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Max visits RIP Bradders

Lou | 11:30 UK time, Monday, 22 February 2010

Just days have passed since poor Bradley fell to his death in Albert Square,Ìýbut the shock will never go away. RIP. WE'LL MISS YOU.

Max takes a pair of rather nice shoes to the hospital for "Bra-lee" in Monday night's episode andÌýtries to come to terms with his death. Hardly father of the century, but he apologises to his son for everything...Ìýmaybe an affair too late, Max?

Will Archie's murderer, Stacey, stick around to face the music? We shall soon find out!Ìý

Bradley and MaxÌý... to be aired on Monday night from 8pm.


  • Comment number 1.

    That picture is really upsetting, i didn't want Bradley to die !!

    Bradley Branning, albert square legend !!

  • Comment number 2.


    Dead excited to see Monday's episode!!

  • Comment number 3.


    that is not fair bradley should have died
    he was a awsome actor and he was my fave character in the eastend

    we will miss u so much bradley :(

  • Comment number 4.

    this is pic makes me want to cry :(
    i didnt want bradley to die

    R.I.P Bradders

    cant wait to see tonights episode!

  • Comment number 5.

    Awwwww.... I didn't want Bradley to die.. He was my favorite character .. He will be missed from the soap :'( .. bye Bradders.. xx

  • Comment number 6.

    Hello everyone at eastenders i would just like to say well done the whole show was amazin yous did us proud

    i will miss bradley very much and i wish him all the best for the future
    p.s write bk thnk u xx

  • Comment number 7.

    Cant believe Bradders is gone!

    Apparently the Poilce are upset at the archie mystery plot as its 'irritatingly inaccurate'...

    [Unsuitable/Broken URL removed by Moderator]

    Its a Soap Opera detective!

  • Comment number 8.

    I have been an avid Eastenders fan for many years but this story line was just daft.

    Bradley new he did not do it so what on earth was he doing on the roof, it all did not make any sense and was not in anyway like his character.

    Stacey admitting it was an anti climax I am very disappointed at the scripts at the moment.

  • Comment number 9.

    y did braders have to die , he was a sweet boy
    and will be deeply missed . R.I.P!

  • Comment number 10.

    R.I.P Bradley Branning! Stacey without Bradley will be very weird! It will be like Romeo without Juliet, though I doubt Bradley's hardly a Romeo. haha

  • Comment number 11.

    Good episode
    will miss you bradley
    good luck for the future!:) xx

  • Comment number 12.

    Stacey should of admitted to it then poor Bradley wouldn not of had to die :(
    i'm really upset about this and mad with whoever came up with this idea! This was one of the worse idea's in the whole world! So well done to alot of people that have had to suffered and now Stacey will have to bring this baby up on her own! So absolutely well done. :( :(

  • Comment number 13.

    awww poor bradders :( im interested to see how this episode will pan out after the live one :P

  • Comment number 14.

    The actor who played Bradley Branning (Charlie) will go on to do so much more and Eastenders writers have lost out big time.

    There could have been such good stories for him and Stacey (lacey) to play. Theses actors played off one another so well it was so easy to get drawn into the plotlines.

    I'll miss you charlie, get well soon Lacey

    "how about another live special for Easter please"

  • Comment number 15.

    Noooooo,not again. It was bad enough seeing Bradley die in friday night's live episode,but this is just too much to take.
    I cried loads when Bradley fell to his death, and seeing Max,Stacey and Jack's emotion and shock was harrowing,but tonight we will see Max pour his heart out to Bradley in the hospital morgue.
    We will no doubt see Stacey visiting him as well, more heart rending scenes.
    Bradley should have got away,so he could have returned at some point in the future,not the terrible sad ending to the Bradley and Stacey storyline nobody wanted. He loved his Stacey so much that he married her twice, and she loved him too,so i can't understand why she didn't shout out to the police to back off and admit it was her, anybody who loved their husband AND had just got married would have.
    I did guess it was Stacey, but i hoped it was Ronnie or Peggy,anyone but Stacey or poor innocent Bradley.
    The police have criticised the episode for the handling of the rooftop and investigation scenes, and no wonder because no police officer would have continued chasing a suspect when they could clearly see how terrified and vulnerable the person was. Why did the police not have a negotiator and an ambulance standing by.
    I hope Stacey finds out that her so called mate Becca was the one that tipped off the police, and tells her to get lost.
    I agree that this storyline was a serious let down,although very well filmed.
    Mr Santer didn't care about the story content as much as the need to make it as dramatic and upsetting to the viewer as possible.
    I have watched Eastenders since it started,and there will never be another couple like Bradley and Stacey.
    Lacey Turner and Charlie Clements were absolutely amazing.
    What next for poor tragic Stacey.
    I will have the tissues at the ready tonight.
    R I P Bradley you were the BEST. We LOVE and miss you lots.

