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Iron Sky Is Here!

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Mark Kermode | 10:43 UK time, Friday, 25 May 2012

I've been following the progress of the Nazis on the moon movie Iron Sky for years. It has finally arrived in UK cinemas - or has it?

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Iron Sky

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Mark Kermode reviews Iron Sky

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  • Comment number 1.

    I've been wanting to see this since you drew my attention to it a year or two ago, and because of the one day release fiasco, I missed it showing at my local indie cinema on Wednesday (Hyde Park Picture House in Leeds).

    Hopefully now I'll get another chance to see it although I don't think it will be as enjoyable in a big multiplex as some people simply won't 'get it', as I can't help but think that it's one for the more independent cinema clientelle, or is that just snobbery on my part?

  • Comment number 2.

    'Iron Sky' most likely won't be screening on the Isle of Wight. Probably, the Harbour Lights will show it in Southampton but as I said, last year on a different blog, that'd incur a return ferry ticket and I simply can't afford that. Similarly, 'The Angel's Share' and 'Moonrise Kingdom' aren't showing. I remain sceptical as to whether 'Cosmopolis' will ever get down here, either. I'm completely and utterly fed up with this and - as with my filmmaking - I'm increasingly feeling I should just go my own way with it. The thing with 'Iron Sky' (along with 'Monsters', 'Colin', 'The Magician' and others) is that filmmakers and film fans are being left high and dry by the two industries of film production and distribution and therefore are beginning to go their own way with things. If such a movement is actually gathering momentum as I suspect it might be, then I will certainly be a part of it.

  • Comment number 3.

    I went to a cinema with what can only described as several like minded folk in Edinburgh's Cameo. Great venue to watch! Revolver got boo's, the big jokes got laughs and claps and the film ended with a round of applause. Best atmosphere I've experienced for a film and a great win for watching films outside of the big chains. Despite the reviews from several critics, the people that wanted to see it sought it out and seem to have thoroughly enjoyed it.

  • Comment number 4.

    Been waiting to watch this film for about two years after randomly finding it on the internet. I was then incredibly annoyed with the one day release, and then even when they allowed more screenings, it was only at selected cinemas. Although the film itself was fantastic, I enjoyed it so much I watched it twice on it's only release day at my nearest multiplex. Great film!

  • Comment number 5.

    I was very disappointed to see the one day relase of Iron Sky, after a couple of years of following the production.
    When the announcement of an extended release was made, I had no local cinema showing it. Until an independant cinema shows this, I'll have to make do with the Blu-Ray... which is already on order.
    Still very excited to finally be seeing the movie.

  • Comment number 6.

    Here in Finland Iron Sky has naturally got big audiences and even in our local small town theater it was showing for four weeks! Normally hit movies get two weeks at most.

    Being a b-film fan I was eagerly anticipating the film but I have to say it was even better than I thought. I assumed lots of skits and jokes about films, but what I didn't expect was surprising script and the fact that it was a "real" film rather than some comedy show. I actually was moved in the end, wow, that was something unexpected!

    Of course the film was mostly comedy but in that charming way some b films can be. Now we just have to wait for those guys behind the red planet...

    Oh and it definitely worked great on big screen.

  • Comment number 7.

    You may be happy to learn that Edinburgh's lovely Cameo cinema will be showing Iron Sky all week. I'll be going there this weekend

  • Comment number 8.

    I saw it at the Prince Charles on Wednesday, and can confirm that the atmosphere was excellent with plenty of laughs and applause at the end.

    Aside from being a little flat in places and a slightly 'meh' ending, Iron Sky met expectations and I'll be acquiring the DVD to add to the little collection of discs reserved for those times when friends are round and beer is being consumed.

  • Comment number 9.

    Grosvenor Cinema (of Avengers "because they ran out of letters" fame) in Glasgow will be showing Iron Sky over the weekend, Friday and Saturday.

  • Comment number 10.

    I don't suppose anyone (Dr K perhaps?) could tell me if it is/was in any cinema's in the Plymouth area? I spent 拢35 quid in petrol driving around every cinema I could think of in the area on wednesday and not one cinema was showing it - not even the huge Vue multiplex on the Barbican!

    Some of my non-cinema-going-computer-loving friends have informed me they can get me a copy via the infamous online black market but i do not wish to do that Instead I would like to appeal to see if anyone knows if it will eb released on DVD soon or will be back in cinemas in my area at some point? Giant hugs and kisses to the one that does!

  • Comment number 11.

