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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 8

Tha Ramsay MacMahon a’ teiche à Glaschu airson deireadh sheachdain taobh a’ Ghearasdain. Ramsay MacMahon escapes Glasgow for the weekend and heads to Fort William.

Ag obair ‘sa fuireach ann am baile mòr, feumar rud math air faire son do chumail a’ dol tron t-seachdain. Tha Ramsay MacMahon làn chinnteach gun e teiche son là no dha cur thairis le curseachad a tha dhìth. Agus abair gu bheil fhios aigesan dè na cuairtean deireadh-sheachdain is fheàrr: an-diugh tha e a’ gabhail taobh a’ Ghearasdain, ach a’ stad oidhche aig stèisean rèile a’ Choire Odhair agus a’ cadal ‘san t-seann bhocsa soighne.

Gu baile a’ Ghearasdain an ath latha, fo sgàil Bheinn Nibheis. Tha a’ bheinn is àirde san dùthaich a’ tarraing streapadairean nan dròbhannan, ach tha Ramsay a’ cumail ri na creagan aig a bonn. On tha Slighe Taobh Siar na Gaidhealtachd a’ tighinn gu crìch sa bhaile, tha ’n sgìre a’ tarraing na mìltean a’ choiseachd nan slèibhtean. Tha Ramsay a’ gabhail suas Gleann Nibheis gus an ruig e eas An Steall, fear dhe na h-easan is àirde an Alba.

Working and living in the city you need something to keep you going through the week. Ramsay MacMahon is a firm believer that escaping for an action-packed weekend is the only solution.

In his guide to the ultimate weekend away Ramsay travels to Fort William. He stops off en route in Corrour, the highest train station in the UK, where he stays in the former station signal box right on the West Highland Railway Line.

The next morning he carries on to Fort William. Ben Nevis, Scotland’s highest hill, attracts climbers from all over to the area so Ramsay tries his hand at rock climbing at the foot of this iconic mountain. As the end destination of the West Highland Way, the town is a mecca for hill walkers - you couldn’t visit Fort William without some hiking. Ramsay walks through the Nevis Gorge to Steall Bàn, one of the country’s highest waterfalls.

29 minutes
