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Team Chasha - Chelsee Healy and Pasha Kovalev

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Ö÷²¥´óÐã Strictly Kirstie | 17:19 UK time, Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Team Chasha

Would you give Chelsee's Cha Cha an A* in her end of term report? Do you think she's always ahead of the class? Then look no further than this page!

You can share your love for everything Team Chasha right here. And as if that wasn't enough you can even swot up on your knowledge of the pair too.

Enjoy an exclusive video message from Chelsee and Pasha.

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  • Comment number 1.

    Am I the first one on here? HOpe i wont be here alone forever! I'm so excited to be following Chelsee and Pasha this year. They've got everything it takes for a great partnership and last weekend's Quickstep blew me away.

  • Comment number 2.

    Yeah they're a great team - one I'll be supporting - well done so far Chelsee and Pasha !!!

  • Comment number 3.

    I tried getting on to this page a little earlier without success. Glad I made it this time though because it has been an absolute delight to watch you Chelsee. You have entertained in the latin and if you can just gain the latin control the judges have mentioned your scores should really sore. Your ballroom has been a revelation so far and I hope you continue to do well on the dancefloor. Good Luck for saturday

  • Comment number 4.

    Pasha, you're gorgeous, funny, charming, humble, sexy etc.. I could go on but you get the drift. But who dont you tweet more! I know you're very busy especially keeping Chelsee in order (only joking) but we'd love to hear from you more. Anyway, best of luck, we're behind you all the way!

  • Comment number 5.

    Chelsee you are doing so well - and with your filming work too - full of admiration for you !!

  • Comment number 6.

    Without a doubt, my absolute favourites.. Will be voting for you both and Pasha's just gorgeous!!

  • Comment number 7.

    You guys make a fabulous team. Nice work. Hope you go all the way to the final!

  • Comment number 8.

    I believe that your quickstep on saturday is the dance of the series so far - despite the 10 for Harry.

  • Comment number 9.

    You two made me watch Strictly for the first time ever. Enjoying the ride. You're both fantastic.

    Chelsee, I hope you can find enough time to practice -- we don't want to lose you from the competition. Have to say you're a lucky girl to be dancing with Pasha!! Hey, why is he having to learn Mancunian -- have you learnt any Russian yet?

    Good luck with the Halloween tango. It would be great to see you at the top or close to the top of the leaderboard again!

  • Comment number 10.

    Team Chelsee and Pasha ? What's your 'nickname' ? All the others have one - or do you just want to be different ?!!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 11.

    Love watching your dancing, great partnership. Pasha is a great addition to strictly, love his dancing.

    Chelsee you are doing fantastic considering your training time is limited.

  • Comment number 12.

    @SC re 10- I dont get it either. Surely they should be Team Chasha or Pashee or some other nickname?

  • Comment number 13.

    Chelsee and Pasha are definitely the favourites in our house! Lots of luck for Saturday!

  • Comment number 14.

    @strictlycharlie, it says at the top of the page they're looking for suggestions for a 'nickname'.

    I suppose the obvious ones are Team Chasha or Team Pashee.

  • Comment number 15.

    @PM re 14 - sorry I didnt see that either re the nickname. Looking at other things i.e. Pasha's eyes!

  • Comment number 16.

    Yes I agree with above TEAM PASHEE seems to run off the tongue nicely, and you don't want anything too long. Couldn't make my mind up who to support this year and then I saw their quickstep - which blew me away. Loved everything about it - Pasha is such a wonderful choreographer - Karen Hardy commented there were some steps in Pasha's dances she has never seen before - praise indeed from her. Adored the music choice 'sing sing sing' a big band classic that suited the dance perfectly, more of this type of music please! Chelsee has such a natural musicality and is growing in confidence with every dance. They are making a great team and I'm sure they will improve each week. Hope training is going well and loads of luck for Saturday, sure you are going to be fantastic.

  • Comment number 17.

