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Episode 3

It’s day three of the Scottish National Sheep Dog Trial in Brisbane, Glen Estate.

Air an treas latha de dh’ Fharpais Nàiseanta Chon-chaorach na h-Alba air Oighreachd Brisbane Glen ann an Cille Bhrìghde an Iar, tha an fharpais a’ sìor fhàs teann. Tha luchd-lìbhrigidh Farpaisean Chon-chaorach, Dòmhnall agus Catriona, ann an teis-meadhan na tha dol.

Air an treas latha, an latha mu dheireadh de dh’ Fharpais Nàiseanta na h-Alba, tha an dùbhlan cruaidh is làimhsichean a’ strì feuch cò gheibh an t-urram an dùthaich a riochdachadh. Tha na puingean air a bhith àrd fad an latha, ach am bi iad àrd gu leòr airson aon de na còig àiteachan deug air Sgioba Nàiseanta na h-Alba a ghlèidheadh?

Bidh sinn a’ còmhradh ri Murray Common, làimhsiche òg à Lockerbie, agus athair Billy an dòchas àite chosnadh anns an sgioba am bliadhna.

It’s day three of the Scottish National Sheep Dog Trial in Brisbane, Glen Estate, west Kilbride. Presenters Donald and Catriona are at the centre of the action.

The competition on the third and final day of the Scottish national is stiff as handlers battle it out for a chance to represent their country. High scores are posted throughout the day but will they be enough to secure one of the 15 places on the Scottish national team?

And we speak to young handler Murray Common at his home in Lockerbie. His father Billy is hoping to make the team this year.

59 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Donald MacSween
Presenter Catriona MacPhee
Executive Producer Margaret Cameron