  • Comment number 16.

    oh how sad he was such a bril actor

  • Comment number 17.

    Bradley ...... well not that fussed about still miss him loads and loads
    well done to the whole team from the eastend think you did great.

  • Comment number 18.

    Bradley will be sadly missed on Albert Square. He didn't deserve to die. I am watching it tonight see how the square react to his tragic death xxxxx

  • Comment number 19.

    Bradley why did you have to die. He should of just ran away instead of dieing atleast he would able to return or something.I loved the relationhsip that he had with Stacey. they are my second fav couple after kat and alfie.
    You sure will be missed Bradley
    Anyway whats going to happen to Stacey, I hope she doesn't leave the Square or goes to prison. She is one of the best nad hottesst actors in EastEnders after her cousin Kat Moon. Please don't go Stacey. I love you. Make sure she doesn't go Diederick Santer.
    Thank You

  • Comment number 20.

    What a shock, what an episode! never saw that one coming. Such a loss Bradley was amazing one of my fav characters! Very sad to see him die out. Just like to add i think Lacey is one of the best actors eastenders has had! AMAZING X

  • Comment number 21.

    So sad when Bradders died.

    I were in shock the first time i saw it, then i watched it again and poured my eyes out.

    I liked Bradley... R.I.P.

    Stacey & Bradley= Best Couple Ever!!


  • Comment number 22.




  • Comment number 23.

    I feel sorry for bradley he didn't even kill archie mitchell stacy did athough i thought is was jean.

  • Comment number 24.

    Why couldent of bradley suvived??

  • Comment number 25.

    we will miss youuu bradley..... x x

  • Comment number 26.

    We will all miss Bradley, he's a true Walford ledgend

  • Comment number 27.

    awwwwwwwwwwww gosh i loved bradly he was soo sweet awww bless R.I.P

  • Comment number 28.

    Max was fantastic as grieving dad was an emotional reck!

  • Comment number 29.

    I know that it is being aired as I type - but I'm looking forward to watching this episode on iplayer shortly.

    It's a shame that Bradley's lot his spiderman powers as he could have swung from the Queen Victoria grab Stacy and made it to St Pancras. Alternatively, it is a shame that DI Marsden wasn't Inspector Gadget as she could have caught him with her go go gadget arms lol....

    Great episode, great storyline and who cares if the police think the storyline is inaccurate, it's fiction anyway!

  • Comment number 30.

    max was great, well done

  • Comment number 31.

    I totally agree about the police investigation. The whole thing from start to finish was majorly flawed. Now I know we are supposed to expect a certain amount of 'artistic licence', but certainly when a character as loved as Bradley falls to his death and you can point the finger at the harrassment of the police officer behind him you can see why the police and the public become exasperated. I'm a trainee social worker and from what I've seen of eastenders 'social' visits I know how it feels to be misrepresented! But really, I'm just so sad Bradley has gone! I think the truth is Stacey would really take her own life following this. Her history and current state would surely point to that.

  • Comment number 32.

    another great episode but SO SAD! had a big lump in my throat all the way through, poor Bradley, we will miss him!
    Poor Stacey, can she take much more, and another award coming Lacey Turner's way I think, she is just brilliant.

  • Comment number 33.

    I was veryy upset at bradley's death...please charlie clements bring him back. i meen i know people may think how buh he should come back. maybe bradley faked his death to get away from he police, and killed himself so that the case would close, coz maybe we dont know it but stacey told bradley it was her.. thats why he was so worried. and that is why is said "RUN SATCEE ..RUN." i think it would make a great storyline and would attract many veiwers. and to make more sense it was jack who helped him with this plan because it is why he was so determined to make his plan work. and the police guy who is marsdens helper helped. thats why he is not shown recently. i would make many veiwers happy,,and charlie has just left eastedners so maybe not now buh next year or the end of this year. IT WOULD BREAK HISTORY. MANY SOAPS HAVE DONE THIS BUT TO DO IT WITH BRADLEY WOULD BE A WHOLE NEW LEVEL.

