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The Reporters: US mid-terms

The Reporters

Mid-terms election news

New York Times: The strain of the race is showing in gaffes and angry words, just when potential voters are paying the most attention.

USA Today: The New Jersey Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage may give a boost to campaigns to outlaw it in eight other states.

St Louis Post-Dispatch: The Democrats are trying to get sympathetic voters to the polls with another ballot measure in six states, on the minimum wage.

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  • 1.
  • At 06:19 AM on 27 Oct 2006,
  • Cynthia Andrews in New Orleans, La, US wrote:

re: gay unions in New Jersy

I will never understand the convulted argument that allowing gays to marry will erode traditional marriage as an institution.

What we are really looking at is state sanctioned bigotry in its ugliest form.

The so-called moral conservatives could not care less what this is doing to these people.

Mean-spirited and loveless is this group....no different than popular kids in school making fun of the geek.

Good for New Jersy. I hope this trend continues

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  • 2.
  • At 04:16 PM on 29 Oct 2006,
  • Larry Schweitzer wrote:

I'd rather vote for BOOBS of Alabama than any of the people currently on the national ballots. They have decided (rightly?) that the electorate is a bunch of fools!

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