    I saw this at Manchester's Cornerhouse on Wednesday evening, wanting to love it, and I mostly enjoyed the spectacle. I agree it looks impressive - the sets, costumes and special effects certainly belie the budget, and the nods to other films, Downfall in particular, drew well-deserved laughter.

    But I'd describe this as an eccentric B-movie at best, and there were times when I felt decidedly uncomfortable watching it. Several of the early 'laughs' are drawn at the expense of overtly racist 'humour', and that's before we get to the Germans...

    As someone who has lived in Germany and has spent years trying to dismantle the stereotypical "we have ways of making you talk" impression that lots of people still have of Germany, I was actually quite troubled by some of the imagery and characterisation on screen.

    Yes, I know it was poking fun at all of that and yes, the film's premise is preposterous and yes, I love a silly space film more than lots of my friends. But the thing is, if you're going to use humour to address this subject, then your script has to be very, very clever indeed, and this just wasn't.

    Glad I saw it, but sadly not one of the films I'll be watching over and over again.

  • Comment number 12.

    I saw IS at Liverpool Fact (where the good Doctor kindly signed my DVD of The Ninth Configuration, merci) with a hugely appreciative audience. I was sat close to the (2.35:1) screen and a little apprehensive that an action and effects-driven film costing only 7 million odd Euros would suffer in widescreen theatrical scrutiny, but it held up excellently. I'm also glad it was an action comedy with dramatic elements rather than an out-and-out farce. And top marks for keeping the evocative theme song from the original promo film all those years ago! I've read snotty mainstream reviews that complain it's not funny or outrageous enough and compare it negatively to that other low budget fascist-inflected independent Finnish film, Starship Troopers, but such comments are purile, as are those that claim it's all title and no substance. IS has more depth with regards to its treatment of the 'Moon' Nazis than many more 'serious' films about the real-life ones. For instance, the 'Moon''s peculiar mixture of advanced and archaic technology is pretty historically accurate: the real Nazis had rocket technology but no radar, a submarine fleet but no aircraft carriers, etc. And the fact that ex-Nazi scientists really did take America to the Moon (Wiki Operation Paperclip, where it all began) means that however goofy IS's premise might initially sound, there's a lingering reality about it. Alternitive history yes, but not at all far removed from our own.

  • Comment number 13.

    I saw it Wednesday at HMVCurzon in Wimbledon and really enjoyed it. This could have so easily been a one joke film that runs out of steam after 10 minutes but the story expanded to take a swipe at various targets and althought i felt it rushed to the conclusion too soon, at no point did i feel bored or think when is this going to end. In visual terms the film looked great the sets and special effects made the film look like it cost many times its budget and level of detail showed. My only niggle was that Sarah Palin spoke with a southern accent when shes from Alaska and Udo Kier was given little to do.

  • Comment number 14.

    鈥淚 would like to appeal to see if anyone knows if it will eb released on DVD soon?鈥 #10

    Iron Sky DVD on Amazon 鈥 鈥淎vailable for pre-order. This item will be released on 28 May 2012.鈥

    The one day release is bizarre. I assume it鈥檚 solely so the distributor could stand in court and say they鈥檇 fulfilled their side of a contract by giving I.S. a cinema release, no matter how limited.

    I鈥檓 looking forward to it when it arrives on DVD.

  • Comment number 15.

    Got to see it in Belfast's QFT on Wednesday evening. (Every seat was sold, and they've arranged two matinees this weekend.)

    The film鈥檚 serene ending is an amazing act of directorial bravery and left the QFT audience in stunned silence as the final scenes were projected onto the screen. Politically the film is more anti-American than anti-Nazi.

    Yet through its fictional storyline it manages to question Western attitudes, military destruction, and challenge the corrupting nature of political power. Not bad going for a cheesy and far-fetched piece of science fiction. It will join Serenity on the list of cult scifi.

  • Comment number 16.

    I saw it at the HMVCurzon in Wimbledon where it was on for one night only. I was disappointed to find the cinema only half full. Not quite the 'Sold Out' that we'd been led to believe. The film was good fun. The script was pretty cheesy and the plot only held together every now and then, but the sets and special effects were excellent. I think that fewer special effects and a better script/story would have given a much more satisfying end product. Having said all that, I enjoyed it and I'm glad that i went to see it. The ending is moving and was quite unexpected as the rest of the film was played for laughs.

  • Comment number 17.

    I saw it at the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival in Belgium, which has kind of an undesirable audience who treat every film like a drinking game; except instead of drinking there is shouting. A lot of shouting.