  • Comment number 34.

    I Can Not Believe Tonight Episode Of Eastenders It Was Nearly As Heart Wrenching As Friday Night's Live Episode!. I Still Can Not Believe That Bradley Was Written Out Of Eastenders Seems As He Was One Of The Most Kindest And Caring People On The Square And Nobody Deserved To Be Really Happy Other Than Bradley And Stacy. Everyone Could See That They Both Loved Each Other Very Much!. After Tonights Episode Where Stacy Was Talking About Her And Bradley Talking About Death, I Feel As If This Could Turn Into Another Romeo And Juliet Senario And She Will Kill Herself Not Just From Guilt But For The Never Ending Love For Bradley. I Dont Think The Program Will Be The Same Without You Bradder R.I.P Mate ( My Favourite Character :) )

  • Comment number 35.

    I think Archie did deserve to die. He was an all round evil, nasty character. However, I don't like the idea of Bradley being branded a murdered and Stacey a widow! Eastendres should let Stacey get away with it for now...Janine Butcher has at least 2 times!! I dislike that nutter Becca !!! its really her fault that Bradders kicked the bucket!! Its all down to her crazy fantasy about Stacey being HER ONE and ONLY friend... if Becca can't have Stacey; No one can!!!
    I'd like the writers of Eastenders to write a good storyline to get rid of her for causing Stacey to got off the rails...again! and for causing the untimely death of Bradley.. Crazy Becca should pick a fight with Stacey in the pub, then she'll go all mental and shout how she called the police and got Bradley scarred, hence he ran!. She'll go on to say she would lay awake at night in the hospital where she met Stacey and think about killing people (lets hope she killed her brother or pet dog in a nasty way several years before and is known to the police as high profile crazy lady!), then she could say that she was on day-release from the hospital on Christmas day and she decided to visit the Square, to visit Stacey. She could say she met Archie and tried it on with him, then killed him.....(its what crazy people do!?!)
    Hopefully everyone in the Vic will realise that Bradley was not the murder and realise that Becca has several screws loose. Then she'll get carted off to hospital again indefinitely and Stacey will leave Walford to start a new life after discovering that she has given birth to Bradley's real baby....it will turn out that she did have sex with him on a good day while he was on a break with Sid......Duff Duff Duff Duff.

  • Comment number 36.

    Im never watching eastenders again! I give up on it. I refuse to watch a bradley-less episode. I think that the script writers should RETRACT the episode! They took away the best character and the best relationship and have depressed the life out of me and everyone else with such a painful pointless episode! awful just awful. Maybe they should say oh this was stacey's nightmare, and then say it was all not true!!!

  • Comment number 37.

    Just watched it on iplayer and thought it was fantastic. If the fall hadn't killed him, those shoes certainly will...

    Not sure it is fair that Bradley is being slandered as a murderer and he is not exactly in a position to stand up for himself...but take heart folks, I am sure he will be on the Bill shortly misrepresenting the police force!!!

    Now I think about it, the story line was totally inaccurate as far as the police are concerned. Normally, they just issue an incident number and give a you phone call a couple of days later asking how well they have done. Artistic license - I love it!!!!

    Best wishes to all

  • Comment number 38.

    These pics r horrible been crying gain at 2nites episode cant handle all this gloom! Loved Bradley still dont understand why he had to be killed off though would have been nice to leave it open for him if he ever wanted to return.
    Eastenders wont be the same without Bradley and Stacey as a couple!x

  • Comment number 39.

    Bradley looks peaceful I will miss charle clements

  • Comment number 40.

    I cant believe bradley is dead :(
    when I watched fridays episode i had no idea he was going to die i thought he was going to be arrested and sent down for archies murder and thats how he left the show but no he was killed off! i was screaming at the telly when he fell off the vic and i was hysterical and then stacey admitting she killed archie was just even more surprising because i really didnt think she would be capable of murder! ive watched so many clips of the live episdoe and everytime i wacth them i cry and monday nights episode was even worse! through out the whole episode tears were running down my face because i really was upset he was dead ive watched the stacey/bradley storyline since it started and they were the only couple i could ever get into properly and ever sort of believe there stories and now that bradley is dead well it means its over and no more stacey with bradley. whats even more upsetting its that it was the day they got remarried and that horrid apparently 'best friend' of hers was the one who called the police! grrr! im so upset by it lol :P
    One more thing what would be the best thing ever would be to bring bradley back from the dead like dirty den and then life for stacey might be normal again anyways i had to get that all my chest hahaha LOVE YOU EASTENDERS!

