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First autumn storm courtesy of Ex-Hurricane Gonzalo

Paul Hudson

Ex-Hurricane Gonzalo will bring some stormy weather to the UK in the next 24 hours.

The first stormy weather of the season will hit the UK in the next 24 hours, courtesy of Ex-Hurricane Gonzalo.

Thankfully Gonzalo has weakened considerably since it battered Bermuda with 127mph winds a few days ago - thanks in part to the cold waters of the Atlantic.

That said, it is still a potent area of low pressure, with lots of high energy air within its circulation.

Current indications suggest, for Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, gusts generally in the range 50-60mph, but locally around 70mph in the most exposed spots on Tuesday, along with some heavy rain tonight.

Wind speeds may be high enough to cause some damage to trees, or possibly cause some local travel disruption.

But it鈥檚 worth pointing out that severe gales in autumn are quite common in the UK.

It鈥檚 also normal for the UK to be affected by the remains of tropical storms or ex-hurricanes, at this time of the year.


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