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ATL's Track for the Day #294, Bouts

Across The Line

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- Missteps
Monday 11th April 2016

They Say: “'Missteps’ is our interpretation of bubblegum guitar pop. The song was written quite quickly and seemed to come together without effort - as some of the best tunes do. It's safe to say we personally love this track as it ticks a lot of our boxes - catchy, LOUD and quick. No fuss, no fat. It's also a lot of fun to play. If we can write more like it we'd be very happy indeed.”

We Say: “It’s not often we feature two tracks from the same E.P on Track for the Day, but picking favourites from the 'Unlearn' E.P was always going to be difficult such is the strength of the songs. It is Rivers Cuomo inspired big-hook ‘indie guitar loudness’ at its finest. If they can write more like ‘Missteps’ we’d be very happy too.”

Bouts are Dublin based Barry Bracken, Colin Boylan, Daniel Flynn and Niall Jackson. Their ‘Unlearn’ E.P – - was released on yellow cassette and via digital download on February 29th

As often as possible Across the Line aims to bring you a great new, recent or interesting track each day, Monday to Friday. To get your new music to Across the Line send it via the .

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