
Archives for December 2010

A tragic new year

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Matt Humphreys | 20:35 UK time, Friday, 31 December 2010

As new year celebrations kick in around the Square this year, the lives of two new mothers - Kat and Ronnie - and those around them are set to take an unexpected and heartbreaking turn. When Ronnie discovers that her child has died, her world falls apart. In a daze, her distress goes un-noticed by all the party goers in the Vic, and she acts in the heat of the moment, making a terrible decision to swap the newborns.

As with all major events in the Square, the storyline has been in the planning for months. EastEnders researchers worked with (FSID) on the the potrayl of Kat and Alfie when they are bereaved by cot death, and you can hear from Shane Richie in the video below on how he approached playing his character after meeting directly with bereaved parents.

Firstly in the video, Simon Ashdown (EastEnders Series Consultant) talks about the development of the storyline and Ronnie's actions.

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Here's how to get more information on issues related to this storyline...

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Photo spoilers: The pain of parenthood

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Rob Francis | 10:00 UK time, Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Week commencing 1 January 2010:

It's Ronnie and Kat's darkest hour, as the horror of the New Year's Eve tragedy hits them both hard. Elsewhere, the party continues...

In shock

Ronnie's reeling over the loss of her baby, and her actions devastate Kat and Alfie's world.


The Moons mourn

Alfie tries to comfort Kat, as she holds onto clothes for her lost baby. Little does she know what terrible thing has really happened.

Alfie and Kat




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Christmas Day episode

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Lou | 21:00 UK time, Saturday, 25 December 2010

WOW! What. A. Christmas. Have you just sat through an hour's worth of action-packedÌýfestive drama in Albert Square? More importantly, were you shouting at the screen,Ìýblubbing into your chocolate wrappers,ÌýorÌýholding your head in your hands?ÌýÌý

If so, you've come to the right place!

If you missed it, you can watch it on our programes page. HOORAY!

Stacey Branning

Did you think she'd jump?

Stacey's not only left the building, but she's left the damn country too. Noooooo! On the up, wasn't it gorg to see a content Lily, who was more interested in her mum's arm, thanÌýsitting next to strangers in a big flying machine? Bless.

Let's recap on the day's drama...


1. Hearing Bradley shout: "Staaaace. Stacey, ruuuun!"' from the roof of the Vic.

2. Janine stabbing herself and blaming Stacey *angry face*.

3. Max and Stacey's one-to-one on the Vic roof.

4. StaceyÌýfinally coming clean to Jean.Ìý

5. StaceyÌýadmitting toÌýRyan that she'sÌýdoesn't love him.

6. RonnieÌýtelling Stacey to "go".

7. Ryan walking away, as Janine's carted away by ambulance.

8. Max telling Stacey he's still in love with her. OMG.

9. StaceyÌýdeclaring thatÌýshe'll always love, "my Bradley".

10. Finally... Stace jetting off with Lily!

Oh!Ìý... and of course, seeing a sober Phil wearing a paper hat! Jubbly.

Stacey Branning

What a cracker of a Christmas. What did you think? Was it full of festive suprises, or did you get what you asked for?

What was your favourite moment?

Did you hope that Stacey would fly off to start a new life? Some of youÌýthought so in our blog:Ìý'Your predictions on Stacey's exit'. Although a fair few of you hopedÌýshe'd run off with Ryan.


Stacey's last line:

You also made guesses on what Stacey's last line was going to be. 2lip... I'm afraid it wasn't "I'm pregnant." StaceyandRyan, you were close, but yet so far with: "Like that's gunna stop me."

HerÌýACTUALÌýlast line was...

"I'll be alright. I always am. Bye Max."

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Extra red button scene: Ryan meets... Stacey!

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Lou | 20:28 UK time, Friday, 24 December 2010

Whether you're at home preparing for Santa's visit, out and about dodging hoards of shoppers, or simply relaxing after a long ol' year... you can remind yourselves that you're not inÌýStacey Branning's shoes!

After a tough 2010, Stacey deserves a bit of love this Christmas. Although it's certainly not coming from her arch-rival Janine who's just announced that Stacey killed ArchieÌýin the Vic. The. Secret. Is. Out.

Filmed exclusively for red button and the EastEnders website, you can watch the extra scene that follows the boozer broadcast between Ryan and Stacey. It's emotional.

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What the blazers will Ryan do? Is he going to sort his head out?!? Hmmph. He'll need to if he goes back to Janine. I ask ya. What will Stacey do next?

I reckon she needs some festive love. Heart Stacey, the poor lamb deservesÌýyour loveÌý(okay, so she's a murderer). Tweet #iheartstacey too.

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EastEnders: The impact of HD!

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Joe Harper | 11:28 UK time, Friday, 24 December 2010


*sings* I can see cleeearly now HD has cooome...

