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Caption Action II: Caption Harder

BH Insider Steve

Online Team

We're more than half way through the final series of Being Human.

Captain Hatch grows increasingly powerful with every wicked whisper, every mysterious death and every explosive argument between the trinity of Alex, Hal and Tom.

As the stakes (no pun intended) become deathly serious, we thought we'd grab a few moments of comic relief with some caption competitions (lots of puns invited) based upon two teaser pics from our next episode... .

Here's a selection of funnies from our fans on and .

1. #BeingBromantic

@CMcCutcheon100: Alex wonders what to do next, draw on their faces, cover them in Sellotape or get a blanket, they look like they've settled.

Ruth Maher: "How much am I getting per hour to babysit these two?

JoLisa Robinson: "Great! Now they're snoring in harmony!"

2. #TomMeetsHousework

@iklboo1969: "When I said I wanted to be Iron Man this isn't what I had in mind."

@AliBinns: "Well, how did you think I keep my eyebrows looking this good?"

Lorna Delayahu: "Now what did Annie teach me? Don't iron my hand, don't iron my hand..."

And finally...

Carol Traynor: A Wolfmans work is never done.

"Amazing work!" to everyone featured here and who didn't get featured (this time)... thanks for all of your suggestions!

Being Human Ep 4 - 'The Greater Good' - hits your screens tomorrow, 10pm on .

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