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Picture gallery: w/c 26 April 2010

Rob Francis | 10:00 UK time, Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Heart to hearts, big revelations and Family with a big, capital, F.

This week's all about... the truth behind Syed and Christian, less than cosy meals for two, a smooth-talking journo, and oh, some hilarity over T-shirts!

Monday 26 April:

Come on, Chelsea
Mother and daughter have a heart to heart on what's fast becoming the traditional home for such a thing - the Queen Vic sofa (well Arthur's bench is a bit drafty). Or maybe Denise is just trying to persuade a reluctant Chelsea it's her turn to get the drinks in.

Chelsea and Denise
The writing's on the wall

Is Amira hysterical over the revelation of Syed's infidelity, is she wondering what colour scheme to go with next, or are they both practising some killer Tango moves for the next series of Strictly? You decide!

Syed and Amira
No laughing matter

Tamwar's face says it all - even he'd be hard pushed to crack a one-liner over this one, as Syed confronts his family alongside Christian.

The Masoods

Tuesday 27 April:

Gossip Girl

Zainab is comforted by Masood as her neighbours round on her. Personally, we think he should turn to the extra on the right - that clashing pink hat and fleece combo - what was she thinking?

Zainab and Masood

Thursday 29 April:

Bottoms Up

Have relations thawed between Ronnie and Roxy - or is that just the mocrowave meals for two they're tucking into? Don't expect a happy ending, though - Mitchell gatherings NEVER END WELL. It will end in tears, mark my words.

Ronnie and Roxy

Friday 30 April:

Fashion Victim

Becca thinks she's got one over on Whitney by nabbing some of Whit's T-shirt stock. Fatboy, however, may have stitched her up.

Becca, Leon and Fatboy

Ladies Man

Silver fox journalist Harvey's already making headlines with Peggy and Pat, but surely he's not holding the front page for a fling with Dot too?

Harvey and Dot

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  • Comment number 1.

    love is in the air for some people

  • Comment number 2.

    Hummm... SO Amira really IS pregnant! Oh well, it's best for parents to be apart if their not getting on then to stay together for the sake of the child! If Syed stayed with Amira, he would be very unhappy and that would reflect, it wouldn't be a very happy household!!

  • Comment number 3.

    About time Syed,the big revelation and i'm guessing it will be a 'must watch!' episode. You better tell Amira the truth this time, don't you worm your way out of it! Oh and choose Christian :D It's time.
    Zainab needs to support Syed and don't disown him! Accept him as who he is, PLEASE! :) Eastenders.. the best soap.

  • Comment number 4.

    ahh dats good 4 ronnie and roxy xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Comment number 5.

    Awww poor Amira as now she's realised that her husband is homosexual! Oh dear I don't think she's gonna laugh it off...

  • Comment number 6.

    oooooooo! the big revaltion is near! :) I can't wait its going to be really great! But im sad Amira is going, but its best because Syed and Christian are meant to be.

  • Comment number 7.

    why is everyone going on about syed, he's not worth it, he should JUST pick sum1 i don't care who, he's an attension seeker

  • Comment number 8.

    ronnie and roxy will probably murder eachother by the end of dat dinner

  • Comment number 9.

    WOW - Get In Finaly - She Loves On Monday Then.. 26 Apirl According To This

  • Comment number 10.

    I Can Not Wait At All!

  • Comment number 11.

    I think Christian and Syed make a cute couple! But Syed was wrong in lying to Amira because by being with her he was keeping her from her real love and living a fake marriage. Great acting from all three of them though.

  • Comment number 12.

    I say syed shld jst come out the closet and run away with christian.. i could imagine the beautyful amira will be hurt up and upset but hey she can get it on with tamwar ! lol eastenders is the best soap on tv ! loool and whats going on wid ben ?? he needs 2 man up u wldnt fink phil was his dad !! i kno in a few years there will be a story line on bens sexuality and we all know how thats going to end up !

  • Comment number 13.

    i cant believe masood found out i fink dat syed shud ave admitted dat his gay at da first place den everyfin wud b alrite!!!! i feel sori 4 amira coz she's pregnant

  • Comment number 14.

    i am glad to say that Ronnie and Roxy are back together.
    i feel sorry for Christian because he is being messed with by Syed.
    im happy for Amira thats she is haveing a baby.

  • Comment number 15.

    so does it mean thay syed and christian tell everyone about whats been going on???.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  • Comment number 16.

