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Look what we found in the Walford Gazette!

Nickie | 20:25 UK time, Monday, 19 April 2010

So we were leafing through the pages of the Walford Gazette to see if there was any news on Peggy and Pat pulling out of the election race, and look what we found on Page 24. It could all be a coincidence, I suppose... but does this person/situation look in any way familiar to you?

What advice would you give to troubled 'Anonymous' from Walford?

Problem page

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Team Syed


  • Comment number 1.

    Ahhhh!! Just accept your son!! Please!

  • Comment number 2.

    Tell Amira and confront Syed! He cant keep it a secret it will tear him up inside seeing what hes doing to his daughter in-law.

  • Comment number 3.

    masood should tell syed he saw them and give him the choice of tell amira hisself or tell him that he will tell amira. The whole family should upport syed in whatever choice he takes (to get with christian). SYED AND CHRISTIAN TOGETEHR FOREVER!!!!!

  • Comment number 4.

    Support your son he loves Christian they are meant to be together xx Hannah xx

  • Comment number 5.

    Just tell ur wife and tell ur son that u thorght he was there

  • Comment number 6.

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  • Comment number 7.

    Support your son and accept him as who he is!! understand that he is in loves with Christian :)

  • Comment number 8.

    Amira has every right to know what syed is up 2 cus its wrong that syed is betrayin her. i think you should talk about this issue with your wife and syed should understand that his religion and family should come first

  • Comment number 9.

    Accept your son! Give him a choice if he wants to tell Amira himself or Mas do it. Support him, Christian & Syed belong together!

  • Comment number 10.

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  • Comment number 11.

    you should tell your wife for she is your soulmate and should never keep secrets you shouldn't tell your daughter in law syed should for it isn't really right because syed is a man he should man up and say it to his wife because it is all his fault anyways and he is married she is his soulmate and they tell eachother everything but just do this keep going mosque every day and ask your god what you should do then he wil lead you to the right thing it is best this way that amira hears from her husband because if you do then she will start accusing you know amira

  • Comment number 12.

    or you can have a meeting with your wife you and your son syed and tell him how much he has sinned and tell him to go mosque so he can start a fresh so he will no where exactly where to unzip the freedom

  • Comment number 13.

    Dear Anonymous.
    Have a chat with your son, tell him you know it was him, and tell him you think it would be best if he said the truth to Amira. Tell him, if he loves her, then he should be honest with her, as perhaps she might find out sooner or later, and it would shock her and break her heart to find out like you have. You need to be straight with your son, but do not try to change him, because when a man is gay, you cannot change him. You may feel it's "wrong" but then again, there is no right/wrong in love. You need to understand that. And please, do find it in your heart to accept your son the way he is.
    Regards, Jackie

  • Comment number 14.

    Please Cheak Out This And I Carnt Wait FOR IT 2 COME OUT

  • Comment number 15.

    It's time now for the program too be updated bring on the lovers

  • Comment number 16.

    I want to join Team Masood!

  • Comment number 17.

    And I hope his family don't read the problem pages... :)

  • Comment number 18.

    you should realise that God gave us all free choice and if we keep up appearances on the outside but on the inside we are sinning its all sin to God and you should let them without sin cast the first stone. YOU ARE ALL A LOAD OF HYPOCRITES. WHY NOT JUST CONCENTRATE ON LOVING YOU SON BEFORE HE ENDS UP DEAD LIKE BRADLEY?

  • Comment number 19.


  • Comment number 20.

    He should confront Syed when he is alone. Or else if he makes it a big thing it would make things worse and more painful for everyone, especially Amira. Then he should encourage Syed to come clean because he is doing wrong against himself and Amira. Then hopefully, everyone will accept Syed as he is.

  • Comment number 21.

    just pull syed aside and tell him wat u saw and just say that its not fair on ameria and christian and be truth full yes it might brake ur family up but it will all work out in the end.

  • Comment number 22.

    you should not make him be concern to you anymore just push him out of the family let him know you want nothing to do with him. it dosen't matter if he is your son what him and christian is doing is wrong so so so wrong you should tell him he is no longer your son. he has bought disgrace to your family and religion.

  • Comment number 23.

