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After the head banging the banging head

Chris Evans | 16:30 UK time, Friday, 17 April 2009

AC DC last night...

... well if I could explete I would. They were unbelievable. Incredible, amazing, fantastic I knew they were good but I had no idea they were so good.

Gee whizz Willy Wonker, they rocked our socks off. So tight and as for Angus Young, I think he may be the best guitarist i have ever seen. it's not easy for an axeman to hijack a band, not even Jimmy Page or Brian May but Angus just plain blew us all away.

Why did they ever stop ? And they certainly didn't look like they were going through the motions like some other old duffers - no names, no pack drill (what does that mean by the way?).

Hats and school and flat caps off to the DC, totally inspiring, there to remind us all how good we humans can be.

Make music not war.

Peace and love everyone.





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  • Comment number 1.

    Yeah new blog!

  • Comment number 2.

    Happy Blog Birthday!


  • Comment number 3.

    Party begin now?!!!!


  • Comment number 4.

    ARF - Shiney Happy People REM

  • Comment number 5.

    Read 2 and 3 together! lol - was over excited! I love a good party! lol


  • Comment number 6.

    Happy Birthday - Pen Blwydd Hapus - Drivetime
    Crumpy xx

  • Comment number 7.




  • Comment number 8.

    Happy drive time birthday CLP and team - cant WAIT for the show!
    Let the party commence - the chard-on-ay is already a chillin......

  • Comment number 9.

    See - I just knew it!!
    pasted this from yesterdays notelets!
    OK - I know as soon as I hit the send button NEW BLOG will arrive!

    But just incase it don't


    The phone finally rand about 11.30 result: 2nd interview Weds 10.30!!

    I had already posted this, plus some Deev costume notes that included me in a leather basque and thigh length boots - but that post got lost someplace - pooter still not up to its best.

    Also I said, Tins I concede, on the Bingo front, plus I already have the bestest geezer in the world, however had I not - he is more than a bit cute!!

    Complain about this comment

  • Comment number 10.

    Happy Birthday to all you bloggers.Only 3rd time I have made it on. Feel like I am visiting family I know lots about but not really met.
    Love ac/dc so jealous clp. Glad they lived up to expectations. To all the bloggers keep up the good work I love reading you even though I don't often like to interupt and join in.
    best wishes to all
    Annie humpy

  • Comment number 11.

    Late ARF


    Happy Birthday Drivetime!

    Deev x x x x

  • Comment number 12.

    Happy 3rd Birthday Drivetime. Back with the booze later.

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 13.

    Great news Nicki - Fingers still crossed - getting painful now - stopping circulation

    Now leather basque and thigh length boots - now you are talking ;-)

  • Comment number 14.

    Good times Nicky,

    Hope that brightens up the old man aswell, you both deserve some good news.

    Good luck

    Rips x

  • Comment number 15.

    Yay, congratulations Nicki!!!!! that's great news. now we have another excuse to party!

    i'm eating crisps already :-))

    t xxxx

  • Comment number 16.

    Deev - spot on with the blog timing. Don't you just love a smart a**e!! LOL

    Happy Drivetime Birthday CLP and team - long may it continue.

    Nicki - fab news, looks to be in your favour, well done.


  • Comment number 17.

    #10 - Annie humpy - I know what you mean - I lurked for about 2 years before plucking up the confidence to join in a couple of weeks ago - they really are a luverly bunch so do join in more!

  • Comment number 18.

    PS - forgot to say well done Nicki - all to be positive about

  • Comment number 19.

    Yay Nicki, that's awesome news. Good Luck for Weds!!


  • Comment number 20.

    Welcome aboard Humpy!

    Who had the ARF?


  • Comment number 21.

    the Smiffs? For a party????????????????

    Get the daffodils out then!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 22.


    ARF was from Thawk4 - newbie on 2nd posting

  • Comment number 23.

    Well done, thawk4


  • Comment number 24.

    Great news Nicki - onwards and upwards.

    Beez xx

  • Comment number 25.

    Yes - Sorry Thawk4 - Forgot to say well done

  • Comment number 26.

    Cheers for your thoughts on the last one btw Debs.

    Music very loud! Right up until 7 when I'm heading off to the constantly mispronounced by traffic tottie...Princes Risborough for an intimate Italian with my bezzie mate who I haven't seen for about 6 months..

    You can all start looking forward to the usual drunken twaddle I spout on FNWC on my return!

    Come to think of it.

    Does anyone ever notice the difference!!??



