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Film Club

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Mark Kermode | 12:53 UK time, Friday, 27 April 2012

These days film clubs are springing up all over the country. I'm planning to start a Kermode Uncut virtual film club. What do you think of the idea?

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  • Comment number 1.

    I think this is a good idea. I will try and watch the Richard Gere a Bour de souffle. I do think its a different film to Jean Luc Goddard's film. I think the focus of Jim Mc Bride is the anti authority asppect of richard gere's character, where as jlg's film is about american commericialism

  • Comment number 2.

    Sounds good to me.

    Also maybe stick a link to this place under the vid on youtube?

  • Comment number 3.

    I'd sign up! Would be awesome if you'd do a viewing at Prince Charles Theatre in conjuction too!

  • Comment number 4.

    Great Idea:)

    On Intro's I'd love to see them back,They just give more weight to the occasion in my opinion.

    Second choice: Alien3.
    This film gets alot of nods on this sight and is another film that truly devides opinion.Me personally I love it,easily the second best Alien film after the First (perfect) film ;) (see How i've got the ball rolling).

  • Comment number 5.

    Sounds like a great idea. Having a quick intro to a film about why you personally love this film and what you see and get from it would be fresh enough in viewers minds while they watched and hopefully give them new insight or the same eureka moment you had.

    I would be good to use it to showcase forgotten gems and films we think have been long misunderstood, or overshadowed by releases that came out at the same time with a similar theme.

    I vote for Ralph Bakshi's Wizards!

    Could do and intro for The Big Lebowski and try to talk the good Dr around to it!

  • Comment number 6.

    Moviedrome Lives! Long live the new flesh!

    A nice idea, I miss those old Alex Cox intros and, of course, I remember with fondness your own for CH4 Extreme Cinema season toppers…. talking of which, I offer up some classic Cronenberg with 'Videodrome' as my choice for the next screening@Kermode Uncut Film Club.

  • Comment number 7.

    A film club with Doctor K? count me in, My film choice would be The Usual Suspects. An exciting idea indeed

  • Comment number 8.

    Yes please! No mainstream films and at least one in every four film not in the English language

  • Comment number 9.

    Not sure about Breathless but am loving the idea of a Dr K film club.

    For the next film may I suggest Paprika? One of the influences for Inception and an interesting animation to boot.

  • Comment number 10.

    I don't like film introductions. I prefer a film to (initially) speak for itself. A couple of years ago Quentin Tarantino did some introductions for his favourite films on Sky Movies. I watched the films first, then rewinded to see his introductions afterwards. I think it would be better if critics and other experts did post-credit analyses of films rather than introductions. That way the audience don't go in to the film with preconceived ideas that are not their own.

  • Comment number 11.

    I think this is an excellent idea as long as all the films are in 3D!!!!

    I'll get my coat!

  • Comment number 12.

    I think it's a grand idea. The Insider or In the Bedroom would be my first choices.

  • Comment number 13.

    I think it's a terrific idea, certainly. I think that it is an inevitable knee-jerk reaction to how the cinemas are declining in standards and real film sad-cases like our good selves are doing our own thing by screening any and every film to try to benefit others in their film knowledge. I'd like to see Julien Temple's film of 'Glastonbury' up for consideration.

  • Comment number 14.

    And for the club's third film, the greatest documentary ever madeâ„¢ The King of Kong - A Fistful of Quarters.

  • Comment number 15.

    I definitely think a film club would be a very good idea. It will be refreshing to be able to talk about a film without worrying about giving the plot away to those who haven't seen it.

    Although, as mentioned by others previously, I think it would be better to hear the views of the doctor AFTER the film and not before. In my humble opinion, the best cinema experiences are achieved when you know as little about the film as possible.

  • Comment number 16.

    I'd love to see "The Third Man", next.

  • Comment number 17.