Professor Himesh (Tamwar) gives Charlie (Darren) a crash course in High Definition technology and we take a tour round the EastEnders studio to chat to the production team and find out how going HD has affected the way they make the show.

Plus we take a sneaky peek at the Christmas ep.

Christmas has literally come early for you lucky guys, so what are you waiting for? Click play!

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Extra red button scene: Lauren meets... Max!

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Lou | 19:58 UK time, Thursday, 23 December 2010

As we step inches closer to Christmas Day (in our snowboots), the Branning household is a touch on the chilly side... isn't it time they thawed their icey gazes?

Well, who can blame Lauren BranningÌýfor feelingÌýspat out like flavourless chewing gum!? She's been through the mill more times than Dot's said: "I'm not one to gossip, but..."

However, in our red button exclusive scene, do Lauren and Max have a meeting of minds?

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If you missed the fabulous one-to-one on TV, worry not! Enjoy theÌýencounter between the pair in our video above. It's touching.

You can also recap on what happenedÌýwhen JanineÌýmet Stacey in our first extra scene.

Is Lauren starting to have doubts about sharing Stacey's secret with Janine? AND what will troubled Janine do now?

If you're loving the extra scenes... I come with good news. There is ANOTHER special encounter between Ryan and Stacey at 8.30pm, on Christmas Eve.ÌýMost digital viewersÌýcan press the red button or you can watch it here on the blog.


Extra red button scene: Janine meets... Stacey!

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Lou | 20:30 UK time, Monday, 20 December 2010

We're all fired up forÌýStacey's festive exitÌýthis week, so three extra exclusive scenes in the build up to her departure isÌýbetter than ever clapping eyesÌýonÌýrosy-cheeked SantaÌý(in my humble, but excited opinion).

And what better way to kick off ourÌýChristmas week than with a special sceneÌýbetween Janine and the woman of the moment, Stacey.

At 8.30pm tonight, youÌýwere able toÌýpressÌýthe red button on your remote (fromÌýthe comfort of your sofa) to watch Janine call round to Stacey's to give her back one of Lily's toys... and deliver a bit more than Stacey bargained for!

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If you missed the fabulous one-to-one, worry not! Enjoy the scene between the pair in our video above.

Watch aÌýfurther twoÌýexclusive scenes directly after EastEnders on the red button at 8.00pmÌýon 23rd and 8:30pm 24th December. We will also be adding them to this blog.

What did you think of Janine's mellow (a bit too mellow for my liking) confrontation? What will the evil so-and-so do next? WillÌýMrs 'Me, Me Me' MalloyÌýpush Stacey to take action? Share your predictions...

Also, make sure you share the love for StaceyÌýby hearting her. Power to the people!

Photo spoilers: Mess-up, mothers and magic moves

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Rob Francis | 15:30 UK time, Monday, 20 December 2010

Week commencing 27 December 2010:

The festivities are over, but there are still parties, preparations and problems for the residents ofÌý Walford. Here's hoping for a better year in 2011....

In a spin

The wheels have come off Connor's plans - and he's looking very twitchy. Is Phil about to, er, fill him in? Never mess with a Mitchell, especially in a workshop full of sharp implements...

Connor and Phil

It's a kinda magic?

Dot seems to be wowing the kids (big and small) with some impressive moves. Is it charades, a magic trick or even a soft shoe shuffle?

Kim, Heather and Dot



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Exclusive: Extra scenes on red button this week!

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Lou | 12:10 UK time, Monday, 20 December 2010

It's Christmas week! This means it's just a matter of tiny snowflakes away until we wave goodbye to our much-loved Stacey Branning.

In the build up to her departure, we have a trio of treats to enjoy. Those festive crackers areÌýspecial scenes which will be shown via the red button and on this blog. Hooray!

Tonight's red button offering sees Janine show up at Stacey's... the confrontation cannot be missed! With Janine brooding over her husband's affair, the Janine we love to hate is a lot more mellow than you might expect. It'll leave you wanting more...

Stacey, Ryan and Janine

Will Janine prompt Stacey to leave the Square?

... which is what we'll be giving you! As well as tonight's confrontation at 8.30pm, you can delight with a further twoÌýexclusive scenes directly after EastEnders on the red button on 23rd and 24th December.

With shockers andÌýconfessions from Janine, Stacey, Ryan, Max and Lauren, these scenes will provide an added insight into what they are all thinking and feeling as Christmas Day approaches. Love it.

Are you feeling the luuurve? Then get heartingÌýStaceyÌý(/eastenders/stacey/) on and . Just tweet #iheartstacey... c'mon be hip and join the hype.


Spoiler alert: A heart attack strikes in the Square!

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Lou | 00:00 UK time, Saturday, 18 December 2010

Let's face it... January is tough! We roll around after too much festive pud, rub our pennies together and sniff and yawn all day... well, our Walford residents don'tÌýescape the January blues either!

