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Episode 33 of 104

Tha sp貌rs aig Bing 's Coco 's iad a' feuchainn ris an t-eagal a chur air daoine. Bing and Coco have fun by trying to scare those around them.

Tha Bing 's Coco a' feuchainn air diofar dh貌ighean eagal a chur air daoine 's iad a toirt air Flop leum! Ged 's e sp貌rs uabhasach a th' ann dhaibhsan, chan eil Charlie a cheart cho measail air a gheama seo!

Bing and Coco are trying different ways of scaring people and take great delight in making Flop jump! However, poor Charlie doesn't see the funny side as much as the others!

7 minutes
