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Summer on its way after cool and wet May

May has turned out to be a real let down, following the glorious April which was the sunniest on record across the UK.

Provisional figures for Yorkshire show it was much wetter than normal, but with a marked contrast temperature-wise from west to east, with mean temperatures in the east not actually far from the seasonal average.

And June has begun with very unseasonable weather conditions.

The Met Office have issued a yellow warning for strong winds, with gusts to 50mph in exposed locations and along the coast, together with some heavy rain tonight.

But a long-awaited respite is expected from the middle of the week, with high pressure expected to build across the UK.

The picture, as ever, is not totally straightforward, with a risk of thundery showers developing in places on Friday, with some models bringing a risk of rain for a time over the weekend.

But, in general terms, high pressure is likely to dominate for the first half of June, which will mean a big improvement in our weather.

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