    I thought the film had some excellent laughs, beautiful art design, and a decent enough political satire for a cheesy film that doesn't take anything too seriously. But I honestly did expect a more imaginative story and I don't think the film would've lost any charm if the Nazis had a bit more brains. The smartest person in Iron Sky was the Sarah Palin character, which should say enough.

  • Comment number 18.

    Yay for the UK, and yay for where I live as apparently they've finally announced a release data in my country as well (22nd of June).

    I'll have to refrain from comments until then, when it will be a bit late for the blog, but it's only fair to speak of films one has seen. Unless it's to say things like, I want to see this film, from what I've seen it looks great, and it deserves a big screen release.

  • Comment number 19.

    I don't know what you mean by "like-minded people" Dr. K. Does that mean everyone has to part of some kind of Occupy movement? Or people that are entertained by terrible films? I don't understand.

    And I actually wanted to see this until you showed that last clip.

  • Comment number 20.

    Saw it in Liverpool. Well, I saw half of it. I had to walk out after an hour, and would have walked out earlier if I hadn't had to convince my girlfriend to ditch it too.

    The concept is brilliant, and the first four minutes posted online are really good, but the movie isn't funny at all. The joke about USB? Seriously? That's the quality of joke you're leaving in the script?
    Obviously they spent much more time on the effects than the writing. I have no idea why they had to turn their protagonist into a stupid, impotent tramp after twenty minutes. It would have been so much better if he had kicked Nazi ass, Inglourious Basterds style. I don't know, maybe he did in the end, but by that point I was on the train home.

    It might be OK seeing it in a cinema with a like minded crowd, as Dr. K says, but the packed theatre I saw it with were a bunch of imbeciles. Who laughs at a black man sniffing a weed plant? Al Murray fans and 14 year olds.

  • Comment number 21.

    Sadly the cinemas near me have all decided not to show Iron Sky at all so it looks like I'll have to wait for the DVD. I can't say that I'm totally shocked by the decision since these are the cinemas that have publicly stated that they might only be showing Prometheus on a reduced number of screens if Men In Black 3 is popular with the kiddies.

  • Comment number 22.

    I saw it in The Cornerhouse in Manchester. The showing was sold out and the audience was enthusiastic, cheers when the film started, boos when Revolvers logo came up ( someone even called Revolver a bunch of mewling Chaucerian insults). I thought the film was entertaining, silly fun. More juvenile than the sharp satire that some people seemed to expect, but a fun 90 minutes with some great production design.

  • Comment number 23.

    Here you go again Dr Kermode. You make a big deal about the virtue of not seeing overly revealing trailers or previews before seeing a film and then put several minutes of unsees footage in your Iron Sky blog that I had to swiftly fast forward through because I've not seen it yet! Hypocrisy?

  • Comment number 24.

    Iron Sky is NOT here. In the U.S. "like minded folk" must wait, as the release date is still to be determined.

  • Comment number 25.

    Saw it at the Showcase Leeds, me plus two others. Brilliant Film, a modern day Dr Strangelove except with a slightly bigger cast. Well worth watching although why did Revolver bother "distributing" it?

  • Comment number 26.

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  • Comment number 27.

    I saw Iron Sky at the Prince Charles (and indeed went to the late showing as I was convinced it'd be my only opportunity to catch it in a theatre thereby incurring an hour night-bus journey home).

    Loved it. As did everyone I spoke to after. Huge laughs. Only boos were for the Revolver logo. It's a cracking little trash movie and it deserves to do really well for it's sense of fun, it's well thought out action and it's satire on modern politics.

  • Comment number 28.

    I saw Iron Sky in the Queen's Film Theatre in Belfast and I have to say, after such a long wait, what an utter let down! It looked amazing, but I wish they'd spent a bit less of what little money they had on special effects, and a bit more on employing some decent scriptwriters. The film was too tongue in cheek, and at times felt like Carry On Nazis On the Moon. I wish it had taken itself just a little bit more seriously. It was like waiting forever for Christmas to come only to be told there's no Santa!

  • Comment number 29.

    Luckily, "Iron Sky" was quite broadly shown in Switzerland, so I had no problems to see it. I expected a comedy, was prepared to citation-overload (critics warned/criticised into that direction), and was in general quite amused after the screening. Of course there were too many citations, but I was not prepared for those really funny and, sadly enough, true comments about the current world politics of western governments. Apparently a picture needs to be as independent as "Iron Sky" to dare something like this - sad enough - but at least they took the opportunity!

