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Guest Blog - Strait Laces @ SXSW (part one)

Across The Line

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It was early, very early actually. The sun hadn't risen over the horizon yet and me and Jonny were having our last smoke before embarking on an estimated 18 hour journey untill our next smoke break in sunny Austin, Texas. Heading to one of the coolest festivals in the world, smokes should be the last thing on our mind. Nasty things anyway. In saying this I'm sitting on a plane thousands of feet up in the air, looking over a blanket sun stroked cloud and listening to (my own personal opinion here) Nirvana's best record, In Utero. To be honest, I don't think I'll even have time to write massive boring blogs with every detail, plan is to sit down for a couple of minutes here and there and explain how I honestly feel about the SXSW experience. After all it's our first time making the trip.

Right now one word to explain the trip in it's short entirety would be "smooth". Guitars, bags, snares, cymbals and our good selves are on board, although the jack daniels and "suculent" chicken dinner provided by American Airlines is making my stomach feel weird.

0.37am (ok, so that's technically Tuesday, but we're still counting it as Monday)

So we have been up for nearly 26 hours, should have slept on the plane. We met our new American friend, Ian Quinn, who is hosting us this week. And in true Irish style, we brought the rain with us. I'll keep this bit real short, my eyes are about to close without my permission. Jonny and Pando are dead to the world. Tommorrow we start into things, interview and session with 2FM, and two shows. Let the fun times begin, that's if I wake up at all tomorrow!


*** were in Texas for the South By Southwest music industry event ***

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