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U2 believe, or not U2 believe, that is the question.

Chris Evans | 12:15 UK time, Thursday, 26 February 2009

Happy U2 day everyone...

...not for me though. Obviously.

Well, when i say not for me, of course it is for me as well, but like you, I'll be getting it all from the radio.

Noah and I have been invited to hang out at The Mighty Radio 2 but Noah isn't aware of the popular music combo from Dublin and their greatness, so I've decided to feed and sleep in all the wrong places for the timing to work out to enable us to make the trip. At least that's the way it looks at the moment.

If things change, then don't worry, we'll be straight down the A40 faster than Lewis Hamilton in a rocket ship. I just think it would be really cool that when Noah is asked for the rest of his life....

"Who was the first band you saw?"

he could reply,

"Well, actually, I saw U2 when i was 2 weeks and 3 days old."

So come on Noah, if you go to sleep immediately and I wake you up at 3, we might just about make it.

Daddy can't have all the fun.

Lots of love, Mrs CLP. X



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  • Comment number 1.

    Ooh yay, another Tash Blog, excellent - and double yay to more photies!!

    Something beginning with M ...

    Maltesters? (yum)
    Mango?? (yum yum)
    Mourinho??? (yum yum yum)


  • Comment number 2.

    Hi Chris,

    I think having Tash blog every Friday is a great idea and a new photo every week is an even better one! He is very gorgeous!

    My husband suggests Desire for tomorrow's show, also can you wish him (Andrew) a happy 40th on tomorrow's show for sunday!

    MCM xx

  • Comment number 3.

    CLP - Glad you're sorted on the dummy issue and I am immensly happy that Tash is going to blog again and look forward to more piccies of ickle man.


  • Comment number 4.

    I'm so enjoying your blogs Chris and looking forward to Tash tomorrow. Can't wait to see Noah's passport photo. It's bound to get worse as he gets older!!

  • Comment number 5.

    I think a Tash blogg and an updated pic every Friday is a great idea.

  • Comment number 6.

    Could you ask Adam how many spoons he now has in his spoon collection and whether he's considered ever collecting something a little more exotic, such as apple corers?

  • Comment number 7.

    as a show starter it has to be the one with the perfect opening.

    where the streets have no name

    nico the yorkie (last 100 entrant on the rexfactor 08, too upset to enter 09 after not winning :-) )

  • Comment number 8.

    Could it be milk?

  • Comment number 9.

    nuff dummy chat for sure!!

    Tash blog and Noah pic - perfect Friday stuff.

    U2 ARF - no idea at all!!

    things starting with M??

    Mighty Mouse?
    Magnificent 7?
    Michele? (that's me!)
    More tea vicar?
    My my my delilah??

    hmm, time to go i think!! i'll get me coat!!

    CG x

  • Comment number 10.

    can't spell today, that should be immensely...I think!!

    Afternoon Bondy.


  • Comment number 11.

    CLP Could it be Mulberry - which is on my doorstep, so as to speak


  • Comment number 12.

    Errrr Mixamatosis ?? yeah i know ive probably spelt that wrong.

    Looking forward to the Tash Blog, us mums need to "connect".

    How about "The Sweetest Thing" for the opening track ?

    Take Care all !

    Gill ~ The Wigan Lass

  • Comment number 13.


    Have 5 minutes free from studpid busy couple of weeks

    Great New Blog CLP - I always try adn read what you say - even if I dont get a chance to blog.

    On the issue of tickets to premieres - if you get any for Star Trek can you send them this way - I have a couple of men champing at the bit to see the new film

    Must dash - my time is needed elsewhere

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 14.

    Hi Chris, glad youve sorted the dummy problem out.So Noah s offically here now
    that s good.Looking forward to Tash s blog
    and pic s of Noah great.
    Love to all .x

  • Comment number 15.


    Glad to hear Tash is going to be blogging again, always nice to hear from her.

    Have had a really bad meeting this morning , feel so let down and hurt, inside me feels really dull!

    My poor daughter is off school and is so poorly. Not having a good day is it Friday 13th again???