    I like the idea but I would suggest that A) we are given about a month to watch the film an post comments on the blog where you do the intoroduction and B) In order to prevent random reccomendations the next film that is watched by the club has something to do with the previous film i.e. they both have the same director so we have a constant link between films and could open up some area of cinema that we may not think of. With that in mind my recommendation for next film would be Batman: Mask of the Phantasm as this and Breathless both star John P. Ryan.

  • Comment number 18.

    I think it's a great idea. I have very fond memories of Moviedrome especially as the choice of film was often so interesting with many obscure but brilliant films being shown, a particular favourite being Sergio Corbucci's The Great Silence.

    My choice would be Christophe Gan's Brotherhood of the Wolf, the best mashup of martial arts movie/french costume drama ever made and the sort of barmy but brilliant film which would turn up on Moviedrome.

  • Comment number 19.

    I'm in. Will see about watching Breathless - I can't say I expect much, but I'll keep an open mind.

    As for intros - love them in principle, but I've seen some dreadful ones. As long as the person doing the intro actually has authority and insight, rather than simply finding a long-winded way to tell people 'this film is really good and I like it', I'm in favour. I like jstupple(#10)'s point about letting the film speak for itself and about watching intros after the film, but this being a project done half on the blog, as long as the intro/analysis is available independently of the film, we can watch it before or after as we see fit. Personally I think I'd want to watch it before a film I've already seen, but be more inclined to watch it after something that was new to me.

    I'll second PaulL(#9)'s recommendation for Paprika - one of my favourites, and for my money Satoshi Kon's best work. Inception is a great film for really exploring the idea of sharing dreams, but Paprika nails the strangely credible unreality of actually being in a dream better than any other film ever has. I could also go for Videodrome - another one from the long list of things I ought to get round to watching one of these days.

    That aside, my own personal suggestion is Female Prisoner Scorpion - it's a crying shame it's not better known.

  • Comment number 20.

    That's a great idea, I'm in

  • Comment number 21.

    I think it is a great idea Mark. My suggestion would American Beauty as it is what I consider to be the greatest film ever made followed by Lawrence of Arabia and Alien.

  • Comment number 22.

    A most excellent idea. I would like to use the club to peek into movies i normally wouldn't go looking for

  • Comment number 23.

    Could you do Film Club introductions to your films of the year as they appear on video or TV?

  • Comment number 24.

    Im in. Also I just came on here from your Youtube account, do you check the responses on that too? It seems like such a shame not too as so many people post on there that may not on here.

  • Comment number 25.

    excellent idea, would love to be part of it. One film suggestion would be the Phil Joanou film State of Grace with Gary Oldman, Sean Penn and Ed Harris as it is a film i love and i would really like more people to see it and to hear other peoples opinions and reviews. As an aside, i have been lucky enough to win a copy of The Devils in a competion run by Sight and Sound and just want to say thank you for your involvement with all the fantastic extras that came with the film in the way of intro, booklet, interview with Ken Russell etc etc

  • Comment number 26.

    Oh and one more thing, I like the suggestion of Alien 3 above.

  • Comment number 27.

    I love the idea, but it can't just be called 'Kermode Uncut Virtual Film Club', it's got to be called something that makes people (even people who hate Mark and/or films) go 'Wow! That sounds amazing! I'm so joining that', or however the devil kids talk these days (18 is the new 80 in my eyes (no offence to anyone older than that)). Something like: 'ReMarKermode's Film Club'. Or you could be down with the kids, with something like 'Best Movs Evs' (you see what I mean about 18 being the new 80). Any other suggestions are welcome (although I think Mark should be the one saying that, seeing as it's his thing), but remember it's got to be memorable, eye-catching and, more importantly, better than any other film club name that has ever existed.

  • Comment number 28.

    I think this is a great suggestion. Would really be a good way to see and discuss films with a wide range of people, and the good Doc himself also. In terms of what films to include, I just hope for some variety more than anything so that a lot of tastes can be catered for and also sampled by others. Also, it would be cool if a few times the club has something like a themed month focusing on a certain genre, certain filmmaker, certain actor etc.

