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New things to come...

Chris Howard

Series Producer

A heady mix of excitement and apprehension has descended on the Springwatch office in the last week.

Excitement because a whole host of the new thoughts and ideas we have been trying to put into practice are finally coming to fruition, and apprehension because despite all our planning, we still don’t really know what will happen between now and when we go live in 10 days time.

Thankfully, the excitement of the new is winning today.

This morning we had hugely exciting news from a new and unusual ‘nest’ in Scotland; a new-born we have been waiting months for finally arrived this afternoon; and some stonking new footage of a rare bird we having been trying to film for years has finally hit our edits.

Some of the team are already at our new location in Gloucestershire, rigging our cameras and gathering footage to put in the first few shows of the new season.

And this afternoon we are launching the series promo, along with a newly designed logo which we really love, and which you will find across all of our social media and web channels.

But don’t worry, not everything is new.

Springwatch has updated its branding for 2017, an exciting new look for the show.

We will still be bringing you the dramatic daily lives of British wildlife as it unfolds over the three weeks we are live, and we have specifically chosen to go to the heart of the British countryside so that we can bring you all of your favourite animals – the animals you are likely to encounter in your own gardens, parks and local countryside.

We also had our presenters filming up and down the country already, picking up some of the wilder places and rarer species, and Chris, Michaela, Martin and Gillian will all be at Sherborne next Monday to get us started.

Barn owls are one of the species we may seem when at our new location. Photo from Markoh2011.

All in all, we think that we have a fantastic mix of the new and exciting, coupled with plenty of the much loved and the familiar.

And there is one thing we didn’t dare change. At 8pm on Monday May 29th you can rest assured that the fiddles of the Springwatch theme tune remain untouched. All together now….

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