    Dear Masood,

    Firstly allow me to say that I understand how hard it must be for you. All religions are different and many, like yours are quite strict when it comes to this sort of thing, in fact, this is one of the reasons why I am not particularly fond of it! Don't allow it to dictate and suffocate you,use it for solace only and make your own mind up. So what if your son's gay? it isn't WHAT he is but WHO he is that should matter to you. Try to talk to your son, explain your fears and reasons, but also let him know that you love him no matter what, take charge and be your own person, he'll need lots of love and support. Forcing someone to remain in a marriage is not only immoral, it is illegal. Take control and listen to your heart as a father rather than a muslim. Good Luck!

  • Comment number 24.

    Ignore everyone elses comments, it's not about Syed or Christian! It's about AMIRA! Will she be able to handle the truth? No! But whatever happens, you need to support HER! Her dads not around at the moment, so just be there for her!! POOR AMIRA XX

  • Comment number 25.


  • Comment number 26.

    You should accept him for who he is because no matter what he will always be your son as for your family members i think you should tell them, both they and your son may be angry to begin with but in the long run they will thank you for being honest. The truth may hurt but it needs to be said. xx

  • Comment number 27.

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  • Comment number 28.

    Confront your son and talk to him about it. You should bring your wife into the conversation as it would be worse if she found out from someone else that you knew. Tell him that you love him and accept him no matter what his sexuality is.

  • Comment number 29.

    I think syed should tell amira and amira should just face the facts that christian and syed where writen in the stars:).

  • Comment number 30.

    I think he should confront Syed. Even though I like Amira, him and Christian are meant to be and if his family can't except that then he shouldn't call them his 'faaaaamillyyy' :D

  • Comment number 31.

    Dear Masood,

    I believe that at this moment in time you are shocked at what you have discovered, howevere instead of worrying about it please speak to Syed, talk to him as you are his father and try and understand and accept your son,it will come to a shock to you all but at the end of the day he is still your son and a human, express your concern to your wife aswell, dont keep a secrate like this from her being gay isn't bad but i know its against your believes but it isn't Syed fault taht her is!. be a father and talk to him, he doesnt no whats right or wrong and is messed up and needs a helping hand. please help your son discover who he is and make it clear to him taht u still love him

  • Comment number 32.

    think how you would feel if you were your son. if you feel you should tell some one tell your wife. you never know she might already know whats going on and might be in the same situation

  • Comment number 33.

    everyone writes like its real its not real! But christian should stay of syed and syed should stay with ameera

  • Comment number 34.

    iam a muslim myself i persanally think you shouid not tell amira they spent five thousand

  • Comment number 35.

    Amira Needs Syed
    Give Her A chance ...
    oR TELL The Truth!!!

  • Comment number 36.

    I think he should confront Syed in a calm manner and tell him to choose between Christian and Amira, but tell him the consequences of both

  • Comment number 37.

    How about accept who your son is, respect him further and do not stop loving him just because he likes men. There is nothing wrong with his sexual preference and orientation. A real parent would like his child to be happy and so should you.
    As for facing your wife; be open to her and talk. Tell her what you saw. She might already know that and has the same fear not to speak about it because the religion would not allow it or says it is wrong.
    Amira, I feel sorry for her because she will be the one probably suffering but then I also can see her understanding him and being happy for Syed because he found a very good man, Christian who loves him above anything else in this world.
    At the end the consequences should and have to be faced and 'come clean'. It is about time.

  • Comment number 38.

    Accept your son! Talk to him, tell him that you saw him and Christian, give him the chance to tell Amira himself, but let him know that if he doesn't tell her, you will. If he stays with Amira even though his heart belongs to Christian none of them will ever truely be happy.

  • Comment number 39.

    Don't worry Zainab already knows, and so does Jane and Lucy.

    Also, to other people who have commented:

    Yes, it's not wrong to be gay, but it is wrong to cheat on your wife with another person. Marry her when you love another person. And have children with her when you love another person.

    Yes they should accept the fact he is gay. But this doesn't mean what he has done is right.

  • Comment number 40.

    Ithink that every woman should know if their husband are cheat's or not

  • Comment number 41.

    I think that Masoode should tell his sons wife

  • Comment number 42.

    DW Masood Syed already broke his mums heart! i ws wrong Masood did no it was Syed, my head says - let them be together the boi is only human but my head says - what about Amira that is sad on her so really i don't think even EatEnders no wat to do!

  • Comment number 43.

    dialgue with Syed and give him an opportunity
    to make a choice and the choice must be make open,
    though it might be heart breaking, but it will
    help him to be on his feet

  • Comment number 44.

    i you should comfront him amd tell him to tell his wife the truth otherwisenhe will lose his whole life x
    love eastenders

  • Comment number 45.