Towards the end of the month a certain party-hard, businessman is struck down by a *deep breath* heart attack! MAJOR! But who???

Has Phil's past drink and drugs lifestyle taken its toll?

Yes, it's... PHIL 'Don't Mess With Me' MITCHELL!

Perhaps stringing along two women at the same time proves too much for his ticker, or maybe jumping on and off the wagon too many times to mention has taken its toll. Whatever brings on the heart attack... it's not pretty!

How does it happen? Well... whilst he's getting it on with game Glenda in R&R, Phil collapses inÌýthe heat of the moment, just as GlendaÌýspots Ian staring at them both. (Whatever turns you on, Ian).

Will Ian come to his senses and help?ÌýOr willÌýhe leaveÌýPhil to come to a miserly end?Ìý

Your predictions on Stacey's exit!

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Lou | 15:46 UK time, Tuesday, 14 December 2010

From jetting off to Scandanavia toÌýwaywardÌýSean returning to whiskÌýhis sis, Stacey,Ìýaway.ÌýTheseÌýare justÌýtwo of YOURÌýfab predictions on Stacey's exit.

YOU told usÌýhow you think Stacey Branning will leave Walford, not only on this blog, but on our and pages (tweeting with #staceysexit), and boy, they're great!

Not surprisingly, many of you want Square fave, Stacey, to have a happy ending! Aaaw.

Here's a few of your predictions on Stacey's departure... lots of youÌýare hoping for aÌýgood ending for the Walford fave, some reckon she'll get a big bad exit... and some think it'll be damn right ugly!

The Good

Will SeanÌýmake a return to the Square? Some ofÌýyou think so!Ìý

'I think her brother comes to fetch her and takes her away'. (Annika via ).

Remember Ruby? Amber via does... 'I would love to see Stacey and Ruby make up and she jets off to stay with her abroad!'

The Bad

Stevenfir predicts: 'I think Billy will want to make a name for himself and kill Stacey.'

lisymay reckons: 'Lauren will shop her to the police.'

However, Amarpreet tells us via 'Shes going to leave with Ryan and Lily, and Janine will be pregnant with Ryan's baby.' Can you imagine?!

The Ugly!

Rachel via says: 'Either Janine kills her, or she'll be put in prison for killing Archie.' Rachel's not the only one who reckons she'll get banged up... Charlotte N, Abrafi and Carol are just a few who agree.

Or is death on the cards? Blackandpink98 predicts: 'Ryan will die and when Stacey finds out she kills herself.' WOW.

And this last one just about sums up how a fair few of you feel:

Carol on : 'Gutted. DON'T GO STACEY DON'T GO!!! X'

Now you've been sharing such whopper Stacey exit stories, I want more. OH YES. Can't. Get. Enough.

What do you reckon Stacey's last line will be?

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Photo spoilers: Crime and punishment

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Rob Francis | 09:30 UK time, Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Week commencing 20 December 2010: There are certainly some bad, bad people in Walford, but has the time come for them to pay for their crimes? It certainly looks like they've been sent 'The Bill'....

Arrested development?

Hello, hello, what's going on here then? The cops come calling on Janine and Pat, but who are they after? Has Ryan shopped his missus?

Janine and Pat



Caught red-handed?

Looks like Bianca's feeling the force too this week. Are the police enquiring about her dodgy dealings, or have the style police finally caught up with her for her terrible tinsel?



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Photo spoilers: poison, punches and pushes...

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Rob Francis | 11:00 UK time, Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Week commencing 13 December 2010: We don't seem to be any closer to finding Christmas cheer in Walford next week. It's more about slaying your enemies than sleigh bells at the moment!

Fight night

Shirley's all shook up when Glenda starts bragging about her conquests. Can Roxy keep her at bay, or is a battle of the blondes imminent?

Roxy, Jay, Shirley and Glenda


Did she fall, or was she pushed? Glenda's taken a serious tumble, but who or what was the cause of her stairway slip-up? Surely not Shirley?




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EastEnders characters as songs

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Matt Humphreys | 18:37 UK time, Monday, 6 December 2010

What song would Phil Mitchell be?

The Rolling Stones classic, Street Fighting Man. Or maybe Eminem's furious 'The Way I Am'. Or perhaps something full on angry from start to finish, like errr, St Anger by Metallica? Or if he was in a more reflective mood inbetween fixing motors at the Arches he might hum along to All These Things I Have Done by The Killers?


Phil and Ian get singing


We've been picking out music tracks for some videos we're planning to put on the website later next year and it's sparked some debate in the office as to what songs best sum up EastEnders characters. We thought it would be great to hear your ideas too, and if we get good suggestions we'll try and use them in the videos where we can.

Pick out some songs that you think sum up the characters below (either in the song titles, lyrics or the attitude of the song) and leave your comments.

To start off, what do you think of these...

Phil Mitchell
Jack Branning
Bianca Butcher


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