  • Comment number 41.

    I cant believe Bradders has died, What a joke!! is there not way he can somehow come back from the dead? x x

  • Comment number 42.

    Very sad that Bradders has gone, he was a great character. Last nights ep was brilliant, Max played it extremely well. Only pointer for the make up department.... Where are all the bruises and cuts from the side of bradley's face, that was the side he hit!! Otherwise, Eastenders is brilliant.

  • Comment number 43.

    Last night's Eastenders was worse than Friday.Max had an obsession about cleaning Bradley's shoes and getting them to the hospital.He was obviously just in shock,but what amazing acting from Jake Wood.
    Stacey was brilliant as usual,locked in her bedroom reminiscing about Bradley and looking at all his belongings still there reminding her of her loss.
    I HATE Becca,and i wanted to slap her when she cold heartedly said that Bradley was dead and to get over it and on with her life.Some friend,as you don't say thay to a grieving widow,especially not to a vulnerable newlywed.
    The scenes in the morgue were so sad, and yes i watched the entire episode with tears streaming down my face.
    Max apologising to Bradley for being a bad Dad to him,and seeing the pain etched on his face was sad, but the scenes with Stacey in the room with the family (Why was there the need for so many of them,and why was Becca even allowed in the room when she is not even family?)
    The scenes with Jean trying to comfort her daughter and Stacey's questioning why Bradley was on his back and that he didn't like to sleep that way and she wanted to turn him on his side was tragic.Becca's comment that he was dead not sleeping made me want to KILL her.
    When Stacey kissed Bradley and told him she loved him was the saddest moment i have ever seen,but when she was alone with Bradley watching their wedding video,and they were so happy and in love, was the real choking moment for me.The way she ran out blindly.
    I agree that it is not fair to let everyone think Bradley was a murderer,and the way they all had very little sympathy for Stacey or Bradley was so wrong.Roxy in particular's comment about flowers for a murderer was unnecessary.Even Dot seemed too normal.
    I agree with a previous person that Stacey in her current state of mind with both guilt and grief would most likely commit suicide to be with Bradley (Didn't she tell her mum that Bradley had said if anything happened to Stacey he wouldn't want to live without her)
    DCI Stanton knows something isn't right and said as much to Phil,but she can't prove it (Yet)
    I would love them to bring back Bradley,but how can they?
    The police would know if somebody was dead or not,and with that fall,nobody could survive that.The pathologists would surely know too.
    Maybe they could make it a dream.
    How can Stacey be carrying Bradley's baby,he was with Syd then.
    Eastenders is unmissable right now.

  • Comment number 44.

    pooor bradderz! wat a ledgend! x

  • Comment number 45.

    what a great great live show i think it was well done and we will miss Bradley!!stacie will probally end up with max again now .
    i cant wait for kat and ALFIE to return i love you EASTENDERS PLZ ID LOVE TO BE ON YOUR SHOW TOO EVEN AS A BACK UP

  • Comment number 46.

    I realy enjoy watching eastenders and i think it is the best out of all the soaps. I would like two be in the show my self when i am older! Them coppers need two make up there mind up because they made poor bradley jump of the quen vic and they still have not got the real killer. The live show was a good one and i enjoyed watching it.... weldone two the eastenders team. keep it up :P

  • Comment number 47.

    i thought this episode was the saddest! i was crying so much! lacey turner is a brilliant actress!

  • Comment number 48.

    I am a bit disappointed that they killed bradley should'nt be stacey who killed archie bit of a shock RIP BRADLEY BRANNING.

  • Comment number 49.

    The reason Bradley ran from the police was because he already knew Stacey had murdered Archie and he wanted to protect her.
    Max won't report Stacey to the police and he'll let everyone think that Bradley did it because he knows how much Stacey meant to Bradley.
    The baby will prob turn out to be Ryans but whether he ever finds out or not is a different story.
    I'm glad it wasn't Janine as I think the Janine killing people story is getting a bit old now.
    It'll be interesting to watch how Stacey copes with the reality of being a widow and as for Becka it won't be long before she cracks and admits it was her who phoned the police.