    Spoiler alert: I most liked where the nazi's wrote the speech of the republican president - the sarcasm in this is unmatched (except for the final speech in "The Dictator" where Admiral General Aladeen describes the merits of a totalitarian regime).

  • Comment number 30.

    Mark - sorry this is off-topic, but if you REALLY want to come to New Zealand (and why wouldn't you), could you give some airtime to this page: ? Many thanks, Emma

  • Comment number 31.

    Just saw Iron Sky at City Screen York, who managed to secure a one-off Friday late night screening after I pestered them on Twitter.

    Well, it certainly has my favourite concept and tagline of the year. Does it live up to this? I found it very, very clunky in terms of dialogue, acting, action, pretty much everything, and a lot of the jokes were just cringeworthy. But there's something very endearing about it - perhaps the brilliant trashy concept or, as Mark said, the inspired design. I did laugh several times, I did have fun, and I would happily watch it again.

  • Comment number 32.

    i agree that the film had an endearing demeanour. i also agree that the visual effects were incredibly designed and impressive considering it was such a low budget film. however, these are perhaps 'iron sky's few redeeming features. it otherwise amounts to nothing more than a dull film which falls apart on screen. crucially the novelty of the film evaporates very quickly and cannot be sustained for the full 90 mins.

    Dr K suggested that those who criticise 'iron sky' have not seen true "gimmick cinema" in the form of films such as 'nymphoid barbarian in dinosaur hell' and 'surf nazis must die' which are far worse films. these films superficially rely on their name, tagline and concept alone; and thus, those who criticise iron sky and have not seen these films cannot appreciate the substance which iron sky carries.

    however, this argument does not stand logical scrutiny. denying that a critic can dismiss iron sky because there are worse films within its limited cinematic context, equates to telling a connoisseur of food that he cannot dismiss chewing gum when he hasn't tried dirty chewing gum picked from the tarmac. Dr K cannot argue that iron sky should be judged fairly within its confined context of cinema, when it should really be judged within the context of cinema as a whole.

    by this holistic standard, iron sky is an awful film with no substance; albeit incredibly stylish and ambitious. but was it ever intended to amount to anything more than this anyway?

  • Comment number 33.

    Haven't seen it yet. Just offering a somewhat presumptuous selfish suggestion, perhaps you might want to screen Iron Sky for one of the lovely film festivals you curate....

  • Comment number 34.

    I hopefully will see it quite soon, I missed the Hyde Park Picture House screening as well because i've been sick (there is another sometime next week). I'm holding out I might be getting a review copy off revolver next week if not I will probably buy the blu-ray sometime in the near future.

  • Comment number 35.

    A big part of why large chain cinemas have not been showing the film because of the UK distributor's rushed DVD/Blu-ray release in the UK. I know a lot of people have missed out because of the 50+ mile gap between cinemas showing the film. Also, the DVD/Blu-ray which other than the film does not contain the vast content that the creators intended. Nor have the creators been given the money they are owed. Europe and Scandinavia share the same region code as us. Out of principle, and because I'd rather see it as it was intended, I will be waiting until the release throughout Europe.

  • Comment number 36.

    I鈥檝e been waiting nearly five years for this film after tracking its progress through the blog, it has an outrageous concept and, for my money, one of my all-time favourite taglines in cinema history. I鈥檝e just seen it on DVD, so did it live up to all that hype? I did find it very clunky at times in terms of dialogue as I thought at times it was cringeworthy at best. But there's something to admire here. It did past the comedy test as I did laugh several times, I did have fun, and, as Mark said, it has an inspired retro-nostalgic sci-fi design that looks great. Like Kick-Ass and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Iron Sky is one of the rare examples of a genuine mainstream cult movie, and like those movies, one of the best cult films of the decade. I would happily watch it again.

  • Comment number 37.

    @10 Why does it not surprise me that Iron Sky didn't come to people, I often get the feeling distributors think the world ends at Exeter.

    It seems unfair that a film like Iron Sky which has taken years to make and is an original idea but does not have a big star or hollywood backing only gets a one day release where as pointles, effects drivern, stary remake of an allready half baked idea which is now in 3D is on release untill it make a profit and everyones sick of it.

    Hopfully Iron Sky will be out quicky on DVD, for those of us unable or to busy to go and see on that one day.

  • Comment number 38.

