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Top Of The Popes

Chris Evans | 13:51 UK time, Thursday, 16 September 2010

The Pope is here, there are mixed feelings about his visit. I actually don't know what I think. And ain't that just a bummer ? When you don't know what you think about something. This happens to me a lot.

I bet Alex Salmond knows what he thinks about everything. I bet Alex Ferguson knows what he thinks about everything. I bet Ken Bruce knows what he thinks about everything.

Maybe it helps to be Scottish.

Maybe that's why The Pope started his papal visit in Scotland - because they tend to know what they think about everything, like the French or Jeremy Clarkson.





  • Comment number 1.

    Hello Chris

    I'm not sure its always a bad thing not knowing what you think, as Socrates is quoted as saying "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."


  • Comment number 2.


    As a Scot - I don't really know what I think about that!


  • Comment number 3.

    Blimey, am I first?!

    I know what you mean, quite often I think I must be the only one who doesn't have a view on something and thought that was because I was a very shallow person who didn't think about things enough!!

    I should think for Catholics the Pope's visit is a very big deal indeed, but not sure about for others. He doesn't really impact much on my daily life for example - although I LOVED visiting St Peters and the Vatican several years ago - absolutely beautiful!

    CG x

  • Comment number 4.

    rats, took too long typing my post!!

    CG x

  • Comment number 5.


    Good byyyyyyyyyyye.

    I'm going to phone in for that one of these days.


  • Comment number 6.


    I agree that for Catholics the Pope's visit must be a huge deal, however for me personally it just means roads closed and general upheaval (and a heck of a lot of money), sorry if that offends anyone but as I say that is just my own personal view.



  • Comment number 7.

    Well, as there seems to be nowt else happening in the world it's a good job he's here. He's been filling up the rolling Ö÷²¥´óÐã news channel all blimmin' morning!!



  • Comment number 8.

    Thanks for forwarded the mail, sounds like she's getting on really well (as we all knew she would)

    Tiggs xxx

  • Comment number 9.


    I wonder if it would be possible to copy AliB's message on to the bloggers FB page, without the email address details, so you don't have to keep forwarding it on to individuals.

    If you don't think its appropriate that's fine just thought it might be helpful ;)


  • Comment number 10.

    Afternoon CLP and bloggers,

    I'm often in the situation of not knowing what I think about things, but maybe I can half get away with it as I'm half Scottish. So maybe it's my English half that is unsure. As for the Papal visit, it has meant holidays from work for me!

    Hope everyone is ok


  • Comment number 11.

    On another Scottish theme - if you watched Hairy Bikers last night you would see they were in Scotland....eating and cooking the most high fat and sugar content food on the planet! All they missed out was deep fried pizza and deep fried mars bars. I used to work next to a fish and chip shop and at lunch time they used to serve up deep fried fingers of fudge as opposed to the whole mars bar deal, just to get the school kids, who used to flock there for lunch, weaned onto the healthy food option!

    Having said all of that my mouth was watering at the majority of the food being shown and tasted last night, but having just been for my second walk/run in my get fit for winter campaign I kept well away from the kitchen.

    And with regards to the Pope, well why not I think? Whatever religion anyone is, one of the most appealing aspects of this country is our right to freedom of speech and choice, although listening for 2 minutes to Jeremy Whine yesterday you would wonder....

    Right, off my Scottish soapbox....I think...!


  • Comment number 12.


    Tip Top Idea!!

    I'll get on to it as soon as I can (might not be poss from work due to different servers for here nad FB ....)


  • Comment number 13.

    By the miracles of cut and paste, I've done it!

    I couldn't post it on the wall tho as it's too big, so I've started a discussion thread speshly for AliB emails!

    As and when I get new ones, I'll post them on there too.


  • Comment number 14.

    Hello CLP & Everyone.

    Just got in from braving the elements here in Wirral and now awaiting home delivery.

    I don't know why but I feel a little bit worried about the Pope's visit and I'm not Catholic.

    But then I don't know what I'm talking about regarding religions. Each one could be the right one or they could all be wrong. But I do believe that there is definitely something out there. And we all need something to believe in. I just wish that religion didn't cause so much trouble in the world.

    If I Can Dream by Elvis comes to mind!

    MM x

  • Comment number 15.

    Well CLP, I know what I think today, walking again is reet blooming hard work. And what else I know is that my lower back is bu**ered on account of walking/hopping badley for just over 3 months. A trip to the lovely back cracker lady is in the offing as soon as I can get there!

    Just watched the 1st ep of Bouquet of Barbed wire - oooo dead good! Right off to watch the next one now.

    Oh and can anyone help me find out how energy un-efficient a convector heater is? I've looked on Witch site and its the one thing they dont compare/cover - in this day and age you'd think thats the first thing to consider dontcha? Mentals!

    right back to being a couch potato....


  • Comment number 16.


    We used a couple of convector heaters before the central heating was put in. They are quite reasonable if you put them on high to start with and then turn them down to low. If left on high they eat up the electricity.

    Good luck with the cornish pasties tomorrow, I hope they taste cornish!

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 17.

    I'm feeling totally hacked off with work at the mo. Then I just looked out of the window and there's the most beautiful rainbow I've seen in a very long time.


  • Comment number 18.

