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Rookileakage Continues

BH Insider Steve

Online Team

It's almost like someone wants us to see these classified emails...

What can we learn from these snapshots of Rook's desktop monitor?

  1. Rook is not a player to be underestimated.
  2. Titania is alive and well.
  3. "Dry" Type 2 vamps don't stay so for long.

As the tone of the exchanges shifts from playful banter to gravely serious threats, it seems that these emails are more evidence that Mitchell was the exception, rather than the rule, when it comes to vampires-turned-good.

Click on these links to see the latest emails, then click on the image again to embiggen...

History is littered with examples of vampires who suffer temporary crises of conscience before succumbing to their blood lust again.

Is Hal in serious trouble?

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