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Mohol bushbaby

In Episode 1 of Big Little Journeys a nocturnal bushbaby must venture into a strange world of light to find a new home.

Location: South Africa

In South Africa, when a young bushbaby is kicked out of his family, he is drawn towards a strange world of light in his quest to find a new home.

Journey distance: 15 miles

Destination: The city of Pretoria and the nectar-rich gardens of the city zoo.

Weight & Size: 200g and as tall as a milk bottle

Top Speed: Two metres per second is his usual pace, but it ramps up to five metres per second when fleeing danger. His hind legs are super powered with stretchy tendons and extra large muscles helping him to rapidly catapult from tree to tree and leap 30 times his own body length.

Food: He is primarily an insect predator but when food is scarce during the winter months he has learnt to feed on acacia gum excreted by trees. In the city he discovers a new type of food - banana and sweet nectar from bird of paradise flowers.


  • Dogs
  • Genet


  • Night vision using a membrane in the back of his eyes that reflects and amplifies moonlight.
  • Ultrasonic hearing that picks up the slightest sound of danger.
  • Pees on his hands! Before he jumps he urinates on his hand. This sticky urine helps to give him grip and it also leaves a scent trail that he can use to retrace his steps.