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Q&A with the Cast

Q&A with Zahra Ahmadi, Chris Ryman, Andy Linden and Dave Plimmer.

Zahra Ahmadi - "Sinem" - Q&A

• What made you want to work on Count Arthur Strong?

From the moment I had my first audition for the read-through for Count Arthur back in 2012, I was desperate to work on the show because it would mean working with the dream team of Delaney, Linehan and Boden - three legends of comedy, all of whom are huge inspirations to me.

• What's in store for series 2?

Series 2 is just superb - there are some truly genius moments, which I am certain will go down as some of the best in British comedy history.

• How did you find filming in front of a live studio audience?

I was terrified of filming in front of a live studio audience just before shooting commenced on Series One, Episode One but I quickly learnt that they are emphatically supportive and game for a laugh so in fact, there was absolutely nothing to fear. Live studio comedy has fast become my favourite medium - it combines the best of both worlds from TV and theatre.

• What is it like being part of Arthur’s world of chaos?

Being part of Arthur's world of chaos is a complete joy and privilege. Steve and Graham have two of the best minds of anyone I've ever worked with and the various bizarre and obscure situations the characters find themselves in as a result of their incomparable workings is an experience like no other.

• What is your favourite Count Arthur saying/moment?

It's extremely tough to decide on a favourite Count Arthur saying/moment but if pushed, I would have to plump for the whole of the episode entitled 'Stuck In The Middle With You' from Series Two. It's my idea of comedy heaven. I must also say that I love 'The Radio Play' from Series One so much. The word play in that episode sublime.

• Could you spend time with Arthur in real life?

I could most certainly spend time with Arthur in real life! He may be antagonistic, frustrating and stubborn at times but underneath it all lies a warm and generous person without malice and a hugely entertaining character (perhaps not always intentionally) so I would forgive his 'flaws' every time for the laughter and fondness he evokes.

• What’s your favourite part of working on Count Arthur Strong?

My favourite parts of working on Count Arthur Strong are undoubtedly the script and the cast and crew. To get to work with such stunning material is not all too common and couple that with a cast and crew full of talented, generous, fun and hard-working people and you've got yourself a pretty special job really...

Chris Ryman - "Bulent" - Q&A

• What made you want to work on Count Arthur Strong?

I loved all of Graham's previous work and the character of Bulent seemed hysterical and a fun part to play. I felt confident that I would be part of something special.

• What's in store for series 2?

When anyone asks me this I say it's x10. x10 funnier, crazier and dramatic.

• How did you find filming in front of a live studio audience?

I come from a strong theatrical background so it feels the same as performing on stage except with the added technical discipline of toning your performance for the cameras. So your energy is as if on stage but your execution of it is for the camera.

• What is it like being part of Arthur’s world of chaos?

It's great fun to be part of it and to watch the other scenes I am not in.

• What is your favourite Count Arthur saying/moment?

My favourite moments are when Arthur remembers his past...but the way he remembers it not how it actually was.

• Could you spend time with Arthur in real life?


• What’s your favourite part of working on Count Arthur Strong?

Working with the Count Arthur family: the actors, technical team, crew and the great staff at Pinewood and then the live recordings...awesome!

Andy Linden – "John The Watch" - Q&A

• What made you want to work on Count Arthur Strong?

Passing the audition! No really, I thought the scripts were great and I'd always wanted to work with Steve Delaney and Graham Linehan and this was the chance to work with both of them at the same time.

• What's in store for series 2?

Moments of pure comic inspiration – like when Arthur approaches the plane in Ep 2 for his flying lesson along with another student and they both think that each other is the flying instructor.

• How did you find filming in front of a live studio audience?

Nervy but exciting. It gives you a real rush when you get that instant reaction from the audience.

• What is it like being part of Arthur’s world of chaos?

I play John the Watch, and John takes Arthur’s chaotic world very much in his stride. For me, it was a real pleasure to work on this show and to watch Steve every day was very inspiring: he’s such a detailed, technically accomplished and driven comedy actor. It was great seeing Steve work with the brilliant Rory Kinnear, each bouncing off each other. And Graham was endlessly refining the comedy right up to the last minute, to deliver us a brilliant script every time. There’s a great vibe in this cast and crew, and I know it sounds like a cliché but we did really get on, no honestly.

• What is your favourite Count Arthur saying/moment?

“It’s not my area of expertise I’m afraaaaaaaaaaaaid!”

• Could you spend time with Arthur in real life?

Tragically I do have friends a bit like him, so Yes!

• What’s your favourite part of working on Count Arthur Strong?

When the whole cast are involved in a particular scene – eg. The Séance in Ep 6 of series 1 or The Trust exercise in ep 6 of series 2 – because we all clicked so well. I feel privileged to have worked on this show.

Dave Plimmer - "Eggy" - Q&A

• What made you want to work on Count Arthur Strong?

Having done a couple of national stage tours with the Count and having so much fun, I was thrilled to be asked to be a part of the TV series. The added bonus of working with Graham (Linehan) and Richard (Boden) of Father Ted and IT Crowd made it a dream job.

• What's in store for series 2?

Lots and lots of laughs, obviously, great storylines, which I think sets it apart from a lot of sitcoms; a lot of humanity, warmth and heart.

• How did you find filming in front of a live studio audience?

I absolutely loved it. The feedback from them was tremendous and very exciting. I also felt very proud to see my wife and children in the audience laughing their socks off. And I didn't bribe them.

• What is it like being part of Arthur’s world of chaos?

As my character 'Eggy' absolutely loves Arthur, I feel it is a surreal privilege.

• What is your favourite Count Arthur saying/moment?

There are too many to choose from to pick out one favourite saying. But a favourite moment, was the closing scenes of series one, with Arthur and Michael (Rory Kinnear) saying their farewells and Arthur, left alone, waiting for a sign from Katya (Ruth Posner) from beyond the grave.

• Could you spend time with Arthur in real life?

Yes I think I could, and often do, as Steve (Delaney) is a great personal friend.

• What’s your favourite part of working on Count Arthur Strong?

I love it all. A great bunch of people to work with, Lots and lots laughs and a few tears; Best job I've ever done.