    Well, my favourite names are pavlova, sasha, pashalasha and Mrs Arcanums excellent suggestion of team pastee

  • Comment number 18.

    Any of the above will do just fine... my favourite is pavlova!

  • Comment number 19.

    I have really loved all their dances but their quickstep was a real step up of her previous dances, the judges have been critical for the first three dances but hard work has meant improvement. I love seeing new pros and Pasha has really made his mark like Artem did last year, their tango is looking really good so far.

  • Comment number 20.

    otjocs re 18 - we're not picking favourite desserts on here but names for our team! (only joking). Where does Chelsee fit into Pavlova? I'm not keen on pavlova as it tastes and smells of raw egg. Plus it is crisp and fluffy at the same time when I like to think our team are more substantial than that.

  • Comment number 21.

    Steph @20 Erm..... how about cheesecake?

  • Comment number 22.

    Otjocs re 21 - I feel the need to grab hold of my rolling pin or cucumber again! I love cheesecake by the way. To eat only!:)

  • Comment number 23.

    Steph @22 It's a shame there are no cucumbers over here... the only redeeming feature of Digispy really!

  • Comment number 24.

    Otjocs re 23 - I have plenty of cucumbers by my side as i write! OH dear. Not so keen on Digispy then?

  • Comment number 25.

    Steph @24 Not my cup of tea. Speaking of refreshments..... Haha:):)

  • Comment number 26.

    Otjocs re 25 - lol. We having a party already? I've been doing some baking recently and 2lips is already ordering in the drinks but of course there will be tea for non drinkers.

  • Comment number 27.

    I like team pashee, easier to say.

  • Comment number 28.

    Pashee sounds good - or may be pashelsee ?

  • Comment number 29.

    We are already ahead with the number of blogs! Team Pashee seems to be doing very well so far or we could put in a 'c' to make it Team Pashchee.

  • Comment number 30.

    Pashee is better than Chasha...
    Food already, this blog moves fast!

  • Comment number 31.

    I like MrsArcanums suggestion of pastee rather than pashee. Instead of Chasha, what about Chassa?

  • Comment number 32.

    Just like to say I really enjoy your partnership and enjoy your dances. Oh, and Chelsee, you have a great accent.

  • Comment number 33.

    Team Name suggestions so far:


  • Comment number 34.

    Got far too cross when the divine Mr Baker lost last year, so this year am rooting for four couples and Team Chassa, or whatever, is certainly one of them.
    She is so talented and his choreography is inspired. Quickstep just fab..u..lous.

  • Comment number 35.

    I am on the team Chasha boat as it reminds me of Cha Cha :), but whatever the name may be I am enjoying watching you two so much.

    Pasha I have been a fan since I saw you at the US open in 2001 in Miami :) and Chelsee you are so energetic so sweet and so just yourself is is hard not to adore and love you.

    Watching how your able to learn these dances each week is amazing. keep up the great work both of you!

  • Comment number 36.

    Pasha I think you are an excellent dancer, I hope you get a better partner who takes it more seriously, than one that keeps wanting to use her mobile all the time in training. Good partnership, but Chelsea is not that good everyone,,,, watch her feet...............last weeks dance was very good but not worth 9's.................

  • Comment number 37.

    Chelsee watching you dance makes me want to get up and join in! I love the enjoyment you bring when dancing and the fact that you give it your all, keep up the hard work it is definitely paying off! Pasha I am so glad you decided to come over to do SCD you are my new favourite pro and I am pretty fussy when it comes to my favourites ;)

  • Comment number 38.

    Chelsee is the most talented dancer this year, and Pasha`s choreography is amazing. A winning combination hopefully.

  • Comment number 39.

    @SUES re 36 - I thought this was supposed to be an appreciation board? I'm sorry I dont agree with you at all. Yes, Chelsee does like to use her phone but she does take the dancing seriously otherwise she wouldnt be practising until late after a long day on set. Pasha is a great teacher in any case and knows how to make sure he gets the best out of Chelsee. I think Chelsee is a naturally gifted dancer and she's been doing brilliantly considering the number of steps and difficulty of them. Obviously you're not a Chelsee fan which is fine, we're all entitled to our opinions but at the end of the day they're a team and they need both our support.