    Brilliant Acting from everyone involved in the live episode.

  • Comment number 50.

    I kept thinking he would sit up and grab someone but he didn't, obviously, but it would be cool if he did and was like "I can't die" Duf duf moment!

  • Comment number 51.

    why bradley he was the best i love you brad. why kill bradley of honestly

  • Comment number 52.

    i realy feel for bradley. why did he have to die. he a realy good lad, he played the parts of the soap well. will miss him. r.i.p

  • Comment number 53.

    First of all i want to congratulate everyone involved with the live episode. I have never felt so much energy while watching the TV!! It has to be said that Charlies (Bradleys) departure was the most upsetting thing i have ever watched on a soap. I loved Bradley from the very minute he came onto the show from his great humour to his gorgeous face and rosy cheeks!! I really didnt want him to be written out completely but i can understand that actors want to move on just like any other job. I literally cried my eyes out from the minute Jack suggested running from that lovely interview on the aftermath with Charlie. What a lovely genuine person he is and very clearly he was emotional. I dont think Eastenders will ever have that amazing chemistry again and to end it in such a horrific and tragic way was too much. Still feel very effected by it although i am totally aware its not real!!!

    I wish Charlie every success for the future and hope he goes on to be big in whatever he decides to do.

    Thanks to him and Eastenders for four years of great, emotional and thought provoking TV.

  • Comment number 54.

    i think bradley story line was rubbish and stupid
    why could't he have left too return in the near future
    and stacy best friend a nutter they should get reid of her
    it should of been her that killed achie, least no one would of care and it would't affect the public so badley
    i love eastenders just wish the have better story lines

  • Comment number 55.

    where is my comment?

  • Comment number 56.

    Another fantastic episode (23 Feb) - really enjoyed it. What happended to Stacy?

    Thought the birth was funny - as he is a postman he should be used to deliveries lol.

    Don't know the actors name, but the acting as the grieving father is superb. You can't imagine what it would be like to lose your son like in such a tragic event. I can't concieve, so acting the part must be challenging.

    Thumbs up! Defo

  • Comment number 57.

    Jake Wood ( Max) was brilliant last night.He nearly gave the game away in the pub due to all the accusatory stares from everyone.I think it won't be long before he slips up.It is so WRONG to make everyone think Bradley was a murderer,when Max said he wouldn't hurt a fly, he was right.He is heading for meltdown,after smashing up the office and leaving a message for Stacey to call him.Ian telling him it was no wonder Bradley killed Archie because Archie was evil and would drive anyone to murder really angered Max.( well any Father would be the same,especially since he knows Bradley was innocent)
    How long are we going to have to put up with Becca,a totally pointless character.I'm wondering whether she has unnatural feelings towards Stacey and that's why she hated Bradley and Stacey being together because she wants to be more than a friend,maybe a relationship.
    Dot was very good too.It was hard for her but Kirsty is now back with her Mum.Dot has lost her step grandson and her granddaughter has left,in the space of a few days.How will she cope?
    The Masoods were very funny last night.I thought Zainab should have at least thanked Christian for his help.What a lovely baby.
    Syed and Amira's already rocky marriage will be even worse now he knows Amira obviously doesn't want a baby.
    I don't think Stacey should get away with murder.It's very wrong,and with her bipolar condition she would get away with it on mental grounds,and archie did rape her.
    I agree that Stacey must have told Bradley what she had done,and that's why he ran ( to protect her)
    We didn't see that on screen, but when she said no more secrets,i think she told him then.
    Can't wait for the special between Max and Stacey,but i don't want them to get together again.

  • Comment number 58.


  • Comment number 59.


  • Comment number 60.

    the episode where max and stacey visited bradley at the morgue was so touching, i was nearly crying. Still can't believe bradleys dead but really looking forward to seeing what happens to stacey now bradleys gone.

  • Comment number 61.

    can i replace bradly and be staceys new husband

  • Comment number 62.

    i love bradly but not as bf and gf if he is looking at this right now thxz bbut i love eastendres archie loookz discusting but larry lammm is fantastick fabulace awsome

  • Comment number 63.

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