  • Comment number 27.

    Cuba - one of my fave records of all time, woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Deev, hope you've got your yellow feathers in ...

    T XX

  • Comment number 28.

    Thanks Thunder,

    Well done Thawk4...good effort!

    Oops...just sat on me Daffs!!!


  • Comment number 29.

    Happy Birthday Chris and team, great show,loving the music love to all.x

  • Comment number 30.

    Rips - intimate Italian - Hmm - bring me one of them back will you!
    That would really make the party fun lol!

  • Comment number 31.

    To Chris and The Drivetime Team.

    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy 3rd Birthday
    Happy Birthday to you.

    Many Many More of them. You are doing a great job.

    Very Best Wishes
    Mel xx

  • Comment number 32.

    Sadly Debs,

    When I said an Italian,I only meant food!

    And intimate may be stretching it a bit, I don't like him that much!!



  • Comment number 33.

    PHew ... panic! Interwebby died at 5pm. Had to re-boot the router. Now working.

    ICT Genius!

    Rips ..... mine's a tiramissou please!

    Ö÷²¥´óÐãward bound now ..... with CLP and the team for company.

    Back later, armed with a bottle of Pinot Grigio (yes, Rips, just the one!)

    PJs and red stiletoes at the ready .....

    x x x

  • Comment number 34.

    Ooh Rips, if you're taking orders, can you bring us a bottle of limoncello please??

    T xxx

  • Comment number 35.




  • Comment number 36.

    Oh go on then, you said Please!!!!


    Signor Rips x

  • Comment number 37.

    Oh Rips - what a let down - so I'm with tinsel on the limoncello - yes please!

    PS - any one else think Bryn and Nessa's version of Islands in the Stream is better.....

  • Comment number 38.

    I'll tell you what...Anyone who can get to Princes Risborough can have a meal on me....not literally, you'll be relieved to hear!

    Howsaboutthat then Guys 'n' Gals?!



  • Comment number 39.

    ha ha Rips, now if it was LITERALLY on you then I might be tempted!!!!!

    So that's me and Debs on limoncello, straight out of the freezer, yum yum!!!

    Hello by the way Debs :-)

    T xxx

  • Comment number 40.

    Phew...no takers!


  • Comment number 41.

    Rips - where actually is Princes whatsit? I'm sure its on tuther side o country to me so I think you're safe on this account!

    Ignorant of Briz

  • Comment number 42.

    Hello Tinsel!
    I think we got a verrrrry scared Rips there lol!

  • Comment number 43.

    Debs, I don't think that not knowing the whereabouts of the sprawling Metroplois that is P.R makes you ignorant!

    It is in Bucks half way between High Wycombe and Aylesbury...which is why we are meeting there!

    Dad used to have a Pub there in the Market Square, it also has a huge White cross carved in to the hill on The Ridgeway.
    Tis very nice.

    Wake up at the back!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Comment number 44.

    Jay Kay, Jackie Stewart and David Jason live near it.

    You'd have thought they could afford a house each!!

    Hahahahahahaha....I do crack me up.

    Just me then?



  • Comment number 45.

    Hello CLP and all,

    Hope the sun got to you in the end, its wonderful here this evening.
    Right, when can we start pass the parcel ???
    or is it musical chairs first ??

    SOooo glad its Friday, been a long short week.

    Rips, enjoy the meal, could just eat an Italian, well not a whole one ...


  • Comment number 46.

    Rips - I think I might have been there in a former life - are there lots of footballers wives type big houses?
    And yes - I thinks its me, thee and tinsel keeping this going - do you think there actually IS a party but we is not invited?

  • Comment number 47.

    Did someone mention a free dinner?

    Aylesbury not too far from my good self.

    And I do likea my pasta.

    Problem is I have gorn and promised to buy chinese for my friend as her clutch went today and she doesn't get paid til a week on tuesday. Chop suey heals many a wound.

    maybe next time Rips?

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 48.

    Oh no - MC is now here - welcome to the party!
    Music stopped and I've just taken a layer off - and got a bag of jelly tots (off the parcel not me....)

  • Comment number 49.

    MC - Cheers, couldn't agree more about this week!

    Debs - Not really in Risborough. Plenty in the surrounding villages though.

    Peroni Ripples


  • Comment number 50.

    Evening All,

    Happy Birthday Drivetime!

    Right, I've got a party popper to start the proceedings....


    Living room now covered in paper streamers

    Who's got the peanuts then??


  • Comment number 51.