    Ever since I picked up on this, thanks to Dr Kermode, I've been wanting to see it; it sounds like Hellsing (the OVA or manga) but with satire instead of vampires. I was astounded by the one-day release and, as the makers suggested, e-mailed the distro company, telling them they had made a ridiculous decision. I also told them I'd boycott their release and encourage friends to do the same - so I haven't seen it. Maybe I'll import a Finnish DVD copy if I can find a way to do so, or buy it second hand somewhere down the line.

    I believe very much in artists' control of their own work, and when it's obvious that Revolver are not only failing to respect the wishes of the Iron Sky crew but actively and knowingly going against them, that makes them even worse than the pirates in my view - at least pirates make no money from torrenting films. They're not getting my money.

    In my view this isn't a marketing scheme. If it were, why only do it here? It can't be the first time this one day release tomfoolery has been done.

  • Comment number 39.

    I saw it at the brilliant Dundee Contemporary Arts in Dundee, Scotland. We played it 3 times that day, and every screening almost sold out. The midday screening I attended was held in the smaller cinema, which was to the film's benefit as the experience was heightened by the sound of collective laughter from the audience - and the audience (including myself) found it very funny! However I should point out that this audience was tipped slightly more to the nerdy side of the film-going spectrum (you know, the people who chose to sit in the dark to watch film about Moon Nazis on such a sunny day).

    I do agree about the film's clunky and scattered nature, but it didn't detract from the gags, nor the central premise. In the end, I wasn't expecting an entirely coherent narrative or cinematic nuance, I was expecting a fun film about Nazis on the moon, and as luck would have it, that's exactly what I got!

  • Comment number 40.

    My girlfriend and I saw it at 5:05pm in Erdington having made a special effort to find a cinema showing it - there weren't that many. I felt very at home amongst the crowd, all 14 of us, as we were all like minded people who had made the effort.

    As for the film, it was all over the place: satire, farce, cinematic, thriller... a mess, but a lovingly made mess and great fun because of it. We both really enjoyed it, best film in ages.

    And it was cinematic and I wonder why some films are OK on DVD and others have to be seen in the cinema. It's not just special effect movies, there's something about its canvas size... maybe.

  • Comment number 41.

    @37 Just realised I put 'come to people not 'come to Plymouth' why did I do that????

    so to repeat

    @10 Why does it not surprise me that Iron Sky didn't come to PLYMOUTH, I often get the feeling distributors think the world ends at Exeter.

  • Comment number 42.

    Saw this on the Wednesday at the HMV Curzon Wimbledon. I was under the impression that it would be sold out from sources I had been reading elsewhere so was pretty surprised when it turned out the screening was about half full.

    As for the movie itself. The idea behind the movie was interesting and the movie didn't disappoint itself. I really enjoyed the Dr. Strangelove references put in along with a host of others. A good film that is not taking itself too seriously and thinks it is something it is not.

  • Comment number 43.

    Caught it at the the Prince Charles Cinema yesterday, on Saturday afternoon. Ever since I saw the first trailer I've had good will towards this film, and thought even if the story sucked there was going to be something I was going to enjoy about it, either the sci-fi special effects or Udo Kier!

    It was great! The audience seemed to enjoy it too. I took it as a self-aware B-movie that had lots of cool sci-fi action. I don't get the negative critical response for the film鈥aybe because of today's technology a low budget film can have A-movie looking special effects, and this has confused many critics into thinking this is a poor version of Independence Day, or War of the Worlds. It was more in the tradition of Roger Corman.

    It was fun, and a pretty smart anti-war satire. The ending was a appropriate and chilling鈥eminiscent of the end of Dr Strangelove.

  • Comment number 44.

    When we got back from the cinema, we had some toast and popped the telly on. There was an advert for Iron Sky: "...in cinemas for one day only!" The first advert I'd seen. Yes, technically, looking at my watch, I could have made a later showing, but really it was too late.

  • Comment number 45.

    Hi Dr Mark,

    Living in Ireland I already know I will not even be given the chance to see 'Iron Sky' even for one day. For some totally unexplained reason quite a few films are excluded from our cinemas. The biggest and most resent case of this, believe it or not, was 'The Artist'. All the reviews and talk about the biggest film of the last year only added to my frustration. Here, it was as if it never existed - I did asked at my local cinema whether it would be shown. Only to be greeted with a look of sympathy for my mental state.
    By this time it had already won the Oscar for best picture for God's sake!

    What is going on with some distributors?

  • Comment number 46.

    Saw it at the Prince Charles Cinema yesterday afternoon. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I got the impression that this was a labour of love put together by people who loved film with some excellent references/tributes to classic film scenes.