    I am sure all will be rosy again tomorrow.

    lots of kisses for baby Noah.

  • Comment number 16.

    I really can't wait to see that film, let us sknow what it's like please Chris.


    A x

  • Comment number 17.

    Let us know, not snow. Had enuogh of that for one year.

    A x

  • Comment number 18.


    I know exactly what you mean, regards getting through all the posts....Good fun though!

    Assuming you're not about to invite me roung for some tinkering time...how about I offer you some company in Monaco, I can pay my own way, and am no trouble!!

    No- oh well, enjoy you lucky *x%%?$£

    Gingembre...Saw your post re: Danny Baker, we were only discussing him the other week..I love his stuff.
    Did you go through the 'All Day Breakfast' trials...if only that had worked!

    We should start a campaign to return him to mainstream radio and away from Ö÷²¥´óÐã London...He was great when he stood in for Wossy on R2.

    That's my little lot, hope you're all keeping well, with whatever is going on!

    Ripples x

  • Comment number 19.

    Hi Penny, hope you are well. Work from home day for me today....... supposed to be in the upper 40s here today....but snow at the weekend.....groan.....

  • Comment number 20.

    Arfternoon Big Chief of Lambie Pie Land

    U2 opener .....

    Angel Of Harlem


    And tell Larry I loved him when they released War in '83.


    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 21.

    #15 shortiepants1 No not Friday 13th today but will be again in 2 weeks time so early warning!

  • Comment number 22.

    yeh - and I'm having my hair cut on friday 13th ...... by my lovely wannabe-gangsta-rapper-drive-by-crimper ....... yikes!!!

  • Comment number 23.

    Milk? Bound to be on everyones mind atm esp Noah's ;-)

    Marriage is done - yep milk!

  • Comment number 24.

    hi new blogger here from norn irn - always read stuff only just got nerve to contribute

    passport photos - my son SJ now almost 5 can use his passport again this summer with a picture of him when he was 4 hours old .


    PS. CLP you'll need a degree and a lot of patience to figure out if infant should be awake / asleep / not in stripes / background colour etc according to passport office website !!

  • Comment number 25.

    Scuse me ...

    Shortiepants ((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))) for having such a rubbish day.

    T'will get better.

    T xxx

  • Comment number 26.


    Hope you and your daughter will soon be on the way up.

    penny x

  • Comment number 27.


    Was it muppets Chris. Was it??? Was it???

    Deev xxx

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi Chris and All
    New to this blogging, only started when ickle arrived, and now hooken (like mant others i think)

    Great to hear that Tash is having her own day on the blog, and even Greater! that it comes with pictures of ickle.

    Keep up the great work, This blogging really cheers me up

    Liz xx

  • Comment number 29.

    ARF - Sometmes you can't make it on your own, or Hold me thrill me kiss me kill me

    Great songs

    God bless

  • Comment number 30.


    Sat 14th March

    If you are coming to the evening meal and haven't had a msg from me on FB, can you let me know ASAP (either on here or on suffolkdiva@hotmail.co.uk as I need to book the table fairly soonish.

    Food Italian.
    Company fantastic!


    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 31.

    Bom dia Christophe.

    Inspired by Tash to reread the old blogs, I was wondering if you'd started to hang Noah's used nappies in the trees to deter the squirrels yet?
    2 years ago you were wondering where to get them...
    Well now you know!!

    u2... New Years Day plz.

    Ta ta Lin x

  • Comment number 32.

    Good to hear that the lovley Tash will be writing again more secrets Tash spill the beans and will be great to see more photos of little one

    On subject of M

    was it Money?

  • Comment number 33.

    Mothers Day?

    Was it Mothers Day CLP?

    Planning in advance so you know the date to make sure Noah buys Mummy a present

  • Comment number 34.

    Afternoon CLP

    Excellent blog as always and how exciting that we are going to get a weekly Tasha blog and up to date photo of the wee one.
    Roll on Friday I say.

    Not a huge U2 fan, so will let others decide the ARF.