  • Comment number 29.

    Sounds like a great idea to me, and I'd be up for it if it was round my way. One niggle - Don't you have to get hardcore permission for things like this? I'm not sure if I'm the only one who smirks at the warning on the beginning of DVDs. It's the oil rig bit. They cover everything!
    As for my choice. The Taking Of Pelham 123. Original. Why? Because it's a lost classic that too few people seem to have seen; even in lieu of the shonky foul mouthed Travolta remake. It's also got the kind of naturalistic performances and crackling dialogue that either inspired Tarantino or makes him cry.

  • Comment number 30.

    Brilliant idea and I'll leave to film choices up to you.

  • Comment number 31.

    That's a fantastic idea. I don't like Godard's original so it will be interesting to see Breathless with the ever-so-uncharming Richard Gere. As for choosing the next film I'd vouch for a Bergman masterpiece such as Cries and Whispers or Persona, or maybe Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me. A brilliant horror film I know a lot of people who are fans of the television series, dislike intensely.

  • Comment number 32.

    Great idea. Can I suggest Angels With Dirty Faces. I loved watching James Cagney movies as a kid (still do but they're rarely on tv these days). He always played the tough guy and does so again brilliantly in this movie right up till the last scene which, as a kid, I found profoundly moving and thought provoking. I wonder if I'd feel the same way watching the film as an adult....

  • Comment number 33.

    A wonderful idea. One possibility would be to record an introduction for a film scheduled to be broadcast on a non-subscription channel that month. Would help getting hold of it!

    Having said this, could I suggest Starship Troopers as an interesting film that splits opinion and is worthy of a Kermode introduction. Love it or hate it there's a lot more going than first appearances suggest.

  • Comment number 34.

    I think this is a great idea for Dr. K fans. May I suggest films Mark probably hasn't seen? I really like this movie called It's kind of a funny story. I really connected with it and found it quite uplifting given the subject matter. The movie was funny and just really great.

  • Comment number 35.

    Great idea indeed! That's totally one of the benefits of 21st century's connected world and the possibility of sharing one's thoughts with the whole world. Thanks for being to up-to-date Dr. K!

  • Comment number 36.

    Worth a try. Dr K vid records an introduction, but rather than use the non real time blog for comment/response, how about using the free Google plus hangouts On Air (version). Real time vid/audio broadcast for Dr K, the audience types their comments for Dr K's viewing/response. (Or, if more adventurous, the audience can be vid/audio too). Thoughts? Sample here:

  • Comment number 37.

    This is a great idea, why haven't you done this before? Hopefully if this takes off (as it should do naturally) then you should do live film club events. Set up a membership thing where people sign up and then do live screenings followed by a live q and a and discussion of the film incorporating the audience in a live topical debate. Just a thought.

  • Comment number 38.

    Breathless is available on Netflix Instant (in the US at least) if anyone is using that. I actually watched the Richard Gere Breathless last year, but I guess I am up for trying it again for the Film Club.

    How would people feel about watching Tampopo? It's a sort of Japanese Western about noodles. Unfortunately I'm not sure how easy it is to get ahold of currently.

  • Comment number 39.

    Also in regards to film intros, I really like them. Especially when it puts the film in context and not simply give away certain plot points which some do. Good intors prepare you for the film, get you in the right frame of mind. I love a good intro, me.

  • Comment number 40.

    Great Idea Mark. I nominate Brian Yuzna's Society... one for the horror fanboys. An icky, gooey gem.

  • Comment number 41.

    I'm not sure I've ever experienced a film intro and I'm not entirely sure what you mean by one, but I hate it when I read the introduction to a book and it gives away too much about the story or reveals a plot point or twist that spoils the book for me. A lot of book introductions seem to be aimed at people who've already read the damn thing, which makes sense to me. So by all means introduce a film, but don't ruin it!

  • Comment number 42.