    It deserved better treatment from the distributors and the well informed and well behaved audience (I didn't notice any infringements of the cinematic code...) spontaneously booed the Revolver logo.

  • Comment number 47.

    I saw it on the Wednesday at the Showcase cinema near Reading. I had been following this movie since they released the promo trailer. I love the fact it held it's head up high as a 'plup' movie and showed it could be done professionally. I expected a good movie and was treated to a great movie, I laughed out loud with the 'like minded' folk and felt I was part of something a little special. The numerous nods and digs at our world society were well placed and left you with food for thought, it certainly had substance behind the poster and the title.

  • Comment number 48.

    I'm not so keen on Nazi movies, but I have a friend who would DIG this subject matter like nothing else; a big fan of Storm of Steel/Nazis history and Star Trek. A late viewing of such "pulpy" movie sounds fun though.

  • Comment number 49.

    Having been invited to comment on Iron Sky by the good Dr on Friday, I would like to add my experience of seeing the film on Wednesday at the Electric Cinema in Birmingham.

    Visually, it was an impressive piece of work which deserves the cinematic experience (shame on Revolver for their behaviour). The conceit of having an industrially and technologically stalled society (expressed in what many would recognise as influenced by steampunk) allowed the film-makers to capture an essential characteristic of Nazi culture: ostentatious gigantic architecture and engineering. Having seen Albert Speer's architectural plans for Berlin, I wouldn't see the set design for the moon base as being particularly outlandish in terms of architecture. That's what makes the visual experience funny because it is rooted in historical evidence as well as being outrageous in its location.

    The problem with explaining why a joke is funny, as above, is that the experience of the writer and reader of the explanation is a cold one. However, I must comment on the USB joke which was criticised earlier by another commentator. Yes, its a corny joke but it continues the premise of the frozen technology of the Nazis compared with the modern world. It has context within the film. The alternative is for our Moon-Nazis to have rapid technological growth over their seven decades that would have developed independently of Earth. This could look quite alien compared with modern culture so destroying the identification of the audience with an historical time-frame. It would also beg the question of why if they were this advance that they hadn't attack Earth before which would destroy one of the central premises of the plot. You could have an action war movie in space, as if they haven't been done before, but you still have the basic problem that its Nazis on the Moon! However great this conceit is, its still corny. You have to play it for laughs.

    The other visual aspect worth commenting on are that the beautiful pairing of Julia Dietze and G枚tz Otto could have starred in of one of Leni Riefenstahl's films. Which brings me onto my next substantive support of the film. One of the major inheritance of Nazi Germany is modern propaganda and public relations in order to manipulate the public mood. That's what makes the Downfall parody powerful is who delivers it as much as how the parody is delivered. Its entirely apt. That the message and imagery of the Nazis who meet her appeals to her sensibilities isn't a surprise to the audience as the director associated Vivian Wagner (and by implication PR) with Nazism through the parody. The Downfall parody is both plot device and social/historical commentary that progresses the film. It allows then the speech segue from Renate Richter to President Palin which reminds the audience of Adolf Hitler's speeches. Those were a clever series of scenes which linked together a critique of public relations & politicians.

    Another clever scene is where the character James Washington is holding a placard which states the plot of the film in four words. Not only does it describe the absurdity of the situation that Washington finds himself in, it suggests that there is another reality within the film which finds the concept of moon Nazis absurd. This is really a joke about the audience who pay to watch a film about Moon Nazis. We are co-conspirators in the absurdity that Washington finds himself in and have a mirror shown to us with this moment. If Washington is crazy for having the sign about Moon Nazis, we are equally crazy for watching a film about Moon Nazis. Its a delightful moment that I enjoyed.

    All sci-fi is topical and some of the jokes and satire will date quickly. The joke about the nature of compatibility dating websites was well done and I enjoyed the tasteless Moon campaign poster, the joke about the character of the Finns and the North Koreans as well as the nod to Re-animator towards the end of the film. I was less sure about some of the early dialogue of the James Washington character until his position had been explained.

    Could the film have been tighter and more polished? Yes. Was the film coherent and driven forward through plot? Yes it was. Could the film live up to its central conceit? I thought it did given the limitations upon it. Nazis on the Moon is a great idea until you start thinking about delivering a plot that works for it. I think they did pretty well.

  • Comment number 50.

    I saw it at the early evening screening at the Prince charles on Wednesday. It was gloriously silly. And then it got sillier. And more glorious.

    Lots of in-jokes for its intended audience - the parody of the Downfall parody internet meme was particularly clever. As the good Dr says, why should a film like Piranha 3DD get a full theatrical release and not Iron Sky?