    Hi Debs,

    Ooooh, jelly tots ................

    Virtual birthday parties are sooo much fun ;-))

    MC xx

  • Comment number 52.

    HI MC - moosic stopped again - your turn - whats underneath your layer?

  • Comment number 53.

    A party popper that covers the room with streamers?

    No way!

    My party poppers are always so weak that they never get any further than my dinner plate, and turn the gravy a funny colour.


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 54.

    Hi Debs,.................

    oooh soo much sellotape, am struggling, .... hey just got it off .............. and , oh dam, the music has started again ;-(((

    MC x

  • Comment number 55.

    MW! a.....You fascinate me strangely!

    Ou est vous? or something like that?

    I know that's French btw....well sort of French.

    Likea Pasta....Do you have to have a row with the other half while your walking around choosing it?

    Beaten once again by fate!



  • Comment number 56.

    Hi MC - dont you HATE it when that happens
    Never mind - I'm sure you will do better in moosical chairs - us northerners - we are well good at that.......

  • Comment number 57.

    Hi CLP and everyone


    Greetings from a beautifully sunny Wigan, sorry to those of you with all the cloudy wet stuff.

    Have been really busy with the nieces, who we took home yesterday, well, two-thirds of the way, and then we made them walk! (Not really!!) But we had a really great time with them :)

    Have spent today clearing out the lounge ready for repainting, but Mr JG & I are still "discussing" the new colour scheme...hence now up to 7 different tester pot patches on the walls, and still no agreement!

    Have now given in and poured the first glass of vino as an attempt at avoiding going back out for more colours!

    Let's get this party cranked up!

    JG xx

    Sorry for going on!

  • Comment number 58.

    Rips - took me a while that one - L IKEA pasta n'est pas?
    Oh you crack me up!

  • Comment number 59.

    No rowing as going round choosing, the rowing starts on the drive to the big pasta warehouse, while I make lists stating we only need a bit of Penne. And end up buying sheets of lasagne without measuring and by the time we get round to using it we discover that actually sheet B doesn't attach to sheet A, and noodles 3, 4 and 7 are missing.


    fascinate you strangely? Is that different to strangely fascinating?

    MW, a!

  • Comment number 60.

    I'll stop hogging this in a minute...promise!

    Have you seen the hoooge Tube party popper/cannons.

    Last Christmas we set two of through my mates letterbox while he was out.

    We were challenged by his neighbour as we legged it giggling uncontrollably, as he'd just witnessed two men pull up, run to the door, shoot two canisters through the letterbox, which made quite a bang, and then run off.

    He saw the funny side....these things managed to spray rubbish across the length of his lounge and well into the kitchen.




  • Comment number 61.

    Looks like we're off to a good start, I have to admit that FNWC started early chez Noos, just after phone call infact. Iwas thinking, now where did I put that ruddy yardarm, I'm sure the sun's past it it by now.

    Huge great big sloppy thank you's to
    Thunder - thanks for keeping em crossed - go careful now I don't want to be responsible for anything dropping off!
    The leather stuff was from the days when I was under the impression I looked good in em, they still fit, but kind of in a different way - that's enough, back in the wardrobe for them I feel.
    Tins, Penny F, DebsHJ, Purp Dragon, Beez, Sbp and Deev of course - thanks so much for all your positive notes and thoughts - I know if/when we meet in person it'll be ruddy awesome. xx

  • Comment number 62.


    Tee hee .............

    who is going to start the bbq ? come on lets get the sausages going ..........

    MWa over to you...........


  • Comment number 63.


    Now, don't you be giving me any responsibilty in the hot sausage department.

    Not advisable.

    Really, really not.

    MW, a

  • Comment number 64.

    Jackeygirl, I'm sorry, - you discuss, colours, put your foot down with a firm hand girl, he'll realise whos incharge in such matters!!

  • Comment number 65.

    NICKI....I retract everything I have said.

    Thunder, arm wrestle in the car park now!

    MW, a! - you're too clever for me..but then so is mud!


    Right got to go and make myself look Tip Top.........................


    I put a long baggy coat with a hood on!

    Don't drink anything Deev brings!!!!!

    Later Taters

  • Comment number 66.

    Nicki - starting early - good girl - my kind of in-fact! Just about to pour glass #2....

    I agree the 'if/when' we meet it will be fun - only being new to this and not on 'the other side' team - is there one planned? Work wise I am free for the rest of my life at the moment........ :-)

  • Comment number 67.

    Oh, and Rips,

    In answer to your French question.