    I meant to say it doesn't make sense to me.

  • Comment number 43.

    Yes, I'll sign up! Excellent idea Doctor Kermode. Fingers crossed it starts asap.

  • Comment number 44.

    A really great idea. I'm sure it will get an awful lot of support from both movie buffs and greenhorns alike (myself being firmly in the latter camp). Have to say I would love to see Dead of Night being properly introduced and discussed. A great portmanteau horror film with an inspired framing narrative/concept.

  • Comment number 45.

    A GREAT idea good Dr.

    Mainly as there are SO many great films out there I have yet to see, and have never heard of, or WILL EVER hear of unless they are suggested to me. This will be a great way for your many great followers to list films we should all see.

    I shall be watching Breathless this weekend with open eyes.

  • Comment number 46.

    I like this idea and I'll try and get a hold of this film

  • Comment number 47.

    Great idea. May I suggest Jonathon Mostow's Breakdown as a film to watch? I really genuinely believe that it's one of the best thrillers the 90's ever produced. Kurt Russell is brilliant in it and J.T. Walsh makes for a great villain.

    It's a great little film, really exciting and is probably why (despite eventually making a hash of it) Mostow was hired to write/direct Terminator 3. I know people who think it's dreadful but I believe it's an underrated masterpiece of suspense that Hitchcock would have been proud of.

  • Comment number 48.

    I think this will be a great idea that could catch on.
    I'd Suggest one of my favorites

    Bicycle Thieves :) It's both simple and short but immensely powerful, just the kind of film we need in this generation.

  • Comment number 49.

    And as for Breathless. Really? I guess I sit on the opposite side of the fence to you Dr K. A good choice though, nonetheless, and sort of proves your reasoning for picking it.

  • Comment number 50.

    I think this is a superb idea, and it just might take over from everything else you do here and beyond, so be careful...there is a niche market out there, who are not sweeping majestically on a diet of Michael Bay and Hangover sequels. Breathless is a huge ask, however. I'll see what you have to say in the introduction. I think an introduction is fine, when there are special things we might want to look out for or that we will appreciate better with fore knowledge. Introductions might suffer in the same way trailers tell you the whole film these days. I used to read all the introductions to the books I read, until I started to realise they gave too much away - especially the more literary ones. For many years, I read the introduction afterwards, as a sort of DVD extra, if you will. So, I would appreciate you really going in depth in an AFTERWORD, once people have seen it. There have been times when I've watched something, then looked to see what your thoughts on it was, out of curiosity. I recently came across stuff on youtube on Werner Herzog, which was excellent. I then fell down the rabbit hole via a link to the side and I saw Danny Dire swearing about you and what he was going to do to you - in some self satirising moment. It must have been the genius of Chris Morris I thought. I am now wondering if your paths have crossed into a physical encounter with the ruffian.

  • Comment number 51.

    I'm in :) but I agree with Usul it would be usful if there was a link to here on the youtube page for the first time blog readers over there.

  • Comment number 52.

    Good idea, i think either David Lynch's Wild at Heart or Jean Luc Godard's Bande a part would be good choices for the second film.

  • Comment number 53.

    Yes, do it. Never watched 'Breathless' to be honest. How about David Lynch's 'Dune' at some point?

  • Comment number 54.

    Ha! That is too different unrelated requests for David Lynch within a minute of each other. Dare this film club now NOT show a David Lynch film?!?

  • Comment number 55.

    I forgot to add a suggestion. Stalker by Tarkovsky. Or have us compare Solaris. I've never seen the remake, and there are some who say Soderbergh improved it.

  • Comment number 56.

    Dear Mark,

    If I join your film club do I get a signed photo?

  • Comment number 57.

    1. I would definitely love to be involved in a Kermode Uncut online film club. There aren't any film clubs IRL going on around these parts, as far as I can tell.