    I did wonder at whether the whole "one day release" was a PR stunt, but if so, it may have backfired on the distributors, with many punters threatening to get their DVDs directly from the film-makers rather than Revolver.

  • Comment number 51.

    I saw Iron Sky last Wednesday at the Showcase Cinema De Lux in Bristol. It was a mid-day showing, so there were only 10-20 people in the auditorium, but apparently it had done well in advance sales for the evening performances. The Showcase De Lux cinemas were some of the few that extended it for the following week.

    Like Dr Kermode, I was grabbed by the trailer and the concept and was a bit concerned that it might have been utter trash. But, also like Dr K, I was pleasantly surprised. It was at least as good as any big-budget Hollywood sci-fi/action blockbuster, and perhaps a little brainier too. It's probably not going to be an indie breakthrough like, say, Pan's Labyrinth, but it's good for what it is. I enjoyed it rather more than Avengers (Assemble), for instance (I think my problem with it was that I was unreasonably expecting Iron Man 2.5, rather than Thor 2, Hulk 2, or Captain America 2).

  • Comment number 52.

    Living in Denmark, I saw Iron Sky about a month ago. I sounds like the movie got much more screen time in Denmark.

    I had been looking forward to this movie, and I really enjoyed it. Found it a bit flat and boring at times, but had some really good laughs also. I recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a good b-film. But in the cinema if possible... It is so much more fun!
    Thanks for a great show - like you a lot! :-)


  • Comment number 53.

    I saw 'Iron Sky' in Leicester, wasn't sure how well subscribed it would be, but booked my ticket in advance, and arrived early,... was worried at first as there were just a dozen Uber-geeks like myself in the theatre, until bang on the start time, when the place totally filled up. We all had a good laugh at the film references and in jokes, and most of the audience waited until the credits ended, just in case there was a teaser for the next production.

    I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and wasn't disappointed after the wait.

  • Comment number 54.

    One day?... One day? This film was lucky to get one screening by the looks of it!
    Do i like Star Wars?...NO.Do i like Nazis?...No.Do i like farcical action like the cat from Red Dwarf knocking over 8 armed Nazis?....No.Will i go anywhere near this film? You guess.

  • Comment number 55.

    Having seen this (and other blogs), I would dearly have loved to have seen this film (alas was on holiday in Cyprus for the one day it was released in the UK).

    If this is not a PR stunt, then the distributors really have shot themselves in the foot!

  • Comment number 56.

    Just finished watching it on DVD, on the plus side some very good special effects, Stephanie Paul (an actress I have never heard of before) is superb as the President and by consequence has all the best lines, If the set designer doesn't get more work there is something majorly wrong with our film industry.

    On the downside, Udo Kier is criminally under used, do we have to have sound effects IN SPACE?, a little back story on how the Nazis got into space wouldn't have gone a miss.

    In conclusion a fun but messy film that is not sure what it wants to be. Neither a Sci-fi spectacular (budgets not big enough) or Expoitation film (not enough sex or violence).

  • Comment number 57.

    Well it could never live up to the hype, & it didn't. The central idea is great but the movie has a rather labourious pace & is only occasionally the fun sci-fi B movie I expected. Tonally I wanted something more akin to Mars Attacks with nazis but instead got too much heavy handed political satire & rather weak gags with a totally flat midsection. Admittedly the fx are impressive but overall this is just another 'great-idea-shame-about-the-movie-' film. At least The Asylum's Nazis at the Earth's Core had a (SPOILER ALERT) cyborg Hitler!!

  • Comment number 58.

    I was annoyed when I heard "Iron Sky" was to be given such a limited release. Imagine my surprise, then, to discover that it is already available to rent via iTunes and Apple TV. I shall watch it at my leisure this week.

  • Comment number 59.

    I've just seen Iron Sky at the Prince Charles Cinema, Leicester Square. What a gloriously bonkers experience it was. Any film that has Nazis on the moon as its central premise has got a great deal of work to do to be worth the entrance fee and I am pleased to report that Iron Sky delivered. It delivered some great casting (with the gorgeous Julia Deitze stealing pretty much every scene she was in), some great laughs (way more than the six laugh minimum) and a great dollop of entertainment for pretty much the whole of its running time. There are so many subtle jokes and nods that I will have to get it on DVD and watch it again (and almost certainly again) to catch them all. A great recommendation from the good Dr K. If you're only going to watch one movie about moon Nazis, make it this one!

  • Comment number 60.

