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Episode 6 Gallery

BH Insider Steve

Online Team

This blog is a good news / bad news / then more good news deal.

*dabs tears from eyes with hanky*

It's alright. Something in my eye. Both of 'em.

Let's continue...

1. Good News

We've got one last glorious technicolour gallery of Ep 6 pics and behind-the-scenes shots to admire. To appreciate fully... .

2. Bad News

This is the last blog from Being Human HQ.

In an ideal world all our old Being Human blog-masters would post eternally while sat on a cosy sofa while watching The Antiques Roadshow on TV... hardly noticing the origami smart phones, tablets and dongles on the mantelpiece. Or Lord Toby's mankini.

Then again, maybe it's safer we stick to the real world.

Speaking of my predecessors, what an honour to follow in the footsteps of talents like , and . I'm sure they all join me in saying a tearful and fond farewell to you all. You've been - and are - truly amazing.

3. More Good News

It's not quite over yet.

Don't forget there's an exclusive extra scene on the DVD Boxed Set which may (or may not) cast new light on that ending.

We'll also be uploading classic clips and making-of moments to our new . Subscribe and join us there.

Here we are then.

Let's not say "goodbye"... let's just say "I'm doing this because I love you."

Huge thanks for being the most welcoming, passionate, and witty community I've ever encountered.

The way you embraced the concept and supported the characters on their quest to retain their humanity throughout all five series means the world to Toby... and everyone on the team.

Thank you.

PS Best Being Human Moment. Ever?

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