    CtD - am excited about the London meet now I've seen your reference above to the Brum meet. Only 5 weeks - eek!!

    I hope everyone is having a good day. I can't wait for home time as tonight is the first night this week I haven't had to do anything or be anywhere and I just want to go home, get in my Pj's and chill.


  • Comment number 35.

    AliB it sounds like you've got the perfect evening planned!

  • Comment number 36.

    Mmmmmmm was it about memories? After all it's on the memory hook! Am making belly pork for dinner today.... smells gawjus...long slow cook... Haooray for Tash...Luv Lyndyloo xx

  • Comment number 37.

    Afternoon all, in Jersey at the beginning of this week after doing a mini tour of Scottish regional airports in previous weeks....the glamourous life of an infernal auditor...Manchester next week and after that...gulp..Gatwick. Looking forward to my week off in March I can tell you.

    Anyway, loving the blogs as always.

    ARF, well I know it's an obvious choice but please please please can we have

    "Where the Streets Have No Name"

    Whenever I hear that intro it sends shivers down my spine and brings back heady teenage days when me and me best mate went to see Rattle and Hum six times just so we could sit at the back of the cinema in our black 501s and chelsea boots to sing our little hearts out...ahh heady days indeed.

  • Comment number 38.

    Look forward to Tashs blog tomorrow. Cant wait.

    Mmmm! that could be Memory seeing that you cant remember what you wanted to blog about.

    How about "Mirific" another word for wonder-working; marvellous. I feel mirific today. Sounds better than Marvellous.

    Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of or Beautiful Day from the boys please.


  • Comment number 39.

    Oh we are in town tomorrow for a gold disc presentation.

    I think it would be lovely to have weekly photos of Noah, and Natasha's views on things too.

    Would the M be Mungo Jerry, or Music?


  • Comment number 40.

    MCM, I am sure it will be perfect, also good telly on a Thursday. Not sure what to have for tea though, it might have to be fish fingers as everything else needs to be defrosted first!


  • Comment number 41.


    Is that for Bandaged (sp). I've got my copy and I shall purchase Volume 2 when it's out.

    Well done for whatever it's for.


  • Comment number 42.


    Sheer utter agony. Currently using every single ounce of restraint NOT to start jumping round the office to Ballroom Blitz on R2.


    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 43.

    Masterchef Final on tonight - who's going to win????

    I keep changing my mind. Didn't want wierd eyebrow man (Mat?) to even be in the final but now I think he deserves it. Like the bloke who's got a second chance cos he's so determined, and like the young lad cos he's so brave!!


    T xxx

  • Comment number 44.

    Casually dropped into the blog.....

    "we are in town tomorrow for a gold disc presentation"

    What is the gold disk for Hellenbach?

  • Comment number 45.


    Please tell Tash that OF COURSE we want a new photo of Noah every week. How terrific that Tash is going to blog every Friday! (well done, astoundingAndi!!)

    Hope you have a great time tonight - I am really looking forward to seeing that film, I think it will be terrific. Please tell Richard Curtis that I think he is a genius.

    I haven't had time to read the comments yet on this blog, so I am really interested to see what the bloggers think "M" means. Personally, I haven't a clue!


  • Comment number 46.

    Was it Magic Moments Chris?? I'm sure you must have had a lot of those.

    Looking forward to Tash's blog and photo of Noah tomorrow.


  • Comment number 47.

    I love U2 and am v excited about tomorrow's show!
    My ARF is either 'Even Better than the real thing' or 'One'.

  • Comment number 48.


    How rude, should have said...very much looking forward to the betterer harfs blog tomorrow.

    Deev #42

    Why fight it...everyone you work with must know by now that you're a Loon!

    Rips x

  • Comment number 49.

    Well I've spent all day trying to find cheap car insurance and now I'm giving up!

    Going to think what M could be instead,

    Mothers day coming up
    Monday-something special on monday?
    Marshmallows in a hot chocolate
    Munchies-I haven't had them for ages!
    Mummy's milk
    Molten lava
    Memory loss

    My minds gone now cause I'm listening to ruby tuesday instead, my Niece was going to be Ruby after this song if she'd been born on a tuesday but she waited until wednesday instead!