    I have seen the film April 10th in Germany in a medium sized cinema. I was curious and took the opportunity to spend an evening with my son (who belongs to the target audience). The only thing I expected was to have a first-hand informed view after having seen the film but not much more. I was surprised that the audience was not only young and male persons but a lot of girls as well and also people like me more in their second or third phase of youth. The cinema was almost sold and the experience to see it together with this crowd was really nice. A lot of laughs and comments throughout. All I can say about the film itself is that I was really entertained and was surprised about the intelligent dialogue and use of humour. I will definitely buy the DVD and enjoy seeing it again and again with different groups of people in my house.

  • Comment number 61.

    I recently watched Iron Sky - not in theatres but via the wonderful world of the internet - I found the production value to be extremely high and enjoyed the many anti-america jokes and statements very much but the story lacks a certain something to make it a good film - not a terrible film, but not a good one. The fact that most of the film seems to be riding on the back of a quasi-comedic black/albino gag makes it somewhat tiring towards the end.

  • Comment number 62.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Iron Sky. I unfortunately missed the Wednesday 23rd of May screening in the Queen's Film Theatre, but where there's a will, there's a way!

    It is fascinating though how Revolver haven't really pushed Iron Sky as well as they perhaps could have. I mean, look the marketing strategies behind Roger Corman's work as a producer and the block-booking in theatres of low-budget science-fiction films in the 1950s. These older examples and the contemporary, concept-driven cinema must surely show that there is always going to be a market out there for 'Nazis in Space.'

    While Revolver have done a good job in the past capitalising on the marketability of films such as Exit Through The Gift Shop and Kidulthood, there are certain interesting films in the back catalogue which just didn't get the push they deserved. The underrated JCVD could have had a crossover run in both the art-house independents and multiplex theatres, while the first time I heard of Tony (London Serial Killer), the best horror film in it's year of release, was when I picked up for 拢4 at my local HMV.

    I think it a disservice as a distributor to decide to capitalise on 'popular' marketing trends and pull publicity stunts, while not having the will to take risks and put the machine behind films that need, and would find, a strong audience.

  • Comment number 63.

    I've seen "Iron Sky" on the big screen, in a little cinema in Z眉rich (yes, I'm Swiss :-D).
    It's completly preposterous, all over the place, often times makes no sense at all and has some of the worst overacting I have ever seen!
    In other words: I loved it!
    The director obveausly knew exactly what he was doing and since all the things I called on before were obveausly deliberate, it makes for an extremly pleasurable movie going experience for any cinephile.

    Unfortunately, the screening I attended was pretty empty. It was only me, a friend of mine, and three other people. And out of those five people, I think I was the only person who really enjoyed every moment of the movie.
    The rest of the audience didn't seem very amused, but I got 90 minutes of smiling, laughing out loud and giggeling like a mad man :-)

  • Comment number 64.

    i have been waiting for this film since you first mentioned it and have been part of there funding scheme but unfortunately i missed the screening at my local cinema but monday morning went out and bought it on blu-ray sat and watched it alone and enjoyed the experience of people bemoaning films as they do in my local nowadays

  • Comment number 65.

    Unfortunetely i missed the cinematic release but bought it on DVD based on your reccommendation.

    WHAT A FILM! Really shows how B-Movies should be made. It had the right balance of comedy, special effects, and action. But what makes it rilliant is the shear simplicity of the film. A simple idea, not overcomplicated, and done with a limited budget. But it goes to show what good directors can do with an action movie, regardless of budget. Michael Bay, take note.

  • Comment number 66.

    I saw Iron Sky on its one day release over a week ago, and had to see it at the Showcase cinemas in Manchester, as I was originally going to see it at the Cornerhouse, but that screening had sold out the Monday before the Wednesday one day screening.
    The film itself was superb, a great B-movie, funny and with some excellent effects that looked great especially as it wasnt made on big budget compared to big action blockbusters of the Hollywood variety. My only complaint about it was maybe the Sarah Palin esque president character was probably a few years too late as a form of satire, but then this is only a very small setback in what is otherwise a superb and entertaining film. Im glad that this has had extra screenings, it deserves a wider audience, as the sold out screening at the cornerhouse (which has since shown it again) and the busy screening at the one i attended (probably the busiest ive seen the showcase on a visit there) shows that there is a market out there for this sort of film and like minded people are willing to go to the cinema to see it, rather than wait for a dvd release or sadly end up downloading it and watching it on a smaller screen. Iron Sky is designed for the cinema not the tv or computer screen.

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