    About 20 past 6.

    I think


    MW, a!

  • Comment number 68.


    You out there?? we need the bbq starting,
    some of that bubble mixture might help...

  • Comment number 69.

    Ooo, just noticed my glass is empty - later folks, behave, don't let Mariella near the barbi, and for gawds sake if Deev turns up with the yellow feathers keep her away from it!

  • Comment number 70.

    Happy birthday everyone - just found a box of Stella bottles in shed - whooo hooooo cheers!!!

    Has anyone missed me? Teehee, if you ask me where i've been, got no blimmin idea! Been reading the blog relgiously several times a day but not got round to writing - muppet!!!

    Happy party everyone - congrats to Nicki, got a good feeling for ya hun xxxx

  • Comment number 71.


    Just caught up a bit more...

    Good luck on Weds Nicki!

    Actually to make it worse, he's colour-blind, so thought one of the colours was green, when it was actually "Nutmeg" - grrrr

    At least I've talked him out of a feature wall in "Muddy Puddle"

    JG x

  • Comment number 72.

    Help help help everyone - there is something round and glowing in the sky - 'almost' coming through the grey...... is it some kind of massive party popper that Rips has used?

  • Comment number 73.

    Well done Nicki - excellent news to start your weekend and this here party.

    I've made it to the wine rack and back and the jim jams are warming.

    Love you guys and have always loved Chris, right from the very start.

    Getting emotional already!


  • Comment number 74.

    oh no - false alarm - its gone again.....

  • Comment number 75.

    My sat nav cant find High wickenbeacontame field - tell Ripples I may be a bit late for my meal !!

    Off to rustle up something for the journey - never one to refuse a free meal me!!!

    Back later

    Beez xxx

  • Comment number 76.

    Oops, sorry Debs....dropped me towel!



  • Comment number 77.

    I am afraid having missed out on a chair in the first musical round I am going to go to the garden for a sulk.....

    ....actually, me and her indoors are going to a wedding celebration tonight so have a great party all. Have one for me..

    Keep safe and have a great weekend

  • Comment number 78.

    Congratulations to both of you Thunder, how many years?

    Bees...You're fed up not hard up!



  • Comment number 79.

    ACDC last night
    i went last night so good lost for words
    a bit angus is the best guitar man ever
    ticket was £116 +20 to park still worth
    it shame they didnt play long way to the
    top if you wannar rock and roll i expect
    brian cant play the bag pipes shame a

  • Comment number 80.


    Not our celebration. Not until October when it will be 34 years.

    "Young" friends who now live got married in New Zealand. They have come home to celebrate with family and friends.

  • Comment number 81.

    RIPS! enjoy your intimate Italian

  • Comment number 82.

    Just re-read it Thunder....

    I never claimed to be clever!


    Simple Ripples!

  • Comment number 83.

    Ok then:
    Shower - check
    Blow dry (careful!) - check
    Make up - check
    Clothes (most importantly) - check
    Perfume - check
    Wine consumed (sorry, no tonic for gin!) - check
    ARF listened to - check (crackin' show Christophe!!)

    Right gang, I'm offski. Thanks for all the support/advice earlier, much appreciated.

    AF xx

    ps you can tell I don't get out much eh...

    pps will catch up later, may be a little the worse for wear hehe. TTFN x

  • Comment number 84.

    "Don't drink anything Deev brings"


    Go get pasta's young man! NOW!

    We've ordered kebabs - can't be done with cooking tonight!

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 85.

    Kebabs....Chili sauce, salad??

    Right I'm offski




  • Comment number 86.

    rips - can be at princes risborogh in 15 mins? what ?? you've gone already?? darn?

    high wycombe/ beaconsfield beesmum - if you can find them you can find my house

    happy party everyone - we have real people coming round so will have to get on puter and be socialble - have a good one

    super bp x

  • Comment number 87.


    Went to cook some tea and found half bottle red wine - Whoo hoo!!

    Hope everyone going out has a good time....


  • Comment number 88.

    Night Rips

    Have just talked to my sis (Mum of nieces) and they're fighting like mad now LOL

    Glad they didn't do this when we had them :)

    So, where's those balloons and party poppers?

    And my tea, which should be delivered anytime now.....

    JG x

  • Comment number 89.


    "real people" .. .... cheers!

    Deev xx

  • Comment number 90.

    deev - you know what i mean - people in flesh and blood in our house! ;-)

  • Comment number 91.