  • Comment number 40.

    Sue @36 It was the best dance of the night! It was fabulous! Go Team..... ;):)

  • Comment number 41.

    A few more team names using last names.....


  • Comment number 42.

    I agree Chelsee is doing amazingly well and she's improving so quickly considering small amount of time they have to practice due to acting commitments. They completely deserved their top spot on Saturday and each of the 9's awarded. (Craig giving his first 9 of series!) Pasha knows how much potential Chelsee has - he's a great teacher and sure he'll be concentrating each week on all those fine points like heel leads, arm positions etc., He will be choreographing to her strengths as all good teachers do, Chelsee's so encouraged by their success and is now working hard, so I'm sure it will be an exciting journey for all on board the Chelsee/Pasha Team. If it's your first visit why not join us?

  • Comment number 43.

    And a few more silly ones...


  • Comment number 44.

    Last one I promise... Team Splash!

  • Comment number 45.

    Pasha is such an incredible dancer isn't he? I've just seen him dancing on You Tube you have to search for 'Pasha Kovalez and Christina Santana' they are dancing an Agentine Tango which is absolutely wonderful, well worth a look. There are quite a few other videos of his work on the Amercan series 'So You Think You Can Dance' which is a programme that Artem has also appeared on.

  • Comment number 46.

    Chelsee Healey and Pasha Kovalev
    Latest Updated Team Name List:


  • Comment number 47.

    @flatfeet and otjocs you both have been working overtime today by the looks of it! Must be something in the tea!

  • Comment number 48.

    Team Pashee sounds good to me! Loved your quickstep last Saturday. I have to admit to being quite surprised at Chelsee's dance ability. Hope they stay in the competition right to the end.

  • Comment number 49.

    You are probably right Stef I'm just having another cuppa at the moment! by the way I thought your remarks re 39 were spot on.

  • Comment number 50.

    Hi flatfeet. You cant beat a good cuppa can you? In moments of crisis only a cuppa will do! Ah, thank you!

  • Comment number 51.

    Great dance last Saturday. Can't wait to see you guys this week. Nice to see stefthepest, fatfeet, ojtocs and mattzings on here too. Wonder where 2lips is?

  • Comment number 52.

    So far more blogs on here than any of the other teams. Hopefully that means Chelsee and Pasha are the best supported!! Mind you I do like Harry as well, I'm still a bit torn.

  • Comment number 53.

    Suggestions for your team name:
    and so many more!

  • Comment number 54.

    Forgot to say Chazza was another alternative. Maybe sounds too much like a football nickname.

  • Comment number 55.

    Team Chasha you are so fun to watch! Full of personality and you have the moves. Chelsee you have natural rhythm and the talent, plus having a good patient pro like Pasha to teach you.

    I must admit being a big Waterloo Road watcher I was bias towards supporting Chelsee from the start!

  • Comment number 56.

    welldone with that quickstep,keep it going you222,,,i feel a pash/chelsea final comeing

  • Comment number 57.

    54 BucksheeMcGuthie - I think all the letters in Team Name have to appear somewhere their christian and surnames, so the z's could be a problem - pretty sure this is right but could be wrong.

  • Comment number 58.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 59.

    57 Flatfeet

    I was thinking that because an 's' can sound like a 'z' it might be allowable but you're probably right.

  • Comment number 60.

    Hi DDD re 51 - I dont know where 2lips is. Maybe she doesnt know that the team blogs are up yet?

  • Comment number 61.

    Hello Chelsee and Pasha i love you both your fantastic to watch and i hope you both win this years strictly!! your my favourite dancers, Can't wait to see you both when you dance the tango this Saturday good luck and best wishes to you both your friend D xx

  • Comment number 62.