  • Comment number 50.


    Loon eh? Beats being a muppet, babe!

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 51.

    Ah there's another suggestion.... muppet! Well done CtD! xx

  • Comment number 52.

    Firstly, ARQF, dun it by email.

    Secondly, ARF, Pride...mainly for the introduction...turn it up L-O-U-D!!!

    Thirdly, Christohphe, Tash doing a blog every Friday...are you sure this isn't just giving you a day off and you are shirking your blogging promise to blog EVERY day...hmmmmmmmm??? Nar, really, sounds like a spiffy idea! Although I think this week, I'd like to see a shot of your coffee table (in it's natural state) in the background, rather than your computer desk...when the pic of No'(?) gets took...

    Fourthly, we are now ensconced in our new Sett. It's lovely thank you, although the cats are singularly unimpressed, I have bleach eye, housemaids elbow and movers knee, the Badger has no internet access (yet), we need two wardrobes and a book case...other than that, we're fine!

    ...and finally...Tins, as long as it isn't Arrogant Andy with his timing and assistance needed issues...we don't care!

    now I'm far too busy and important at the moment to keep coming on here (at last I hear you cry) so be assured that I'm still listening

    M? Em? Emanem? MT bottles? MnX? VFNNEMNX?

    Y'got me...

  • Comment number 53.

    Oooooh!!! MfR!

    is that it???

    am I right???

    do I get to open the box or take the money???

    That's my answer.


    I'll have an M please Bob.

    pee ess...seconding ChrissieS's genius to Richard Curtis...can't wait to see the fillum!

    ...and well done to hellenbach too x...

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi all

    Chris...is it Marbles......cos I'm losing mine, all will be good after big meeting on Monday...but why do people think I have the answers........I only the admin, not boss!!

    Baby passports - anyone any tips on how to keep 15 month todller still enough to get a photo that will pass all blinking rules?? Should have done when very ickle and would stay in one place! Do resent having to pay £50 tho........


  • Comment number 55.

    Well back to the dummy debate!!!

    My work colleague has just told me she is going to get me a dummy to stop me chewing my pen!!!!!

    As for Tash Friday...great idea and definate thumbs up to the photo.

  • Comment number 56.


    I did muppets at #27 .... have had muppets on the mind of late. Can't explain it. They're everywhere. My mind is over-run with muppets.

    M&Ms. Peanut ones.

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 57.

    Muppet?!!! Muppet???!!!!!

    How very dare you.

    And you Lyndy, I know you're both ganging up on me...It was just like this at school.


    Rips x

  • Comment number 58.


    Haven't read any posts yet, but just wanted to quickly share some good news. For once!

    Had my 3 month review today and it went really well. Have been given loads of roles to take on, incuding Department Secretary, have been asked to manage the Security Contract, help the The Technical Manager run a new team, and being sent on 3 courses. She wants me to work an extra day per week soon too.

    And she said she can see me having a long term career there, especially when LM older and can work full time.

    Sorry for rambling but excited!

    Ok, off to reply to messages on fb then I must catch up on posts.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 59.

    Weird you should mention Chocolate Deev.

    We had a load of cartridge type things delivered today for the office machine and with they sent a box of celebrations...very nice.

    Thing is see...I don't eat chocolate, never have, just doesn't do it for me.....but for some unknown reason I have scoffed half of them....one after the other...like a man possessed.


    Don't want anymore.
    Won't want any tomorrow.

    What is that all about.


    Perplexed of Aston Clinton

    Rips x

  • Comment number 60.

    Well Done Debbie C


  • Comment number 61.


    Bloomin' well done!! see you on t'other side.

    Rips- they're playing your song hun!!

    Ya Deev xx

  • Comment number 62.


    Send 'em to Coooolchester.

    Ta very muchly.

    Deev, self confessed chocoholic xx

  • Comment number 63.

    Fantastic News Debs.

    Well done

    Rips xxx

  • Comment number 64.

