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Episode 4

Air a’ chiad latha de dh’fharpais Eadar-nàiseanta nan Con-chaorach. It’s day one of the International Sheep Dog Trial in Northern Ireland.

Air a’ chiad latha de dh’fharpais Eadar-nàiseanta nan Con-chaorach tha Catriona Nic a’ Phì agus Dòmhnall MacSuain ann an Èirinn a Tuath airson a’ chuid as fheàrr den fharpais a thoirt thugaibh.

Le Farpais Nàiseanta an h-Alba seachad, anns a’ phrògram seo tha ar n-aire a’ tionndadh chun fharpais eadar-nàiseanta. Tha an fharpais a’ dol air adhart ann an Èirinn a Tuath am bliadhna, air Oighreachd Gill Hall ann an Siorrachd an Dùin. A-measg na bhios a’ gabhail pàirt, tha Billy Common à Alba agus Thomas Longton à Sasainn.

Anns a’ phrògram cuideachd, gheibh sinn bharrachd eòlais air an sgìre fhèin agus air a’ chrodh shònraichte a tha a’ faighinn àrach air an talamh bheartach an sin.

It’s day one of the International Sheep Dog Trial and presenters Catriona MacPhee and Donald MacSween are in Northern Ireland to bring you the best of the action.

With the Scottish National competition complete, we turn our attention to the international contest. Hosted in Northern Ireland, it is being held at the Gill Hall Estate in Co Down. Among the competitors are Billy Common from Scotland and Thomas Longton from England. We also find out more about the area and the prize cattle reared on the fertile land.

60 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Donald MacSween
Presenter Catriona MacPhee
Executive Producer Margaret Cameron