    Their training looks great but also they were so damn cute and I don't often use that word I think its between Chel and Pash, Jason and Harry for top of the leaderboard maybe Holly if she can get it going.

  • Comment number 63.

    Looking really good in training. It's nearly the weekend!

  • Comment number 64.

    I like Chelsha (re 53) - was gonna suggest it myself !!!

  • Comment number 65.

    Very sweet and funny training clip on ITT this evening.....
    I agree Chris it's going to be a Chelsee/Harry/Jason trio at the top this week.

  • Comment number 66.

    Well hello there! Found you all. Cant cope with the selection of names/choices all sound good to me, just let me know when decided.I think Chelsee is an absolute little smasher. The quickstep at the weekend was brilliant;well done Pasha. Sues@36, all entitled to their opinion but clearly on this blog we wont be agreeing with you. Stef I just knew that food and drink would be on here somewhere with you involved :) Is the party at 2lips on Saturday? and have you made some of those Italian sticky ribbon things, you remember I woke after a particularly memorable party ( not that I can recall anything about it) with it stuck to my face? Just so good to be back....so happy, need a little lie down now. :)

  • Comment number 67.

    Hello Armchair. Great to see you again. I hope there will be a party saturday.....

  • Comment number 68.

    Hi ojtocs, armchairdancer, stefthepest, doctordancingdiva, flatfeet and all 'newbies' - here's to a fun-filled party season supporting team ????

  • Comment number 69.

    I am rooting for Chelsee because you can see what she does always comes from the heart. She just feels the music and that's what impresses me every week. Pasha is also a great addition to the show - fabulous dancer and last week's choreography just stunning! Good luck Mark x

  • Comment number 70.

    Chelsee Healey and Pasha Kovalev
    Latest Updated Team Name List:

    Pashee, Pastee, Chassa, Chasee, Pashchee, Pashelsee, Pavlova, Sasha, Pashalasha, Chasha, Kovaley, Healev, Pashley, Chelev, Splash, Kovsee, Palsee, Kovley, Chelsha, Kovley, Chevaley, Chasha, Chevalev, Leykova, Levheal, Seepash, Shache.

    Hi Chelsee and Pasha see above suggestions for the Team Name we have come up with on the fan base - let us know what you decide and we can then start using it in our future blogs. Hope your tango rehearsals are going well - sure it's going to be great dance, we can't wait to see it on Saturday!

  • Comment number 71.

    Back again. My goodness flatfeet what a little star working away at the names * (thats for you). Now, personal likes..Pashley (Pashlee) Chevalev,Kovley (oh wouldnt it be Kovley, Kovley) actually like them all except: Pastee - sounds like its got potatoes and swede in it, Chassa - ? a bit 'footbally', Palsee - no, sounds like an illness ;), WEll, off to bed now. Sleep well all.zzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Comment number 72.

    See music for Chelsee and Pasha's tango is 'Love Potion Number 9' written in 1959 and made famous by The Searchers. Not a song you would immediately think of dancing a tango to but I'm sure it will work really well. I wonder if Chelsee will decide to have her massive hair put up for Saturday, it would give her a severer look and work well for a tango.

  • Comment number 73.

    Late to the party. Chelsee you just get bettah every week and Pasha you are making a ballroom dancer out of little your little rocket partner. That quickstep was where it all came together, choreo, costumes, music, chemistry, storytelling, technique and performance. It had everything. Team whatever-you-are-gonna-yourselves the ITT visits are just tooooo funny.

  • Comment number 74.

    The ITT clip last night of them was so cute. Seriously as a dance partnership they are just ticking all of my boxes they gel so well together :) looks like she is really starting to nail the technical side of things as well.

    Have got everything crossed for Saturday can't wait to to see them on ITT tonight.

  • Comment number 75.

