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Guest Blog - Skibunny in NYC, Day 3

Across The Line

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Finally it's SHOW DAY! Our official CMJ showcase is at The Suffolk, a really cool arts space with lots of interesting rooms and galleries.

We're playing the main room and as showtime approaches we are pleased to see some friendly faces in the audience, including Phil (), Graham (guitarist on the last album) and Matt (). Like , these kind of showcases are always high-pressure situations, you don't get to soundcheck, you have just 15 minutes from the moment the band before you finishes, to clear their stuff off the stage, set your stuff up, and hope to god the local inhouse soundman actually gives a crap. Luckily for us, he does! A small drum kit problem means we have to play a very stripped down version of Aah Ooh, which ends up sounding so lovely that we will definitely do that again, and overall good times are had by both band and audience. Nice!

Afterwards, we head to an awesome bar called The Marshall Stack, for a well-earned beer and food, then it's over to the Bowery Poetry Club for the Irish showcase, where we catch . They sound amazing, and have great visuals, just what the doctor ordered.

Finally we head to our local, the 6th Ward, for a nightcap. After last night, the bar staff seem surprised to see us leave after just one drink, but hey, it's been a very long day :-)

(Photo - Tanya and new drummer Nick)

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