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Blog posts by year and monthMarch 2007

Posts (9)

  1. Theatre Is Brilliant

    This week I'm working at the National Student Drama Festival, running workshops on writing, acting and directing. It's a fantastic week-long event, consisting of discussions, workshops, masterclasses 芒锟斤拷 and ten student shows seen by a panel of selectors through the year, from all over the count...

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  2. The development process

    I was wondering if you have had any of those scripts come to you yet for 2007 and what precisely is writersroom role in the development process since you are a rarity in the industry for accepting unsolicited manuscripts. Do you ever feel a bit bogged down by the very amount of scripts you recei...

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  3. Objective and Critical

    Richard, how can you be objective, or critical about the scripts you read when you have so many to get through? I would think they all merge into a blur after you've read three or four? I find it difficult to believe that you can actually pick out a good script when having to read so many. - ...

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  4. What the writersroom blogs are for

    I hope to one day start writing in this blog. I would like to start writing scripts. An interesting thought and suggestion. For now, however, script submissions still have to come via the usual, hard-copy route!

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  5. 'Wow' scripts

    As an American writer who follows and has recently submitted a work to writersroom, I certainly find the patient waiting and sheer size of the industry particularly daunting, if not outright intimidating. I was curious as to how often, as the Development Manager, you come across a script that on...

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  6. Welcome to the writersroom blogs

    Hello and welcome to our shiny new blogs. This is a slightly belated welcome as our other bloggers have already started posting - but better late than never. Kate Wincup has been blogging about her residency at 主播大秀 Comedy North for a little while, Richard Hurst has just joined her and there will...

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  7. Theatre Is Boring

    You'd have been proud, a friend of mine said to me, I went to the theatre last night. Proud? Really? Going to the theatre isn't a duty, although as Anthony Neilson writes, it often feels like it because it's boring. His article feels uncannily like the announcement of the small child that...

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  8. About Richard

    I'm a freelance writer and director, and I'm one of the reading team for the writersroom. After doing an English degree I trained as a director at the Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff, and moved to London when a show I'd co-written and directed there transferred, disastrously, to a...

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  9. Secret Babies

    I've had another hectic week. As well as working on my new script for the 主播大秀 I've had rehearsals for my final Uni theatre project too. Learning lines is certainly harder than writing them, as Hollyoaks is on literally all the time. I've been waiting for that teenager to give birth to her secret...

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