    Chelsee and Pasha we hope you are pleased with the massive support you are already receiving on these fan pages - We are so far in the lead with (74) comments with Team Hali next at (29). It would be great to receive a blog from you both if you have a spare few minutes in your very busy schedule - In the meantime we await to hear what your Team name is. Perhaps you may announce it on It Takes Two tonight maybe?

  • Comment number 76.

    Morning all! Had two lots of Chelsee and Pasha already today. Must be our lucky day! Firstly they were on Radio 5 Live, very short interview then a longer piece on Ö÷²¥´óÐã breakfast. Pasha you are so diplomatic with your words when asked about Nancy's dancing. Also it's lovely to hear how supportive you are of Chelsee as she gets very nervous before dancing and you hold her. I think you're a wonderful couple and am so excited for this weekend's dance. I hear a cauldron is your prop. In that please cast a spell on the judges so they'll give you top marks! For myself I have already been hypnotized by you both. All the best.

  • Comment number 77.

    Brilliant couple,
    if Chelsee only could get rid of this horrible Mancunian accent, she would be perfect !!
    I hope they'll get to the final together with Alex and James, and that Alex may win.

  • Comment number 78.

    @hennyh re 77 - that's what makes Chelsee so individual her accent. What would you prefer her to sound like???

  • Comment number 79.

    Hi armchairdancer. Nice to see you here. Don't know where 2Lips is but I am going to check round the other teams. You can always have the party at mine in Portugal. Sun has come back out and I have some great cocktail ideas!!

  • Comment number 80.

    Been round the other teams and can't find 2Lips anywhere. Hopefully she will turn up later today. I know she won't miss tomorrow for sure. Really looking forward to the show on Saturday. Lots of great dances to look forward to. Good luck to all the teams.

  • Comment number 81.

    @hennyh sorry I must have missed your point - how is getting rid of her accent going to make Chelsee dance better?!!!

  • Comment number 82.

    Hennyh @77 There's nowt wrong with our Chelsee's accent...
    Take no notice Chelsee. You're lovely just the way you are!

  • Comment number 83.

    Accent, what accent ? Really dahling ? Actually I like accents, its part of what makes us individual. AND if I thought for one moment having a Manc accent would make me a better (better, who am I kidding any sort of) dancer and into that boys arms, well here I come! DDS @79, yes please to the party, cocktails and sun.... yum, yum, yum. Shall I bring some nibbles ? 2lips can do next week or you are all very welcome at mine Why arent you talking to me stef ?

  • Comment number 84.

    Lili27 @73. Spot on! Chelsee is a little pocket rocket! Go Chelsee, go Pasha. Go to work Armchair.....

  • Comment number 85.

    Hi armchairdancer - Of course I'm talking to you! Why would I miss you out? Hopefully there will be a nice do tomorrow and people can come in fancy dress (some people obviously wont need masks etc!). I shall be bringing my Italian pastries and a giant crostata (like big jam tart), a plum cake (sponge with dark chocolate chunks) and some baci (kisses that are a gorgeous chocolate with whole hazelnut in the middle).

  • Comment number 86.

    So as not to let anybody feel left out, hello to flatfeet, otjocs, strictly charlie, 2lips, doctordancingdiva, armchairdancer and everybody else. I've just been for a driving lesson and bit shook up as a bus tried to run me off the road!

  • Comment number 87.

    Sounds awful Stef. Hope you are feeling OK. Can't find 2Lips on here. Hopefully find her before tomorrow night!

  • Comment number 88.

    @DDD re 87 -I'm fine thanks just will be aware next time I see a bus! I'm sure 2lips will be on here tomorrow and we can tell her the team blogs are up!

  • Comment number 89.

    Shame we haven't got a proper team name here yet despite all the ideas. Hopefully Chelsee and Pasha will choose one of those suggested.

  • Comment number 90.

    Hi guys - just popped in briefly this evening to say 'hello' (been out all day - and now on my way out again) - keep blogging and maybe we'll be on page 2 when I re-join you tomorrow !

  • Comment number 91.