    2. I'm also a big fan of filmed introductions. I always tend to watch introductions that are special features on DVDs before I watch the film. Notable examples include Coppola's introduction to Apocalypse Now on the new Blu-ray; director Alexander Payne's introduction to Fellini's La Dolce Vita on the Region 1 DVD of that film (Scorsese also filmed one for La Strada); and of course, Dr Kermode's introduction to Ken Russell's The Devils on that long-awaited new DVD.

    3. I've never seen Jim McBride's Breathless, but am an enormous fan of Godard's original, so personally that would be a very interesting place to start off. It'll likely provoke a strong reaction from me, one way or another. As for future film club showings, a varied selection will of course be vital, but I think there should be a healthy amount of 'controversial' cult cinema; movies that are likely to polarize the audience to an extent, leading to highly charged (and therefore more interesting) discussion afterwards. I'd dearly love to see David Lynch's Eraserhead shown at some point. And Cammell and Roeg's Performance. But also, a good number of films that exist for sheer pleasure, like Some Like it Hot. Yes.

  • Comment number 58.

    Sounds great............might even get to hear about some movies i've not heard of before.

  • Comment number 59.

    Please, please, please avoid overdoing the "mainstream".

    And please, please, please avoid any horrendous introductions. They could be very hit or miss. The introduction to the Bruce Lee biopic "Dragon" was acceptable, but that to "Act of Valor" was truly cringeworthy.

  • Comment number 60.

    Never seen the Gere Beathless but loath the original.

    Also given Mark's history with the film Lars Von Trier's The Idiots would be a great pick.

  • Comment number 61.

    Love the idea doc!! The only problem is being able to pick obscure films that are available to watch. Already struggling to get hold of Breathless at my local Dvd retailers. Anybody know if it's on television soon?

  • Comment number 62.

    It's been said above many times, but I'll say it again; superb idea!

    I agree with everyone who said that an introduction can affect notions going into watch a film, sometimes positively so but often no. My suggestion would then be to have a very short intro simply describing the facts of the film e.g. release year, language, director etc. and then a more typical intro put up to be watched afterwards. I believe this way round will help understanding of the film as well, for example my favourite film is 2001: A Space Odyssey but when I watched it I was under the assumption that it was going to be centre on HAL. After repeated viewings and many a discussion afterward my understanding is much better than it was after that first viewing but that per-conceived notion affected my initial enjoyment and understanding.

    In terms of films, misunderstood and underrated films would make pretty good topics for a film club I reckon; I'm positive Dr. K will pick out some crackers!

  • Comment number 63.

    I like the idea and I would love to take part, but I wouldn't want it to happen here. It'd end up taking over half this blog every week, and the reviews and interviews that usually occupy this space would be tainted.
    Let's start a new blog somewhere else.
    Idea for next film: Grave of the Fireflies.
    I've seen it twice now and I'm still debating whether I like the film or not, so would be interested to hear what others think.

  • Comment number 64.

    Outstanding idea Dr K. I love the idea of re-introducing film introductions. It might be a suggestion to have alternating categories, and this accommodates some of the previous comments. EG classic, indy/art house,foreign language, documentary, horror (of course!), sci fi, and thinking person's mainstream. Look forward to this becoming a real deal. Cheers.

  • Comment number 65.

    First on my agenda would be Sunset Boulevard, followed by Save the Green Planet - one of my favourite Korean films.

    McBride's Breathless is available on dvd from amazon - just looked. But why are so many disliking the Godard version? I think that is the main reason The Criterion Collection dvd/blu ray label exists!

  • Comment number 66.

    Good idea Mark as long as you drone on about Silent Running, Videodrome, We Need to Talk About Kevin or The Exorcist (no offence).

  • Comment number 67.

    How this could work... in order to ensure reasonable availability (I think if everyone who might join in requests the same DVD from the dwindling selection of rental services you might come a cropper), selections should either be shown on and recordable from a freeview broadcast or be viewable from one of the more popular streaming services at a reasonable price (whether we like it or not a key distribution model for the future).

