until hot and seal the pork. Cook for 3 minutes each side. Turn off the heat and allow to rest for 5 minutes. Whisk the miso, honey and vinegar together. Heat the pork and add the miso mixture. Cook until the liquid is thick and syrupy. Add the scallions and ginger and coat the pork. Slice and scatter over the seeds and serve

Local Runner bean, lemon and mustard salad
350g runner beans, topped, tailed and sliced into 2cm pieces
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
Zest and juice 1 lemon
50ml olive oil
8 radishes finely sliced
1 red onion, peeled, halved and finely sliced

Cook the runner beans in boiling salted water for 3 minutes and drain.
Whisk the mustard, lemon zest and juice together and then whisk in the oil. Season with salt and pepper and toss in the hot beans. Add the radishes and onion and mix well.