    Thank goodness that Amira finally realises that her husband is a homosexual. Has her gaydar been switched off all this time? I know mine had brokendown when Syed first appeared on EE. Easy mistake. What a shame that she is pregnant though. I love the way Masood is handling this so far. I also think that it would be an impossible situation in real life.

  • Comment number 17.

    Syed should tell the truth , the truth always comes out sooner or later it will be more upsetting if Amira finds out from someone else! So come on Syed just get it over and done with, for Amira and the Baby's sake!

  • Comment number 18.

    Soo the big secret is coming out... cant wait! hope christian and syed stay together and amira isnt to badly hurt by it all. His mum and dad should put it behind them and happy ronnie and roxy r talking again

  • Comment number 19.

    Remember that Amira told Christian "You'll find your Sayeed one day" when he (Christian) was leaving in a taxi hoping that Sayeed would go with him. My 9yr old girl said,"Oh Daddy, she knows!" I just hope Amira isn't pregnant! And lets see that clown Zainab deal with it! Hee! Hee!

  • Comment number 20.

    Aww I really dont want Amira to leave eastenders, i want Amira and sayeed to stay togther because Amira is pregnat and i wanna see how cute her little baby is!! Why cant Christian just go away and leave them alone !!! :)

  • Comment number 21.

    Wooo Christian (:
    But Poor Amira :( She doesn't deserve this.
    All of them are brilliant actors/actresses!

  • Comment number 22.

    im glad christian nd syed wil announce iit :)

  • Comment number 23.

    Amira I feel so sorry for her after what Syed did to her and still doing to her behind her back he is a idiot

  • Comment number 24.


  • Comment number 25.

    Finally the truth comes out! I've been waiting for ages for them to get rumbled and amira finds out the truth. Poor Amira though, I wonder what her dad's going to do though? I guess we'll soon find out.

  • Comment number 26.

    Let us hope Amiras dad doesnt run off with either Sayeed or Christian - I did remember reading somewhere he was bisexual - or was it in some movie he acted as bisexual???

  • Comment number 27.

    Poor Amira allow her what has she done to get this i mean apart being a spiolt princess! Syed aint the only one who cheated, Amira cheated on Syed with Danny, it's kind of the same but Syed cheated on her with a guy as well! the truth finally comes out, it's lookes lik Amira is heart broken and so deprate, it was very stupid that Amira to everyone she is pregnate with out taking a test and now she has she aint pregnate so sad, who knows what Amiras dad is going to Syed and Christian! maybe Amira might kill Chrustian ohhhhhhh lolz can't wait

  • Comment number 28.

    I think that syed being gay is just a phase - he'll get over it! After chelseas and amiras pregnancy test results on todays eastenders - chealsea could have easily mixed up her and Amiras tests when she put them in her pocket! I think that christian is being stupid - why is he harrassing syed so much - i want him to stay with amira! All three actors/actresses are amazing. The story isnt very realistic though is it? I mean - a man of that religion wouldnt even think gay thoughts like that! would they?
    Ilove eastenders :D

  • Comment number 29.


  • Comment number 30.

    Amira and syed should so be together they belong with each other

  • Comment number 31.

    I heard amira leaving Eastenders? So maybe Christian will get his man lol

  • Comment number 32.

    There are a lot of gay Muslims about like gay from other religeons, I think the story line is quite good as its showing tht to people.

  • Comment number 33.

    Can't wait for the Ronnie & Roxy sceens. I do love them. Although as sisters go and as that family goes, it never ends well. But i still hope they eventually get back to how they used to. Glad teh reveal is upon us, im bored of the storyline now. Christian deserves to be happy, Syed is not good enough for him nor Amira. Chelsea ugh how stupid can one girl get, common sense would have it when she put both tests in her pocket they'd be mixed up. x

  • Comment number 34.

    Can't wait till Monday but what I'm really looking forward to is seeing lady in pink fleece and hat! She's my favourite character so she deserves a character page!

  • Comment number 35.

    This is going to be such a great episode when the truth comes rolling out... so painful

  • Comment number 36.

    LOOOL, me and Fatboy... we're one of a kind! I'm telling you! Amira's too hot for a gay man LOL.

  • Comment number 37.

    Can't wait !!! tonights ep is gona begin in 2hours & 30mins!!!

  • Comment number 38.

    syed is just another gay man who prefers men to women. WIEOD PEOPLE

    just get a grip man, you love Amira not Christian

  • Comment number 39.