    Debbie that's brill, well done!
    MCM xx

  • Comment number 65.

    Oh one particular interesting thing that she wants me to get involved in is the Complaints Investigation Procedure. So if you guys find something in your bread that shouldn't be there, it could be me dealing with it! You walk around with things in little evidence bags, very CSI.

    x x x

  • Comment number 66.

    Debbie fantastic news, well done you.


  • Comment number 67.

    Well done Debbie - look what you've achieved in such a short time.

    Md xx

  • Comment number 68.

    Looking forward to hearing from you tommorrow Tash.

    My ARF is Beautiful Day.


  • Comment number 69.

    RE: 54

    The chemist offer a service where they will take passport photos might be better than those booth things.


  • Comment number 70.

    Well done Debbie you deserve it.

    Got all my work mates hooked on the hot cross bu loaf. It's just so lovely.


  • Comment number 71.

    I've only been to the cinema 4 times in my life (deprived childhood probably...) but I'm going to see the Boat That Rocked when it comes out in April! Looks brilliant! (A little review would be nice sometime CLP....)

  • Comment number 72.

    A very quick hi to all

    Chris - Marvellous musings today in the blog. Great that Tash will be doing the blog on Fridays + photos.

    M for muse, muttering, mange-tout, magic? No doubt it will remain a mystery.

    Shortiepants1 - hope things get better for you.

    AliB - enjoy your evening!

    Debbie-C - congrats on great review.

    Have to dash, so TTFN

  • Comment number 73.

    Well done Debbie. Congratulations.


  • Comment number 74.

    Hi Chris,

    Glad Noah's all 'official' now, we can't have him floating about all unnoticed in the world!

    U2 ARF: TWO HEARTS BEAT AS ONE from the excellent 'War' album - in recognition of the love that is you and Tash!

    I know, I know, it's too soppy...

    Jo x

  • Comment number 75.

    Thanks guys. Shortiepants, just caught up and see that you've had a rubbish day sorry to hear that. Then there's me going on about my good meeting.

    Hope things have got better by now.

    CLP, see what parenthood does to you? Mind goes to mush. I don't have a memory peg but lots of post it notes instead.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 76.

    U2 Track Chris, New Years Day or Stuck in a Moment - nothing else will do !!!!!!!!!!!


  • Comment number 77.


    Saffron mash
    Garlic mash
    Cheesy mash


    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 78.

    Wholegrain mustard mash. With pork chops :-)

  • Comment number 79.

    Get you - Masterchef!!!!

    It's Thirsty Thursday .... maybe it was

    Magners (ugh!)
    Marstons (yum!)
    Moet (my speciality!)

    Blimey! This one could run and run ....

    Deev x x x

  • Comment number 80.

    Whats a blogger to do just carry on I guess

    My U2 Track would be I still haven't found what I'm looking for.

  • Comment number 81.

    great blog only on my second comment has to be
    without you by u2

    great blog as always.Glad Noah is bringing you and Tash so much happiness you deserve it can't wait to read her's tomorrow

  • Comment number 82.

    U2 -ARF

    Bullet the blue sky from The Joshua Tree album.

  • Comment number 83.

    Bloomin well done, future sounds real exciting, enjoy!

    I shall raise a glass to you later.


  • Comment number 84.

    CtD and Debbi,

    Thanks for your mash suggestions, doing bangers and tonight for himself (I have fake ones due to my vegginess) and I was thinking I'll bung summink in spuds to liven 'em up.

    Strong cheese and finely chopped spring onions it is then.


  • Comment number 85.


    If you mash your lovespuds (sorry!) with cream cheese (such as philly) it ads extra depth to it.


    Deev xx

  • Comment number 86.

    Thanks Nicki. Might raise one myself!

    I've never been given so much responsibility and had a boss believe in me so much. I can't be that mad then can I?

    Funny thing is, she said that I often don't look confident when people give me things to do. Then she said that she knows how good I am even if I don't, and she'll ignore my face and keep heaping the work on.