    Breathless -- great, preaching to the converted here. Saw this multiple times on its original release. One of my friends prefers it to the original. I like them equally, but I'll save my mathematical proof of this for the film discussion.

    Future selections suggested:

    Second the votes above for The Third Man and The Taking of Pelham 123.

    Recently the BFI top 100 list was making the rounds as a Facebook meme. I was shocked at how few of my cineliterate friends hadn't seen most of the Powell/Pressburger canon, slightly understandable from my stateside lot, but unbelievable from the Brits for whom they should be a part of the citizenship test. I'd plumb for A Matter of Life and Death, ... Colonel Blimp or I Know Where I'm Going, these do get a decent rotation on freeview.

    Robert Altman's excellent but little seen swipe at Nixon: Secret Honor (Philip Baker Hall the trickiest dick ever).

    The death this week of Amos Vogel, co founder of the New York Film Festival and Director of Cinematic Studies at the uni I attended in the 80's, sent me to a list of the films he used in his courses: a few which might be worth film clubbing:

    Battle of Algiers, The (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1965)
    Before the Revolution (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1964)
    Hearts and Minds (Peter Davis, 1974)
    Last Laugh, The (F.W. Murnau, 1925)
    Night and Fog (Alain Resnais, 1955)
    Strike (Sergei Eisenstein, 1924)
    Touch of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958)
    Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)
    Zero de Conduite (Jean Vigo, 1933)

    Program of shorts
    Hardware Wars (Ernie Fosselius, 1977)
    La Jetee (Chris Marker, 1962)
    Powers of Ten (Charles and Ray Eames, 1977)
    One Week (Buster Keaton, 1920)
    Blood of the Beasts (Georges Franju, 1949)
    Un Chien Andalou (Luis Buñuel/Salvador Dali, 1928)
    Begone Dull Care (Norman McClaren, 1949)

    I've probably overspent my two penneth worth, so I'll stop before I think of more....

  • Comment number 68.

    Sounds like a great idea, and a great movie to start with... I remember seeing richard gear's ridiculous trousers for the first time as a teenager and really liked it... and was more than a little in love with valerie kaprisky despite her wooden acting.

    Recently I have been in a costume drama mood so could i suggest either Barry Lyndon or the Duallists... both brilliant yet flawed movies I think there is lots of good and bad things to say about either movie.

    also i don't agree with the person who said it should be limited to non-mainstream films and foreign films... I think it should be limited to interesting films that are worth seeing however obscure or well known.

  • Comment number 69.

    Good thinking Mark,sounds like a great idea!!

  • Comment number 70.

    This such a brilliant idea i don't know why anyone hasn't thought of it before. The great thing about Moviedrome and the Extreme strand is that they introduced me to films wouldn't have otherwise heard of, films like Society and Maitress. Before i stumbled upon Kermode Uncut in late 2010 i went to the cinema about once a year and i had cancelled my DVD subscription, hearing "that bloke of The Culture Show" babbling away reminded me why i used to love films now i go to the cinema once twice a week.

    Try to pick relatively obscure widgety films if a film has been uploaded onto YouTube we can include overseas viewers. Everyone on this site has seen The Exorcist but not everyone has seen Roger Corman's The St Valentines day massacre or Deep cover, Straight Time, Night and the City, Romero's Martin or even Slade in Flame.

  • Comment number 71.

    Well, as most people have pointed out by now: Great idea! Haven't seen Breathless yet, so that will be good to start with. Actually if I can suggest (or maybe somebody has already) to stick with "unsual" choices, as in: no typical films that people have seen thousands of times/too popular etc.

    For the follow up I'd like to suggest "Cannibal! The Musical!", a hilarious musical that actually got snubbed by the Sundance Festival, and led filmmakers Trey Parker and Matt Stone to create their own "one film festival" to show their debut film. On top of that, this inspired the creation of Slamdance Film Festival, an alternative to the "independent" Sundance Festival.