    You should 1) mind your own business 2)shut up and watch the space 3) run away from your wife Zainab cos you are cute and can do better 4) give up religion if it disallows choices 5) learn about the sisters of perpetual indulgence (good article in Wikipedia) !

  • Comment number 46.

    jeeez man leave amira wiv syed will ya christian god

  • Comment number 47.

    leave syed wiv amira

  • Comment number 48.

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  • Comment number 49.

    i feel sorry for christian. syed shold have told amira ages ago he's just made things worse for himself syed obviously cant love amira that much if he's still having an affair with christian. the truth will get out in the end. i think lucy will tell amira or christian will tell syed's family at the next gathering but lying wont get anyone anywhere !!

  • Comment number 50.

    Just watched tonights EE (22/4/10) Firstly how does Amira know she's not pregnant, as Chelsea had both tests in her apron pocket therefore they could be mixed up. Also poor Christian when Masood told him that Amira was pregnant, those looked like real tears I nearly cried I felt for Christian I wish him and Syed could be happy, accepted and stay in Albert Square. Really enjoying this storyline just now.

  • Comment number 51.

    kick him out of the house and tel amira to find herself a straight husband. nt a cowerdly trator.
    syed putting a bad reputation for hiself and a very bad example to the religeon.

  • Comment number 52.

    this storyline is disgusting a embarrassment to ISLAM, what right do the writers have to mock the religeon, the believe, of those peopel who have no control of there disgusting habits, drinking them selfs like a fish. cant make a means to happiness in there life. jumping 1 relationship after another, 1 night stands, marries self destructing. ISLAM is more then that, being a MUSLIM is defined by faith in the religion of Islam;

  • Comment number 53.

    To Amira:

    Amira, there is something you need to know. Unfortunetely I am not very good at explaining things, so I reccomend that on Monday at 8.00pm you watch a little programme called Eastenders. It shows your husband and your best friend having a gay affair. Hope you enjoy the show.

    Thanks, Nick.

  • Comment number 54.

    Amira and Syed make a cute couple but she doesn't deserve to be treated like this by syed as she deserves better. Also Christian is out of Syed's league, Syed can do much much better. Christain is very stereotypical gay character and over the hill (he is and looks his age of a 40-something). If Syed were to leave Amira for a man it should be for someone better looking for instance the new boy, Leon Small, just saying looks-wise that Syed and Leon make a better couple than Syed and Christian. Just saying if Syed wanted a man he could have chosen someone much fitter as if he is going to leave a stunner like Amira he should leave for for someone one the same (or higher )level than her, lookswise

  • Comment number 55.

    They need to tell Amira! I don't like Syed because when Amira finds out shes going to be gutted. TEAM AMIRA!

  • Comment number 56.

    With reference to comments 51 and 52 by choudhury and zahed respectively.
    Please note that I am a practicing Muslim too.
    "Being homosexual is a bad example for Islam?" I may not be comfortable with homosexuality but I don't condemn it. I would have more respect for a homosexual in a committed relationship then a bigamous heterosexual!
    Zahed, if you are so disrespectful of this soap, please stay away from it. I doubt anyone is holding a knife to your throat forcing you to watch it. Remember a basic lesson in life, Muslim or not - if you don't have anything nice to say, keep quiet.

  • Comment number 57.

    Just reading all the comments and the one from Zahad stating that this current storyline is disgusting and an insult to Islam. Well Zahab I do not know how long you have been watching Eastenders but this show has always tackled contraversial issues. Abortion, teenage pregnancy, domestic abuse, murder, alcoholism, drug addiction and peadophillia, and by addressing these issues it has been proven to help some people to deal with there own problems. Take for example the Stacy Slater storyline and her mental health issues. This brought awareness to what is, even in todays so called civilized society still regarded as an illness that is rarely recognised and often hidden and shunned. I actually did not find the Chritian/Syed storyline offensive because it gave me an insight into how very difficult this type of situation would be, giving that Syed's religion forbids it. However these things do excist and not facing them or branding them disgusting is not the way to deal with them. I felt that Eastenders handled this particular issue fairly and let the viewer see the subject from both sides.

  • Comment number 58.

    I don't normally air my own comments on Eastenders today I felt it necessary. Even though i totally agree with the content of this storyline and the importance of it being tackled, i have to admit that the character Christian is starting to get on my nerves. Tonight's episode, of him going to the mosque was, well, strange to say the least. I love eastenders and admire the writers raising this issue but I think it could have been written better.


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