    One of the courses is a assertiveness one. She said she wants to invest in me as she thinks I would be good for the team.

    Sorry for going on but I didn't expect today to go like it did.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 87.


    How humbling to have one's genius recognised.

    I wish my daughter and my bosses were as receptive to my ideas but you know the deal..... stony ground and all that....

    Travelling with a small baby is usually easier than with a toddler. If at all possible carry him in the sling and forget taking the pram or buggy on the plane. Borrow or hire one at the other end. Encourage Noah to suckle at takeoff and landing to clear his ears and practice changing his nappy on your lap and in a small space!!

    M = Marmite

    Can't wait for tomorrow and a new picture of Ickle Pickle!!! Oh, and Tash's blog, of course.

    And am I the only person who couldn't name a U2 track to save her life?


    (President and Founder Member of the Tash Blog Friday campaign)

  • Comment number 88.

    Mashed spuds with cream rather than milk and butter not spread....

    .....not good for the waistline but yummie

    especially with Gloucester Pork bangers (sorry Nicki-Noos) and onion sauce

  • Comment number 89.

    My mouth is now watering. And its nowt to do with sausages and mash ....


    Deev xxx

  • Comment number 90.


    I'm with you on the U2 thingy. Could look up what they do but somehow think that would be cheating, so I'll give it a miss. I obviously hear their songs on the radio but not realising it's them - if that makes sense!

    Roll on next week's ARF!

    Pen x

  • Comment number 91.

    did i just hear right .... R2 doing something on Goths!!?!?!?!

    Oh My God!

    When???? Missed half the trailer - on phone. Booooo.

    Am all Goth'd up today - twas a ploy to scare the Evil Dentist this morning.

    Need to go play Sanctuary now. Very Loud.


    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 92.

    Thanks Michmel......

    Sorry for the rant earlier, feeling better now I'm home and had corned beef hash with the Boy (when he let me have a fork).....Chocolate has to wait till he's gone to bed.....

    Blue cheese mash is a treat in this hovel

    Well done debs btw.....sounds like a very good confidence boost, which is always welcome.....they better watch out, you'll be running the place soon!!


  • Comment number 93.

    Ripps we wouldn't dare gang up on you... I've never been cool enough to be in anyone's gang... My fav' muppet was def' animal!! xx

  • Comment number 94.

    lyndy..... it has to be the swedish chef.......

  • Comment number 95.

    007.....I'm with you....Hurdy Gurdy Gurdy Hurdy......


  • Comment number 96.

    Hello all,

    Trying to catch up on all the posts, haven't had a chance to blog over the last few days...

    Looking forward to Tash's blog tomorrow, must take a peek as soon as poss.

    Day off today but I haven't stopped! Swimming and food shopping this morning and bank and baking this afternoon, now looking forward to yummy pecan pie for pud after tea tonight!

    Re passports, as a Godmotherly act I helped out with the cost of my Goddaughter's passport as the live in Sweden and are on a budget; getting a UK passport issued from the Embassy in Stockholm costs about double the price of a passport here! Anyhow as well as undergoing the trauma of posing for the photos, aged only a couple of months, she will be lumbered with the burden of explaining just where jonkoping is wheneveranyone asks where she's from...

    Happy thirsty Thursday!


  • Comment number 97.

    LOL eb......... that's what makes him so funny....

  • Comment number 98.


    Phew! me too re: the gang thing.

    Favourite muppet: Gonzo
    Favourite quote: It's ok, I landed on my head.


    Ripples x

    Ar'ternoon James!

  • Comment number 99.

    Thanks eb.

    Can I just for an opinion? Does anyone else think that it's horrible that the press have shown pictures of the Cameron's coming back from hospital after their son died?

    It seems very intrusive to me, should be a very private time for them.


    Looking forward to Tash's post tomorrow and a new picture too!

    Not so much looking forward to U2 not a huge fan but the fact that they are on with Chris will surely do them a favour.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 100.

    Hi Chris and Family
    great to hear that Tash Will be doing
    a blog each week and a new picture will be great we need to keep up with the little one.

    Love anita xx


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