  • Comment number 72.

    Great Idea!

    So do we need to watch the film before next week or has the film club not started yet?

    Second film...

  • Comment number 73.

    YES! Great idea, Mark.

    On the subject of movie introductions, I don't know if you get Turner Classic Movies in the UK, but Robert Osbourne's introductions to the channel's films is something of an institution of the airwaves here in the States--at least for us cinephiles.

    As for a suggestion for the next movie...? How about Sergio Leone's "Once Upon a Time in the West"? A still under-appreciated film, I think.

  • Comment number 74.


    Primer! That's a damn good idea - I haven't watched that since it came out and honestly can't remember whether it was any good.

  • Comment number 75.

    Can I suggest there be no Facebook involvement. The Legion of Bovine were even on this at my local independent cinema and it turned out not to be a one off. I found it out of place there, but to be expected at the gargantuanplex. I often think of the Bill Hicks line about "lowering the standards of the Earth." The trouble is that any criticism of this is akin to insulting a religion, which of course - is now what it is. This blog is the only exception I make to social media, and naturally my views are subjective, but any Facebook involvement will disenfranchise me.

  • Comment number 76.

    This is a great idea Mark, and I would definitely be interested in it. I think the next film should be Night of the Hunter, there's plenty to discuss about that.

  • Comment number 77.

    Excellent idea. I think on of the films that should be looked at is Lost in Translation. One of my favourite films and coming up to (next year) the 10th anniversary of it's release. I know it has mixed reviews but it would be interesting to see what people make of films years after its release.

  • Comment number 78.

    Fabulous idea!

    But Dr. K ... where in the hell am I supposed to purchase 'Breathless' from? :D

  • Comment number 79.

    A fantastic idea, although I agree it may need its own blog. There's been a few tweets recently about the wonderful Moviedrome. I remember seeing some classics like The Wicker Man, Django, Knightriders & Face To Face thanks to Alex Cox. You can see some of the intros on youtube, in the first one for The Wicker Man he pretty much gives the definitive explanation of what a cult movie is.

    Oh & my suggestions for your future viewing delights, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, Onibaba & The Eiger Sanction.

  • Comment number 80.

    After having a Cult Film Club at my college, I think this would be a fantastic idea and I'm definitely interested in joining in! Also Mark, introductions do matter as I'm a big fan of them. They give us a good taster of what's to come and to generate excitement among the viewers watching. The most notable example being your introduction to The Devils on the DVD. Good choice with Breathless as I do think it's better than the original by miles.

    Also, can I make a Suggestion? Like the Film Club I had at college, can we also show cult films as well to how other people react to them. The films I personally selected on behalf of the club included:

    Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
    Fight Club
    Howard the Duck
    The original Fright Night
    Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
    and what I think would be a really good choice. My personal favourite film of all time...

  • Comment number 81.

    I think this is a great idea, and would say a great classic for the club would be 12 anger men

  • Comment number 82.

    What with the upcoming release of Prometheus, I think it'd be worthwhile revisiting, as a group, the best film of all-time: Alien.

  • Comment number 83.

    I think it is a great idea. An opportunity to watch films I might not choose. I definitely agree that non-English speaking films should be included. Look forward to hearing more.

  • Comment number 84.

    Excellent idea. Why not also do double feautures for a compare and contrast? You could do originals vs. remakes (Breathless is one of the rare interesting cases), or just thematically similar films?

  • Comment number 85.

    Great idea and definitely not just English language films. With that in mind - Wages of Fear (french version) and then Ang Lee's The Ice Storm. Both films with plenty to talk about.

  • Comment number 86.

    I'd definitely be interested in doing this, though I don't know exactly how we would discuss anything.

  • Comment number 87.

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  • Comment number 88.

    I would be up for this for sure, I will try and catch Breathless though I am currently getting through the Bond series in preparation for the new one so maybe we could discuss one of them.

  • Comment number 89.

