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Tacsi Labhrach

Episode 34 of 104

Tha fàilte ga chur air dèideag ùr labhairteach – gus am fàs iad sgìth 'g èisteachd ris! The gang welcome a talkative new toy – until they get fed up with what it has to say!

Tha dèideag ùr air nochdadh san sgoil-altraim aig Amma, dèideag mhìorbhailteach a bhios a bruidhinn! Ge-tà, chan eil an dèideag seo a cheart cho tarraingeach nuair a dh'fhàsas iad uile sgìth de bhith 'g èisteachd ris an aon duan…!

A new toy has appeared at Amma's creche – an exciting new toy car that talks! However, the toy becomes less and less appealing as everyone gets impatient with listening to the same thing over and over again!

7 minutes

Last on

Wed 14 Dec 2022 17:10