    SBP - can also find most of my family! I have a cousin in Monks Risborough :)

    I'm the black sheep who moved oop north :)

    JG x

  • Comment number 92.

    People actually have real people visiting???

    Being a shy girlie I prefer the virtual types!!

    Ooops up side ya head, I said ooops up side ya head ...

    T xxx

  • Comment number 93.

    AF - Good on you, hope you have a fab time.

    The rest of you lot have a great party!

    I've also got visitors - boooooooo. Think I would rather be joining in your fun. But hey ho.

    Penny x

  • Comment number 94.

    Lorks a lordy, my bottom's on fire.

    Well, that is not strictly true, I've just had The Young Ones spinning through this addled mind of mine today.

    Is it really Friday again? I really don't know whether I'm coming or going.

    By the way, happy birthday, and all that jazz.

    Three years? Three years I've been coming here?

    Crumbs. I remember the very first few weeks. Without wishing to harp on about it again, that was time I first met Chris. I mentioned the 'schlog', as it was known then, to him and he said he was glad I liked it and maybe it would continue.

    By heck it has lad, by heck it has.

    Dreary old evening here in West Sussex, by the way. We've just been watching our mate Gary (Rhodes) annoying all the chefs in the Caribbean on telly, specifically the one in St Lucia, which has both of us all dewy-eyed as we remember our wonderful week there back in February.

    Seems a long time ago.


    Road trip. I know you are all on the edges of your seats waiting for the decision. So here it is.

    Ta da!

    We're going RV. Yup, have camper, will travel.

    We are 'bookending' the 10 or so days in the truck with a couple of days in Vegas in two ultra-luxurious hotels - two nights at the beginning one end of the strip, two nights at the end at the other end of the strip - but in the middle we are 'roughing it'.

    Not really, but we will be cooking our own meals and, yep, emptying the dunny.

    Hey, it will be an experience.

    We delivered a rather nice car to a rich, Premiership footballer today, someone picked a decent tune on ARF - The Killers - and I have a glass of vino in my hand. An OK day in my book.

    Loving your work


  • Comment number 95.

    Bagpuss - well worn path to Beaconsfield - for a few years car knew its own way - bro in law parties with actor/ t/v type dahlings in attendance. Good at the time!
    Nearly finished cooking just bubbling away now - glass in hand - cheers!

    Beez xxx

    ps rips - all sorted!!

  • Comment number 96.

    Matt, your hols sounds absolutely fabulous! go where you want, eat what and when you want, it'll be so brill!

    Was it an Aston Martin? A Merc??

    T xxx

  • Comment number 97.

    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

    Matt - any room for a little one in that RV? I can bring wine!

    Deev x

  • Comment number 98.

    Oh, and I just remembered the other thing I was going to mention.

    Going on from Chris' experience with ACDC, I coldn't help thinking back to one of the more extreme 'rock moments' of my mispent youth.

    For some reason we decided to go and see a band called Slayer at Hammersmith Odeon, as it was then. By the way, what is it called now?

    Anyway. For those that don't know them, Slayer are a fairly extreme metal band, who are rather partial to very fast heavy stuff - mostly known as 'thrash' - and quite extreme lyrics, which I won't mention. That said, their definitive recording - Reign in Blood (get the idea?) is actually a very good album - if you are into that sort of stuff.

    So we trot down to Hammy O, aged 16 or 17, dressed in the standard uniform of ripped denim and cowboy boots, and neck a few (underage) pints of cheap lager.

    Then, the rock monsters come on, and we basically spend the next two hours headbanging. Think Wayne's World Bohemian Rhapsody, and you won't be far off.

    At the end, we managed to get the band's autographs, and even had a truly great experience, which was wandering around on the stage after the place was empty. This is actually amazing. I was once privilaged to get onto Centre Court, Wimbledon after the men's singles final, when the whole place had emptied, and it is the eeriest, but most spine-tingling place I have ever had to myself.

    Anyway. To cut a long story short, the next week was spent suffering from what was essentially self-induced whiplash.

    Moral of the story? Don't do as the kids do, sup a pint in the bar, find a comfy seat, and enjoy the show with your feet up.

    Peace etc


  • Comment number 99.


    An Aston. Can't say anymore.

    Deev. Yup, hop aboard. Seats about twenty, so hurry up and bring your jukebox money.


  • Comment number 100.


    Just I would pop in quickly, I'm home now finally discharged.

    Haven't read any post for so long now hope everyone is ok, may be back later if I can stay awake that is.

    Debbie x x x


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