    Today's copy & paste>>>>>

    MM x

  • Comment number 19.

    Hello MM

    You appear to have this adding links off to a T now!

    Deev's thanks for pasting that into FB, and amazing how a rainbow makes you feel better!


  • Comment number 20.

    LOL Andy - after the rainbow we had hailstones the size of golf balls! Bouncing off the car park - very hypnotic.

    Think I'm leaving here at half four - been in since 8 and it's gone quiet now.



  • Comment number 21.

    Maddy, thanks for that, I have bought one as during the autumn/winter months i tend to work from home in my back living room on puter, so dont want to put central heating on for whole house.

    I have just bought one, and it was very quick to warm up room, I had it on less than half setting and had to switch off after 30 mins as boiling! Still more than warm enough now after an hour of it being off, so hopefully I have a warm room solution that wont cost the earth!

    Thanks for good lucks with pasties - I'll let you know!

    BTW - just watched next ep of Bouquet - Oh my oh my!!!!! How am I going to last till monday night for last ep!!!!

    Have a good evening everyone what ever you are getting up to!


  • Comment number 22.


    day off today, spent the morning rewriting my CV and submitting it to those who want it! Spent the afternoon in town with the lovely husband and now just catching up with the film of the girl with the dragon tattoo and a glass of wine - well I am on holiday!!!

    Tomorrow me and him are spending the whole day togther - his choice - who knows where we will end up


    PS - the pope - I'm not catholic and glad of it - much prouder to have the Queen as my head of church!

  • Comment number 23.

    sorry- my ps was a bit odd, I could have been catholic, my mother was and I went to RC primary school but it never appealed to me, too much organised relgion, not enough Christianity!

  • Comment number 24.

    Afternoon each

    Don't think it helps to be Scottish Chris, they're just as daft as the English, Irish and Welsh. I don't quite know what to think about the Pope either, although I have to say, he didn't get in my way this morning. I took the back roads to Livingston, avoiding the M8 and I think a gazillion other drivers did too - they all got in my way instead.

    Back later when I've caught up.


  • Comment number 25.

    okay - me and him want to know - we live in Bucks - what should we do tomorrow bearing in mind we have little money and the weather is going to be dry but not warm - thanks ;-)

  • Comment number 26.


    Why not take a leaf out of Chris & Tash's book and play golf or even putting.

    It's a lot of fun if the weather's OK.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 27.

    Hi all

    Baggy, how about a walk along the river at Marlow, with a pub lunch/picnic and some window shopping?

    Have wimped out of going swimming tonight, I'm just too exhausted!

    Debs, we have a plug in oil-filled radiator thing for the conservatory, which is excellent.

    JG x

  • Comment number 28.

    Yo dudes!

    I went swimming tonight and managed to do 70 lengths so reet chuffed! I feel good for it too - my back's been killing me this week but the swimming seems to ease it off a little.

    Baggy, hows about a nice National Trust property? Or English Heritage. Have a squizz at their websites - cream tea in the afternoon???

    Re the Pope. Do you think he gets back to his hotel room and has a whinge about being on such a tight itinerary? I can just imagine him saying he wants to see the London Eye / Buckingham Palace / Heathrow T4 or wherever .....!!?!?

    What goes on in my mind? Answers on a postcard .....


  • Comment number 29.

    Hello everyone

    Hope your all ok.

    I have had some really bad news tonight, my uncle has died today.

    csn. xx

  • Comment number 30.


    Deevs, there isn't a postcard big enough!

    Debs, so good to hear you getting about more now. Just remember, don't try too much too soon! Don't want you to be put back

    Maddy, you are getting good with the cut n paste. Is good to learn new things isn't it

    Annie, sounds like you got away with it!

    Baggy, I'm with JG, a walk somewhere nice with a picnic or pub lunch - lovely! And deffo a good "budget" option

    Right, am off to make a quick visit to Simon's Blogpoppets to thank him for the Ö÷²¥´óÐãwork advice!

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 31.

    CSN, sorry to hear your news, you appeared while I was typing


  • Comment number 32.

    Sorry to hear your news CSN!

    I wondered if that was you Seza! Didn't hear the result unfortunately, will hear the summary tomorrow, have given up on listening again!

    I hope you got some good advice!

    JG x

  • Comment number 33.

    Sorry to hear your news csn. Thoughts with you at the sad time.


  • Comment number 34.

    Hiya JG, yes the advice was good, some was new ideas or apporaches, some was what we do already but it's good to hear that your doing ok sometimes!

    Seems to have been a very short evening what with school plays, tennis lesson and a bit of exercise but now I'm going to say goodnight

    Sleep well

    Seza xx

  • Comment number 35.

    Sorry to hear your sad news CSN.

    I'm thinking of you.

    MM xxx

  • Comment number 36.

    Seza, re your Ö÷²¥´óÐãwork Sucks thingy. You might like to check Gareth Malones Dangerous School For Boys next Thursday. I suspect it to be exactly what you are looking for. I will also C&P this next door, to give you the best chance of getting this message. Good luck wi'it.

  • Comment number 37.

    my thoughts are with you and your family CSN xx

    night all

    love CG xx

  • Comment number 38.

    MM x

  • Comment number 39.

    Big hugs to CSN

    just to say
    New Blog!


  • Comment number 40.

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