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Blackcurrant Cheesecake with Lemon Shortcake

Lemon Shortcake

225g chopped butter
250g plain flour
115g castor sugar
85g cornflour
Zest 1 lemon (keep the lemon juice for the blackcurrant)

Set oven to 170oc and line a swiss roll tin with parchment paper.
Melt the butter in a saucepan, remove from heat and mix in the flour, sugar, cornflour and lemon zest.
Spread over the parchment paper evenly.
Bake for about 20 minutes or until golden on top.
Cut into 12 squares while hot and allow to cool.

Blackcurrant Cheesecake cream

250g blackcurrants
150g castor sugar
Juice from lemon above
Place in a saucepan and simmer for 10 minutes. Take half the mixture and blend to a smooth puree. Pass through a sieve.

400g full fat cream cheese
150g castor sugar
150ml double cream
250g mascarpone
Zest and juice 1 lemon


Whisk the cream cheese with the sugar with an electric beater for 5 minutes.
Whisk in the cream and mascarpone until it comes together – don’t over beat.
Fold in the zest and juice of the lemon.
Fold in the blackcurrant puree – ripple it through rather than mix completely.
Chill for a couple of hours.

To assemble –
Take a piece of shortcake and pipe or spoon some of the cheesecake cream on top. Spoon over some the remaining compote and serve.