    Bye bye Amira

  • Comment number 40.

    by amira

  • Comment number 41.

    Bye Amira! and FYI being gay is NOT a phase it is a combination of the wrong hormones being imbalanced! In Syed's case, he has more oestrogen than testosterone!!

  • Comment number 42.

    What a great episode, I am glad this saga is finally revealed. I wait for the day for Zainab to get hers though. She is such a hyprocrite. Part of this mess is her fault for forcing him into the marriage. He is what he is and nothing will change that. Either accept him or don't, but don't force someone to marry an innocent who deserves the choice to decide if she wants to be in that type of relationship or not. Zainab is really going to have to pay for that.

    I love East Enders!!!

  • Comment number 43.

    no family should reject the son because he is gay, it must be hard to be gay and not no how to tell any one, mondays episode was realy good tho,
    i love eastenders, i hope stacy and max get bk togetha now, how sweet wud that be,
    its a shame amiras going but hopefuly she may cum bk at some point, i hope.
    libby needs to dump that idiot shes with lol.

  • Comment number 44.

    Poor Amira, and she is defenatly pregnant this is so exiting.... she was to good for syed so it's good she and him are SPLIT UP ...... finally.

  • Comment number 45.

    At 9:04pm on 26 Apr 2010, Carla wrote:
    Bye Amira! and FYI being gay is NOT a phase it is a combination of the wrong hormones being imbalanced! In Syed's case, he has more oestrogen than testosterone!!

    What a load of rubbish!!! Please don't make ridiculous statements as though they are fact if you don't know the first thing about the subject, I'm a gay man and find this quite offensive, sexuality has nothing to do with hormone levels and your statement just reinforces people's belief that gay men are all 'camp' or feminine which is not the case and is one of the reasons people like Syed find it necessary to live a lie.....rant over!!!

  • Comment number 46.

    I hate Christian!

  • Comment number 47.

    EastEnders coming up this week 26th - 30th april 2010 : The truths out about syed + chris.. amira leaves with a syed (everyone knows about syed +chris) Zainab is heartbroken that Syed's secret has been aired in public but she's desperate to see Syed, Louise takes Ben's diary to the cafe and giggles with her school friends as she reads out an entry that says Leon is 'fit' .., Billie is devastated and tells Whitney that he's going to join the army and make Jack proud.
    Also, Peggy and Pat both call Harvey to arrange a date; Zsa Zsa gets another gift from someone...,
    Phil questions Ben about why Louise wrote lies about him in his diary. Ben tells Louise she's going to learn a lesson the same way he did and he burns her arm with a spoon from a hot drink, Stella-style... Roxy cooks a meal for Ronnie when Peggy convinces her to give Ronnie a chance... & Pat has lunch with Harvey and introduces him to Dot and Liz. Harvey later bumps into Peggy meanwhile Jane tells Ian that she wants a holiday, but Ian isn't keen...Also, Ronnie convinces Roxy to end their feud; Zsa Zsa gets another mysterious present...

  • Comment number 48.

    After all that has happen I think Tamwar is being seriously overlooked and what a great Man hes turning out to be.He accepts his brother gay or straight,hes a live in babysitter and hired help to parents and through it all hes still got that dry sense of humour excellent young man.

  • Comment number 49.

    I agree with you MIKE.Bein GAY is not a fad its who someone is they can not control it no more that we can control an attraction to the opposite sex.But they are constantly tortured in life.They are not murders or rapists,they dont flaunt it because they are afraid of society thats an awful way to have to live they have just as much right as the rest of us to exist and live they way they want to.Life is easy when your straight but think the hell these people have to deal with on a daily basis.it is small minded people who always keep hate and bitterness in this world,grow up theres more important issues in the world gay or straight they are still someones son or daughter with feelings.Syed is GAY we have seen the struggle he has had so why should he stay with Amira,its not whats best for her in long run.Dot herself said tonight society is not what is was.GO DOT at her age shes a role model alot could learn from her and make the world a better place were we are seen for who we are not are choices in life.

  • Comment number 50.

    does anyone know where i can get the dress amira is wearing from???

  • Comment number 51.

    So Chelsea is not pregnant and Amira IS !!

  • Comment number 52.

    does ne1 know were the dress that chelsea fox is wearin in the top picture is from?? i so want it and have been looking al over the net :) x

  • Comment number 53.

    does ne 1 know were the dress that chelsea fox is wearin at the top of this page is from?? i so want it nad have been looking al over the net for it :) x


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