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Blog posts by year and monthFebruary 2007

Posts (5)

  1. As played by Tom Selleck

    As last week started off with another thrilling Channel 5 documentary, it's been a strange few days. 'The Twins That Share a Body' on the Monday night has left me full of questions, not such a good thing when I'm working on a new script. I'm working from home this week as the 主播大秀 is pretty hecti...

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  2. Mutter mutter mutter

    It's amazing. After a couple of weeks of terrifyingly clich脙漏d 'Writer's block' my brain seems to be full of ideas again. I've had so many thoughts popping in to my head I've caught myself muttering, a bit like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man. Obviously, whether or not those ideas are actually funny ...

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  3. Small. Porky.

    Just when January was proving to be cold and rubbish, a fantastic new fad is sweeping the nation. Mini-pigs! Tiny little pigs that you can dress up and carry in your handbag - hooray! Already proving very popular in China, mini-pigs are the next big thing for (sh)IT girls and I can't wait until ...

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  4. About Kate

    After 21 years in sunny Norfolk I decided to lock up my combine harvester and head north. I worked in Daytime television for three years and decided the time had come for me to explore and develop my skills. Having always been a huge fan of Northern comedy, and Blanche from Coronation Stre...

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  5. Welcome to the writersroom blog

    A blog is a space in which one or more people can publish their thoughts on a regular basis. We've got several contributors here at 主播大秀 writersroom, each with their own perspective on life and writing, who'll be posting regularly on this site. We hope you'll join in the conversation.

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