    Hi DD and SC and all. Dont forget our team are on ITT tonight at 6.30.

  • Comment number 92.

    Chelsee and Pasha you were great on ITT tonight. Pasha, please listen to Chelsee. No more sloppy pants! More jeans please!

  • Comment number 93.

    Hi all and stefthepestdaringdriverextrordinaire. How dare the bus invade your space which as a learner is ALL of the road! Harrumph! Now, ITT, isnt Chelsee just a little pet? When she said she was 'made up' with her marks for last week...how could you not love her? She is so unaffected. Quite agree about the trousers but not sure I want to think too much about Pasha/trousers/changing etc, I am sure dribbling is not good for the keyboard. I feel so, so sorry for Alex, she has really taken Craig's remarks to heart :( Will pop over in a moment and give her an armchair cuddle. When are we going to have a 'proper' name I wonder. Flatfeet has been working flat out (tee hee) thinking of names. I particularly like Kovlee, sung to the tune of 'All I want is a room somewhere....oh wouldnt it be Kovlee, Kovlee' You get the idea and arent you glad you cant hear me. Yummy food for the party stef, shall I bring some savouries ddd ? The samosas went down well last year. Right poppping over to James & Alex's. Oh, too many p's...dont say a word!

  • Comment number 94.

    Agree about the sloppy pants Stef! (92) Isn't Chelsee modest? She really doesn't believe in herself does she? I can't believe how little training they do compared with how good they are. She is a natural.

  • Comment number 95.

    Right done the good deed. Totally agree ddv, how can she be just so good with so little time to practice ? Truly amazing! Got to go now, husband to feed....some people are so inconsiderate.

  • Comment number 96.

    HI armchairdancer re 93 - I tell you it was terribly rude of this driver. I didnt swear only screamed slightly! yeah, I do take up quite a bit of the road lol! Ah bless, she is, a little treasure is Chelsee bless her heart. Unaffected really somes her up and humble and lacking in confidence when she shouldnt be. Oh dear, is the dribbling coming back lol! There was a great need for bibs, extra strong last year! I thought Alex looked ok or do you mean the score she gave herself? James is doing a good job with her and I think they'll be ok. I dont know when the team name will be decided. I like your song though and would love to hear you sing it! Ah, thank you. Yes please, the more food the merrier and savoury would be great. Yes the samosas were a hit so bring it on! Lol! Speak soon!

  • Comment number 97.

    HI DDD re 94 - Yes Chelsee is very modest which is lovely to see but she should have more confidence. I'm sure that Pasha is doing all that he can to instill some belief in her. Maybe a few more kisses would help on that front?

  • Comment number 98.

    Stef@94 (screams excitedly) I had forgotten about the bibs! Yes you made them for us cos we all suffered from artemdribbleliciousness didnt we. Oh look, my particular (only) talent of new word inventing is coming back ;) The spellinges wont be far behind. No, I mean just in general with Alex, clearly Strictly is out of her comfort zone and she seems to have taken Craig's comments to heart bless her. I think she is doing well actually. She is a beautiful young woman, slim, elegant, lovely Welsh accent....actually why on earth do I like her? No, I wish her lots of luck for tomorrow . I just love Chelsee, she is a proper little smasher as we would say. All right, all right I'm coming.....supper awaits, or at least it will when I cook it. Laters.

  • Comment number 99.

    Chelsee's a sweetheart and Pasha is..... too gorgeous for words!
    Stef. Hope your next lesson isn't quite so eventful!

  • Comment number 100.

    Armchairdancer re 98 - how could you forget the bibs! Please bring back your new dictionary it was great fun! Even Pasha made up a new word this series with "rehearsalling", bless. Yes Alex does seem out of her comfort zone bless. She seems to have everything apart from confidence a bit like Chelsee although I would say Chelsee is naturally gifted. What a great phrase to describe Chelsee. I couldnt put it better myself. Get feeding thy family or they'll be eating you!


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