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  1. The case for communication: COVID-19 in Cox’s Bazar

    Ö÷²¥´óÐã Media Action has been working tirelessly through its Common Service project to support Rohingya and nearby Bangladeshi communities in Cox’s Bazar through the pandemic. Our Bangladesh Head of Research Arif Al Mamun reflects on what we have learned.

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  2. 5 steps to enable health workers to better meet the needs of hard-to-reach communities

    As World Health Day approaches, and as we look towards the first-ever UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage later this year, we’re sharing insights from Ö÷²¥´óÐã Media Action’s work to help health workers and communities work better together to build a healthier world.

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  3. Community engagement and sexuality education in conservative contexts: the case of Pakistan

    How can community engagement be used to promote young people’s sexual and reproductive health in conservative countries? Two education programmes in Pakistan offer some answers.

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  4. What is the world doing about COVID-19 vaccine acceptance?

    The world's scientists are racing to find an effective COVID-19 vaccine - but vaccine hesitancy already threatens its success. Our US Director Yvonne MacPherson looks at the critical role for health communication in setting the stage for a successful vaccine roll-out.

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  5. Online violence against women and girls in Nepal: what we have learned

    Cases of online abuse against women and girls have spiked in recent years. However, the legal and policy initiatives to address it do not seem to delve deep enough into the grave and changing dynamics of online violence in Nepal, or how this perpetuates gender-based violence in the offline world.

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  6. Making the invisible, visible with the demon of defeca

    Why is behaviour change and demand creation as important in the conversation about sanitation as infrastructure? Our Global Creative Advisor describes our innovative communication strategy and poo demon creation, Malasur.

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  7. Seven lessons from scaling up mHealth in India

    We take a deeper dive into what we learned from Kilkari, Mobile Academy and Mobile Kunji– our mobile health communication projects for frontline healthcare workers and families in India - following on from our exciting series in BMJ Global Health.

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  8. How poo became one of our biggest creative challenges yet

    How many of us ever think about what happens after we flush? Yet with 60% of urban India not connected to modern sewage systems, it is a pressing health issue. As we launch our latest in the Navrangi TV series, we look at the thinking behind this revolutionary drama.

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  9. Making research disability-inclusive – reflections from Nigeria

    We know that people with disabilities face exclusion and discrimination across a multitude of areas – we are determined that our research will not be one of them. Our Head of Research and Learning in Abuja shares our learning and reflections.

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  10. Five mantras for effective COVID-19 vaccine communication

    Well-designed communication can increase healthy behaviours, including vaccine uptake. As global scientists get closer to an effective COVID-19 vaccine, here are our top five mantras for how to think about vaccine communication to ensure a successful rollout.

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  11. How media and communication can help close the gender equality gap

    Media can and often does perpetuate stereotypes. But used responsibly and sensitively, it can also be a creative and engaging public platform that tackles some of the deepest-rooted beliefs successfully.

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