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Prògram 2 - Abair Fàileadh / Episode 2 - Oh No! B.O!

An dèidh seisean san talla spòrs, tha Gabriel a’ tuigsinn gu bheil fàileadh an fhallais dheth. Tha seo na adhbhar nàire ‘s e dol a choimhead film còmhla ris a’ chlann-nighean. Mu dheireadh tha e a’ sireadh comhairle bho Max, gille nas sine, a thaobh deagh shlàinteachas pearsanta.

Gabhaidh am prògram seo a chleachdadh gus còmhradh a thòiseachadh mu ghrunn chuspairean co-cheangailte ri slàinteachas pearsanta, misneachd agus fèin-luach. Tha notaichean tidseir rim faighinn aig

After a session at gym class, Gabriel realises that he has body odour. This causes him some embarrassment during a trip to the cinema with the girls. He eventually seeks the advice of Max, an older boy, on proper personal hygiene.

This episode can be used by parents or by teachers as a platform to discuss a range of issues connected with personal hygiene, confidence and self-esteem. Further information is available at

Release date:


12 minutes

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