    Dear Dr.,

    Brilliant idea! Introductions are a fabulous notion (books generally come with them, surely film can only benefit from a guiding hand). I'll definitely get my hands on a copy of Breathless, not the kind of film I'd watch so a plus there.
    I know I'm probably suggesting this to the wrong crowd, but I'd love the Dr. K touch to be given to either of the Ivan the Terrible films by Eisenstein.

    I loved the Film4 intros from back in the day, was a regular viewer, Dr..

  • Comment number 90.

    As already suggested, Alien 3 ('Alienation' to me; Ripley causal of a penal colony's revert to type) is ripe for "Film Club" consideration - absolutely.

    Oh, and Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace is problem-reaction-solution in space. Jake Lloyd & Jar Jar Binks were patsies for a corporate-run media that didn't want you looking too closely at the piece...

  • Comment number 91.

    I love film intros... especially when I was young. Moviedrome was great. I like being told what to think (that isn't even a joke) or at least hearing good and educated reasons why an unsung film or a vastly panned film is actually good. Now I'm going to tell you why Schizopolis is Steven Soderberghs BEST FILM!... Well, i'm not, but it is. :-)

  • Comment number 92.

    AAHH i have very fond memories of Alex Cox. I like it. May i suggest Ptang Yang Kipperbang, Electra Glide in Blue or Looking for Eric ( OO AAHH CANTONA)

  • Comment number 93.

    Any film by Paul Thomas Anderson, all are great. I just want to hear you do an intro for them. It's timely too as his next flick The Master comes out this year and will be the best picture winner and or best director for PTA.

  • Comment number 94.

    Great idea, but personally I prefer to come to a film cold.
    If I watch a film with an introduction I tend to skip the introduction and save it for after the film. Maybe an outroduction?

  • Comment number 95.

    I don't think film intros are all gone, I remember last Halloween when the horror channel had Kim Newman introducing their Hammer films, and the good doctor appeared in front of Fight Club which I watched not long ago.

    In terms of this film club, I like the sound of it, as for films to view in the future, I recommend 10 of my personal favourites,

    1. A Clockwork Orange
    2. John Carpenter's The Thing
    3. Bram Stoker's Dracula (the Coppola version)
    4. Monty Python & The Holy Grail
    5. The Empire Strikes Back
    6. Hellraiser
    7. David Cronenberg's The Fly
    8. Ed Wood (the Tim Burton film)
    9. The Invisible Man (1933 film)
    10. Toy Story

  • Comment number 96.

    Mark some of my favourite films first came about through film club such as the Preston Sturgess films and I recall first seeing certain Hitchcock films which I may not have discovered. For me the great thing about the recent Mark Cousins documentary was the number of films mentioned that I had not seen before, a problem I have at the moment which the club might resolve is the endless repeats of the same films on tv eg the same film can shown on Ö÷²¥´óÐã twice a year... And yet there seems to be plenty of films hardly shown.

  • Comment number 97.

    Tremendous idea! I really miss the intros of yesteryear; I also don't understand why we don't seem to get them anymore. You can certainly count me in as I, quite frankly, can't think of anything better than to have your insight ahead of a film viewing followed by a discussion. I'm sure it will be extremely well subscribed and build quite the virtual community. Again, tremendous idea!

  • Comment number 98.

    This is a great idea. I think we should include films that received polarizing reactions such as David Cronenberg's "Crash." We can also go through the AFI or BFI's list of greatest movies.

  • Comment number 99.

    Have never ever commented before, but the idea of a virtual film club sounds grand, im all up for intros too, eases you into the film, much like well made titles that begin films.

    The film i would like to recommend is Departures/Okuribito a 2008 film by Yôjirô Takita - a very funny and reflective film about social stigmas and i guess what surprises and delights in store if you just give something a chance:)
    Highly recommend it.

  • Comment number 100.

    I would be totally in on this. Any excuse to watch more films - I often have to hold myself hostage so this seems a good a way as any!


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